About the journal

The European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine (EJCM) is an open access peer-reviewed, print and online journal. The journal is multidisciplinary in nature and publishes original research manuscripts and other works dealing with Cardiovascular Disorders There are neither subscription charges nor access fees, furthermore our copyright terms are among the most author friendly of any medical publisher. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine publishes original research, review articles and case studies on all aspects of the prevention, diagnosis and management of disorders of the heart and circulatory system, as well as related molecular and cell biology, genetics, pathophysiology, epidemiology, and controlled trials. European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine is supported by over 80 international experts serving as editorial board members and is primarily intended for clinical cardiologists, interventional cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, primary care physicians, internists, electrophysiologists, emergency physicians, and other specialists interested in the diagnosis, management, treatment, and research of cardiovascular disorders. Our mission is to inspire healthcare professionals to achieve excellence through knowledge. We generate and communicate high-quality scientific and clinical content to physicians and healthcare professionals worldwide.

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Acceptance Rate
10 days
Time to first decision
30 days
Review time
45 days
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Bilgehan Erkut, Prof, M.D
Atatürk University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Erzurum, Turkey Email: bilgehanerkut@yahoo.com
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