Clinical Presentation of Bile Duct Injured Patients-A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study
Background: Bile duct injury is severe and potentially life threatening complication of cholecystectomy. It ruins the patient physically, mentally, socially and financially. The incidence of bile duct injury is alarming in our country. Management of such patients needs to be explained. Methods: It is a cross- sectional descriptive study carried out in the Department of Surgery, Mymensingh Medical College Hospital, Mymensingh, Bangladesh during the period January 2018 to July 2020. A total of 70 patients diagnosed as bile duct injury were included in the study. Bile duct injury that occurs during liver or pancreases surgery or accident was excluded. Data were collected using a predesigned data collection sheet and analyzed using computer software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 22. Results: Young and female patients suffer more 44(62.9%) than male. Occurrence was common during laparoscopic cholecystectomy 42(60%). Most of bile duct injury occur when cholecystectomy done on acute condition of gall bladder 59(84.3%). Most of bile duct injury patient came to specialized center after several week of injury with billiary stricture 54 (77.14%) with jaundice, some patients presented with abdominal pain 48(68.6%), abdominal distension 18(25.7), biliary peritonitis 16(22.9) and biliary fistula 14(20%). Patients with bile duct injury were evaluated by USG, liver function test, ERCP and MRCP. Maximum BDI patients were Bismath Type II 32(45.7%) and Bismath Type III 18(25.7%). Out of 70 cases USG performed 68 cases (2 patients repair at the time of surgery) and these investigations provided valuable information about condition of biliary tree, hepatic parenchyma and ductal system also intra-abdominal collection. 14 patients were done ERCP. Billiary stricture in different level seen among most of the patients (10). Bile leakage seen among 4 patients and all were underwent ERCP stenting. Conclusion: The present study showed that bile duct injury occurs mostly in young female with acute cholecystitis. Common presentation was obstructive jaundice and biliary sepsis. Bismuth Type II and III were most common form of stricture. Biliary reconstruction (Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy) was the treatment for biliary stricture. Peritoneal toileting, controlled fistula and later on biliary reconstruction was the treatment of biliary sepsis.