Background: In the West, coronary heart disease, or CHD, is the main cause of mortality. Young people experiencing an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is comparatively rare. Nevertheless, it remains a significant issue for both the patient and the attending physician. There are few studies of risk factors of coronary artery involvement in AMI in young adults, so the purpose of the present study is to identify the risk factors for acute myocardial infarction in rural India. Methods: This was an institute based Observational Cross Sectional Study, done at General Medicine Ward, Department of General Medicine, Burdwan Medical College and Hospital, West Bengal, India, from May 2020 to July 2021. Total 100 patients admitted with AMI during this period meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this study. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing the data was used for data entry, and SPSS (version 2710; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for analysis. Result: In the present study mean age of patients was 35.21 ±4.39 years, majority of patients belonged to age group of 36-40 years (56%). The mean BMI was 27.23 ±3.34 kg/m2. The most common presentation was chest pain (90%) followed by profuse sweating (65%), radiation to left shoulder/arm (45%), nausea/vomiting (40%), anxiety (38%), breathlessness (28%). Most common risk factor was smoking (85%) followed by hyperlipidemia (82%), family history of premature coronary artery disease (72%), hypertension (52%), sedentary lifestyle (42%), psychosocial stress (38%), obesity (16%) and diabetes mellitus (14%). Majority of the study subjects had more than 3 risk factors (64%), while 21% had 3 risk factors, 13% had two risk factors. Mean level of cardiac enzyme marker CKMB was 38.42 ±5.67 IU/L. Conclusion: Acute MI in young patients is becoming a rising problem in Indian subcontinent which is more common in men. Smoking was the most common risk factor of MI in them indicating atherosclerosis could be the commonest cause followed by dyslipidemia.