Research Article
Open Access
Study to find out the significance of postprandial dyslipidemia in diabetic patients
Pages 2369 - 2372

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Introduction The most prevalent form of the disease, type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is often asymptomatic in the early stages and it may remain undiagnosed for many years.The insulin resistance in the liver leads to failure of the hyperinsulinaemia to suppress the gluconeogenesis, which increases fasting glucose levels and decreases. glycogen storage by the liver in the postprandial phase. Increased glucose production in the liver occurs early in the course of diabetes, and it is likely in skeletal muscles after the onset of the insulin secretory abnormalities and the insulin resistance. Due to the insulin resistance in the adipose tissue and obesity, the free fatty acid (FFA) flux from the adipocytes is increased, which in turn leads to an increase in lipid [very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and triglycerides] synthesis in the hepatocytes. This is responsible for the dyslipidaemia which is found in type2 diabetes mellitus [elevated triglycerides, reduced HDL, and increased low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles. Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of developing microvascular and macrovascular complications Materials and Methods This was a cross-sectional study of newly diagnosed type 2 DM patients in the Department of Physiology, Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital & Research Centre. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data were extracted from the case notes of eligible patients and analyzed using STATA version 14. Continuous variables were presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD), or median and interquartile range (IQR) while categorical variables were as frequencies and percentages. Student t and chi-square tests were used to test for association at p < 0.05. Results The study included 160 diabetic patients to evaluate the significance of postprandial dyslipidemia. Patients were categorized based on their glycemic status, lipid profiles, and postprandial lipid levels. Postprandial dyslipidemia, characterized by elevated triglycerides and reduced HDL-C levels, was a significant finding in this study. These abnormalities were more pronounced in patients with poor glycemic control, highlighting the importance of postprandial lipid monitoring and its potential role in managing cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients. Conclusion Postprandial dyslipidemia is prevalent among diabetic patients and is significantly associated with poor glycemic control. Monitoring postprandial lipid levels could be essential in managing cardiovascular risk in this population
Research Article
Open Access
Prevalence of Screen Time Among Adolescent School Children in Rural Telangana, India: A Cross-Sectional Study
Golla Rajendra Prasad,
Akhileshwar Reddy Vangala
Pages 2365 - 2368

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Background: Excessive screen time among adolescents is a growing public health concern, particularly in developing countries like India. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of screen time among adolescent school children in rural Telangana, India. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted between June and August 2023, involving 200 adolescent students from two schools in rural Telangana. Data was collected using a structured proforma and analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results: The study found that 13.5% of participants exceeded the recommended screen time of two hours per day. The majority (86.5%) reported screen time of 2 hours or less, while 11% reported 3-4 hours, and 2.5% reported 5 hours of daily screen time. Most participants were aged 13-15 years and from 8th and 9th grades. 62.5% belonged to joint families, and the largest socioeconomic group (34%) fell into the middle class category. Conclusions: While the prevalence of excessive screen time was lower than in some recent studies, it still indicates a significant portion of rural adolescents exceeding recommended limits. This emphasizes the need for continued awareness, education, and interventions to promote healthy screen habits among rural adolescents in India.
Research Article
Open Access
Psychological Risk Factors of Borderline Pathology in School Age Children
Dr Manpreet Singh,
Dr Naveen kumar,
Dr. Virinder Singh gill
Pages 2359 - 2364

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The purpose of this study was to compare the respective contributions of psychosocial stressors and neuropsychological deficits to the prevalence of borderline pathology in children. Method: For psychiatric day treatment, 86 school-age adolescents (75 boys and 11 females) were the subjects. 35 of the kids fulfilled the requirements for borderline pathology. Based on parent and child conversations, reports from schools and social service organizations, and information from a questionnaire filled out by members of the child's clinical team, data on psychosocial risk factors were compiled for each child. Computerized versions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the Continuous Performance Test were used as neuropsychological assessments. Results: The variation in borderline pathology was significantly and independently influenced by both executive function deficits and psychological stress. A model that included both groups of risk factors and explained 48% of the variance in borderline diagnoses was the result. Conclusions: To comprehend the etiology of borderline pathology in children, it is important to consider both environmental hazards and neurobiological susceptibility.
Research Article
Open Access
The Role of Ultrasound in Guiding Knee Injections
Aditya Nutakki,
Sowjanya Nutakki,
Pages 2352 - 2358

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Background: Traditional landmark-based methods can vary in accuracy, potentially leading to suboptimal treatment outcomes. Ultrasound guidance offers a real-time, precise alternative for needle placement. Objective: This study aims to compare the efficacy and accuracy of ultrasound-guided knee injections with traditional landmark-based methods. Methods: A total of 100 patients with knee pain from conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned to receive either ultrasound-guided or landmark-based injections. The primary outcome was the accuracy of needle placement, confirmed by post-injection imaging. Secondary outcomes included pain relief, assessed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) at baseline, 1 week, and 4 weeks post-injection, and the incidence of adverse events. Results: Ultrasound-guided injections demonstrated a significantly higher accuracy of needle placement (98%) compared to the landmark-based group (80%) (p < 0.01). Patients in the ultrasound-guided group also reported greater pain relief at 1 week and 4 weeks post-injection, with a mean VAS score reduction of 4.5 points and 4.8 points, respectively, compared to 3.0 and 3.2 points in the landmark-based group (p < 0.05). The incidence of minor adverse events was lower in the ultrasound-guided group.
Conclusion: Ultrasound-guided knee injections offer superior accuracy and efficacy in pain relief compared to traditional landmark-based methods, suggesting their potential for broader clinical adoption in managing knee pain and related conditions. Further research is recommended to explore long-term outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Index Terms: Ultrasound-guided injections, Knee pain, Intra-articular injections, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Needle placement accuracy, Pain management.
Research Article
Open Access
Functional Outcome Between Peroneus Longus Vs Hamstring Graft in an ACL Reconstruction
K. Shivaram Reddy,
Nunnabhatla Keerthi,
K Komala Sarvani
Pages 2346 - 2351

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Background: The objective of this study was to determine whether there is any significant difference between the functional outcome of the knee using a hamstring (HS) graft and peroneus longus (PL) tendon graft after arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. Knee stability is mainly provided by ligaments and involves the cruciate ligaments. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and posterior cruciate ligament are the most important ones. ACL plays an important role in stabilizing knee joints against translational and rotational forces. ACL tear may lead to knee instability, meniscus tear, and subsequent osteoarthritis. Materials and Methods: All adults aged 16-50 years of either gender presenting with symptoms of symptomatic ACL tear were admitted for arthroscopic single-bundle ACLR and allocated into two groups (peroneus longus and hamstring tendon). Functional scores (International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC), Lysholm score), clinical knee evaluation (anterior drawer, Lachman, and pivot shift test), donor site morbidity (American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society ankle hindfoot score (AOFAS)), and thigh circumference were recorded preoperatively and at six months and one year postoperatively. The same post-op rehabilitation protocol was followed in both groups. Result: Patient was followed at 6 weeks, 3 and 6-months post operatively for clinical and radiological evaluation and results at end of 6 months were calculated by using IKDC and Lysholm knee score. The functional and radiological outcome is similar in both groups. In our study, 50 patients of ACL injury were operated. There were 25 (50%) patients in Group H (Hamstring tendon graft) and 25 (50%) patients in Group P (Peroneus Longus tendon graft). The mean age of patients in Group-H was 35.15 ± 11.19 years (range 20-54 years) and in Group-P, it was 33.95 ± 8.99 years (range 19-42 years). In both groups, males predominated in terms of gender (72% in group H and 80% in group P). In Group-H, most of the patients had left side involvement and in Group-P, most of the patients had right side involvement. The mean height in Group-H was 169.00 ± 9.07 cm and in Group-P, it was 168.99 ± 7.58 cm. The mean weight in Group-H was 65.45 ± 8.60 kg and in Group-P, it was 67.29 ± 8.38 kg. In both groups, majority of patients sustained injury due to road traffic accident, and sports related injuries were relatively less in our study. The average graft diameter of Group H was 10.5 ± 0.52 mm and that of Group P was 10.6 ± 0.39 mm. Conclusion: Autologous peroneus longus tendon can be used as a graft of choice in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction which showed promising results without compromising on the ankle function. Its usage as an alternative source of the graft may be more useful in multi-ligament injuries of the knee joint.
Research Article
Open Access
Anterior Segment Parameters in Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome – A Cross Sectional Observation Study
Sindhura. K,
Sadana Adala,
Murali Krishna Damdamraju,
Rakesh Potty,
Susmitha. S
Pages 2337 - 2345

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Background: Pseudo exfoliation syndrome (PEX), initially described by Dvorak-Theobald in 1953, is characterised by the diffuse deposition of grey-white flakes in the anterior ocular segment without prior exposure to heat (infrared irradiation), as opposed to true exfoliation, in which the eye has been subjected to intense heat, often as an occupational hazard (such as in glassblowers, blacksmiths or bakers). The latter is distinguished by the deposition of material on the anterior lens surface, frequently in the shape of a conspicuous circular flap, the so-called double ring sign or capsulorrhexis masquerade, which was first described in 1922 by Elschnig. The accumulating substance in PEX is comparable to amyloid and may be the result of a disrupted basal membrane metabolism. Anterior segment parameters such as Central Corneal thickness (CCT), Anterior chamber angle (ACA), Anterior chamber Depth (ACD), Anterior chamber volume (ACV), and Intraocular pressure is crucial for the diagnosis, evaluation and prevention of Pseudo exfoliative glaucoma. Also, complications like endothelial decompensation, phacodonesis that arise during or after cataract surgery can be reduced. AIM: To know the anterior segment parameters in patients with Pseudo exfoliation syndrome. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a hospital-based,cross sectional study. A total of 50 patients both males and females aged 45 years and above with Pseudo exfoliation syndrome, attending outpatient department of Ophthalmology SVRRGGH, Tirupati were included in this study.After written and informed consent was taken from the patients, a detailed history was taken regarding chief complaints, duration of illness. Clinical examination of the patient included a detailed general physical examination and systemic examination, followed by an ophthalmological examination which includes Refraction and recording of best corrected visual acuity in both eyes, detailed Slit Lamp examination of the anterior segment, IOP measurement, Central corneal thickness measurement using Pachymeter, Estimation of the angle of the anterior chamber, Keratometry, Anterior chamber depth, volume, lens thickness measurements using Ocular biometry. The results obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. RESULTS: 50 patients both males and females aged 45 years and above with Pseudo exfoliation syndrome were studied. Statistically significant differences were found in anterior segment parameters like pupillary dilatation,anterior chamber angle etc in patients with pseudoexfoliation syndrome. CONCLUSION: Delayed diagnosis of pseudo exfoliation can convert ocular hypertension patients to glaucoma. Clinicians may be able to better manage the condition if it is identified early.
Research Article
Open Access
Bacteriological Profile and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Non healing Ulcer in Diabetic Foot in a Tertiary Care Hospital
J. Naga Sudha Rani,
J. Vijayalakshmi ,
K Anitha ,
Pedapati Kasturi ,
A. Surekha
Pages 2332 - 2336

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Background: Diabetic patients are immunocompromised and are vulnerable to develop foot ulcers which get infected by a variety of organisms. These organisms invade the ulcer resulting in poor healing and spread to deeper tissues finally resulting in major tissue loss or amputation. The present study revealed the bacteriological profile of diabetic foot with special reference to the antibiogram. 150 samples from established cases of diabetic foot ulcers were collected over a period of six months by using sterile swabs and they were processed according to CLSI guidelines. Gram negative (62.5%) isolates significantly outnumbered the Gram positive ones (37.5%). Most common organism isolated was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (35%) followed by Escherichia coli (18.75%) and Klebsiella pneumonia (17.5%) and Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (12.5%). Monomicrobial infection was more as compared to Polymicrobial infection. All Gram negative bacteria were sensitive to Tigecycline and Colistin. Most effective antimicrobials were Piperacillin-Tazobactum, Amikacin and Third generation Cephalosporins in combination with beta lactum inhibitors. All Gram positive cocci were sensitive to Vancomycin, Linezolid and Teicoplanin.
Research Article
Open Access
Utilizing Robson's Ten-Group Classification as a Predictor for Cesarean Section Rates
Beenu Singh Kushwah,
Saumya ,
Sanghmitra singh,
Meghna Tiwari
Pages 2316 - 2331

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Background: The escalating global rates of cesarean sections (CS) have raised concerns regarding maternal and neonatal outcomes. While CS can be life-saving, their overuse poses significant risks, necessitating a careful balance between benefits and risks. In India, regional disparities and socioeconomic factors contribute to varying CS rates, highlighting the need for context-specific interventions. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the patterns of CS utilization and associated factors in the Central Vindhya region, with a focus on identifying clinically relevant groups contributing most to CS deliveries. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, S.S. Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India. Data were collected retrospectively from hospital records of 7,484 women who underwent CS over a specified 3-year period. Robson's classification system was used to categorize CS cases into ten groups based on pregnancy characteristics, obstetric history, labor progression, and gestational age. Results: The overall CS rate was 28.18%, with multiparous women with prior cesarean sections (Robson's group 5) constituting the largest proportion of CS cases (32.58%). Nulliparous women in spontaneous labor (group 1) and those with induced labor or cesarean before labor (group 2) also contributed significantly to CS rates. Indications for CS included previous cesarean section (32.57%), fetal distress (16.56%), and meconium-stained liquor (19.2%). Conclusion: This study provides valuable insights into CS utilization patterns and associated factors in the Central Vindhya region. The findings underscore the importance of context-specific interventions to optimize CS utilization while ensuring maternal and neonatal safety. Further research is warranted to explore effective strategies for reducing CS rates and improving maternal health outcomes in resource-limited settings.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Study on Association of Demographic Characteristics with Labour Progression in a Tertiary Care Center of Central India
Dr. Beenu Singh Kushwah,
Dr. Nrapika Pathariya,
Dr. Saumya ,
Dr. Neha Khatik,
Dr. Jatin Khatodkar
Pages 2309 - 2315

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Background: Since decades labour curve given by E. Friedman in 1950 is used in obstetrics practices all over the world; but recent studies have highlighted labour progression pattern which deviates from Friedman’s curve. Recently there have been many studies done to focus on progress of labour in contemporary labouring females. Till date no other study has been focused on developing labour curves for Indian origin females. This study is done to evaluate pattern of labour progress in central Indian origin female. Objective: To analyse demographic characteristics affecting spontaneous labour progression in low risk pregnant females of central Indian origin. Material and methods: It was prospective observational study done from August 2017 to July 2018. Low risk term pregnant women with spontaneous onset of labour were included and findings were entered in a pre-structured format. Results: Mean age of study population was 24.43 years with a range of 18 to 35 years. Mean body mass index (BMI) of study population was 21.49 with a range of 18.5 -30 kg/m2. Maximum number of females were nulliparous i.e 79.10%. Mean cervical dilatation at admission was 4 cm. Mean duration of active phase of labour was 3.66 hrs. Mean duration of second stage of labour was 38.4 minutes. Mean rate of cervical dilation in active phase of labour was 1.42 cm/hour. Conclusion: Demographic features of our study population are different from other studies done in various parts of world.Labour curve of our study population is also different from contemporary labour curves. Labour curve of our study population is comparable with classic Friedman's curve in terms of extent of labour duration and duration of second stage of labour , but it differs from it in start of active phase of labour,rate of cervical dilatation. But whether this curve should be accepted as for Indian population, still need validation by some more studies.
Research Article
Open Access
Analysis of Effect of Bmi on Rate of Cervical Dialatation in Low Risk Pregnant Females
Dr. Saumya ,
Dr. Sujata Tripathi,
Dr. Sanghmitra singh,
Dr. Beenu Singh Kushwah,
Dr. Neha Khatik
Pages 2304 - 2308

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Objective: To determine association of cervical dialatation rate with body mass index (BMI). Introduction: The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing among women of childbearing age. Observational studies show that obese women have up to a 2-fold increased risk for a cesarean delivery compared with normal-weight women. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of maternal overweight and obesity on the pattern of labor progression in pregnant women with a singleton, term pregnancy with spontaneous onset labour. Methods: We analyzed data from 1531 pregnant women with a term pregnancy those were admitted in SSMC ,Rewa from August 2017- July 2018 with spontaneous onset labour pain at term. The median duration of labor by each centimeter of cervical dilation was computed for under weight(Body mass index BMI<18.5 kg/m2), normal-weight (BMI_ 18.5 –24.9 kg/m2), overweight (BMI >24.9-29.9 kg/m2), and obese (BMI>30 kg/m2) women and used as a measurement of labor progression. Results: After considering inclusion and exclusion criteria all laboring females were allowed to progress naturally and four hourly partogram was recorded. All females who required augmentation ,caesarean or instrumental delivery were excluded from the study. On the basis of individual labour progress chart which were obtained ,a final composite labour graph was derived and appropriate statistical tests were applied. We have found that BMI is directly related to rate of cervical dilatation . Mean rate of cervical dilatation was 1.46 cm/hr in group with BMI <18.5 kg/m2 .The rate of cervical dilatation was less in group with BMI >30 i.e 0.9 cm/hr. Conclusion: . Labor progression in overweight and obese women was significantly slower than that of normal-weight and under- weight women. Given that NFHS (National family health survey -5)1 has shown that obesity is increasing in India in all states from 21% to 24% among women, it is critical to consider differences in labor progression by maternal pre pregnancy BMI before additional interventions are performed.
Research Article
Open Access
Hyperthyroidism and its association with intraocular pressure and dry eye in Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Pages 2299 - 2303

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Background: Graves’ ophthalmopathy (GO) is the most common extra-thyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease and is characterized by multiple ocular symptoms such as eyelid retraction, lid lag, proptosis, elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) and ultimately loss of vision. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of increased IOP in Graves' patients and association with ophthalmic signs and symptoms in north-west of Iran. Materials and methods: It was a hospital based cross sectional analysis conducted in teaching medical college for a period of 18 months from January 2018 to July 2019 in hyperthyroid patients, Consecutive sampling was done. Participants were divided into age groups. Hyperthyroidism was clinically and laboratory confirmed. Intraocular pressure and Dry eye were diagnosed by single ophthalmologist. SPSS version 22 was used for analysis. Chi square test was used to determine the association. Result: Total 90 established hyperthyroidism patients were studied. The study was female preponderance. Increased Intraocular in hyperthyroid patients was found to be statistically significant. The most common presenting eye sign was found to be diminished vision in almost all patients of Hyperthyroidism which was found to be statistically significant. Age progresses the signs tend to increase in hypothyroidism patients. Diminished vision was found to be the most common eye sign among all age groups which was statistically significant. (p<0.05) followed by Upper lid retraction and ptosis. Conclusion: Female was more commonly affected. The maximum number of patients of both sexes was in the fourth decade of their lives. Hyperthyroidism patient had greater chance of ocular manifestation.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Fentanyl Vs Dexmedetomidine as an Adjuvant to Ropivacine in Transversus Abdominis Plane Block for Patients Undergoing Lower Abdominal Surgeries
Pages 2288 - 2298

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Background: Transversus Abdominis plane (TAP) block has been effectively used for anterior abdominal wall analgesia. The aim of the study was to compare the duration of analgesia produced by two drugs fentanyl and dexmedetomidine as adjuvants to Ropivacaine in TAP block under ultrasound‑guidance after lower abdominal surgeries in a randomized controlled trial. Material and Methods: Fifty patients of American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I & II assessed for lower abdominal surgeries were randomized to receive TAP blocks on each side of the abdomen using the local anesthetic drug 20 ml of 0.5% Ropivacaine with either fentanyl 25 mcg or dexmedetomidine 25 mcg. A ten point numerical pain score was done at baseline, at 1 h and then at intervals of 4 h postoperatively. The hemodynamic parameters such as heart rate, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry were also monitored as above. The time to first analgesia demand from the time of the block and the total duration of analgesia were recorded. The statistical analysis was done by Mann‑Whitney U test. Results: Our primary end‑point was to assess the duration of analgesia produced by fentanyl added to Ropivacaine for ultrasound‑guided TAP block, which were 368 min with and dexmedetomidine 428 min with (P value = 0.001). The time for first rescue analgesics used in the postoperative period in both the groups were analysed using the paired T- test and found to have significant difference between both the groups (P‑value <0.05). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the addition of dexmedetomidine as an adjunct to Ropivacaine for TAP block is marginally superior to fentanyl in terms of providing postoperative analgesia which in turn patient recovery. Dexmedetomidine provides superior analgesia yet uses less analgesic medication.
Research Article
Open Access
Association of socio demographic profile and health of traffic policemen in Kalaburagi
Pages 2281 - 2287

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People face numerous hazards at work which may result in injuries, cancer, hearing loss, respiratory, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, reproductive, neurological, skin and mental disorders. Objectives: To assess the Association of socio demographic profile and health of traffic policemen in Kalaburagi. Method: The present cross sectional study study was carried out among all the traffic police men working in Kalaburagi city. Results: The association between age and Waist Hip ratio was found to be highly significant. Majority of study subjects 27(55.10%) pre obese and 4(8-16%) obese belonged to more than 40 years of age group whereas 28(51.85%) pre obese and 2(3.70%) obese belonged to less than 40 years of age group. Conclusion: There is a significant association between age and morbidities (like musculoskeletal disorders psychological problems and varicose vein) and found statistically highly significant.
Research Article
Open Access
Burden and Correlates of Chronic Genitourinary Conditions Among Older Men in India
Pages 2274 - 2280

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Men, especially as they age, are more prone to specific genitourinary conditions compared to women. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and identify correlates of chronic renal failure, incontinence, and kidney stones among men aged ≥45 years in India. Methods: Data from the first wave of the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India (LASI) wave-1, 2017-2018, were utilized. The sample included 33,097 men aged ≥45 years. Descriptive statistics reported prevalence with a 95% confidence interval. Multivariable regression analysis assessed associations between socio-demographic and behavioral factors with chronic renal failure, incontinence, and kidney stones. Results: The overall prevalence was 0.82% (95% CI: 0.71-0.93) for chronic renal failure, 3.02% (95% CI: 2.82-3.23) for incontinence, and 3.0% (95% CI: 2.79-3.20) for kidney stones. Multivariable regression analysis revealed that participants aged ≥75 years had higher odds [AOR: 1.91 (95% CI: 1.34-2.44)] of experiencing incontinence. Kidney stones were significantly associated [AOR: 1.88 (95% CI: 1.53-2.55)] with obesity. Conclusion: A noteworthy prevalence of chronic genitourinary conditions among aging men was observed, emphasizing the need for attention. The recently established Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) offer a potential avenue for timely care, warranting further strengthening.
Research Article
Open Access
Dry Eye in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus and its Association with Diabetic Retinopathy
Pages 2265 - 2273

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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterised by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Millions of people all over the world are affected by Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetic retinopathy, neovascular glaucoma, cataract, refractory deviations, ptosis, palsy of the oculomotor nerve, and hordeolosis are typical ocular complications in diabetic patients. Recently, problems involving the ocular surface, dryness, in particular, have been reported in diabetic patients. These patients suffer from many corneal complications like superficial punctate keratopathy, corneal ulceration, and persistent epithelial defects. Materials and Methods: A hospital-based study was conducted on 200 patients attending the Department of Ophthalmology, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences Shivamogga from September 2022 to August 2023. A sample of 100 patients with type II diabetes and 100 patients matched controls were studied. First, 100 diabetic and 100 control patients were selected from the patients visiting ophthalmology. Then informed consent, detailed history of each patient were obtained regarding the age, gender, occupation, presenting symptoms, progression, duration of symptoms and associated conditions. Results: The mean age of the control group was 54.54±9.99 years, in diabetics without retinopathy were 53.50± 10.77 years and in diabetics with retinopathy was 56.99 ± 8.40 years. The mean duration of diabetes in diabetics without DR was 3.61 ± 3.16 years, while the duration of diabetes in diabetics with DR was 8.69 ± 5.13 years. The mean values of HbA1c in diabetics with and without DR were 8.17 ± 1.87% and 10.31 ± 2.58% respectively. There was a significant association between the HbA1c levels and the retinopathy in diabetics (p-value < 0.0001). Conclusion: Patients with type II diabetes have a higher prevalence of dry eye than their age-matched controls in our study. Evaluation of diabetic patients using the OSDI questionnaire can help identify dry eye in early stages. A significant association was noted between dry eye disease and the duration of diabetes. A statistically significant correlation was found between HbA1c values and dry eye status in patients with diabetes.
Research Article
Open Access
To Study the Correlation of Serum CRP Level with Disease Morbidity & Clinical Recovery in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Pages 2258 - 2264

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Aims and objectives:The current study aims to find the correlation of serum CRPlevel with disease morbidity & clinical recovery in patients with acute ischemic stroke Materials and methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in 80 radiologically confirmed cases of acute ischemic stroke admitted in medicine wards at Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital,Rohini,New Delhi. Patients were subjected to detailed neurological examination and blood samples were obtained from patients who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria and blood was send to laboratory for the measurement of serum CRP levels. Results: In this study group, the serum CRP levels on admission were predictive of stroke severity(positively correlated with NIHSS (P = 0.001) as well as outcome(positively correlated with MRS(P =0.001) Conclusion: The serum CRP level on admission can be used to predict severity and outcome in acute ischemic stroke
Research Article
Open Access
AEFI after First and Second Dose of Covishield and Covaxin: A Hospital Based Prospective Study
Pages 2251 - 2257

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Background- Vaccines for covid-19 have been developed at unprecedented speed, with phase III clinical efficacy trials reporting results for some vaccines less than a year after WHO declared the pandemic.Since December2020, several vaccines have been authorized by regulators such as the European Medicines Agency, the US Food and Drug Administration, and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. Large scale immunisation programmes are ongoing worldwide.Objective- To study and compare post vaccination events after first and second booster dose of novel corona virus vaccine. Method-The present hospital based prospective study was conducted in Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar medical college and Hospital.The duration of study was 12 months. The details to contact the study participants were obtained from hospital vaccination centre. Participants were also contacted at vaccination centre and after taking informed consent, a history of participants was taken in the form of a questionnaire and physical conversation. Results- A total of 40.20% of the study population reported atleast one adverse event following vaccination which was mild in nature.Most common adverse event was fever (28%) followed by injection site pain (22.80%).Statistically significant difference was reported for individual adverse events like fever, injection site pain, fatigue, headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting for the first and second dose.The incidence of adverse events after first dose in covishield was significantly greater as compared to covaxin (55.14% vs 40%) with P value=0.002. Conclusion: Both vaccines exhibited short-term adverse effects, albeit they were modest and of short duration. Within this particular framework, our study gains greater significance in distributing concise safety information subsequent to immunisation. This will aid folks in their decision to accept immunisation.
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Open Access
Assessment of Geriatric Morbidity Pattern in East Godavari District- A Cross Sectional Study
Pages 2246 - 2250

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Introduction: As of 2011, India has a population of 1.21 billion people. It is the second most populous country in the world, next only to China. In absolute numbers the population of persons above 60 years was around 76.62 million in 2001, will rise to nearly 179 million by 2031 and 324 million by 2050. In addition, as people age there are increased chances of becoming disabled, and once disabled, there are increased chances of deterioration with decreased likelihood of recovering from disability. AIM: To assess the Geriatric Morbidity pattern, Activities of daily Living (ADL) and Mini Mental Scale Evaluation (MMSE). Methodology: A Cross sectional study with multistage random sampling technique was used to select the requisite number of elderly for a sample size of 600. Results: Mean age of the study population is 66.9 with SD ± 5.73 years ranging from 60 to 88 year. Multi-morbidity was seen early in nearly 70% the study population, this seems to increase with increasing age which ranged from 57.4% to 85.3% and this association was statistically significant (p value = 0.002). The total morbidity in the study population was found to be 96.3%. Conclusion: Curative medicine has a very limited role to deal with the problems of elderly in terms of impairments and diseases. Palliative care is needed to tackle impairments and complications of NCDs.
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Open Access
Study of Mortality and Disease Profile of 0-5 Hospitalised Children with Special Reference to Their Nutritional Status
Pages 2235 - 2245

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Introduction: India is the second most populated country in the world, with children under the age of 14 making up around 28.6% of the total population [1]. Children under the age of five make up 20% of India's population. It has been shown that children's mortality and morbidity are inversely correlated with their age. The national average for U-5, newborn, and neonatal death rates is 50, 41, and 29 per 1000 live births, respectively, according to NFHS 4[1]'s most current figures.Twenty-one percent of U-5 child mortality occur in India alone. The purpose of Millennium Development purpose 4 (MDG4) is to reduce the rate of under-five mortality by 66% from 1990 to 2015.Neonatal causes account for 4% of U-5MR cases worldwide, followed by pneumonia (17%), diarrhoea (9%), malaria (7%), and other conditions such as meningitis, AIDS, measles, and injuries (24%). Malnutrition is a factor in 45% of U-5 mortality. These death rates serve as sensitive gauges for more than just health.Material and Method: This observational study was conducted in a tertiary care teaching hospital from November 2018 to October 2020 on 28 days to 5 years old children admitted in pediatric ward. Before enrolling the patient, the inclusion and exclusion criteria are applied and Institutional Ethical Committee approval was taken. Informed consent was obtained from the parents.All the information about the diseased child, demographic characteristics, feeding status, immunisation, socioeconomic status was recorded. Nutritional status of the patient and anemia status was recorded and detailed study of disease profile and cause of mortality were recorded in the case record sheet, all children of both sexes, aged 28 days to 5 years, admitted in the pediatric ward of the teaching hospital and parents willing to participate in the study, were included. Result:Hence, it is possible that the prevalence of malnutrition might vary depending on the criterion used. The study conducted by Kamran Ahmad et al. found a noteworthy correlation between feeding practises and malnourishment. There is a noteworthy correlation between them in children under five, according to several research conducted in hospitals and communities. Families, especially mothers, need to be made aware of the nutritional needs of their children and how to provide a healthy meal at home using inexpensive, readily accessible foods. It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to advise parents on the value of family planning, birth spacing, vaccinations, exclusive breastfeeding until the child is six months old, and when to wean their child.Conclusion: Present study concludes pneumonia is the leading cause of death i.e. (30.5%) followed by CNS infection (27.7%), malaria (19.4%), diarrhea (11.1%) respectively.Similarly the morbidity of under- five hospitalised children are the conditions like pneumonia (32.5%), malaria (16.7), CNS infection (16.4%), diarrhea(12%) respectivelyMorbidity and mortality in under- five children are more associated with malnutrition. Maximum number of cases in hospitalised under five children are having moderate acute malnutrition (i.e. 49.5%) and severe acute malnutrition in 13.7% cases. Among the mortality maximum percentage of cases (72%) are having MAM and 14% of cases having SAM.
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Open Access
To compare muscle strength and peak expiratory flow rates in different phases of menstrual cycle in female students- An institutional study
Pages 2230 - 2234

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Background: During menstrual cycle the females undergo continuous variations in serum concentrations of female sex hormones. Moreover, the females in medical colleges struggle with lot of problems such as lifestyle, regular clinical duties and handling patients which create huge stress and affect their reproductive life. The oscillations in the hormonal levels found in different phases of menstrual cyclecause fluctuations in some of the physiological parameters like Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) which assess pulmonary function and muscle strength. Aims and objectives: This study aims to study the variation of PEFR, muscle strength and work done in different phases of menstrual cycle in medical students. Materials and methods: A total of 100 MBBS female students with regular menstrual cycle participated in the study. Participants were studied for 2 consecutive cycles in 3 phases of menstrual cycle. PEFR, work done and muscle strength were tested during each phase. Peak expiratory flow meter was used to measure PEFR. Muscle strength was measured using handgrip dynamometer and work done was obtained from Mosso’s ergograph. Data were statistically analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and paired t- test. P<0.05 was considered significant. Results: PEFR was significantly higher in the luteal phase of menstrual cycle as compared to the menstrual and follicular phase as observed in other studies in general population. Muscle strength and work done were observed higher in follicular phase as compared to menstrual and luteal phase, however the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion:The observed improved PEFR in luteal phase may be due tohyperventilation and bronchodilation effect of progesterone on pulmonary function. Muscle strength and work done does not show significant variations during different phases of menstrual cycle.
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Open Access
Arterial Hypoxemia and hepatopulmonary syndrome in liver cirrhosis
Pages 2223 - 2229

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Introduction: Pulmonary complications develop in patients suffering from liver disease either with or without Decompensation. Hypoxemia can develop in patients with liver cirrhosis due to massive ascites, active aggressive U.G.I. bleed, primary pulmonary or cardiovascular cause, or due to pulmonary complications of liver cirrhosis. Hypoxemia in liver cirrhosis patient should be evaluated for pulmonary complications of liver cirrhosis along-with other primary pulmonary or cardiac causes. Development of these complications worsen the prognosis of disease and modifies the line of management. This study was undertaken tofind out the prevalence of arterial hypoxemia and hepatopulmonary syndrome in patients of liver cirrhosis. Objectives: To determine the arterial hypoxemia using arterial blood gas analysis in liver cirrhosis. To further determine the intrapulmonary vascular dilatation and hepatopulmonary syndrome using 2d-Contrast enhanced echocardiography. Material and Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted on 80 patients, aged 18 years and above, fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria, diagnosed with chronic liver disease. The detailed history was taken followed by clinical examination which was done after due consent. All these patients underwent routine blood investigations, chest x-ray, ultrasonography, UGI endoscopy, 2samples of arterial blood gas analysis(one supine and other upright), and agitated saline enhanced 2D- Echocardiography to detect intra-pulmonary vasodilation. The patients who had arterial hypoxemia, orthodeoxia, and had intrapulmonary vasodilation were diagnosed to have Hepatopulmonary syndrome. Results: Six(6)out of those 80 patients had hypoxemia in the population which were included in the study. Among those 6 patients who had hypoxemia, 4 patients had Intra-pulmonary vessel dilation on saline agitated 2d-echocardiography and were labelled as Hepatopulmonary syndrome. Conclusion: The patients of liver cirrhosis presenting with hypoxia and other pulmonary manifestations, with or without Decompensation, should be evaluated for hepatopulmonary syndrome. The early detection of intra-pulmonary vessel dilatation leads to early modification of line of management and poor prognosis of liver disease can be explained at early stages.
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Open Access
Prevalence and risk factors of alcohol consumption in rural field practice area of RIMSRaichur a cross sectional study
Pages 2217 - 2222

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Introduction: India's traditional culture of abstinence from alcohol is facing challenges with the rapid proliferation of alcohol-related establishments and changing lifestyle choices. Alcohol consumption is a growing public health concern globally, associated with various health issues and socioeconomic consequences. Despite its significant impact, alcohol misuse has not received adequate recognition as a public health issue in India. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of alcohol consumption and its associated risk factors in the rural field practice area of RIMS, Raichur, which is an underexplored region in the context of alcohol use. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted over six months, starting in January 2022, and involving 512 individuals in the rural field practice area of RIMS, Raichur. A multistage proportional sampling method was employed, and a semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data on socio-demographic factorsand alcohol-related behaviors. Participants aged 30 and above, residing in the study area for at least one year, and willing to participate were included. Pregnant women were excluded for ethical reasons. Results: The study found that 18.20% of the participants reported alcohol consumption, while 81.80% abstained from alcohol. Age, gender, occupation, and education were significant determinants of alcohol consumption. Individuals aged 30-40 had the highest prevalence of alcohol use (22.73%), with males being more likely to consume alcohol (14.61%) than females (3.59%). Unskilled workers (10.32%) and illiterate individuals (14.04%) had higher rates of alcohol consumption. The study also revealed associations between alcohol use and health-related factors such as diabetes (51.9% prevalence among participants with diabetes), tobacco use (48.23% prevalence among tobacco users), BMI status, and physical activity levels. Conclusion: This study contributes valuable insights into the prevalence and risk factors of alcohol consumption in a rural context, shedding light on the extent of alcohol use in this underrepresented region. The findings emphasize the need for targeted public health interventions and policies to address the specific challenges posed by alcohol use in rural India. Understanding these patterns can help promote responsible alcohol use and mitigate potential health and social consequences in rural communities.
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Open Access
Prevalence and risk factors associated with hypertension in rural field practice area of RIMS Raichur a cross sectional study
Pages 2211 - 2216

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Introduction: Hypertension, characterized by persistently elevated blood pressure levels, presents a substantial global health challenge. Defined as having a systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or higher and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or higher, hypertension is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and other non-communicable diseases. It contributes significantly to premature mortality and represents a major public health concern. In this study, we aimed to assess the prevalence of hypertension and identify associated risk factors within the rural field practice area of RIMS (Raichur Institute of Medical Sciences) in Raichur, India. This investigation is critical in shedding light on the burden of hypertension in rural communities and informing targeted interventions. Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted over a three-month period, commencing in December 2021 and concluding in February 2022. A multistage proportional sampling method was employed to select a representative sample of approximately 409 participants from the rural field practice area. Data collection included blood pressure measurements following Joint National Committee 8 (JNC 8) guidelines, participant interviews using semi-structured questionnaires, and obtaining written informed consent. Participants meeting specific inclusion criteria, aged 30 years and above, and residing in the study area for at least one year, were enrolled. Pregnant women were excluded due to unique health considerations. Key risk factors, including age, gender, education level, occupation, BMI, physical activity, alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking, and diabetic status, were assessed. Results: Our study revealed a significant prevalence of hypertension within the rural population of RIMS Raichur, with notable variations across demographic groups. Age, gender, education level, and lifestyle factors exhibited significant associations with hypertension. For instance, individuals aged 51-60 demonstrated the highest prevalence (37.91%), while males exhibited a higher prevalence (58.68%) compared to females (41.32%). Illiterate individuals displayed a higher hypertension prevalence (62.33%), emphasizing the role of education. Furthermore, BMI emerged as a critical risk factor, with overweight and obese individuals at greater risk. Lifestyle choices, such as physical inactivity, tobacco smoking, and alcohol consumption, also exhibited notable associations with hypertension, as did diabetic status. Conclusion: This study underscores the substantial burden of hypertension in the rural field practice area. The identified risk factors, including age, gender, education, BMI, and lifestyle choices, emphasize the need for targeted interventions to address this public health concern. Tailored healthcare strategies, education initiatives, and lifestyle modification programs are essential to mitigate the impact of hypertension in rural communities. These findings contribute to our understanding of hypertension epidemiology and offer valuable insights for the development of effective prevention and management strategies in this specific context.
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Open Access
Nerve Conduction Abnormalities and Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction in Pre-Diabetics
Pages 2206 - 2210

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Background: Prediabetes is a condition of intermediate hyperglycaemia in which blood glucose levels are high, but not more than the required diagnostic criteria to be labelled as Diabetes Mellitus. Now, there is a growing evidence regarding occurrence of peripheral neuropathy as well as cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy even in pre-diabetics. Aim: To determine nerve conduction abnormalities and cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction in pre-diabetics. Material and Methods: Total 100 subjects were divided into two groups of 50 each i.e. cases and controls, according to the ADA Criteria. Nerve conduction studies and Ewing’s cardiovascular autonomic reflex tests (CARTs) were performed on all the subjects. Results: On comparing the changes in the nerve conduction studies of the pre-diabetic subjects with the controls, statistically significant difference was found in the conduction velocity of the B/L peroneal nerve. Similarly, difference in the amplitude of the B/L tibial nerve was also found to be statistically significant. Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy was found in 18 % of the pre-diabetic subjects. Conclusion: Neuropathy is often associated with long standing diabetes mellitus but neuropathy can occur even in pre-diabetics. Although full blown neuropathy is not present but the nerve damage has already started at the prediabetic stage, which is reflected upon by the nerve conduction abnormalities and cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction.
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Open Access
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Efficacy of Subcostal Transverse Abdominis Plane Block Vs Conventional Analgesic Technique in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Pages 2198 - 2205

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Background: Pain and duration of convalescence are the two substantial concerns after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Subcostal transversus abdominis plane (STAP) block is a newer block which produces reliable supraumbilical analgesia. Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of Subcostal transverse abdominis plane(STAP) block in reducing postoperative pain and opioid consumption. Materials and Method: Eighty patients undergoing elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy were randomly allocated to receive either USG guided STAP block (n=40) with 0.25% Ropivacaine or standard postoperative analgesia (n=40) with Tramadol. All the patients were assessed for post operative pain and rescue analgesia consumption at regular intervals for first 24 hours. Results: VAS score was significantly higher in control group as compared to the study group at all the time. Total dose of TRAMADOL consumption in study group was 107.5± 61.55 mg and in control group was 225±66.96 mg, which was statistically significant. First dose of rescue analgesia required in study group was at 426.66 ± 331.36 min and in control group was 130.5 ± 240.6min which was statistically significant. Conclusion: STAP block is a promising modality for pain management when used as apart of multimodal analgesia.
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Open Access
Study to evaluate the utility of urinary uric acid to creatinine ratio (UA/Cr ratio) as non-invasive, easy, cheap and at the same time early biochemical means of asphyxia diagnosis
Pages 2194 - 2197

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Introduction: Perinatal hypoxia is one of the leading causes of perinatal mortality in developing countries. Birth asphyxia is an important cause of static developmental and neurological handicap both in term and preterm infants (in 3 to 13% of infants with cerebral palsy (CP) have evidence of intrapartum asphyxia). Though there are more and more studies and understanding of the mechanisms leading to birth asphyxia, early determination of tissue damages due to birth asphyxia are still lacking. Methods: This is a Hospital based Case Control study carried out in -Neonatal ICU, DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS, Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research, Surat City. Study was conducted for period of 12 months and data analysis was conducted over the period of 12 months. Sample size was 56 patients of birth asphyxia admitted in NICU and compared against 56 controls admitted in NICU for some other disease. Results: .In this study, Mean UA/Cr ratio among cases was 2.58±1.15 as compared to control group where the ratio was 0.71±0.21 . This difference was statistically significant. (p<0.00001). Conclusion: Mean UA/Cr ratio among asphyxiated newborns was high and statistically significant and hence the ratio can be used as early, cost effective, simple, quick and non-invasive parameter, a supportive tool to the diagnosis of birth asphyxia using Apgar score
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Open Access
Presenting complaints and histopathological variants of ovarian tumor in Southern Rajasthan: A cross sectional study
Pages 2189 - 2193

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Introduction: Ovarian cancer accounts for 6% of all cancers in females and is the fifth most common form of cancer in women in USA. The complex nature, unpredictable behaviour and prognosis make ovarian tumour a difficult problem for the gynaecologist. The histogenesis of many tumours are interrelated and accurate histopathological diagnosis is needed for affective treatment. Aim: to determine various histopathological variants of ovarian tumour and their age distribution in south east region of Rajasthan. Method: The study included cases of ovarian neoplasm received at the histopathology section of the department over one and half year period from January 2016 to June 2017. All ovarian cases including incisional and excisional biopsies as well as hysterectomy with unilateral /bilateral salpingoopherectomy specimens from clinically suspected ovarian neoplastic lesions were included in the present study. It was carried out in the Department of Pathology, Geetanjali medical college and hospital Udaipur. Results: Majority of the ovarian tumours belonged to benign (66.92%) followed by malignant tumours (28.46%). Based on the microscopic features, the tumour were broadly classified into various groups as per WHO classification of ovarian tumours were commonest (76.12%), followed by by Germ cell tumour (18.46%). Conclusion: Benign tumors are more common than malignant ones for all diverse age groups. Surface epithelial tumors are most common class of tumors, benign surface epithelial tumors being most common benign tumors and malignant surface epithelial tumors being most common malignant tumors.
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Open Access
Comparative study between outcomes of the peri-umbilical and theintra-umbilical in cisions in laparoscopic procedures
Pages 2180 - 2188

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Background: Operative laparoscopy has become the standard approach for most common surgeries nowadays for several reasons. Periumbilical and intraumbilical incision have been used to create pneumoperitoneum in laparoscopy. As Laparoscopic surgery has its own bundle of complexities including postoperative infection and ultimately cosmetic aspect but there no definite data regarding these aspects of Periumbilical and intraumbilical incision. So, we aimed to compare the wound complication rates, easier and safer method of port entry and post surgical cosmesis in laparoscopy patients according to the initial laparoscopic incision. Methods: 30-50year aged 100 individuals were selected from patients who were admitted in surgery wards for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, appendectomy and diagnostic laparoscopy by simple random sampling. Informed consent was obtained from individuals after details of the procedure were explained. Then these patients were divided in two groups with 50 patients in each group according to type of incision made for laparoscopic procedures. 50 patients received periumbilical incision and 50 patients received intraumbilical incision. Thereafter, in all of the patients postoperative major and minor complications, wound complication rate, duration of hospital stay, Results: The result showed that after intraumbulical incision wound complication rates do not differ from the cases with periumbilical incision. The cosmetic survey score was significantly higher in the intraumbulical group compared to periumbilical group. Though no significant difference was observed between both procedures regarding operation time, wound infection, nausea and vomiting however, intraumbilical incision had fewer complications as compared to periumbilical incision. Conclusion: Intraumbilical incision is superior to periumbilical incision for laparoscopy in early postoperative recovery and cosmetic point of view.
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Open Access
Cerebrovascular Involvement in Patients with Covid-19 Associated Mucormycosis in Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 2171 - 2179

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This study scrutinizes the prevalence and demographic determinants of rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) in the context of various factors including age, gender, and diabetic conditions, delineating clear patterns and potential risk factors that may contribute to the onset and exacerbation of ROCM. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the cerebrovascular involvements in patients diagnosed with COVID-19 associated mucormycosis (CAM) at hospitals affiliated with BMCRI. The study spanned from May 2021 to August 2021, during which time pertinent data from 49 patients were meticulously recorded and analyzed. Results The results underscored a significant gender disparity in ROCM prevalence, with males being more predominantly affected (p <0.05)[13]. Furthermore, the age group of 50-60 showed a heightened vulnerability to ROCM, especially amongst individuals with pre-existing diabetic conditions (p <0.001)[15,17,19]. Noteworthy was the exacerbation of symptoms and complications in patients with a history of steroid usage (p <0.01)[20]. A considerable portion of the cases also delineated a discernible difference in clinical outcomes between Mucor and Aspergillus infections in ROCM, paving the path for focused clinical strategies[21]. Conclusion: The study furnishes critical insights into the demographic precursors of ROCM, spotlighting age and diabetic conditions as potent risk factors. The findings beckon an immediate need to tailor medical interventions and community health programs that address these specific demographics, thereby potentially curtailing the incidence and severity of ROCM. Further research is advocated to establish a more intricate understanding of the disease dynamics.
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Open Access
Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes Mellitus
Pages 2167 - 2170

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Background and Aim: Cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) is a common and often-underdiagnosed complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). Cardiac autonomic neuropathy is associated with increased mortality, cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and morbidity in patients with diabetes mellitus, but despite these significant consequences cardiac autonomic neuropathy often remains undiagnosed for a prolonged period. This is commonly due to the disease being asymptomatic until the later stages, as well as a lack of easily available screening strategies. Aim of the is to assess the autonomic nerve functions in diabetic patients and its manifestations. Methods: The present study include 40 subjects in which 30 were diabetics and 10 were taken as controls from the medical wards of MNR Medical College Sangareddy, Telangana. Results & Conclusion: The diagnosis is made using multiple autonomic function tests to assess both sympathetic and parasympathetic function. The pathophysiology of cardiac autonomic neuropathy is complex, likely multifactorial, and not completely understood.Valsalva ratio test has lower values, both parasympathetic and sympathetic components of ANS has shown evidence of dysfunction.
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Open Access
The Study on Surgical Outcomes of Modified Bentall’s Procedure-In a Tertiary Care Centre– A 3 Year Retrospective Study
Pages 2156 - 2166

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Aim and Objectives: To study perioperative morbidity and mortality in patients who underwent Modified Bentall’s procedure. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective observational study of 3 years from December 2018. Sample size of 25 members who underwent Modified Bentall’s procedure, who fulfilling inclusion criteria were taken for study and analyzed. The age, Gender, Indications of surgery, modification of operative steps viz., Cannulation techniques, cerebro-protective techniques, coronary buttons, post-op complications, post- op ICU stay and their impact on the outcomes i.e., morbidity and mortality were assessed. Results: No significant association between sex , comorbidities, risk factors, presenting symptoms , duration, etiology , diagnosis, postoperative bleeding and mortality . there is significant association was noted between number of blood transfusions , inotropic support and mortality. Of 25 cases in the current study, 10 cases (40%) underwent surgery on an emergency basis and 15 patients (60%) were operated on electively. Mortality was noted in 05 cases (20%) of which all 05 cases (20%) underwent emergency modified Bentall are. a significant association was noted between the type of surgery and mortality. Mortality was noted in 05 cases (20%) of 25 cases in the present study. The commonest cause of death was low cardiac output seen in 05 cases, ARF on CKD requiring dialysis seen in 3 cases. Postoperative complications were noted in 04 cases (16%) cases in the current study. Postoperatively 04 patients (16%) had renal dysfunction, 03 patients (12%) had hepatic and renal dysfunction and poor neurological status was seen in 02 patients (08%). No patient developed infection/sepsis. Conclusions: Immediate presentation following onset of symptoms and operating on emergency basis with appropriate cerebro protective techniques and meticulous haemostasis with sound surgical technique and usage of local haemostatic agents are the key factors in significantly reducing the mortality and morbidity following modified Bentall’s procedure.
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Open Access
Surgical Outcomes in Left Main Coronary Artery Disease in a Tertiary Care Centre - A Retrospective Study
Pages 2146 - 2155

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Introduction: Left main coronary artery (LMCA) disease is an important risk factor for increased mortality and morbidity at all stages of diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease. It is often silent, with an unpredictable presentation and has diagnostic and management challenges. Myocardial protection in CABG with cardioplegic heart arrest is effective in improving surgical outcomes. CABG is recommended over PCI for any patient with stable angina, unstable angina, or in asymptomatic disease and significant left main or left main equivalent coronary stenosis. The left main coronary artery (LMCA) is still one of the most challenging areas of disease for both cardiovascular surgeons and interventional cardiologists. Aim of the study: To study the clinical presentation, clinical profile, risk factors and surgical outcomes associated with Left main coronary artery disease. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective observational study. The study subjects were all the patients with cardioplegic arrested heart who underwent Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) over a three-year period. All such patients were assessed based on age, gender, presentation, comorbidities, ejection fractions, various vascular factors, post operative complications, mortality and morbidity. The information was obtained from case records, discharge records and death summaries. Results: A total of 100 cases were studied with 80 males and 20 females with age ranging from 21 to 70 years. A significant association was noted between age, gender, weight, mode of presentation, comorbidities, preoperative ejection fraction, LMCA stenosis, number of vessels involved; and mortality. Conclusion: LMCA disease is an independent predictor of increased morbidity and mortality rates among patients with coronary artery disease. CABG is the traditional gold standard therapy for revascularization of LMCA disease, offering greater survival benefits. Understanding factors that predispose patients with LMCA disease to perioperative mortality is essential to formulate strategies to improve patient outcomes.
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Open Access
Assessment of Knowledge of Pediatricians in Provision of Quality Immunization Services in Private Sector in Central India
Pages 2139 - 2145

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Background: The paediatricians in the private sector in India can play an important role in providing vaccine service delivery and immunization coverage. Standards and systems for service quality of private providers should be estab-lished by countries.Standards should include practices in all facilities delivering vaccines, including proper storage and handling, appropriate use of injections, proper recording and adherence to safety measures, and waste management and disposal. [1]There is also a need to have co-partnership and communication with private providers to improve the per-formance of health system in long term. Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted in urban area of Bhopal city. Knowledge and adherence to standard guidelines related to vaccination practices were assessed. Total 110 paedia-tricians were found eligible for the present study.After excluding 10 paediatricians who refused to participate, finally, 100 paediatricians were involved(responded) giving response rate of 90.9%. Pre-designed;pretested questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: In this study, the study population were paediatricians providing vaccination in private clinics and private hospital. Most of the private providers 50% were in between 41 to 60 age group, 81% paediatricians were trained and 82% immunization clinics were registered to Government sector. Out of total respondents (76/100) 76% answered correctly on all knowledge item questions. Most respondents 76% had complete knowledge score on cold chain vaccine. Mean (SD) for knowledge score was 96.3(±7.61) ranging from 70 to100. Conclusion: Knowledge of ma-jority of paediatricians were good,for success of NIP (National Immunization Program),it is necessary toincrease the private sector involvement in the area of immunization delivery.
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Open Access
An Institutional Study on Outcome of Fontan Procedure – A Retrospective Study
Pages 2129 - 2138

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Aim and objectives: To analyze the anatomical and functional single ventricle lesions receiving Fontan circulation and morbidity and mortality in patients who underwent surgery. Material and Methods : All data from Case records : Patient demographics, Diagnosis, Surgeries Performed, OT records, and follow up record collected and analyzed in excel spread sheet. Continuous data was presented as Mean and Standard Deviation, categorical data as percentages, between 2011 and 2020. Results: In this study, there are 20 patients in which most common diagnostic presentation in this study group is Tricuspid atresia with pulmonary stenosis. Mean age group at which the Fontan procedure was performed is 11 years (all the patients are above 4 years of age) with slight female predominance. All the patients showed increased haemoglobin and haematocrit values. All the patients are in sinus rhythm with good Ejection fraction with normal venous return. Among which 7 cases required cardiac arrest due to dense adhesions or distorted anatomy due to previous procedure. 2 cases among those 7 cases required circulatory arrest and 1 case died on POD 4 due to Low cardiac output syndrome and the other case recovered. Among 20 patients, 6 patients underwent Non-Fenestrated Extracardiac Fontan procedure and 14 patients underwent Fenestrated Extracardiac Fontan procedure, of which Fenestrated Fontan procedures were showed improved outcomes compared to Non-Fenestrated Fontan procedure. In this study group, 13 patients underwent primary closure and 7 patients underwent delayed closure. 3 patients underwent Re-exploration. In this study, 3 patients developed Renal impairment post-operatively with significant morbidity. There patients were managed with the peritoneal dialysis and gradual improvement was found in 2 patients and 1 patient died on POD 3. The mean ICD duration is 13.9 days. In this study group, all the cyanotic congenital heart conditions with low SpO2 showed improvement after the Fontan procedure. The Mean SpO2 in this study group is 94%. The overall survival rate of this study group is 75% with a mean follow-up period of 5.5 years. Conclusion : After Fontan completion procedure with good outcomes after Extra-cardiac Total cavo-pulmonary connection with ePTFE conduit. Patients need to be followed up for long term. The multidisciplinary approach is most beneficial in proving good outcomes. The increasing quantity of the adult Fontan patients creates challenges for adult.
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Open Access
To Analyze the Factors Predicting Failure of Non Invasive Ventilation in Copd Patients
Pages 2120 - 2128

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Background: In the Emergency Department, COPD patients are assessed clinically and categorized with different grades of severity of the disease. Aim: To analyze the factors predicting failure of non invasive ventilation in Emergency Department among the patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Methodology: It was a prospective cohort study carried out during the period from July 2022 to August 2023. A total of 82 patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring NIV attending Department of Emergency Medicine Results: In the present study 71.95% of the patients were males and 28.05% of the patients were females. The male female to ratio was 2.56:1. In this study 52.44% of the patients had hypertension, 42.68% of the patients had diabetes mellitus. The other comorbid conditions are as shown in table 5.3 and graph 5.3. In this study all the patients had shortness of breath and cough (100.00%) while fever was noted in 70.73% of the patients. In the present study failure of NIV and requirement of intubation was noted in 4.88% of the patients. In this study NIV failure was significantly associated with patients having pre existing or pulmonale (p=0.017) and hypothyroidism (p=0.025). In this study with regard to temperature (p=0.042), PO2 pertaining to second ABG analysis (p=0.023), NIV tidal volume (p=0.031) and hospital stay (p=0.001) differed significantly in patients with and without NIV failure. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study it may be concluded that, the rate of NIV failure was low (4.88%) in a carefully selected patient population with timely intervention and strict monitoring.
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Open Access
To Study the Prescription Pattern and Effect of Anti Diabetic Drugs on Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients Attending Teritary Care Hospital
Pages 2112 - 2119

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Introduction: Diabetic foot ulcer is characterized by several pathological complications such as neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, foot ulceration and infection with or without osteomyelitis, leading to the development of gangrene and even necessitating limb amputation. The study aims to study the prescription pattern and effect of antidiabetic drugs on diabetic foot ulcer patients. Material and methods: A prospective observational study was conducted at the Department of General Medicine for one year the data was collected from 112 patients using a data collection form. The patients were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and after permission from the institutional ethical committee. Results: As per the study majority of the patients were male (76.78%) under the age group of 61 – 70 years (52.67%). as per demographic status, 70.53% were non-smokers, 59.82% were alcohol drinkers and 82.14% of patients were both smokers and alcohol drinkers and 63.39% of patients were having a family history of diabetes. Based on the location of ulcers on foot were graded as 1, 2,3,4 & 5 grades, as per our study 41.96% had grade 4 ulcers. The majority of the patients were prescribed with dural drug combination therapy of antibiotics 47.32% followed by triple drug combination of antibiotics 27.67%, multiple drug combination therapy 19.64% and 05.35% monodrug therapy respectively, as per the prescription pattern of antibiotics Metronidazole 30.35% followed by Piperacillin + Tazobactam 23.23%, ciprofloxacin 16.96%, Vancomycin 11.60%, Ceftazidime 06.25%, Ampicillin and Doxycyline 04.46% and Gentamycin 02.67%. As per our study majority of the patients were prescribed metformin + glimepride + insulin 56.25% followed by metformin + glimepride 24.10%, metformin + tenegliptine 11.60% and metformin + pioglitazone 08.03% respectively. A higher significant mean reduction was observed in metformin + glimepride + insulin-treated groups (p<0.005). Conclusion: As per our study Metronidazole antibiotic and a combination of metformin + glimepride + insulin show better control over blood glucose levels in patients suffering from diabetes.
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Open Access
The Study of Dual Antibiotic Impregnated cement coated Nails in Infected Nonunion and Chronic Osteomyelitis of Long Bones
Pages 2105 - 2111

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Introduction: The incidence of high-velocity injuries leading to open fractures has been increasing, results in more cases of nonunion and osteomyelitis. Antibiotic-impregnated polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) coated nails or beads delivers a higher concentration of local antibiotics to treat bone infections. Our study is to assess the outcome of dual antibiotic impregnated bone cement coated nails in infected nonunions and chronic osteomyelitis of the tibia and femur. Methods: The study was conducted in two different hospitals. Cases selected based on the proposed inclusion and exclusion criteria. A combination antibiotic of 500 milligrams of Gentamicin impregnated in 40 grams of PMMA mixed with 3 grams of Vancomycin is used to coat nails with a custom-made mould. In every case, medullary canal was reamed and irrigated with saline. The antibiotic nail was placed within the medullary canal. After six weeks nail was removed and a secondary procedure was done. Time taken for wound healing /sinus tract healing, bone healing and secondary procedure were noted. Results were evaluated using the ASAMI (Association for the Study and Application of Methods of Ilizarov) scoring system. Results: the study was conducted in 27 cases with 19 males and 8 females. 16 tibias and 11 femurs are treated with excellent and good results in 20, fair and poor in six as per the ASAMI scoring system. One case with poor result required multiple procedures to eradicate the infection. Conclusion: This study shows dual antibiotic bone cement-impregnated nails are effective in treating nonunion of long bones and the use of a mould will produce nails of consistent diameters with a smooth surface that facilitates easy introduction and extraction. These nails provide relative stability to nonunion and are a substitute for expensive imported beads and nails.
Research Article
Open Access
Randomized Prospective Comparative Study between Functional and Radiological Outcome of Clavicle Fractures Treated with Plating Vs. Titanium Elastic Nailing System
Pages 2095 - 2104

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Background: Clavicle is one of the most fractured bones in the body comprising 45% of all shoulder bone fractures. Of the surgical options, open reduction, and internal fixation of clavicle with plating and closed reduction and fixation with TENS facilitates stable fixation allowing early mobilization and reducing non-union and mal-union. This study compares functional and radiological outcome of clavicle fractures treated by plating and fractures treated by TENS. Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedics in Government General Hospital, Kadapa from February 2023 to August 2023. In this study, 60 patients volunteered for study. Functional outcome and radiological outcome in 3 months’ post-operative period. Of them, 30 patients were selected for plate fixation and 30 patients selected for TENS. Of these patients, 46 were male and 14 females (23:7). The age group was 18 to 42 years with an average age of 27.7 years. All patients underwent surgery immediately after the fracture, on the same day or the next day. Mobilization of the limb and moderate physiotherapy started on 2nd post-operative day. In 5 patients, mobilization was delayed due to low pain threshold and was started after 1 week. At 3 months’ post-operative period, all the patients were evaluated radiologically by RUS (Radiographic Union Score) adapted from Whelan et al, and functionally by Nottingham clavicle score. Results: Overall results were, for plating, out of 30 Nottingham score >90% in 18(60%), 80-90% in 9(30%), 70-80% in 2(6.67%) and 60-70% in 1(3.33%) of patients. RUS was 4 in 20(66.67%), 3 in 6(20%) and 2 in 4(13.33%) of patients with fractures treated by plating. Of the patients, who were treated by TENS, out of 30 patients, Nottingham score >90% in 16(53.33%), 80-90% in 10(33.33%), 70-80% in 1(3.33%) and 60-70% in 3(10%). RUS was 4 in 14(46.67%), 3 in 12(40%) and 2 in 4(13.33%). Conclusion: Both the plate fixation and TENS gave good results in patients but functional outcome score by Nottingham and radiological score by RUS were slightly better for Plate fixation compared with TENS in our study.
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Open Access
Histomorphological Study of Heart Lesions and Coronaries in Autopsy
Pages 2086 - 2094

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Background: Cardiac lesions are responsible for approximately 60-70% of sudden death. Histopathological examination of heart on autopsy plays an essential role in determining the cause of death. Aims and Objectives : To study the frequency of heart diseases along with histomorphological changes in heart autopsy specimens. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study of 149 heart autopsy specimens, which was carried out in the Department of Pathology, Raichur Institute of Medical sciences, Raichur, over a period of five years from January 2017 to December 2021. Results: A total of 198 autopsies were analysed, irrespective of cause of death. Among them specimen of heart was included in 149 autopsies. Males were affected more frequently in (73%) than females in (27%). Among cardiac lesions the most common finding was atherosclerosis in (78.02%) followed by (15.38%) of myocardial hypertrophy, (13.18%) of myocardial infarction, (7.69%) of cardiomyopathy, (4.3%) of myocarditis and (1.09%) of atrial rupture. Normal histological findings were seen in (39%). Conclusion: Ischemic heart disease with coronary artery atherosclerosis was found to be the leading cause of death with triple vessel disease as the most common pattern of involvement. Therefore, a thorough examination of cardiovascular system is necessary in case of autopsy to reach the cause of death.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Association of Syntax Score in Prediction of Short-Term Outcomes in Patients with Acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Pages 2078 - 2085

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Background This study was conducted to evaluate the association of the syntax score with predicting short-term cardiovascular outcomes in patients treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Methods This was a hospital-based cross sectional observational study, conducted among 100 patients with left main or multi-vessel disease undergoing primary PCI and is validated to predict the outcomes of patients aged more than 18 years in the Department of Cardiology, Apollo Hospital, Bangalore Road, Bangalore, from July 2018 to June 2019, after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results Out of 100 patients on follow-up after one month, 83% improved symptomatically and were in NYHA functional class I, 8% in class II and < 5% in class III/IV. Follow-up echocardiography showed that all patients in the high syntax group had persistent RWMA. About 30% of the low-syntax group and 19% of the mid-syntax group showed no RWMA with a p-value of 0.185. However, there was no significant improvement in mean ejection fraction (EF) after PCI in all syntax groups with a p-value of 0.491. Five patients died within 30 days of the procedure (during 2nd- 3rd week after discharge) and 15 MACCE were recorded during this period. Out of which 4% each had ACS-NSTEMI and UA, 3% had ADHF, 1% each had CVA infarct and IC bleed, and 1% had stent thrombosis requiring revascularization with a p-value of < 0.001 which was statistically significant. Conclusion The syntax score has risk predictive value both in patients undergoing elective PCI and in those undergoing primary PCI for STEMI.
Research Article
Open Access
A Clinical Study of Acute Pancreatitis in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 2071 - 2077

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Background: Acute pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can have fatal repercussions and include other organs. 10% of people with serious illnesses die before diagnosis and different degrees of the disease can go undiagnosed [1]. Typically, 70% of instances of acute pancreatitis are caused by gallstones and alcohol consumption. Between 35 and 40 percent of instances of acute pancreatitis are caused by gallstones, including microlithiasis [2].
1. To study the age and sex prevalence of acute pancreatitis.
2. To study the various etiological factors of pancreatitis.
3. To study the clinical presentation and outcome of pancreatitis.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based prospective observational study. Study area: Department of Department of Gastroenterology, NRI Academy of medical sciences, China kakani, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Study Period: 6 months. Study population: Patients admitted to the department of Gastroenterology with Acute pancreatitis. Sample size: Study consisted a total of 100 subjects. Sampling Technique: Simple Random sampling. Routine investigations like Complete hemogram, Blood urea, Serum calcium and Serum amylase were performed. USG Abdomen was done routinely to confirm the diagnosis, for evaluation of the biliary tract and for detecting any complications. Contrast enhanced CT Abdomen was undertaken when the diagnosis was doubtful, when USG was not confirmative and when patient failed to improve beyond 72 hours of presentation. Results: In our present study 24% of patients presented with hyperglycemia, 16% had raised blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 27% had hypocalcemia, 14% had a WBC count of more than 15,000cells/mm3, and 11% of the patients had elevated AST levels. 89% of the patients had S.Amylase levels more than three times normal i.e.>240 IU/L. Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis is a frequent cause of an acute abdomen. In India, alcohol is the most frequent factor contributing to acute pancreatitis. Males are more likely to get the condition, and it typically manifests in the third decade of life. Biochemical and radiological results supplement the primary clinical diagnosis.
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Open Access
A Cross Sectional Study of Prevalence of Depression Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 2066 - 2070

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Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic disease with life altering consequences. It not only forces one to question and alter one’s life style but also thrusts the added responsibility of self-care upon them. Patients are required to maintain controlled levels of glycalated hemoglobin (HbA1c). But up to 50 percent fail to do so and land up with a wide array of complications. One among these many complications is the psychiatric co-morbidity of depression. Materials and Methods: The present study is a cross sectional study conducted at Department of Psychiatry, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga, Karnataka from the period of February 2022 to October 2022. The study population was determined to be 120 in number. Participants who were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus under American Diabetic association criteria were randomly selected from outpatient department of General medicine and referred to Department of Psychiatry, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga. Results: 75% of the study population had history of diabetes mellitus for more than 5 years of duration. More than half of the study population did not have any substance use (56.7%), however use of nicotine (13%) or alcohol (11%) or both (2%) were found in 43.3% of the population in total. Systemic hypertension was found to be the most common medical co-morbidity accounting to 88.3% of the study participants. More than 60% of the study population did not have any family history of depression. 31.7% of the study population expressed worthlessness (21.7%), death wishes and suicidal thoughts (8.3%) or attempts (1.7%). Conclusion: Early screening and appropriate intervention may lead to improvement in both mental and physical wellness along with prevention of suicides in these patients. Prevalence of depressive disorders among diabetes mellitus patients is increasing in number and severity. We would like to stress upon the need for screening depression among all patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus to ensure early detection, diagnosis, management, and suicide prevention.
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Open Access
Expression of Egfr -1 In Cervical Carcinoma: A Prognostic Indicator
Pages 2047 - 2065

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Background- Cervical cancer is a preventable disease and it is the second most common malignancy world wide and major cause of mortality in developing countries1.In developing countries it accounts for 15% of all new female cancer with an estimated 5,00000 new cases and 2,75000 death 1.In developing countries it account for 15% of all new female cancer with an estimated 5,00000 new cases and 2,75000 death 1 In India every year 122,844 women are diagnosed with cervical carcinoma and 67,477 dies from the disease 1 Objectives - The present study intends to see expression of EGFR-1 in Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix and correlate it with histological grade and patient’s age. This study will help in planning the therapeutic approach in patients with cervical carcinoma and also prognosis. Method-In present study 52 cases of Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix were studied in Department of pathology ,MR.Medical college attached to BTGH hospital KALABURAGI and in various private labs of kalaburagi from September 2015 to August 2017. Membrane Positivity will be scored according to DAKO criteria and cyto plasmic and nuclear positivity will be scored according to percentage and intensity score Results– Fifteen cases of well differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix showed weak expression & thirty cases of moderately differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma of cervix showed moderate to strong expression,Seven patients of poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of cervix patients showed Strong expression of EGFR- 1 in patients aged group of 45 to 60 years. Conclusion – This study showed strong expression of EGFR-1 in poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of cervix in patient aged from fourth to sixth decade of life .And need for aggressive management and treatment of cervical carcinoma patients.
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Open Access
Prospective Study of Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein Level and Appendix Wall Thickness in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Pages 2041 - 2046

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Traditionally, the diagnosis of appendicitis used to make solely based on clinical signs and symptoms. Later diagnosis included results of inflammatory laboratory investigations such as leukocyte counts, neutrophil counts and CRP. This practice in diagnostics led to a false positive diagnosis (negative appendectomy) rates many times in the range of 15-30%. So, it requires more data & correlation of investigations to diagnose acute appendicitis in time. Out of the total 100 patients, who were diagnosed clinically as to have acute appendicitis, 86% of them were found to be having elevated HsCRP level and 58% presented with acute suppurative appendicitis. HsCRP test sensitivity against histopathological findings was computed to be 97.67%, specificity 85.71%, positive predictive value 97.67%, negative predictive value 85.71% and diagnostic accuracy to be 96.0%. Appendix wall thickness and HsCRP both test sensitivity was 81.40%, specificity was 42.86%, positive predictive value was 89.74%, negative predictive value was 27.27% and diagnostic accuracy was 76.0% so both HsCRP and appendix wall thickness were found to be very useful test to detect acute appendicitis. 14.0% negative appendectomies were done. Therefore, HsCRP and appendix wall thickness can be considered as a reliable diagnosis of acute appendicitis. A normal serum HsCRP level after 12 hours of onset of symptoms should be used as a basis for the decision to defer surgery to reduce the rate of negative appendicectomies, and also to reduce burden on patient as well as on health system.
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Open Access
Clinical Profile of Patient’s Undergone Pancreaticoduodenectomy in Carcinoma Pancreas-A Prospective Observational Study
Pages 2035 - 2040

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who had pancreaticoduodenectomy as an indication of pancreatic cancer. Methodology: This prospective observational study aimed to investigate the demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals who presented with pancreatic cancer and underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy. A cohort of 50 adult patients who were hospitalized in the Department of General Surgery Medical College Trivandrum and diagnosed with pancreatic or peri-ampullary cancer and subsequently received curative resection within the study period were included in the study. Results: Out of the total 50 study subjects, the majority of them were females, 27 (54% females), with a male-to-female ratio of 1.1:1. The majority of the participants were between the ages of 46 and 59 (44%) and 60 and older (34%). The majority of the study participants exhibit jaundice, accounting for 29 (58%). Diabetes mellitus was the most prevalent, being present in 12 patients (24%). The majority of the study participants were diagnosed with carcinoma of the head of the pancreas; 52% had periampullary carcinoma detected in 48%. A total of 25 patients had pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy (PPPD), while another 25 study subjects underwent Classical Whipple's Resection. Conclusion: The study revealed that the incidence of pancreatic cancer was higher in females than males. The incidence is higher in the elderly population.
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Open Access
An Observational Descriptive Study On the Clinical Course and Outcome of Alcohol Induced Acute Pancreatitis Vs Gallstone Induced Acute Pancreatitis
Pages 2026 - 2034

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Background: Acute Pancreatitis is associated with nearly 20% of the morbidity and mortality and the need for a critical care bed, nutritional support, urgent ERCP and antibiotic usage to combat the severity even then about 25% of patients with acute pancreatitis will develop severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) and is strongly associated with organ failure and local complications such as peripancreatic fluid collections, pancreatic or peripancreatic necrosis (sterile or necrotic), formation of walled-off necrosis (sterile or infected) or pseudocyst etc. the present study was chosen to observe and understand the clinical course and the outcome of Acute Pancreatitis induced either by alcohol or gallstones comparatively so that it will help the patients for better management and to reduce the severity, morbidity and mortality associated with Acute Pancreatitis. Research Question: What is the clinical course and outcome of Acute Pancreatitis induced either by alcohol or gallstones comparatively in our setup? The setting of the study was at department of Gastroenterology, Government General Hospital, Guntur Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. A one year observational study was conducted during the period from January 2022 to December 2022 on about 100 Acute Pancreatitis cases admitted during the above period in the department of Gastroenterology by studying their socio-demographic profiles, associated comorbidities, assessing the degree of severity, clinical course and outcome, and complications etc. Results: It was observed that maximum males (88.23%) were observed in Alcoholic AP whereas maximum (81.25%) females were observed in Gallstone AP which was statistically highly significant and among the patients with alcoholic AP about 48.52 % patients were in the age group of 36 – 45 years when compared to 15.62 % in gallstone AP whereas 31.25 % patients were in the age group of 26-35 years in gall stone AP when compared to 16.17 % in alcoholic AP which was statistically significant. And also it was observed that the percentage of patients with more than 56 years age group were more in gallstone AP group when compared to other group which was statistically not significant. There was no significant difference in mean age between the two groups but male patients were higher among alcohol AP than gallstone AP significantly. It was understood that regarding total hospital stay and number of days in ICU after surgery Alcohol induced AP is significantly better than Gallstone induced AP but in other parameter NPO days (nothing per oral) both were same. Related to distribution of comorbid conditions and local complications no significant difference was observed (P>0.05) and regarding intervention procedures ERCP was more in Gallstone AP & Cystogastrostomy was more in Alcoholic AP significantly. With reference to Lab findings serum creatinine levels was equal in both the groups but significantly serum amylase levels were high among Gallstone group comparatively. And also mortality was observed significantly high among Alcoholic AP group (6%).
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Open Access
Prospective Study on Outcome of Primary Nailing in Gustilo Anderson 3A Compound Tibial Fractures
Pages 2019 - 2025

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Background The frequency of open fractures is rising as high velocity injuries are on the rise in the current situation. Approximately 60–65% of all open fractures involve the tibia. The administration is challenging, time-consuming, and some people think it's raising morbidity. The current standard of care for open tibia fractures is wound debridement, external fixator placement, and delayed wound closure followed by internal fixation. Although the use of an external fixator is rapid, the patient's mobilisation and wound healing will be delayed as a result. Primary nailing is advantageous for open fractures Type I and Type II because there is less wound than in Type III. External fixation is the most common form of treatment for Type III a, b, and c. Materials and Methods A prospective study was done in department of Orthopedics, SVRR Government General Hospital, Tirupati from June 2022 to May 2023. The study was done in 25 patients who volunteered for the study with Gustilo Anderson Type IIIa open fracture of tibia who were treated with primary intramedullary interlocking nail fixation after wound debridement and skin grafting and skin release whenever needed. All the patients were surgically treated with in 24 hours from the time of fracture. Functional assessment is done by the Johner and Wruh criteria1. Radiological union assessment is done by RUST score (Radiological Union Scale in Tibia)2. All the patients were studied for the rate of infection. Results Of the 25 patients treated with primary nailing following debridement for Type IIIa tibia fractures, Johner and Wruh score of excellent in 12 patients(48%), good in 6 patients(24%), fair in 3 patients(12%) and poor in 4 patients(16%). RUST score of 9-12 is in 10 patients (40%), 5-8 in 12 patients (48%) and 4 in 3 patients (12%). Of all the 25 patients infection is seen in 4 patients (16%). Conclusion Primary nailing for Type IIIa tibia fractures gives good biomechanical stability and better wound coverage, and is advisable for early mobilization with good functional and radiological outcome and minimal complications.
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Open Access
Analysis of Kallistatin Serum Levels in Patients with Alcoholic Liver Disease
Pages 2014 - 2018

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Aim and Background: In every region of the world, alcoholic liver disease can be attributed to alcoholism, which is one of the most prevalent risk factors. The goals of this study were to determine whether or not Kallistatin is a helpful non-invasive diagnostic for the diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease; whether or not its utility correlates with disease severity.
Methods: This case control research included a total of 75 human participants. This study was conducted at the Department of Biochemistry, Government Medical College, Sircilla, Telangana, India between June 202 to May 2023. During their visit for non-hepatic causes, controls were enlisted from the outpatient department. We chose 25 people who appeared to be in good health, had a history of abstaining completely from alcohol, and had a normal USG of the abdomen. Based on compensated and decompensated features, 50 cases were chosen and split into two groups. Serum Kallistatin concentrations were determined using a regular automated analyzer and Kallistatin levels were analyzed using an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay.
Results: Serum kallistatin levels were found to be inversely proportional to the severity of liver injury. Thirty patients with compensated aspects of alcoholic liver disease make up Group 1, and thirty patients with decompensated features of alcoholic liver disease make up Group 2.
Conclusion: Serum kallistatin can be used to detect early liver damage caused by alcohol intake. Serum kallistatin levels may be an important and protective factor in the prevention of alcoholic liver damage. This study paves the way for therapeutic intervention to begin earlier based on blood kallistatin levels.
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Open Access
Comparative Assessment of Cardiovascular Autonomic Reactivity in Normal Subjects and COPD Patients
Pages 2007 - 2013

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Background: The rising incidence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has made it a significant public health concern, particularly in India where it ranks as the second leading cause of mortality. This study aims to explore the cardiovascular autonomic reactivity in COPD patients compared to normal subjects. Previous research has shown autonomic imbalance in COPD patients, making this a critical area for investigation to enhance management strategies and mitigate cardiovascular complications. Material & Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted over 18 months at a tertiary care center with 78 participants, comprising both normal subjects and individuals diagnosed with COPD. Various tests, such as deep breathing, isometric handgrip, postural change, and the Valsalva maneuvre, were administered to assess cardiovascular autonomic reactivity. Statistical analyses including t-tests, were utilized to interpret the data. Results: The study revealed significant differences in BMI, resting heart rate, and blood pressure between normal subjects (Group A) and COPD patients (Group B), with p-values of 0.00004, 0.002, and <0.0001 respectively. Cardiovascular autonomic reactivity tests, including E:I Ratio (P=0.001) and ΔSBP (P<0.0001), also showed marked disparities. Conclusion: The study highlights significant differences in cardiovascular autonomic reactivity between normal individuals and COPD patients, particularly in parameters like BMI, heart rate, and blood pressure. These disparities suggest compromised autonomic flexibility in COPD patients, underlining the need for a multi-system approach in their clinical management.
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Open Access
Electrocardiogram analysis in adult patients with sickle cell anemia and without sickle cell anemia
Pages 2001 - 2006

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Background. ECG is a simple non-invasive tool for assessing prognosis in the Adult Sickle cell anaemia patient as pathological changes occur early in adolescents. It is suggested that ECG should be done annually for SCA patients and those with LVH should be placed on primary prophylaxis. Aims and Objective: This study was undertaken with an aim to ascertain the electrocardiogram analysis in adult patients with sickle cell anemia and without sickle cell anaemia Methodology. In this case control, cross sectional study 60 sickle cell patients from study and control group attending the medicine OPD were confirmed by HPLC analysis by using D-10TM Dual HbA2/F/A1c 220-0201kit. Anthropometric parameters like age, weight, height, BMI, sex and medications of all patients were taken. A 12 lead ECG was recorded on all subjects, speed of a paper was 25 mm/sec and standardized at 0.1mv/mm. A single observer was analysed the ECG. The Heart rate, Cardiac Axis, PR interval, QRS duration and QTc interval were measured. The dispersion of P-wave, QRS and QTc intervals were measured manually. ST-segment was taken as the interval between the j point (or end of the ORS complex) and the beginning of the T wave. Elevation or depression of the ST-segment by 2mm or more the isoelectric line was considered abnormal. The Data was analysed by using EPI Info 7. Result. HPLC analysis confirmed 60 adult patients with Hb SS SCA had a mean age of 20±4.6. The SCA patients matched the control group in and sex, with a higher preponderance of males of 62% in both groups. SCA patients had body surface area and BMI compared with control patients of 1.19±0.01 versus 1.53±0.03 (p less than 0.01) and 20.2±1.5 versus 26.4±2.7 (p less than 0.001), respectively. The biochemical analysis in the SCA group compared with the control group are Ferritin 382.38±94.4 versus 84.1±9.3 ug/L, Hemoglobin 7.5±0.9 versus 12.19±1.6 g/dL, Reticulocyte 4.34±0.6 versus 2.52±0.3%, Vitamin D3 44.6±4.9 versus 75.3±7.1 and LDH 272.9±50.97 versus 154.5±41.6 0.1 mmol/L for each 5 g/L (p less than 0.01). The mean QTc interval of SCA patients was 0.38±0.035 seconds and controls 0.37±0.02 seconds (p=0.123). The mean PR interval of SCA was 0.186±0.06 seconds and controls 0.169±0.036 seconds (p=0.369). the mean QRS duration of SCA was 0.07±0.09 and controls 0.043±0.14 seconds (p=0.055). Conclusion. Sickle cell anaemia is associated with significant electrocardiographic abnormalities. Cardiac abnormalities particularly pulmonary and diastolic left ventricular dysfunction have been to be risk factors in sickle cell anaemia. The study should stimulate the use of ECG to assess adult SCA patients for early intervention to prevent cardiac events.
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Open Access
Complications and Outcomes of Laparoscopic vs. Open Cholecystectomy: A Retrospective Study
Pages 1996 - 2000

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Background: Cholecystectomy, the surgical removal of the gallbladder, has evolved from open to laparoscopic approaches. This study compares the complications and outcomes of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) versus open cholecystectomy (OC) for gallstone disease management. Methods: A retrospective analysis of electronic medical records was conducted, including patient demographics, surgical details, complications, recovery times, hospital stays, and patient satisfaction in Department of General Surgery ANMMCH,GAYA .Multivariate analysis explored associations between variables. Results: Among 300 patients (LC=150, OC=150), LC showed lower bile duct injury (1.3% vs. 3.3%), wound infection (4.7% vs. 8.0%), and postoperative pain (3.8 vs. 4.2) rates. LC patients had faster recovery (3.8 days vs. 5.2 days) and shorter hospital stays (2.6 days vs. 4.1 days). Patient satisfaction was higher with LC (80.0% "Excellent" vs. 63.3%, p=0.002). Subgroup analysis showed consistent benefits of LC across complex gallstone disease and comorbidity subgroups. Multivariate analysis indicated the laparoscopic approach as an independent predictor of lower complications (OR=2.18, p=0.007). Conclusion: This study highlights the advantages of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, demonstrating lower complication rates, faster recovery, shorter hospital stays, and higher patient satisfaction compared to open cholecystectomy. These findings underscore the continued relevance of the laparoscopic approach for gallstone disease management.
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Open Access
Comparative Analysis of Minimally Invasive vs. Traditional Surgical Approaches for Appendectomy
Pages 1991 - 1995

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Background: Appendectomy is a commonly performed emergency procedure for acute appendicitis. Surgical approaches have evolved from traditional open surgery to minimally invasive techniques, including laparoscopic appendectomy and single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (SILA). This study aimed to comprehensively compare these approaches in terms of operative time, hospital stay, postoperative pain, complications, and patient satisfaction. Methods: A retrospective observational analysis of medical records was conducted by Department of General Surgery at Magadh Medical College and Hospital, Gaya (Bihar) between period October 2016 to October 2019. Patients who underwent appendectomy for acute appendicitis were included. Baseline characteristics, operative time, hospital stay, postoperative pain, complications, and patient satisfaction were analyzed. Statistical tests were used to compare continuous and categorical variables. Results: Laparoscopic appendectomy demonstrated significantly shorter mean operative time (48.7 minutes) compared to open appendectomy (65.4 minutes) and single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (52.3 minutes) (p < 0.001). Laparoscopic appendectomy also resulted in shorter hospital stays (1.9 days) compared to single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (2.1 days) and open appendectomy (2.7 days) (p < 0.001). Postoperative pain scores were significantly lower in laparoscopic and single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (3.8 and 4.1, respectively) compared to open appendectomy (6.2) (p < 0.001). Complications were fewer in the minimally invasive groups, with laparoscopic appendectomy reporting the highest patient satisfaction (90.9%) compared to single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (80.9%) and open appendectomy (75.8%) (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Minimally invasive techniques, specifically laparoscopic and single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy, offer superior outcomes in terms of operative time, hospital stay, postoperative pain, and patient satisfaction compared to traditional open appendectomy. These findings support the adoption of minimally invasive approaches in the management of acute appendicitis, potentially guiding clinical guidelines and optimizing patient care.
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Open Access
Efficacy of Autologous Platelet Rich Plasma Injection in Plantar Fasciitis and Tennis Elbow
Pages 1987 - 1991

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Introduction: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has gainedincreased importance invarious medical fields, including orthopaedics. Recently,it has been used for cartilage regeneration, chronic enthasopathies liketenniselbow,plantarfasciitis,and inthefieldof sports medicine. PRP has a biological healing capacity and helps inhealing both tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis with low recurrence rate. The basic science of PRP depends on growth factors in alpha-granules such as PDGF, TGF-BETA-1, EGF and VEGF. The present study involves use of intralesional injection of autologous PRP for treatment of chronic tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis, so as to study its efficacy and compare the outcome between both groups of patients. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was carried out in the Department of Orthopaedics, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, after approval by Institutional Ethics Committee. 60 consented patients; 38 of plantar fasciitis and 22 of tennis elbow diagnosed clinically; >18 years with minimum 3 months duration of symptoms; undergone conservative treatment for at least 3 months, with pain score >7 at time of PRP injection and not received local steroid injection in the last 2 months were included in the study. All patients were assessed based on the numerical pain scoring system.Follow-up was done at 1,2,4,6 months. Data was collected, compiled and analysed using SPSS 22.0 (trial version). Result:Mean pain score for plantar fasciitis at 0,1,2,4,6 months was 8.71, 3.58, 2.16, 1.97, and 2.26 respectively. Mean pain score for tennis elbow at 0, 1,2,4,6 months was 8.50, 4.59, 3.73, 3.64 and 3.77 respectively. 26% patients in Plantar Fasciitis were relieved of pain in the first month whereas 23% in Tennis Elbow got relieved of pain in the first month. The difference between 1, 2, 4 and 6 months pain reduction were tested for significance by paired T – test and it was found that there was no significantdifferenceinpainreductionbetween2monthsand4months,2 months and 6 months ,4 months and 6 months scores. But there was significant difference in pain score in 1and 2 months (p-value=0.0171). Conclusion: Autologous PRP injection is a safe and useful modality of treatment in the treatment of chronic plantar fasciitis and tennis elbow. The response of patients with plantar fasciitis was significantly better than tennis elbow to platelet rich plasma injection. Maximum benefit after PRP injection was observed at 4 months and sustained for at least 6 months.
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Open Access
Study of Serum Creatinine, Serum Uric Acid and Blood Urea in Normal Pregnant and Pregnancy Induced Hypertensive Subject
Pages 1982 - 1986

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Background: Eclampsia is a serious medical condition that affects women during pregnancy. Symptoms of eclampsia appear in pregnancy as a condition known as pre-eclampsia, (condition follows a high blood pressure), the condition can go undetected until it develops into eclampsia. This can create additional complications during pregnancy. Each case of eclampsia is unique, and the pregnant woman may share few or no characteristics with other women who develop the condition. Pregnancy histories, Patient age, Family history, Obesity, High blood pressure are major high risk factors for preeclampsia and eclampsia will vary from patient to patient. Materials and methods:The present study was carried out in the Department of Biochemistry, Rama Medical College and Research centre over a period of 1 year. Total 70 patients of pregnancy were selected out of which 30 patients were of normal pregnancy and 40 patients were of pregnancy induced hypertension. Serum uric acid levels were estimated before delivery and after delivery in cases of pregnancy. Pregnant women with recurrent abortions, bad obstetric history, twins, preexisting medical disorders – such as diabetes mellitus, essential hypertension, renal disorders, cardiovascular, thyroid disorders, and liver disease – were excluded from the study. Result:The result showed significantly high blood pressure (SBP-165.81±20.9 VS 125.69±7.24, DBP 109.74±10.41 VS 80.8±5.15) and Blood urea (31.48±2.33mg/dl VS 6.28+/-1.9mg/dl), serum creatinine (0.67±0.52mg/dl VS 0.67±0.03mg/dl), serum uric acid level (6.28±1.9 mg/dl VS 9.48±2.33mg/dl) in pregnancy induced hypertensive women compares to normal pregnant women. In the present study, in PIH, there is elevation of serum uric acid and serum creatinine elevated values are statistically significant. Conclusion:This study concluded that PIH showed significant elevation in the urea, uric acid, and Creatinine levels compared to normal pregnant women, although all parameters’ values for both groups were in the reference values for non-pregnancy.
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Open Access
Glycosylated Hemoglobin: A Potential Biomarker for Dyslipidemia in Type 2 Diabetes
Pages 1978 - 1981

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Background and Objectives: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) constitutes a pressing modern pandemic, with emerging evidence highlighting the pivotal role of glycemic control, alongside blood pressure and lipid management, in mitigating the onset and severity of T2DM-related complications. Particularly, T2DM often precipitates dyslipidemia, notably in cases of inadequate glycemic control, escalating the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Notably, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) stands out as a superior indicator of blood glucose levels compared to fasting and postprandial measurements. Materials and Methods: The study enrolled 78 patients aged over 40 years, diagnosed with Type 2 DM without clinical evidence of coronary artery disease. Thorough medical histories and systemic examinations were conducted. The evaluation included hemogram analysis, urinalysis, fasting and postprandial blood sugar assessments, HbA1c measurements, lipid profile analysis, chest X-rays, electrocardiograms, and echocardiograms. Results: Among the participants, approximately 29.51% of male patients and 48.15 % of female patients exhibited HbA1c levels ≤8%, while the remainder had HbA1c levels >8%. In terms of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, 53.85% of patients had LDL-C <100 mg/dl, 17.95% had LDL-C levels between 100 and 129 mg/dl, and 28.21% had LDL-C levels ≥130 mg/dl. As for HDL, approximately 52.56% of patients had levels below 40 mg/dl, 33.33% registered HDL levels between 40 and 50 mg/dl, while 14.10% recorded HDL levels exceeding 50 mg/dl. Conclusion: There is a direct correlation between HbA1c levels and LDL-C, triglyceride (TG), and total cholesterol (TC) levels, while a negative correlation exists with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. Patients with HbA1c levels >8% exhibited a higher frequency of elevated LDL-C, TC, TG, and low HDL-C compared to those with HbA1c levels ≤8%.
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Open Access
Prevalence and Outcomes of Stress Hyperglycemia and Diabetes Mellitus in Hospitalized Patients of Acute Coronary Syndrome
Pages 1969 - 1977

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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a recognized risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), increasing the vulnerability to adverse outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Stress-induced hyperglycemia further complicates the clinical course of ACS. This study aimed to explore the prevalence and outcomes of stress hyperglycemia and diabetes mellitus among ACS patients.
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted at Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla. A total of 301 ACS patients were enrolled, categorized into known diabetics, newly diagnosed diabetics, and stress-induced hyperglycemia. Clinical parameters, risk factors, and complications were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and t-tests.
Results: Among the ACS patients, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was 21.26%, comprising 12.96% known diabetics and 8.6% newly diagnosed cases. Stress-induced hyperglycemia was observed in 20.26% of the patients. Male predominance was noted among diabetic patients. The mean age of ACS presentation was around 58-59 years. Smoking was the most prevalent risk factor (61.5%), followed by hypertension. Diabetic patients exhibited a higher prevalence of complications, particularly heart failure (29.7%). Uncontrolled diabetes was associated with a higher incidence of complications (48.5%). Stress hyperglycemia correlated with impaired fasting glucose at discharge.
Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus and stress-induced hyperglycemia contribute to adverse outcomes in ACS patients. Complications were more frequent in diabetic patients, and stress hyperglycemia was associated with impaired glucose tolerance. Effective management and follow-up of hyperglycemic patients are crucial for improved outcomes.
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Open Access
To Study the Blood Glucose Levels in Pancreatitis Patients Attending Teritary Care Hospital in Telangana
Pages 1964 - 1968

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Introduction: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas leading to pancreatic edema, bleeding, and necrosis. Acute pancreatitis is the leading cause of gastrointestinal-related hospitalization in most of the developing countries. A growing number of studies have focused on the association between blood glucose levels and AP outcomes of acute pancreatitis. The main aim of our study is to detect the ranges of blood glucose levels in pancreatitis disease. Material & Methods: This study was carried out after obtaining approval from the institutional ethics committee. A patient under inclusion criteria was selected for the study they were divided into three groups based on the severity of pancreatitis. In Group A 50 patients with mild pancreatitis, Group B 50 patients with moderate pancreatitis and Group C 50 patients with severe pancreatitis. All the patient's sign and symptoms, fasting blood glucose (FBS), postprandial blood glucose (PPBS), hemoglobin (Hb), neutrophils, and lymphocyte count was done. Then the patients were prescribed selective doses Insulin based on the Glycemic index and after 3 months of treatment, all the biochemical parameter investigation were repeated after 3 months. Results: As per the study majority of the patients were male under the age group 51 – 60 years (58.00%) in group A and in groups B & C majority of the patients were under the age group of 61 – 70 years there were 48.00% & 64.00% showing statistical insignificance (p<0.05) respectively. In this study, majority of the patients had Ascites (fluid buildup in the belly) - 148 (98.66%) followed by severe abdominal pain 146 (97.33%) as major symptoms. In group A patients, significant mean reduction was observed in FBS & PPBS 30.10±1.00 & 25.88 ± 0.30 (p<0.05) respectively and no significant was observed in group B & C of FBS and PPBS (p>0.05 respectively. There is no change in Hb, neutrophils, and leukocyte counts in all three groups. Conclusion: Patients with mild pancreatitis have shown statistically significant reduction in FBS & PPBS levels, as compared to patients with moderate and severe pancreatitis.
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Open Access
Comparision of Preoxygenation with 100% Oxygen Vs 60% Oxygen and Assessing Efficacy with Pao2 Levels– A Randomized Control Study
Pages 1957 - 1963

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Preoxygenation is the administration of oxygen former to the induction of anesthesia, it permits a safety shield during stages of apnoea and hypoventilation and it also prolongs the time period of safe apnoea. During anesthesia, oxygenation chiefly depends on alveolar ventilation, distribution of ventilation/perfusion ratio, and consumption of O2. The highest preoxygenation is attained when the alveolar and arterial tissues and venous compartments are all occupied with oxygen. During induction of general anesthesia in patients, the usage of 100% oxygen has become standard practice, although preoxygenation was primarily proposed as an optional precautionary measure. Oxygenation techniques is a safe intubation technique for the majority of the surgical patients. Materials And Methods: The study was randomized control study with duration of 11 months. The study was conducted by the Department of Anesthesiology at Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), Hyderabad. The patients were explained regarding the study, the procedure and complications of arterial cannulation and the informed consent form was collected from all participating patients before the commencement of the study. 60 patients in the age group between 20-60 years of age and of either gender, belonging to ASA grade I-II scheduled for elective surgeries under general anesthesia, were included in the study and divided into two equal groups (Group a and Group b) of 30 each. ABG samples were obtained before and after preoxygenation. All patients were instructed regarding the procedure of preoxygenation and procedure for obtaining an arterial blood sample. Results: In group A (100% oxygen) the mean value for age (20-60yrs) is 1.50±0.82, and in group B (60% oxygen) it is found to be 1.52±0.80. In group A (100% oxygen) the mean value for gender is 1.45±0.45, and in group B (60% oxygen) it is found to be 1.43±0.50. BMI (mg/m2) was measured and in group A (100% oxygen) the mean value is 1.43±0.77 and in group B (60% oxygen), it is 1.37±0.76. Comparison of partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) in the study groups was done, group A (100% oxygen) showed 99.03±6.10 at PaO2 (0 mins) and 100±0.00 at PaO2 (3 mins). Group B (60% oxygen) showed 99.05±5.67 at PaO2 (0 mins) and 100±0.00 at PaO2 (3 mins). Statistical significance (p<0.001*) was found between group A (100% oxygen) and group B (60% oxygen). Comparison of level of oxygen saturation (SpO2) in the study groups was done, group A (100% oxygen) showed 98.50±0.60 at SpO2 (0 mins) and 100±0.00 at SpO2 (3 mins). Group B (60% oxygen) showed 98.50±0.51 at SpO2 (0 mins) and 100±0.00 at SpO2 (3 mins). Conclusion: To be more apt, currently there is no clinical evidence claiming the increase in incidence of hypoxia and its complications with a lower FiO2. The findings of this current study performed over 60 patients could be reliable fundamental evidence for future references. Furthermore, the conclusions of our study could widen up the horizon for the anesthesiologists during times of oxygen scarcity.
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Open Access
Study of Lipid Profile in Stroke
Pages 1954 - 1956

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Introduction: Stroke is one of the most important non communicable diseases causing death. Stroke or CerebroVascular Accident (CVA) is “abrupt onset of a neurologic deficit that is attributable to a focal vascular cause Therefore, the role of lipid profile at the aspect of stroke status and risk assessment also needs to be further discussed. In order to analyse the above issues, our study investigated the association between stroke patients and their lipid profile. Material and Methods: This study included 100 patient admitted in the ward and fulfilling the inclusion criteria. The study consists of history taking, clinical examination and biochemical assay. Study subjects were selected after obtaining consent. Patient were managed according to standard guidelines. Results: Incidence of stroke was greater in males around 71%. The total serum cholesterol concentration was ≥200mg/dl in 62% of our patients. The HDL-C was <60 mg/dl in 87% of patients in our study and among them 43% had <40mg/dl. The VLDL-C was ≥30 in 46% of stroke patients in our study. Apart from dyslipidemia, hypertension was the most significant risk factor (54%) in our study. Conclusion: Dyslipidemia is a tip of iceberg. Lipid profile screening in patients with risk factors like Hypertension, DM, elder people with family history of atherosclerosis diseases etc., can help to provide primary preventive measures. Dyslipidemia, if properly treated being a modifiable risk factor for ischemic stroke, decreases the incidence of stroke due to dyslipidemia. This leads to decreased morbidity and mortality leading to a healthier society.
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Open Access
A Study on Clinical Profile of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Pages 1948 - 1953

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Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a prevalent and clinically significant cardiac arrhythmia, particularly in the elderly population. This study aimed to investigate the clinical presentation, predisposing factors, etiology, and complications of AF. Materials and Methodology: We conducted a prospective observational study involving 123 atrial fibrillation cases admitted to the Government Medical College and Hospital in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India, from August 2019 to January 2020. Comprehensive patient histories and clinical examinations were conducted following a predefined proforma, and all necessary investigations were gathered and subsequently analyzed. Results: Among the 123 cases, 65 were male, and 58 were female. The mean age was 51.05 ± 13.19 years, with the majority falling in the 40-59 age group (50.40%). Dyspnea was the predominant symptom in 82.11% of cases, followed by palpitations in 77.23%. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) was the most common etiology of atrial fibrillation (AF) at 48.78% in our study, followed by ischemic heart disease (IHD) with hypertension (20%). Among RHD cases, mitral stenosis (MS) was the most prevalent valvular lesion, accounting for 26.83%. Complications included congestive cardiac failure in 67.48% of cases and congestive cardiac failure with cerebrovascular accident in 13.01%. Our study reported a mortality rate of 6.50% Conclusion: In our investigation, a higher proportion of male participants were observed compared to females. The predominant age group among the subjects was 41-59 years. The primary cause of cases in our study was rheumatic heart disease (RHD), with ischemic heart disease (IHD) in conjunction with hypertension comprising the second most common etiology at 20%.
Research Article
Open Access
Does Oral Pregabalin as Premedication 1 Hour Before the Surgery Reduce the Incidence of Post-Operative Nausea Vomiting in Laparoscopic Surgeries? A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial
Pages 1937 - 1947

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Background: Post operative nausea and vomiting is one of the commonest complication following General Anaesthesia resulting in delayed discharge, pathological and physiological distress for the patients.
Materials And Methods: Patients were subjected to a thorough PAE, and routine investigations were done. After obtaining approval and clearance from institutional ethical committee, patients fulfilling criteria and willing to give informed written consent were included in the study and were divided into 2 groups with 30 patients in each group –
1. Group A – patients receive Tab Pregabalin 150 mg orally 1 hour before surgery as premedication with 1 spoon of water.
2. Group B – patients receive a placebo drug.
In preoperative area, baseline vitals were recorded and Patients received 150 mg of tab pregabalin as premedication 1 hour before the surgery. Patients were given premedication with Inj Midazolam 0.05mg/kg body weight, Inj Glyclopyrolate 60mcg/kg body weight. Patients were induced with Propofol 2mg/kg body weight and fentanyl 3mcg/kg body weight. Preoxygenated with 100% O2 for 3–4 mins and vecuronium at 0.1mg/kg body weight was used as muscle relaxant. Patients were intubated with appropriate size E.T Tube and fixed and connected to ventilator and maintained with O2 (60%)+ Nitrous oxide (40%) + Isoflurane (0.8 – 1%) + Vecuronium 0.08mg/kg body weight.
30 mins before extubation 5 HT 3 antagonist Ondensetron 0.15mg/kg body weight was given.
Number of post operative nausea vomiting episodes were recorded by Nausea as primary aim and pain score, hemodynamic stability with Heart rate, blood pressure were recorded as secondary aim.
Results: The comparative study between the two groups showed statistically significant results favoring the primary objective. The oral pregabilin dose of 150 mg produced significant reduction in post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV). [Chi square 11.29, P value: 0.001 table 11]. The statistical analysis also significantly showed that the pregabilin group had less post operative pain, complications of vomiting and other symptoms. [chi square 1.429, P value <0.00, table 12]. The additional benefit of post operative pain relief determined via VAS score was also statistically in the oral pregabilin group. [chi square 60.0, P value <0.001, table 13]. However, the demographic composition of two groups were insignificant on (age, sex, weight) on statistical analysis. The heart rate response and the response on blood pressure (SBP and DBP) during the intubation process in the oral pregabilin group was significantly less and hence better in obtundation of the response to intubation [Table 7,8,9,10]. The sedative effect of pregabalin group assessed post operatively showed significant sedation and hence the additional benefit of post-operative analgesic effect too. Conclusion: We conclude that pre-operative pregabalin is associated with significant reduction of post operative nausea and vomiting, and it can be considered as a part of multimodal approach to post operative nausea and vomiting and also for post operative analgesia.
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Open Access
Comparing the Symptoms, Disability Level and Family Burden Experienced by Schizophrenic Patients with Bipolar Illness Patients
Pages 1930 - 1936

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Background Negative symptoms in schizophrenia are integral to the prodromal stage; are less evident when positive symptoms dominate and contribute immensely to the outcome. Both Blunted Affect-Alogia cluster and Anhedonia-Avolition-Asociality cluster are observed in nearly two-thirds of the patients. The present study compares the schizophrenic patient’s psychosocial disability and his family’s experienced burden with those suffering from Bipolar illness. Materials and Method Sixty patients in each group were studied using the novel Schedule for Assessment of Psychiatric Disability (SAPD) and the Family Burden Interview Schedule (FBIS). Schizophrenics suffered significantly more in all domains of disability and caused more burden to their families in all considered parameters. The negative symptoms in schizophrenics were assessed using the Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS). The clinical necessity of defining them in individual patients and researching newer pharmacological and psychosocial innovations to manage them are emphasized. Results The symptoms showed significant contribution to both the individual’s disability level and to the family’s burden. Results in the study showed that disability resulted directly from the negative symptoms whereas family burden derived from factors other than negative symptoms alone. Conclusion In schizophrenia, positive symptoms can cause acute exacerbations and interpersonal disturbances, but they are mostly amenable to pharmacotherapy. On the other hand, negative symptoms presented early and relentlessly progressed to residual stages. They were pervasive and treatment-resistant. The clinical necessity of defining them in individual patients and researching newer pharmacological and psychosocial innovations to manage them are emphasized.
Research Article
Open Access
Impact of Smartphone Addiction On Circadian Preference and Quality of Sleep Among Medical Students
Pages 1922 - 1929

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Background: Smartphone has become an integral part of our daily living. The issue of smartphone addiction is increasing worldwide, particularly among students. The study was done to assess the chronotype pattern in medical students and the association of smartphone addiction with sleep quality according to their circadian typology. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample comprising 525 medical students. Data was collected by circulating Google forms. Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire Self-assessment version (MEQ-SA), Smartphone addiction scale - Short version (SAS -SV), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and Epworth Sleepiness Score (ESS) were administered to assess the chronotype, smartphone addiction, sleep quality, daytime sleepiness respectively. Results: Almost a quarter of students involved in the study could be classified as being "smartphone-addicted" (135, 25.7%) and 29.5% (n=155) had poor sleep quality. Study subjects were divided into evening chronotype (57, 10.9%) intermediate chronotype (374, 71.2 %), and morning chronotype (94, 17.9%). Smartphone addiction was associated with eveningness chronotype (p=0.001) and poor sleep quality (p=0.001). The study did not find statistical significance between chronotype and poor sleep quality. Conclusion: The results of the study showed that a significant number of medical students had smartphone addiction and suffered from poor sleep quality. Circadian typology demonstrated a significant association with smartphone addiction.
Key Message
- There is a high prevalence of smartphone addiction among medical college students
- Smartphone addiction is associated with poor sleep quality
- Smartphone addiction is associated with evening chronotype
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Open Access
First Trimester Serum Uric Acid as an Early Predictor of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Pages 1917 - 1921

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Background: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a prevalent metabolic disorder during pregnancy, carrying significant health risks for both mothers and infants. Early detection and risk assessment are crucial for effective management. This study investigates the potential of first-trimester serum uric acid levels as an early predictor of GDM in pregnant women attending a tertiary care hospital in Uttar Pradesh, India. Material and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted, enrolling 500 pregnant women in their first trimester. Clinical data, including demographic information, medical history, and anthropometric measurements, were collected. Laboratory measurements of uric acid, fasting glucose, and insulin resistance indices were performed. Participants were followed throughout pregnancy, and GDM diagnosis was established using the standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) during the second trimester. Statistical analysis included logistic regression, ROC curve analysis, and calculation of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. Results: Elevated first-trimester serum uric acid levels exhibited a significant association with GDM development. Participants with uric acid levels between 4.0 - 4.5 mg/dL had an odds ratio of 1.82 (95% CI: 1.51-2.21) compared to those with levels below 4.0 mg/dL, indicating increased GDM risk. Uric acid levels > 4.5 mg/dL showed a sensitivity of 85% but a specificity of 68%. Combining uric acid with traditional risk factors, such as maternal age and BMI, may enhance predictive accuracy. Conclusion: First-trimester serum uric acid levels are a potential early predictor of GDM. Elevated uric acid levels were associated with increased GDM risk, though specificity may benefit from a multi-factorial predictive model. This study underscores the clinical significance of uric acid in GDM risk assessment and highlights the potential for improved screening strategies.
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Open Access
Correlation Between Vitamin B12 and Peripheral Nerve Conduction Study- A Cross Sectional Study
Pages 1912 - 1916

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Introduction:Vitamin B12 is chemically most complex vitamin. Dietary sources of vitamin B12 are meat, liver, fish, eggs and dairy products.It is a micronutrient essential for cardiac,neurological and hematopoetic functions.Wide range of manifestations are there due to deficiency of vitamin B12 like megaloblastic anemia,pancytopenia,dementia, delirium,peripheral neuropathy, sub acute combine degeneration of spinal cord etc.Vitamin B12 deficiency leads to hyperhomocysteinemia and methylmalonic acidemia. These biochemical abnormalities atributed to peripheral neuropathy with impaired nerve conduction parameters like nerve conduction velocity, amplitude, latency.Aim:The present study aimed to correlate the deficiency of vitamin B12 with peripheral nerve conduction parameters like nerve conduction velocity, Amplitude, latency.Materials And Methods:The present study was a cross sectional study conducted at Neurophysiology laboratory attached to Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital Ajmer.The study period was one year,started in October 2021 and completed by October 2022. A total of 400 subjects of all age groups with vitamin B12 deficiency who underwent nerve conduction study tests during study period Included in the study.Estimation of Serum Vitamin B12 done. Nerve conduction study tests for Peroneal and Sural nerves performed on Vitamin B12 deficient subjects.Parameters recorded for data analysis were serum vitamin B12 level,Nerve conduction velocity, Amplitude, and Latency.Descriptive statistics used for data analysis and correlation analysis of serum vitamin B12 level with nerve conduction parameters done using pearson’s correlation test. p value < 0.05 Considered statistical significant.Results:Out of 400 subjects 240 were female,160 were male. 58(14.50%) subjects had borderline vitamin B12 deficiency, 142(35.50%) had vitamin B12 deficiency, 200(50%) had severe vitamin B12 deficiency. With the deficiency of vitamin B12 there was significant decrease in nerve conduction velocities (r= 0.16, p = 0.00169 ); amplitude(r= 0.14, p =0.00369) and significant increase in latency(r = - 0.11, p = 0.02493 ) of peroneal nerve. With the deficiency of serum vitamin B12 there was significant decrease in nerve conduction velocities (r = 0.12,p = 0.01182 ); amplitude(r= 0.14, p =0.00369) and significant increase in latency(r = - 0.17, p = 0.00065) of sural nerve. Conclusion:Present study showed that the nerve conduction velocities,amplitude of peroneal and sural nerves decreases and latencies of those increases with decrease in serum vitamin B12 level.Early detection and appropriate interventions for vitamin B12 deficiency can prevent its progression to nerve functions impairements
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Open Access
Socio demographic factors associated with self-reported risk behaviours among injecting Drug Users in Visakhapatnam
Pages 1902 - 1911

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Introduction: Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) raise a significant public health concern because of the associated risk of spread of infections like HIV, Hepatitis B and C. Andhra Pradesh has been ranked fourth in the entire country with regard to prevalence of injecting drugs like heroin and opioids, as well as having high prevalence of HIV and Hepatitis C cases. Practices that lead to transmission of Sexually transmitted diseases are termed risk behaviours. Objectives: Study of factors associated with risk behaviours among IDUs which led to spread of parenterally transmitted infections for understanding and planning of better management. Methodology: Observational descriptive study carried out among IDUs attending a Targeted Intervention Centre at Visakhapatnam from November 2020 to February 2021. Sociodemographic details were recorded using a pretested semi structured interview schedule and interview was done for assessing prevalence of risk behaviours. Results: The median age of participants in the study was 31.7 years. 2% participant reported as being attracted to both men and women (bisexual) while 98% of the participants reported heterosexuality. Out of the 65 study participants registered at the targeted intervention center for OST, 26 (40%) participants had reported using injecting drugs in the last one month with almost three-fourth of them admitted to injecting either once or multiple times a day. Conclusions: Socio-demographic factors like lower age, lower education, employment and marital status are statistically significant in prevalence of unsafe injection and sexual practices. The findings suggest that IDUs in the study area have tendency to engage in risk behaviours, but TIC has been effective in its reduction.
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Open Access
Relationship of Handgrip Strength in Individuals of Impaired Glucose Tolerance As Compared With Healthy Individuals
Pages 1896 - 1901

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Background and Objectives-
Diabetes mellitus is a slowly growing epidemic of the global world; with the morbidity and mortality associated with it, the knowledge of the disease is ever evolving. Handgrip strength is a simple non-invasive technique for detection of muscle strength. Association of handgrip strength with glycaemic levels and other anthropometric parameters provides an early pavement for detection of individuals at risk of diabetes mellitus. The current study aims at comparing handgrip strength among impaired glucose tolerance individuals as compared to healthy individuals.
Materials and Methods
The current study is a hospital based cross-sectional study conducted at Chigateri government hospital and Bapuji hospital attached to JJM Medical College, Davangere. Study was conducted from February 2023 to July 2023 after taking written informed consent from all participants. A total of 94 subjects; 48 individuals having impaired glucose tolerance and 48 individuals with normal blood glucose were taken as study population. Handgrip strength was measured in both hands with Digital Hand Dynamometer. Average of 3 readings was taken. All individuals aged above 18 years and who fall in category of IGT according to American Diabetes Association (ADA) guidelines.
A total of 96 individuals were in the study population, 48 were in IGT group and 48 were normal controls. The mean age in IGT group was 55.89 years with ± 8.92 years. Handgrip strength was weak in 25 individuals in right hand and 33 individuals in left hand among IGT group. Blood sugar level had an inverse relationship with handgrip strength amongst IGT group and was statistical significant (p-value – 0.000).
Hand grip strength could be an inexpensive tool for predicting likelihood of occurrence of diabetes mellitus. National non-communicable disease programme should include exercise routines for improving muscle strength and further large- scale studies needs to be taken up for the causality of handgrip strength on the risk of pre-diabetes.
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Open Access
An Observational Descriptive Study on the Risk of Ocular Hypertension Among the Patients Under Inhaled Corticosteroids
Pages 1890 - 1895

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Background: In view of recent guidelines in the management of obstructive airway disease advocate the early use of oral and inhaled steroids which intern responsible for many side effects extending up to many organ systems including eye also by developing rise of intra ocular pressure ranging from 15 to 30 mm of Hg after daily topical steroid use for 4-5 weeks. So basing on this, the present study was planned to estimate the risk of ocular hypertension among the patient under inhaled corticosteroids. Research Question: What is the incidence of ocular hypertension among the patients under inhaled corticosteroids? The setting of the study was at department of ophthalmology, “Government Medical College”, Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh. A twelve months observational follow-up study was conducted during the period from July 2022 to June 2023 on 100 patients of COPD under inhaled corticosteroids attending the hospital by targeting their socio-demographic profiles and periodical measurement of their IOP etc. Results: All the study subjects were heterosexuals among which 56% males & 44% were females and majority of the study group (54%) belongs to between 50-55 years of age with the mean age 55.2 yrs [M ± 2SE = 55.2 ± 1.16]. About 7% of the study group developed ocular hypertension at the end of 6 months with the rise of female contribution 63% when compared to males 37%. And also it was observed that there was significant rise of ocular hypertension proportionate to age, dosage and duration in this study with the P<0.001.
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Open Access
Prediction of Induction to Delivery Interval in Vaginal Dinoprosotne Induced Labour
Pages 1883 - 1889

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Introduction:-The aspiration of successful induction of labour is to reduce the risk of expectant pregnancy. Application of Dinoprostone gel for induction of labour is the gold standard practice in obstetrics. Induction of labour should be safe, effective as well as convenient for both patient and medical staff. Therefor induction to delivery time interval has a determinable effect in its success.
Aim:-To observe induction to delivery time interval in labour induced with Dinoprostone gel and factors associated with it.
Material and methods:-This is a retrospective observational study conducted from December 2020 to May 2021 in GMERS hospital sola. Labour induction with Dinoprostone gel in 210 women was studied. Pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion criteria were induced with 0.5 mg Dinoprostone gel intracervicaly after recording baseline bishop score and assessing fetal wellbeing with NST.
Vigilant labour monitoring was done and second gel instillation and labour augmentation with oxytocin was done as and when required.
Induction was considered to be failed when there was no progressive cervical dilatation &/or inefficient uterine activity. Primary and secondary outcomes were observed and then analysed.
Results:-Out of total 210 pregnant women induced with Dinoprostone gel 83.80% women delivered vaginally with mean induction to delivery interval 13.6+/- 1.1 hours in primi gravida and 8.9+/-0.9 hours in multi gravida.
Only 7.61% maternal complication rate and 0.9% NICU admission suggests good maternal and perinatal outcome of this study.
Conclusion:-Intra cervical Dinoprostone gel application is associated with successful outcome and relatively shortens duration of labour improving its acceptance worldwide.
Clinical Significance:-Induction of labour with cervical prostaglandin application such as Dinoprostone is a common & Routine Procedure
Not only induction of labour but timely delivery also plays an important role in successful labour. Shorter the duration of labour better and more acceptable is the outcome both for women as well as doctor.
In this study we assess the duration of time required by Dinoprostone gel application for successful induction and delivery, and factors associated with it.
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Open Access
Study of Feto-Maternal Outcome of Pregnant Patients During Covid Pandemic
Pages 1877 - 1882

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INTRODUCTION: Covid-19 has proved to be one of the most traumatic pandemics worldwide. Though it affected people of all ages and gender, pregnant ladies were the ones who suffered the bad consequences. Strongly occupied hospitals created a typical fear of the spread of infection among pregnant ladies. Due to all these factors, pregnant women could not even go out for a routine check-up, affecting the ANC care.
OBJECTIVES: To study pregnant patients during the covid-19 pandemic and also to find out complications during the pandemic
METHODS: Pregnant women who were admitted during the second wave of the covid-19 pandemic were included after a signed written informed consent was provided. At the Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Dr. D.Y. Patil Hospital and Research Institute, Kolhapur, Maharashtra.
RESULTS: The majority were from the age group between 26 to 30 years followed by the age group 21 to 25 years. Regarding mode of delivery, Emergency LSCS was needed in 818 (68%) patients, normal vaginal delivery was performed in 354 (29.3%) patients and there were 32 (2.7%) cases of intra-uterine death. The most common maternal complication was the occurrence of anemia seen in almost half of the patients. The most common fetal complication was low birth weight in neonates, IUGR, and fetal distress.
CONCLUSION: It was found that complications like abortions, preterm birth, intrauterine deaths, and intrapartum complications. During a pandemic, psychological stress among patients was increased, because of the scarcity of ANC services and intrapartum services
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Open Access
Morphological and Biochemical Study of Gall Bladder in Gall Stones
Pages 1870 - 1876

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Background: This study embarked on a critical analysis of the morphological and biochemical characteristics of the gall bladder in individuals diagnosed with gallstones, aiming to extend the understanding of gallstone pathogenesis.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted at the Dr. B. S. Kushwah Institute of Medical Sciences, where participants were recruited to undergo detailed analyses, including histopathological examinations, biochemical analysis of bile, microbial analysis, and imaging analysis.
Results: The study identified a significant presence of cholesterol gallstones (70%) in the population, with a high incidence of gallbladder inflammation (75%) and chronic cholecystitis (70%). The biochemical analysis revealed elevated levels of cholesterol (mean 5.2 mmol/L) and bilirubin (mean 17.3 µmol/L) in the bile. Furthermore, a notable presence of Firmicutes (90%) and Bacteroidetes (75%) was observed in the microbial analysis, indicating a potential correlation with gallstone formation.
Conclusion: Our study underscores the chronic nature of gallstone disease, highlighting the role of bile composition and microbiota diversity in its pathogenesis. The findings present avenues for future research, potentially focusing on preventive strategies based on bile composition alterations and microbial diversity.
Research Article
Open Access
The Congenital Defect of Atlas Vertebrae and Its Associated Clinical Significance
Pages 1865 - 1869

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Purpose: Developmental anomalies of the Atlas vertebrae are often encountered during the investigation of cervical pain. So this study was designed to find the variation of the Atlas vertebra.
Methods: A total of hundred dried Atlas vertebrae of unknown age and sex of the Northern population of India were examined to find the congenital defect of the Atlas vertebra in the Department of Anatomy.
Results: The presence of incomplete foramen transversarium was found in 6 % vertebrae. The Retroarticular canal was found in 9 %vertebrae. The bony spur originated from the posterior aspect of the superior articular facet was seen in 5% vertebrae. No anomaly was found in the anterior arch whereas aplasia of the posterior arch was found in 3% vertebrae.
Conclusion: The first cervical vertebra often presence the development anomaly. Such developmental abnormalities in different parts of Atlas vertebrae produce various clinical symptoms. The knowledge of such variation helps clinicians to distinguish it from the fracture and to find an accurate clinical diagnosis.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Morphometrtic Analysis of Head of Femur
Pages 1861 - 1864

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Introduction: The study of the dimensions of the head of femur is important for hip replacement surgery as for the use of appropriate prosthesis. The dimensions differ according to age, race, heredity, and geographical area.
Objective: To evaluate the morphometric parameters of the head of femur and analyze them statistically.
Material and Methods: 114 human adults’ dry Femur bones were used for study. The measurement was done to know the average transverse and vertical diameter of the head of Femur. All measurements were done with the help of Vernier calipers.
Results: The following are the mean values of transverse and vertical diameters of head of femur for114 bones. Mean transverse diameter of the head of Femur was 4.250.29 cm on the left side and 4.220.28 cm on right side. The mean vertical diameter of the head of Femur was 4.210.30 cm on the left side and 4.220.29 cm on right side.
Research Article
Open Access
Fetal Hydronephrosis– Evaluation and Prognostication on the Basis ofAntero-Posterior Renal Pelvic Diameter
Pages 1854 - 1860

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Objectives : Fetal Hydronephrosis is a common condition which is routinely detected in ultrasound examination of antenatal mothers. Multiple conflicting prognostic factors have been mentioned in different literatures without any unanimous decision regarding its prognosis. The aim of this study is to assess the outcome of this condition on the basis of third trimester ultrasound examination. Materials And Mathods : On the basis of third trimester ultrasound examination, the patients were divided into group I (unilateral hydronephrosis) and group-II (bilateral hydronephrosis, ureteric dilatation, bladder wall thickening etc.). Postnatal evaluation and follow-up was performed following a uniform protocol. Two outcomes, spontaneous resolution vs. surgical intervention, were compared between groups. These two groups were further subdivided in to subgroups . On the basis of third trimester ultrasound findings and further analysis was carried out. Results : A total number of 73 patients with antenatal hydronephrosis were included in this study. Group I had 59 patients and 10 (16%) required surgery; group II had 14 patients and 4 (28%) required surgery. The difference in outcome between the groups was statistically significant (p=0.01). The patients with unilateral hydronephrosis, none (0/59 ) with renal anteroposterior pelvic diameter (APD) < 15mm required surgery while, 2 out of 2 patients(2/2) with fetal APD >30 mm required surgery. In those with APD between 15-30 mm, 3 out of 8 (3/8) required surgery and prolonged follow-up was required to arrive at the decision. The difference in outcome between the subgroups was statistically significant( p=0.001, Chi-square test). Group II had two subgroups. Subgroup I consisted of patients with APD < 15mm with or without ureteric dilatation and bladder wall thickening , whereas subgroup II consisted of cases with APD >/= 15 mm with or without ureteric dilatation and bladder wall thickening. Of 10 cases in subgroup I, 1 (1/10) needed surgical intervention and 3 out of 4 cases(3/4) of subgroup II, needed surgery. The difference in outcome between these two groups was statistically significant( p=0.002, Chi-square test).= Conclusions: The results of our study shows that simple unilateral fetal hydronephrosis runs a benign course. In the presence of hydronephrosis larger than 15 mm, bilateral disease or ureteric dilatation, detailed postnatal evaluation and regular follow-up is warranted to plan a timely intervention.
Research Article
Open Access
Depression and Morbidity Profile among the children in orphanages of Bhuvaneswar city: A Cross Sectional study
Pages 1848 - 1853

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Background: Orphan children are vulnerable group in the society due to lack of affection, care love, emotional attachment and phycological support from parents which leads depression, malnutrition. There is decreased immunity due to malnutrition which leads to infections. Hence the present study was done with an objective to assess morbidity profile and to estimate the prevalence of depression among the children residing in the orphanages Methods: A community based cross‑sectional study was carried out in 5 selected Orphanages and 210 children residing in those orphanages selected by the simple random sampling method. Data was collected by interview method using pretested semi structured schedule. Results: Prevalence of Depression was 38.6 % and it was more among girls compared to boys and the difference is statistically significant. The major morbidities observed were dental caries 55.2 %, underweight 55.2 %, stunting 53.2 %, and pallor 20.5 %Conclusion: Depression, malnutrition and dental caries were the major health problems among the children in the orphanages and needs to be addressed and regular monitoring of nutritional status and improving the oral hygiene by health education and regular counselling will help to cope up with depression and other health problems.
Research Article
Open Access
Assessment of knowledge and awareness about COVID-19 and its preventive measures among health care workers in a tertiary care hospital, Kanchipuram district
Pages 1841 - 1847

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INTRODUCTION: Healthcare worker’s life risk percentage is higher than the ratio of benefits they provide in the health crisis situations during this pandemic period, Even though they are the vitals for the functioning of the health systems during any health crisis. The findings from this study will help authorities to deliver the imperative educational programs in order to bring forth up-to-date information and to flourish the best practices in controlling and preventing Corona virus. The objective is to assess and analysis the knowledge and awareness about the COVID-19 virus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Structured questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire consisted of details regarding the socio-demographic details and 30 questions pertaining to the knowledge and awareness on protection, prevention and infection control measures of Corona virus disease. RESULTS: It was found out that adequacy of knowledge and awareness on COVID 19, was only 55.1% among participants. On binominal logistic regression analysis, it was found that age and profession were found to have statistically significant association with knowledge and awareness. CONCLUSION: Spreading the knowledge and preventive measures of COVID -19 among health care professionals will play a major role in preventing further outbreaks. As WHO says “Keep yourself and others safe: Do it all!” it’s a sole responsibilities of every health care workers to follow the protocol and preventive measures at any cost. In addition regular hospital infection training sessions to be given for health care workers to follow universal standard precautions
Case Report
Open Access
United We Stand: A Rare Case of Non-Incorporation of the Common Pulmonary Vein into Left Atrium
Pages 1837 - 1840

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Purpose: Anatomic variations of left atrium that are commonly observed and reported are the occurrence of a common Right or Left pulmonary venous ostia though a solitary ostium for a common pulmonary vein on the left atrial wall in an adult cadaveric heart has hardly been reported before. Method: A heart with a single ostium for PV was observed in the specimen collection of the gross anatomy lab. The organ was studied for identifying all external and internal features. Results: A very rare case of a Solitary Pulmonary ostium on the posterior aspect of Left Atrium in an otherwise normal heart was observed. Conclusion: This abnormal situation occurs when the solitary pulmonary vein which develops from an out-pouching of the primitive atrial chamber develops and its primary divisions fail to get incorporated into the left atrial wall as expected during development. Variant pulmonary veins have been reported as ectopic trigger spots for atrial fibrillation. This knowledge would benefit the radiologists and cardiovascular surgeons in this regard.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Incidence and Etiology of Hyponatremia in Hospitalised Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1830 - 1836

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Background: The most frequent electrolyte imbalance seen in clinical practise is hyponatremia, which is characterised by a serum sodium concentration ([Na+]) 135 mEq/L. Mild hyponatremia—serum [Na+] 130–135 mEq/L—occurs in up to 30% of hospitalised patients. [1,2] Acute severe hyponatremia is known to produce cerebral oedema, which can have serious neurological effects. If it is not properly detected and treated, it can be fatal. [3]
1. To study the incidence of hyponatremia in hospitalized adult patients in medical wards.
2. To determine the etiology of clinically significant hyponatremia in 100 patients in medical wards.
3. To determine the clinical presentation of hyponatremia in these patients.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based prospective observational study. Study area: Bapuji Hospital & Chigateri Hospital. Study Period: April 2022 to March 2023. Study population: Patients admitted in Hospital medical wards with serum sodium less than 130 mmol/L. Sample size: Study consisted a total of 100 subjects. In the hospital, all the patients, as routine, blood samples were taken and serum electrolytes were done in central biochemistry laboratory. The records were followed up for patients with hyponatremia and values repeated once for confirmation. A standard proforma was used to record to detailed history of present complaints, past history including diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, Ischemic heart disease, dyslipidemia, neurological, chronic kidney disease / renal disease, regulatory and endocrine problems. A detailed drug history was also recorded.
Results: 67 patients had some neurological symptoms of hyponatremia due to cerebral edema like nausea, vomiting, giddiness and altered sensorium. 14 patients presented with seizures. The lower the sodium value, the higher the incidence of symptomatic hyponatremia. The incidence of symptomatic hyponatremia is more with lowering sodium levels which is statistically significant. All patients with severe hyponatremia had symptoms.
Conclusion: Symptomatic hyponatremia is common among the hospitalized patients. Neurological symptoms are common in hyponatremia patients. SIADH and euvolemic hyponatremia formed the largest subgroup in the study. Drugs, especially diuretics, are a common cause of hyponatremia. A relatively large number of patients had endocrine abnormalities (thyroid, adrenal and pituitary). The mortality was about 10%. It was mainly due to underlying primary diseases. Older age groups had more incidence of hyponatremia. Symptoms of hyponatremia increased with severity of hyponatremia.
Research Article
Open Access
Ultrasonographic measurement of placental thickness and its correlation with gestational age
Pages 1824 - 1829

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Introduction: In today's contemporary obstetrics, each surgery performed on a pregnant woman is entirely reliant on the gestational age or estimated date of confinement. This predicted date of delivery is crucial in controlling obstetric high-risk births. Any events such as medication administration, interpreting blood results, estimating foetal development or any planned surgical treatment, any cause for termination, foetal and mother morbidity and death during birth are all reliant on gestational age. As a result, effective methods for providing a more precise and accurate gestational age are required, because care in particular high-risk pregnancies depend on the gestational age.
Material & Method: This is a hospital based cross sectional study conducted at the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical College Kolkata from 1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023. Randomly selected pregnant women meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the study includes, 100 pregnant women admitted in hospital at more than 28 weeks to 40 weeks. The study group comprises of 100 pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This cross-sectional study was conducted after obtaining institutional ethics committee clearance. Written and informed consent were taken from all the pregnant women participating in the study. The pregnant women in the study was subjected to a detailed history and thorough general and clinical examination.
Results: Total of 100 pregnant women fulfilling inclusion criteria are include in present study after obtaining informed consent. The mean age of participants was 25.95±2.59yrs of age, with minimum age of 21yrs and maximum age of 32 years pregnant women. On assessment of the mean of placental thickness of all the study participants, we found it be 38.66±2.05 in multipara pregnancy and 38.60±1.65 in primipara pregnancy with no statistical difference between the both. Overall mean of placental thickness was found to be 38.64±1.93. The mean gestational age of the pregnancy was found to be 33.90±3.09, and the estimated gestational age by FL was 34.17±3.04, GA estimated by BPD was 34.14±3.02 and GA estimated by AC was 34.56±3.02weeks, with no significant difference in the gestational age.
Conclusion: The study concluded that there is a strong positive strength of association between the gestational age and placental thickness. The thickness of placenta increased with increase in the gestational age and hence could be used as a predictor and a parameter of gestational age prediction when the last menstruation is uncertain or is unknown. The study also found there is strong strength of association between the estimated gestational age by FL, BPD and AC with the placental thickness. Also study documented the positive strength of association of placental thickness with other fetal biometry like FL, BPD and AC.
Research Article
Open Access
Role of ACEI’s and ARB’s in Hypertensive Pre- Diabetes Cases Preventing Progression to Diabetes by HbA1c as Parameter
Pages 1816 - 1823

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Introduction: Hypertension is a condition in which the blood flows through the blood vessels with a force greater than normal. Patient with hypertension have an increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and impaired glucose tolerance, and the prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing in epidemic proportions worldwide. Several trials involving patients with hypertension or cardiovascular disease have suggested that agents that block or inhibit the renin angiotensin system that is ACE inhibitors and ARBs decrease the incidence of new-onset type 2 diabetes. However, the exact role of these agents in diabetes prevention has not yet been fully elucidated. Blocking angiotensin II decreases proinflammatory mediators and the oxidative stress. Material and Methods: This is a prospective and observational was conducted in the outpatient Department (OPD) of General Medicine and Department of Pharmacology at Shadan Institute of Medical Sciences, Teaching Hospital & Research Centre -A Post Graduate Institute (SIMS), Hyderabad from April 2018 to March 2019. In 100 prediabetic hypertensive outpatients, 78 prediabetic hypertensive outpatients [45 males, 33 females mean age = 49.85±10.35] continued for a period of 12 months. The patients were recruited with following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Fasting blood sugar test: a blood sugar level from 100 to 125mg/dL (5.6 to 6.9mmol/L) is considered as Pre-diabetes, this is sometime referred to as impaired fasting glucose (IFG). Results: In our study 78 cohorts of hypertensive Prediabetic patients on ACE /ARBs were followed for one year and at the end of the study when all the parameters were compared at first visit /baseline with that of third visit /at the end of 12 months in both of the ARB (Telmisartan) and ACEI (Ramipril) group, it was observed that there is decrease in the mean and standard deviation of the different parameters included in the study i.e., SBP(mm Hg), DBP(mm Hg), FBG(mg/dl), OGGT(mg/dl) and HbA1c(%).In Telmisartan and Ramipril groups on the final visit at the end of 12 months, compared to the first visit or at base line, there is no significant difference in the p values of the different parameters i.e., SBP(mm Hg), DBP(mm Hg), FBG(mg/dl), OGGT(mg/dl) and HbA1c. Conclusion: In the present study it was observed that in hypertensive pre-diabetes patients, the beneficial effect of RAAS Inhibitors is more marked if the therapy started with initial rise diastolic and systolic blood pressure, especially at a relatively younger age.
Research Article
Open Access
A study on role of colour duplex ultrasonography in the evaluation of venous insufficiency of lower limbs in a tertiary care hospital
Pages 1809 - 1815

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Background: Chronic venous Insufficiency (CVI) is a commonest condition encountered in clinical practice that occurs due to venous valvular dysfunction in the superficial, deep, and/or perforating veins. The spectrum may vary from common varicose veins to more severe deep vein thrombosis and resulting local and systemic complications. Duplex ultrasonography plays vital role in understanding the spectrum of CVI. Objectives: To evaluate the spectrum of colour duplex ultrasound findings in patients with chronic venous insufficiency clinical symptoms and signs. Material & Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in the department of Radio diagnosis of a tertiary care hospital. for a period two years. The study included 50 participants presenting with symptoms of pain, swelling, pedal oedema varicosities, erythema, and venous ulcer were included. In addition to detailed clinical assessment and review of past medical records, Doppler ultrasonography of lower extremities was done. Results: Age of the participants ranged from 11-70 years and 70% of participants were males. Among 50 participants 44 (88%) were positive on Doppler. In our study primary varicosities were seen in 29 cases ( 65.91%). Varicosities secondary to DVT were seen in 13 cases ( 29.55%), congenital causes were rare as noted in 2 cases (4.54%) of the total positive Doppler study cases. Swelling (36%) was the most common presenting symptom, followed by varicosity (20%). Prolonged hospitalization 5 (38.46%) is the major predisposing factor in patients with DVT. At least one perforator incompetence was seen in 42 (95.45%) cases. Below knee perforators seen in 30 (68.2%) cases, mid-calf perforators were involved in 26 (59.09%) cases and above ankle perforator incompetence was observed in 27(61.36%) cases. There was no statistically significant difference in the pattern of veins affected between male and female participants (P= 0.580). Conclusion: The colour duplex sonography is a safe, non-invasive, accurate, easily repeatable, economical, and widely available modality in the diagnosis of venous insufficiency and excludes underlying DVT, thus helping in providing valuable insights for the treatment of the patient.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Umbilical Cord Blood Gas Analysis and Fetal Outcome in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1800 - 1801

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Background: Numerous unfavourable outcomes for newborns are linked to foetal and neonatal acidemia.1–7 Low Apgar scores, respiratory distress syndrome, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, convulsions, intraventricular haemorrhage, sepsis, and death are some of these outcomes.1–7 Understanding the mechanisms underlying these results and the period of the injury can have significant medico-legal repercussions.
1. To assess the relationship between umbilical cord blood (arterial andvenous) analyses and perinatal risk factors in pregnancy.
2. To assess the relationship between umbilical cord blood pH and Apgar score in high risk group of pregnancy.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based prospective observational study. Study area: Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Study Period: Jan 2022 – Dec. 2022. Study population: All pregnant ladies who presented in labor to maternity ward, in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Sample size: Study consisted a total of 192 subjects. 192 pregnant ladies who presented to labor ward, in a tertiary care teaching hospital. At the time of admission, they were assigned to high or low risk group according to whether or not they had any perinatal risk factors. High risk pregnancy is defined as the mother who is at risk to deliver a neonate with birth asphyxia according to the definition by American Academy of Pediatrics. All normal vaginal and cesarean section deliveries included in this study were chosen in accordance with this definition. Sampling Technique: Simple Random technique.
Results: Apart from the study proving the statistical difference in the high risk and low risk groups in various cord blood parameters; it also compared the cord blood pH with the Apgar score to find any correlation between them. Pearson correlation was used to define the correlation. In the low risk group, neither arterial nor venous pH was statistically related to Apgar score. In high risk group, a statistically significant correlation was established between Apgar at 1 minute and the arterial and venous pH.
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that umbilical cord blood analysis might be useful predictors of fetal asphyxia at delivery. Our study highlights a correlation between the presence of perinatal risk factors and umbilical cord pH in high-risk mothers. So we recommend assessing the umbilical cord pH in any mother who has a perinatal risk factor in her history or physical examination. Their potential role as a tool for predicting the prenatal outcomes should be evaluated in subsequent studies.
Research Article
Open Access
Assessment of the relationship between Occipital Condyles and hypoglossal canal: Anatomical study in Eastern India
Pages 1795 - 1800

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Introduction: TCA in craniospinal surgery needs special attention to detailed information on the morphology and morphometry of the occipital condyle and its surrounding structures. Although there is research on the morphometrics of OCs, the literature on their relationship to various foramina and canals is lacking. For neurosurgeons, the relationship between HC and OC is very important. Very sparse information was available on the shape of the OC, its length, and its relationship to HC in the central Indian population. Aims and objective: The aim of this study was to analyse the shape of the occipital condyle, its length, and the proportion of the hypoglossal canal to occipital condyle in the East Indian population. Materials and Method: The length of 160 condyles of 80 adult human skulls was measured as largest antero-posterior distance between anterior and posterior tip of the occipital condyles. This length was measured with the help of manual vernier calliper. Distance of posterior end of occipital condyle from external and internal opening of hypoglossal canal was also measured. Shape of occipital condyles and location of hypoglossal canal in relation to occipital condyle were assessed. An unpaired t-test was done to compare the morphometric data. The P-value of less than 0.05 was taken as a measure of significance Results: The length of right condyle was slightly more but this difference was not significant. Length of occipital condyles ranged from 15 to 26 with average length of 20.93 on right and 20.52 on left. External and internal opening of hypoglossal canal were more nearer to right occipital condyle. 21.25 % of occipital condyles were of quadrilateral shape followed by S-like (18.12%) and two portioned (16.88%). Triangular and ring like shaped occipital condyles were least common. In 85% of the adult human skulls, hypoglossal canal extent was up to the anterior one-third of the occipital condyle. Conclusion: The occipital condyle and related structures may exhibit morphometric and morphological changes. The preoperative evaluation, radiological examination and CT imaging are important for each patient who has to undergo a transcondylar approach for craniovertebral surgeries.
Research Article
Open Access
Adherence to Medication in Patients with Non Communicable Diseases- A Hospital Based Study in a Tertiary Care Center
Pages 1790 - 1794

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In addition to inadequate illness control, medication nonadherence significantly increases the cost of healthcare[1]. However, there is a severe lack of formal adherence counseling as a focus of care. For patients with HIV and AIDS, we have employed a modified adherence measure that takes into account social background, treatment preparation, adherence behaviors, declaration of illness, usage of treatment partners, and assessment of potential adherence hurdles. Ninety-five (52.5%) of the one hundred and eighty-one were female, while 86 (47.5%) were men. Age was 50.83 years on average (SD: 12.54). Most of the patients (81.8%) were married and had completed at least their first year of school. 65% of the patients we spoke with had high blood pressure. One hundred and twelve (61.88%) people took drugs while going about their normal lives, such eating. The majority of the patients, 116(64.10%), were aware of their disease and the names of the medications they were taking. The majority of patients (72.4%) have told their spouses about their disease. Many patients claim that they stick to their regimen well. 72.4 percent of people had told their spouses about their sickness. Many patients say they adhere to their regimen well on their own.
Research Article
Open Access
Efficacy of Monodrug Anti Hypertensive Therapy in Hypertensive Patients Attending Teritary Care Hospital
Pages 1784 - 1789

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Introduction: Hypertension is the major health problem observed throughout the world. Hypertension, along with pre-hypertension and other hazardously high blood pressure, is responsible for 8•5 million deaths from stroke, ischaemic heart disease, other vascular diseases, and renal disease worldwide. If untreated it may cause stroke, end stage renal failure and heart attack. For the treatment of hypertension, there are different classes of antihypertensive drugs that control blood pressure by acting through different mechanisms. The main aim of the study to determine a suitable monodrug therapy for the treatment of hypertension. Material and methods: Present study was carried out on 186 hypertensive patients. Based on the inclusion criteria patients were divided into five groups and prescribed Atenolol, Azilsartan, Chlorthalidone, Diltiazem, and Enalapril as mono-drug therapy. All the parameters like systolic, diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, total cholesterol, and triglycerides were estimated and noted at baseline and after 3 months of treatment, all the parameters were estimated and noted as after 3 months of treatment respectively. Results: The majority of the patients were male with the age group of 51 to 60 years. 15.05% were not having complications and 84.94% had complications. Based on the complication majority were having Hyperlipidemia followed by diabetes mellitus. Based On the treatment in groups A, B, C, D & E showed a significant mean reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A significant mean reduction in heart rate was observed in groups A, B & D whereas no significant mean reduction in heart rate was observed in groups C and E. No significant change was observed in total cholesterol and triglycerides in all five groups respectively. Conclusion: Monodrug therapy with antihypertensive drugs shows better improvement in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, with few groups showing significant reduction in heart rate and whereas no effect on lipid profile.
Case Report
Open Access
Interstitialectopic Pregnancy: A Rare but Real Threat
Pages 1781 - 1783

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Interstitial ectopic pregnancy also known as intramural ectopic pregnancy occurs in proximal portion of fallopian tube that lies within uterine myometrium. This is associated with higher risk of rupture and hemorrhage compared to usual ectopic pregnancies. We present an interesting case of interstitial ectopic pregnancy who presented to radiology department with clinical suspicion of bowel perforation and surprisingly negative urinary pregnancy test.
Research Article
Open Access
Pattern of Respiratory Diseases in Diabetes Mellitus
Pages 1775 - 1780

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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a systemic disorder associated with inflammation and oxidative stress which target many organs such as the kidney, retina, and the vascular system. The pathophysiology, mechanisms, and consequences of diabetes on these organs have been studied widely. However, no work has been done on the concept of the lung as a target organ for diabetes and its implications for lung diseases. Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of diabetes on lung diseases Results: One hundred cases of established diabetes mellitus with respiratory complications were analyzed. Respiratory complications included pulmonary tuberculosis in 52, chronic bronchitis in 27, 8 of bronchiectasis, 7 of lung abscess, 4 of pneumothorax and 2 cases of upper respiratory tract infection respectively. Forty percent of cases pulmonary tuberculosis had moderately advanced lesion and in the forty percent advanced lesions were found radiologically. Thirty percent of cases of chronic bronchitis were non-smokers, staphylococcal lung abscess was found in maximum number of cases (28 percent). Bronchiectasis was found commonly in lower lobes. Clinical and radiological profile of respiratory diseases and correlation with the severity of diabetes mellitus have been presented. Conclusions: Our results suggest that diabetes can affect the severity and clinical course of several lung diseases.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparing Immediate vs. Postponed Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitis a Study on Outcomes and Complications
Pages 1769 - 1774

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Background: Cholecystectomy is a common surgical intervention, with both early laparoscopic cholecystectomy (ELC) and late laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LLC) approaches being employed. This study aims to discern the differences in age distribution, symptom presentation, and surgical outcomes between ELC and LLC. Methods: A total of 100 subjects (50 ELC and 50 LLC) were retrospectively analyzed for age, gender, symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and jaundice, presence of gallbladder calculi, peri cystic fluid, and complications like gallbladder perforation and bile duct injury. The duration of surgery for both groups was also compared. Results: Age distribution showed a higher prevalence of individuals aged 20-30 undergoing ELC (60% vs. 50%, p=0.05). The ELC group reported slightly higher prevalence of fever (50% vs. 40%, p=0.25) and vomiting (40% vs. 30%, p=0.45). Jaundice was present in 20% of the ELC group and 10% of the LLC group (p=0.35). Multiple gallbladder calculi were observed in 80% of ELC and 76% of LLC subjects (p=0.65). The average duration of surgery was significantly shorter for ELC (76.16 minutes vs. 116.48 minutes, p<0.001). Conclusion: This study elucidates notable differences in age distribution and symptom presentation between ELC and LLC. Notably, ELC was associated with a significantly shorter duration of surgery. The choice between ELC and LLC should consider patient demographics, symptomatology, and potential surgical outcomes.
Research Article
Open Access
Outcomes and Patient Demographics of Ventral Wall Hernia Repairs at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
Pages 1763 - 1768

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Background: Ventral wall hernias are a common surgical concern with evolving management strategies. This study aims to explore the outcomes and patient demographics of ventral wall hernia repairs at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted from January 2022 to June 2023, encompassing 100 cases. Patient demographic data, hernia types, surgical outcomes, and complications were analyzed. Statistical analyses were employed to interpret the results. Results: Incisional hernias (50%) were the most prevalent, followed by paraumbilical (30%) and supraumbilical hernias (10%). The success rate was 90%, with 10% recurrence. Patient satisfaction stood at 80%. Post-operative complications included surgical site infections (20%), seroma formation (15%), and mesh infections (5%). Notably, 77% of cases reported no complications. Conclusion: The study provides insights into the outcomes and demographics of ventral wall hernia repairs. The results highlight the significance of regional variations in hernia demographics and outcomes, necessitating tailored approaches to management.
Research Article
Open Access
Collection of Blood in a Blood Bank during the Pandemic Situation- A Hospital Based Study a Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 1758 - 1762

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All sorts of health sectors, including blood banking, have been adversely affected by the current coronavirus pandemic crisis, particularly in the collection of blood units for patients for a variety of reasons. In this blog, we attempted to share our experience, approach, and efforts done during this era to face and overcome these problems.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Total Quality Management (TQM) in Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Practices of Nurses in Government General Hospital Vijayawada
Pages 1748 - 1757

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Background: The frequency of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), which can affect up to 15% of hospitalized patients and 9%-37% of patients referred to intensive care units (ICUs), is a significant issue for the healthcare system.1 Healthcare organizations must prioritize HAI prevention.2-5 Effective infection prevention and control (IPC) depends on healthcare workers knowledge of infection control (IC) practices, and poor knowledge and awareness among HCWs have been associated to deteriorating healthcare delivery results. Objectives: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of infection control practices followed by nurses in their day to day procedures in Government General Hospital Vijayawada. Material & Methods: Study Design: A prospective hospital based descriptional study. Study area: Government general Hospital Vijayawada. Study Period: February 2023 – July 2023. (6 months) Study population: Staff nurses who are working in all wards of Government General Hospital Vijayawada. Sample size: The study consisted of 91 subjects. Sampling method: Simple random technique. Study tools and Data collection procedure: A direct method approach was employed, consisting of a cross-sectional survey through questionnaire in Google sheets. The survey questionnaire was distributed among a representative sample of nurses across various departments within the hospital. The survey encompassed questions related to knowledge of IPC guidelines, hand hygiene practices, personal protective equipment (PPE) utilization, environmental cleaning routines, and perceptions of organizational support for IPC. Results: With regard to indications for hand rub, 51.6 % staff nurses opted and agreed that when your hands are not visibly soiled which is the correct answer and 27.5 % answered instead of traditional handwashing (20 sec) ,16.5% answered that instead of surgical hand washing (3min), remaining 4.4% answered when your hands are visibly soiled. Overall KAP status of the study population was excellent in 53.8%. 46.2% of the study population were having good KAP status. No subjects were in the group of average or poor KAP status. Conclusion: The largest difficulty in any hospital is infection prevention and control, and nurses' knowledge and understanding of this topic must be improved if it is to be successful. To increase understanding and compliance with IC practices, a multimodal strategy should be used, including training, feedback, and ongoing education programmes.
Research Article
Open Access
Segmental Spinal Anaesthesia for Routine Surgeries: Efficacy and Safety in ASA 1 & 2 Patients – A Case Series Study
Pages 1736 - 1747

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This case series study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Segmental Spinal Anaesthesia (SSA) in ASA 1 & 2 patients undergoing a variety of routine surgeries. A total of 115 cases were analyzed, with patients ranging in age from 18 to 80 years, and a male-to-female ratio of 37:63. The study assessed the intervertebral space used and the drugs administered for each surgery, along with monitoring sensory anesthesia, motor block, postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), urinary retention, respiratory depression, hemodynamic changes, shoulder tip pain, abdominal discomfort, conversion to general anesthesia (GA),time to mobilization and postoperative analgesia requirements.
Research Article
Open Access
Correlation between Serum Uric Acid Levels and Kidney Function in Hypertensive Patients: A Cross-sectional Assessment
Pages 1731 - 1735

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Background: Hypertension is known to be accompanied by various renal and metabolic anomalies. The exact relationship between serum uric acid (SUA) levels and kidney function, especially in hypertensive patients, requires elucidation.Objective: To understand the correlation between SUA levels and kidney function, gauged by the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), in a sample size of 342 hypertensive individuals.Methods: Employed a cross-sectional design involving 342 hypertensive participants. SUA was determined using the enzymatic colorimetric technique, while the CKD-EPI equation was utilized to evaluate eGFR. Statistical methodologies were used to identify correlations.Results: A notable inverse correlation between SUA and eGFR was established (r = -0.67, p < 0.001). After accounting for confounding factors, increased SUA was identified as an independent predictor of diminished eGFR.Conclusion: In a sample of 342 hypertensive patients, elevated SUA levels were significantly related to a decline in kidney function. Regular monitoring of SUA may be integral for the management of hypertensive patients, but additional research is required to validate these outcomes and understand potential therapeutic directions.
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Open Access
A study of Psychiatric disorders among patients of post covid mucormycosis in a tertiary care hospital of central India
Pages 1725 - 1730

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Background: Corona virus disease 19 (Covid-19) was declared as global pandemic by WHO in March 2020. India has witnessed two waves of Covid 19 in the month of March 2020 and March 2021. Due to improper use of steroids in the treatment of these patients post covid mucormycosis patients had increased drastically in the second wave. This has taken a toll on physical and mental health alike. There is equally rise in the psychiatric comorbidities in post covid mucormycosis patients. Various disorders like Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, sleep disorders have been reported in COVID-19 survivors. Current study aims to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and its associated correlation in patients with mucormycosis. Methods: The study population comprised the patients referred to the Psychiatry outpatient department (OPD) of tertiary health care center from the post covid OPD over 6 months i.e. July 2021 to december 2022. Patients were assessed using a semi structured proforma, sociodemographic profile, treatment facility ( institutional or home quarantined), duration of stay at treatment facility, medical and psychiatric diagnosis were recorded and analysed using descriptive statistics. Results: 83 patients were included and assessed of which 78.3% were male and 21.6% were female. Mean age was 52.19 years. The referral rate was found to be 12%. Most common psychiatric disorder was sleep disorder (24%), followed by stress and trauma related disorder (15.6%), depression (12.04%), anxiety disorder (9.6%). Conclusion: The study emphasize on vigilant approach and constant supervision of these patients so that an early diagnosis could be made and an add on burden to mental health care system could be reduced.
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Open Access
A Comparitive Study of Operative Management of Comminuted Supracondylar Fractures of Femur in Teaching Hospital
Pages 1713 - 1724

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Background: Distal femur fractures are commonly seen in elderly people owing to osteoporosis, while in young people, fractures are due to road traffic accidents or assaults. Whatever the mode of injury, distal femur fractures have always been problematic to surgeons despite many treatment options. In this study, we compare two of the many procedures available, i.e., retrograde nailing and locking compression plate. Materials and methods: - 46 patients with supracondylar fracture of the femur who were admitted to the Department of Orthopaedics, NRI Medical College and General Hospital, Guntur over 2 years, were divided into 2 groups. One group was treated with retrograde nailing and the other group was treated with locking plates. Results: The locking plate procedure had a higher incidence of infection as a late complication, but had more number of excellent outcomes. Retrograde nailing has a significantly lesser operative period, lesser blood loss during surgery, and less time required for fracture union. Conclusion: Both procedures are good treatment options for supracondylar fracture treatment with LCP having relatively better outcomes than SCN.
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Open Access
Compare the Incidence of Central Venous Catheter Related Bloodstream Infection (CR-BSI) following insertion of Silver Impregnated Triple Lumen Central Venous Catheter Vs Conventional Triple Lumen Central Venous Catheter
Pages 1708 - 1712

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Background: Catheter-related bloodstream infections (CRBSI) are common and potentially lethal. The magnitude of the potential for Central venous catheters (CVCs) to cause morbidity and mortality resulting from infectious complications has been estimated in several studies. The majority of serious catheter-related infections are associated with central venous catheters (CVCs) especially those that are placed in patients in Intensive care units (ICUs). Some studies suggest that Silver-impregnated, attachable cuff can substantially reduce the incidence of catheter-related infection with most percutaneously inserted central venous catheters. Methodology- The study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in the Department of Surgery for a period of 2 years. The sample size taken for this study was of 300 patients. Patients were randomly assigned and divided into two groups (150 in each group) to undergo insertion of triple lumen central venous catheter, either in the non-modified standard version or silver impregnated. The catheter segment was transported in a sterile tube for rapid microbiological evaluation. In a suspected case of CR-BSI the CVC tip and an aseptically drawn peripheral blood sample was sent for culture to rule out the source of infection. Result- The rate of Catheter related blood stream infection in the Conventional CVC arm group was found to be 3% (n=6) or 4.3/1000 central line days while in Silver impregnated CVC arm group was found to be 3.5% (n=7) or 5/1000 central line days. The microorganisms isolated from CRBSI were Klebsiella pneumoniae, Acinetobacter baumanii, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus. There was no significant difference in the type of microorganism isolated from silver impregnated or conventional central venous catheters. Klebsiella pneumoniae was found sensitive to Chloramphenicol, Amikacin, Netilmicin, Piperacillin +Tazobactum, Cefoperazone +Sulbactum and Imipenem. Conclusion- There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) between the silver impregnated and the conventional triple lumen central venous catheters.
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Open Access
A Study on Etiology and Clinical Profile of Pulmonary Hypertension at A Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1701 - 1707

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Background: Pulmonary hypertension is a mean pulmonary artery pressure at rest of 20 mm Hg or more. It is considered to be the key intermediate patho phenotype leading to right sided congestive heart failure. subclinical pathological changes to cardiovascular function caused by untreated PH are associated with higher morbidity. Methodology- The study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital for period of 2 years, in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine & Cardiology. 50 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study. All patients had two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography and etiological causes for the newly diagnosed PH were identified. Details were obtained regarding the clinical profile of patients with PH. Results- Majority 44% of the patients were in the age group of 56-65 years. The mean heart rate of the patients was 90+12 per minute, the mean SBP of the patients was 132 + 22 mm of Hg, and the mean DBP of the patients was 77 + 12 mm of Hg. Majority of the patients had COPD. About 56 %of the patients had abnormal CT scan of the chest. 4 % of the patients had abnormal echocardiogram (transthoracic). Conclusion- Moderately pulmonary hypertension is the common type of PH. The right ventricular systolic pressure in ECHO help in diagnosis of PH and even in differentiation between various PH severity.
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Open Access
Analysis of cardio predictive biochemical markers in HIV infection
Pages 1696 - 1700

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Background: HIV is a hyper-inflammatory state. Plasma fibrinogen and serum hs CRP are cardiovascular risk factors associated with inflammation. Till date various studies have been undertaken to evaluate the predictive values of biomarkers towards progression in HIV and related diseases. In this study an attempt was made to analyze hsCRP and fibrinogen as cardio predictive marker at different stages of HIV infection. Material and Methods: It was a case control study. The patients attending Centre of excellence ART Centre were included in the study. The age group was from 16 to 50 years. In this study 200 subjects participated which were divided into two groups. One group having seropositive 150 HIV subjects. Control group having 50 HIV seronegative subjects. The seropositive group was further categorized into three subgroups based on CD4 count. The estimation of Serum hs CRP and plasma fibrinogen was carried out by chemiluminescence and immunoturbidimetric method. Results: The mean value of hsCRP in experimental group of HIV seropositive was more than control group, statistically highly significant (P<0.001) The mean value of plasma fibrinogen in experimental group of HIV seropositive was more than control group, statistically highly significant (P<0.001). The hsCRP and fibrinogen levels within the experimental group of HIV seropositive group, statistically highly significant(p<0.001). ANOVA and post hoc tukey test were applied. hs CRP with CD4≥200 comparative to CD4≥500 was statistically significant at (p<0.001).and with 201 to 500 is statistically significant at 5%level(P<0.05). However, hs CRP with CD4≤ 200 comparative to 201 to 500 was not statistically significant at 5%level(P>0.05). Plasma fibrinogen with CD4≥200 comparative to 201-500 was statistically significant at (p<0.05).and with CD4≤ 200 comparative to ≥ 500 was statistically significant at 0.1%level (P<0.001). However, Plasma fibrinogen with CD4 count 200 -500 comparative to ≥ 500 was not statistically significant at 5% level (P>0.05). Conclusion: The serum hsCRP and plasma fibrinogen, display altered expression during inflammatory disease. They can prove useful as biochemical markers to facilitate the understanding pathogenesis of diseases. It helps forecast a patient’s clinical course or response to therapy and prevent additional complications like cardiovascular diseases. Thus, serum hsCRP and plasma fibrinogen may improve global cardiovascular risk prediction in HIV-infected patients.
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Open Access
Correlation between different cardiovascular risk factors with insulin resistance in psoriasis
Pages 1691 - 1695

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Background: Psoriasis vulgaris (PV) is a chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease that occurs in genetically predisposed individuals, influenced by various endogenous and exogenous transducing factors. Objectives: The present study was aimed to assess the relationship between cardiovascular risk factors such as, the pattern of dyslipidaemia and body fat deposition with insulin resistance in Psoriatic patients. Methods: Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were measured in 40 psoriaitic patients against matched controls. Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG), Triglyceride (TG), Cholesterol(CHOL), Low density lipoprotein(LDL), Very low density lipoprotein(VLDL), High density lipoprotein(HDL), hsCRP were measured by spectrophotometry. Homocysteine was measured by immune fluroscene technology. Insulin resistance was assessed by measuring the HOMA-IR values. Results: FBG, HDL and WC between this two groups were statistically not significant (p value=0.271, 0.21 and 0.72 respectively). On the other hand, BMI, HOMA-IR, TG, CHOL, LDL, VLDL, hsCRP and Homocysteine levels were significantly higher in the case group (p<0.05). Bivariate correlation analysis showed HOMA-IR to be significantly associated with FBG, BMI, WC, Total CHOL and LDL (but not with VLDL, TG and HDL, hsCRP and Homocysteine values). Conclusions: Mainly an increased insulin resistance that is directly related to significantly elevated levels of abdominal obesity and LDL cholesterol levels reflects metabolic derangements in psoriatic patients in this region. We suggest regular monitoring of psoriatic patients for these parameters to avoid the impending cardiovascular risks in them.
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Open Access
A study to compare the efficacy of Ormaloxifene vs mifepristone in the management of uterine leiomyoma
Pages 1681 - 1690

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Background: Uterine fibroid is a common concern due to associated heavy menstrual bleeding and anemia negatively affecting women's life. The prevalence of uterine fibroid in India is upto 20-30% in reproductive females. Though surgical treatment still remains the mainstay of the treatment, medical methods had evolved over the years with the advent of many effective oral drugs. Methods: This comparative, interventional study conducted in the Gynaecological outpatient department of Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata from March 2020 to August 2021. This study total of 21 patients in each group i.e. 42 women aged 20-50 years with leiomyoma uterus on USG who were fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in this study. Statistical data were analysed by using Microsoft Excel and SPSS V.20 software. Results: Age of the treated patients ranged between 33 to 50 years and maximum number of patients were in the age group between 41 to 45 years (40.5%). Maximum numbers of patients belonged to lower socioeconomic status; 38.1% and 47.6%. In both groups maximum fibroids were intramural in location; (61.9%) and (71.4%). Maximum number of patients had solitary fibroids (54.8%). Mean age of women in Mifepristone group & Ormeloxifene group were 39.76 ± 3.820 years and 41.48 ± 4.966 years respectively. The baseline mean Hb was 9.46 ± 0.45 gm% and 9.48 ± 0.39 gm% in the mifepristone group & ormeloxifene group respectively. The baseline mean PBAC score was 226.84 ± 28 and 213.16 ± 32.02 in the mifepristone group & ormeloxifene group respectively. The baseline mean fibroid size was 5.91 ± 1.54 cm and 5.38 ± 1.34 cm in the mifepristone group & ormeloxifene group respectively. The baseline mean fibroid volume was 72.43 ± 23.44 cc and 73.19 ± 21.56 cc in the mifepristone group & ormeloxifene group respectively. The baseline mean RI was 0.53 ± 0.16 and 0.58 ± 0.18 in the mifepristone group & ormeloxifene group respectively. The baseline mean ET was 7.03 ± 1.37 mm and 7.9 ± 1.87 mm in the mifepristone group & ormeloxifene group respectively. Conclusions: Mifepristone is more efficacious for the medical management of uterine fibroids as it significantly decreases the uterine fibroid size and volume along with reduction of menstrual blood.
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Open Access
Instrumental delivery is a dying art still has a place in modern obstetrics
Pages 1676 - 1680

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Instrumental vaginal births are performed to speed up the second stage of labour when there are maternal or foetal indications. Trends around the world point to declining instrumental delivery rates. Worldwide, the rate of caesarean sections has increased recently, while instrumental vaginal deliveries have decreased. These patterns might be brought about by worries about maternal and neonatal safety as well as a lack of clinical forceps delivery expertise. A decrease in training hours, a lack of senior supervision, and a fear of lawsuits are a few of the factors contributing to instrumental vaginal delivery being a lost art. Due to these circumstances, it has become more challenging to gain the level of expertise needed for proficiency in this method, which could be dangerous in the hands of an inexperienced or hasty obstetrician. These issues have long been an issue. With an emergency caesarean section, there is a dramatically increased risk of severe obstetric morbidity. Therefore, the right use of instrumental delivery could lower the expenses of obstetric care as well as the hazards related to caesarean sections. A following pregnancy's chances of having a successful spontaneous vaginal delivery are similarly more likely to increase after an instrumental vaginal delivery.
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Open Access
Understanding attitude towards eye health and routine examination
Pages 1668 - 1675

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Objective: The main aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practises about eye health among the Indian community. Methodology: The objective of this cross-sectional survey study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practises (KAP) of persons residing in rural areas of Bihar with visual impairment (VI) regarding their utilisation of medical eye-care services. The collection of KAP data occurred between the months of May and June 2023, facilitated by a group of proficient researchers. The survey consisted of a total of 16 Yes/No questions pertaining to the participant's knowledge of low vision and their behaviours regarding seeking eye care. Additionally, there was one question that required a single-choice response regarding the participant's attitudes towards eye care. Furthermore, four single-choice questions were included to assess the participant's tendencies in seeking eye care services. Results: There was no statistically significant disparity observed in the proportion of participants who had sought professional eye care prior to the survey, based on various demographic factors including gender, age, education, income level, family history of eye disease, visual acuity of the better-seeing eye, and personal history of diabetes or hypertension. There were notable disparities observed among individuals who self-identified their vision as poor, got an old-age pension, or had a personal history of eye disease. Specifically, approximately 36.4%, 66.7%, and 55.6% of these respective groups reported seeking medical care. The level of accurate understanding of visual acuity and eye disease exhibited significant variation throughout the sample. The highest proportion, 77.4% of participants, correctly recognised that individuals with myopia have the ability to see objects nearby but struggle with distant vision. Conversely, only a small percentage, 17.1%, were aware that the loss of far vision is not an inherent consequence of the ageing process. Conclusion: In summary, the visually impaired individuals in Bihar shown a lack of awareness regarding the importance of consistently accessing eye care services. Developing ways to enhance public awareness of the correlation between deteriorating vision and preventable blindness resulting from diagnosable and treatable illnesses within eye clinics situated in local hospitals is of utmost significance.
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Open Access
Morphometric study of Sciatic nerve and its variations with its clinical significance
Pages 1662 - 1667

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The sciatic nerve block is frequently used for anaesthesia or analgesia when performing procedures on the lower limb. The nerve can be blocked at any point along its course within the lower limb, provided there is sufficient ultrasound images to guide this procedure. Although the sciatic nerve has the largest cross-sectional diameter in the human body, its ultrasonography imaging can, however, not be easy to interpret. Imaging of the sciatic nerve can be challenging for a number of reasons. The sciatic nerve is constantly involved in the daily medical practices of anaesthesia, neurology, orthopaedics, and rehabilitative medicine. Materials and Methods: This is a Prospective, observational study and Conventional Routine dissection method carried out among 800 Embalmed human adult cadavers lower limb specimens. Adult lower limb specimens were obtained from the embalmed cadavers allotted for routine dissection to the first year MBBS students at the Department of Anatomy, Index Medical college. Both right and left lower limbs were used from all 300 cadavers. Therefore, every right lower limb has a corresponding left lower limb. Specimens where damage to piriformis or the sciatic nerve observed was excluded. Sciatic nerve was dissected as per the dissection steps given in Cunningham’s textbook of anatomy. The iliac crest was traced forwards upto the anterior superior iliac spine and backwards to the posterior superior iliac spine. Results: The minimum length of Sciatic nerve was 18.7 cm, the maximum length of Sciatic nerve was 22.5 cm and the mean length was 20.5 cm. The width of Sciatic nerve was measured using standard Vernier calipers, the results are given in millimetres. In the present study the maximum width just below the piriformis was 22 mm and the minimum width was 18 mm with an average of 20 mm. In the present study maximum width of Sciatic nerve between the greater trochanter and ischial tuberosity was 9.9 mm and the minimum width was observed to be 7.9 mm, and the average width was 8.9 mm. In the present study the mean distance between the lateral border of Sacro tuberous ligament and the medial margin of Sciatic nerve was measured and found to be 16.28 mm on the right side and 15.24 mm on the left side. Conclusion: Variations in the terminal division of Sciatic nerve at different level is challenging for the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in many clinical and surgical cases. Anatomical variations require knowledge in nerve grafting for the surgical procedures of the gluteal and popliteal region. Knowledge of the unusual trunk of Sciatic nerve in the present study enables the surgeons to find and preserve the nerve during, fasciotomy, neurolysis, neuroma resection, or bony or soft tissue reconstruction.
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Open Access
Comparative study of Cord Blood Lipid Profile in Late preterm and Term neonates and its correlation with Gestational age
Pages 1656 - 1661

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Early diagnosis followed by prudent dietary supplementation and drug therapy in these high-risk neonates may provide an opportunity for long-range primary amelioration of risk factors that contribute to the development of CVD in adult life. Present study was aimed to evaluate the cord blood lipid profile level in term neonates and late preterm neonates and its correlation with gestational age. Material and Methods: Present study was single-center, cross-sectional study, conducted in neonates (late preterm and term) were born by vaginal delivery/LSCS with one minute Apgar score > 7. Total cholesterol level TC, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein HDL, low-density lipoprotein LDL, very low-density lipoprotein VLDL were estimated from Cord blood sample. Results: Out of 150 study subjects, 117 (78%) were born at term, while 33 (22%) were late pre-term neonates. 129 (86%) of the newborns under the study were AGA while 21 (14%) were found to be small for gestational age. 78 (52%) were Male and 72 (48%) were Female. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the Term newborns & late preterm newborns with respect to the observed values for Total cholesterol (p<0.05), Triglycerides (p=0.17), HDL (p=0.04), LDL (p<0.05) as well as VLDL (p=0.17). Mean values for TC, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and VLDL were on higher sides in SGA newborns compared to AGA newborns but the difference between mean values for Total Cholesterol. Difference between mean values of Total Cholesterol (p=0.023), Triglycerides (p=0.039), HDL (p=0.002) & VLDL (p=0.039) were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05) between Males & Females. Conclusion: Cord blood lipid profile values for TC, HDL, and LDL significantly higher ( p<0.05) in late preterm neonates compared to term neonates & were on higher sides in female neonates.
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Open Access
Evaluation of the Role of Diagnostic Laparoscopy in Non Specific Abdominal Pain
Pages 1653 - 1655

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Introduction: Laparoscopy offers a simple, rapid and safe method to evaluate and diagnose intra-abdominal diseases. Aim: To evaluate the role of diagnostic laparoscopy in patients presenting with non specific abdominal pain and its correlation with clinical and radiographic findings in Bikaner region. Method: Study conducted on 50 patients aged between 15-50 years at S P Medical College & hospital, Bikaner from 1st Nov. 2019 to 31st Jan. 2021 by Simple Random Sampling. Patients with chronic pain abdomen of uncertain etiology and conditions which are unexplained by other investigation and clinical symptom were taken into study. Detail history has been taken followed by general and physical examination. Radiological investigations including ultrasonography, CT and MRI and also expert surgical management including laparoscopy will be performed. First follow up after 1 week, second follow up after 1 month and third follow up after three month will be performed. Result: 62% cases were female, 50% cases duration of pain was less than 6 months, 12% cases were pain site was upper abdomen. In 60% cases laparoscopy provide diagnostic & therapeutic or both. 92% cases pain were resolve. Conclusion: Diagnostic laparoscopy can identify abnormal findings and improve the outcome in patients with chronic abdominal pain. It allows the effective surgical treatment of many conditions encountered at the time of diagnostic laparoscopy.
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Open Access
Diagnostic yield of medical thoracoscopy in undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion: Experience from a Tertiary care centre
Pages 1645 - 1652

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Background: Thoracoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows visualization of the pleural space and intrathoracic structures. In tuberculous pleuritis, the combined yield of histology and culture for rigid thoracoscopy was nearly 100%. The aim of the present study was to examine the diagnostic yield of medical thoracoscopy in patients with undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion. Patients and methods: This study was carried out at the Department of pulmonary medicine, SVRRGGH, TIRUPATI in the period from June 2022 to June 2023. It included 50 patients with undiagnosed pleural effusion. The included patients were subjected to full history taking, clinical examination, plain chest radiograph, ultrasonography, computed tomography of the chest, and tuberculosis assessment. Diagnostic aspiration of pleural fluid was performed by using chemical, cytological, and bacteriological analyses. Lastly, if the etiology remained unknown, a thoracoscopy was carried out. Results: The present study included 25 men and 25 women patients, with a mean age of 54.4±16.1 years. Dyspnea was the most common presenting symptom among the studied patients. 36 (72.2%) patients had moderate right-sided pleural effusion. The diagnostic yield of medical thoracoscopy among the studied patients was 80.6%. The histopathological yield of thoracoscopic pleural biopsies was as follows: 40 (80%) malignant cases, (20%) patients with tuberculous pleuritis. The post-thoracoscopic complications in this study occurred only in nine (25%) patients, which were minor complications in the form of surgical emphysema and prolonged air leak, wound infection, dislodged drain, trapped lung, and pain during the procedure. Conclusion: Medical thoracoscopy is a good diagnostic procedure for pulmonologists to evaluate undiagnosed pleural effusions.
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Open Access
Relationship of Non-HDL Cholesterol and Homocysteine Levels In Acute Coronary Syndrome In Indian Population
Pages 1639 - 1644

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Background: Several studies have well established the pathogenic role of low density lipoprotein (LDL) in coronary artery disease(CAD). Few studies have also been done to show that non- HDL levels , calculated using formula Total cholesterol minus HDL , could be a better predictor of coronary artery disease. Greater risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease have been found to be associated with increased homocysteine levels. But studies are inadequate with Indian population to identify these risk factors in acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Objectives: The aim of this study is to correlate the LDL, non- HDL and Homocysteine levels in acute coronary syndrome patients(cases) matched with controls in Indian population.
Methods: In this retrospective study,80 cases, aged between 30-60 years, with diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) admitted to Bharath Superspeciality hospitals and age, gender matched 80 controls , admitted as inpatients for illness other than ACS were selected . Detailed clinical history and laboratory investigations such as lipid function tests, homocysteine levels were obtained . Quantitative data compared using unpaired t- test and Chi - square test used to compare qualitative data.
Results: Mean values of total cholesterol, LDL , non-HDL cholesterols and serum homocysteine were significantly increased in cases than controls. Odds ratio was highest for Non -HDL cholesterol than all the other parameters measured.
Conclusions: Non-HDL cholesterol proved to a better risk predictor of cardiovascular events compared to LDL, HDL or total cholesterol
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Open Access
Co-Relation between Serum Uric Acid and Hypertension in a Specialized Center in Bangladesh
Pages 1633 - 1638

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Background: Serum uric acid has been linked to the development of hypertension. It has been known that uric acid has a positive association with blood pressure. Objective: The study aimed to assess the relationship between serum uric acid and blood pressure among patients in a specialized center. Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2020 to June 2021 at the National Center for Control of Rheumatic Fever & Heart Diseases, Dhaka, Bangladesh. A total of 250 patients were enrolled in this study as study subjects. Data were processed, analyzed and disseminated by using MS Office and SPSS version 23.0 programs as per need Results: The mean age was 39.2±13.7 and 38.3±13.5 years in males and females respectively. The mean systolic blood pressure was higher (132.3±15.6 mmHg) in males whereas the mean diastolic blood pressure was higher (129.4±16.5 mmHg) in females. The mean serum uric acid (288.7±74.44 μmol/l) was higher in males and the presence of hyperuricemia was 5.5% in males and 3.1% in female patients. There was a higher proportion of hypertension (32.1%), general obesity (18.2%), and central obesity (76.73%) in females. The mean systolic (137.1±14.6 mmHg), diastolic (82.4±13.9 mmHg) blood pressure and BMI (28.6±5.6) was higher in patients who have serum uric acid level above 357μmol/l. A significant correlation between uric acid and baseline parameters was observed in both male and female patients. Conclusion: In our study sample, serum uric acid level was an independent predictor of hypertension incidence and longitudinal hypertension development. Non-elderly, in contrast to the elderly had a substantial correlation between uric acid and hypertension. Early detection of elevated serum uric acid levels may play a role in the management of hypertension.the intricacies and establish a comprehensive comprehension of their interaction.
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Open Access
Association of anaemia with stroke severity in acute ischemic stroke patients
Pages 1626 - 1632

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Anemia, characterized by diminished red blood cells or hemoglobin levels, is a global health challenge with significant implications for health outcomes. Ischemic stroke, a major type of stroke caused by cerebral blood supply disruptions, presents a substantial public health concern. The intricate relationship between anemia, iron status, and ischemic stroke risk remains complex and controversial, with varying observational studies reporting conflicting associations. This review aims to navigate this complex interplay and shed light on the relationship between anemia, iron status, and stroke severity. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 130 acute ischemic stroke patients admitted to a tertiary care setup. Patients meeting specific inclusion criteria were selected, and a subset of 65 patients with anemia was analyzed. Hemoglobin levels, anemia severity, peripheral smear classification, and NIHSS scores were assessed. Statistical analysis using SPSS 27 software included descriptive statistics and chi-square tests to determine associations. Results: Among stroke patients with anemia, 55.4% were males, and 44.6% were females. Anemia severity was categorized as mild (18.5%), moderate (66.1%), and severe (18.5%). Peripheral smear analysis revealed microcytic hypochromic (55.4%), macrocytic (21.5%), and dimorphic (23.1%) anemia. NIHSS scoring classified patients into minor (5%), moderate (46.2%), moderate to severe (30.8%), and severe (15.4%) stroke categories. Analysis indicated no significant association between NIHSS scores and anemia severity or peripheral smear classification. Conclusion: This study contributes to understanding the intricate relationship between anemia and ischemic stroke. The complex interplay between anemia severity, peripheral smear classification, and stroke severity underscores the need for further investigation. While proposed mechanisms connecting anemia and stroke risk exist, additional research is essential to unravel the intricacies and establish a comprehensive comprehension of their interaction.
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Open Access
Glycosylated Hemoglobin and Lipid Profile Changes in Gestational Diabetes: A Comparative Study with Normoglycemic Pregnant Women
Pages 1621 - 1625

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Introduction: Gestational diabetes affects a significant proportion of pregnant women and can have adverse health effects for both the mother and the baby. Monitoring blood glucose levels and lipid profiles is crucial in managing this condition. This comparative study examines how glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and lipid profile parameters change in women with gestational diabetes compared to normoglycemic pregnant women, with the goal of improving diagnostic and management strategies for this condition. The aim of this study was to determine that HbA1c is an independent marker of dyslipidaemia among GDM cases and emphasize the link between the aforementioned parameters among pregnant women in Bihar. Materials and Methods: In this comparative study, we included fifty patients who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy. All of the antenatal women were in their third trimester. We also included another fifty pregnant women as controls, who did not have gestational diabetes or any other pregnancy complications in their third trimester. Both the cases and controls were randomly selected from the age group of 20 to 45 years. In this study, we measured the serum lipid profile parameters, oral glucose tolerance test blood glucose levels, and glycosylated haemoglobin levels in patients with gestational diabetes, and compared them with those of healthy pregnant women. Results: In this study, 50 pregnant women with GDM had a mean age of 31.2 years, while 50 pregnant women in the healthy control group had a mean age of 29.3 years. In the present study, serum triglycerides were observed at 193.12±10.12 mg/dL in GDM cases and 150.76±8.54 mg/dL in the control group, while serum total cholesterol was observed at 211.43±14.34 mg/dL in GDM cases and 168.83±18.19 mg/dL in the control group. The levels of serum triglycerides and serum cholesterol in GDM cases were statistically significantly higher as compared to the controls. The serum HDL cholesterol was observed at 57.98±5.78 mg/dL in GDM cases and 55.12±6.67 mg/dL in the control group, while serum LDL cholesterol was observed at 92.13±13.45 mg/dL in GDM cases and 82.03±10.16 mg/dL in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference in their HDL and LDL Cholesterol in the cases and control group. The fasting blood glucose was recorded at 116±9.65 mg/dL in GDM cases and 89±5.89 mg/dL in the control group, the blood glucose level after 1 hour of 75grams oral glucose administration in oral glucose tolerance test was observed at 198.13±12.74 mg/dL in GDM cases and 158.33±9.34 mg/dL in the control group while blood glucose level after 2 hours was observed at 174.38±11.48 mg/dL in GDM cases and 140.11±7.87 mg/dL in the control group. The differences between cases and controls were statistically significant. The mean value of the HbA1c of cases and control groups was 8.15±1.12 mg/dL and 6.02±0.18 mg/dL respectively. This difference between healthy pregnant women and women with GDM was statistically significant. Conclusion: The study's findings have conclusively demonstrated that triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein, glycated haemoglobin, and glucose levels in the blood all play a significant role in the development of dyslipidemia in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Although it is well known that lipid parameters increase during a healthy pregnancy, the way they increase in GDM is different.
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Open Access
Chronic ITP in pregnancy: a prospective study in a tertiary care centre of West Bengal India
Pages 1614 - 1620

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Background: It has been proposed that, thrombocytopenia is the most common haematological abnormality in pregnancy after anaemia. The incidence of severe immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) in pregnancy has been difficult to report because of the rarity of the disease. Aims and objectives: Objectives were to determine the prevalence, pregnancy outcomes, treatment modalities of ITP mothers in a tertiary health care hospital in West Bengal, India. Methods: Our study was a retrospective record study. Records of the in-patient medical record department (MRD) folders of patients with ITP who delivered at Dept of G&O, N.R.S. Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India from November 2018 to November 2022. Statistical data were analysed by using SPSS V.20 software. Results: Most common age group of the mother found to 19-25 years 10 (43.5%). Gravida 1 was 11 (47.8%), followed by gravida 2 was 8 (34.83%). IUFD was 1 (4.3%), preterm was 7 (30.4%), SA was 2 (8.7%), term was 12 (52.2%) and neonatal death was 2 (8.7%). Associated Haematological Disorder of B Thal Trait and HbE Carrier was 3 (10.3%) each. Platelet Count during AN Period as <49000 was 13 (56.5%) and 50000-99,999 was 10 (43.5%). Myasthenia gravis during pregnancy was 7 (30.4%), Methylprednisolone was 3 (13.0%), thyroid disorder was among 5 (21.7%). Conclusion: Chronic ITP in pregnancy poses more risks to mother and foetus as seen with the higher chance of PPH etc. Mothers with ITP should be screened antenatally as the chances of anomalies are high in foetus.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Bone marrow Examination in Clinically Suspected Cases of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura in A Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1606 - 1613

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Background: The diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is one of exclusion. Immune-mediated rapid platelet breakdown and decreased platelet production are its hallmarks. ITP can appear as a main (separate) condition or as a secondary condition in the context of other illnesses such autoimmune conditions and infections. Material & Methods: Study Design: A prospective and retrospective hospital based observational study. Study area: Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Study Period: 1 year. Study population: The samples for the present study were collected from various clinical departments and wards like Medicine, Pediatrics, MICU and PICU. Sample size: The study consisted of 60 cases. Study tools and Data collection procedure: Clinical history was collected from the patients and medical record files. Physical examination of the patients was done to see the clinical manifestations of the disease and to exclude other possible causes of present symptoms. Laboratory studies were conducted to diagnose Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura. Blood was collected using standard phlebotomy procedures. Blood sample was processed in9 automated Hematology cell counter. Platelet count, Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) values were taken from the counter reading. Peripheral blood smear examination was done for all cases to look for thrombocytopenia lymphocytosis, eosinophilia and presence of blasts. Bone marrow aspiration/biopsy studies were done on selected patients to exclude other known causes of thrombocytopenia like those associated with leukemia, myelodysplasia etc. Indirect Immunofluorescence evaluation of presence of antiplatelet antibodies was performed in selective cases. Results: The most common presentation was with petechiae observed in 23 cases (39%) followed by ecchymoses (11cases,18%), epistaxis (09 cases,15%), hematuria (07 cases,12%) melena (05 cases,8%) and menorrhagia (05 cases,8%). Major serious hemorrhage like intracranial bleeding or hemopericardium was not seen. Conclusion: The majority of youngsters present with an abrupt onset of symptoms and a history of an earlier infection. Women who are childbearing age are the majority of those with chronic ITP. Isolated thrombocytopenia is the defining feature of ITP, and the presence of anaemia or neutropenia should raise the possibility that another illness may be the origin of the low platelet count.
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Open Access
Role of Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Focal Liver Lesions
Pages 1600 - 1605

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Background: Liver diseases represent a significant global health concern, necessitating accurate detection and characterization of focal liver lesions (FLLs). Precise differentiation between benign and malignant lesions, as well as distinguishing primary liver lesions from metastases, is pivotal for effective clinical management. This study aims to compare the efficacy of respiratory-triggered diffusion-weighted single-shot echo planar imaging (RT DW-SS-EPI) and T2 weighted turbo spin echo imaging (T2W TSE) in detecting and characterizing FLLs. Additionally, the study aims to determine the apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) of FLLs and normal liver parenchyma. Methods: A total of 30 patients with suspected focal liver lesions and 10 healthy volunteers without FLLs were enrolled. Patients referred for MRI with clinical suspicion of FLLs were included. The study employed respiratory-triggered fat-suppressed single-shot echo-planar DW imaging in the transverse plane with tridirectional diffusion gradients and three b values (0, 500, and 1000 sec/mm²). ADC maps were generated, and routine MR sequences were obtained using a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner. ADC values were calculated using operator-defined regions of interest (ROIs), and differences in ADC values were analyzed. Results: The study encompassed 85 lesions in 30 patients, including 23 hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs), 4 cholangiocellular carcinomas, 36 metastatic lesions, and 22 benign lesions. Males comprised 63.3% of participants. DWI demonstrated significantly higher FLL detection rates than T2WI (p < 0.001), particularly for malignant lesions (98.4% with DWI vs. 76.5% with T2WI). No significant difference was observed in detecting HCCs alone. DWI exhibited superior detection capabilities for both liver lobes compared to T2WI. Mean ADC values for various lesion types showed significant differences, with malignant lesions displaying lower ADC values than benign lesions (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Respiratory-triggered diffusion-weighted MRI (RT DWI) emerges as a valuable and contrast-free diagnostic tool for detecting and characterizing focal liver lesions. DWI outperformed T2 weighted imaging in detecting malignant lesions and showed potential for accurate differentiation between benign and malignant lesions based on ADC values. The study highlights DWI's clinical utility for liver lesion evaluation in routine practice.
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Open Access
Comparative Study of Dexmedetomidine and Fentanyl for Epidural Analgesia in Lower Limb Orthopaedic Surgeries
Pages 1593 - 1599

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Introduction: The effective management of pain during and after lower limb orthopaedic surgeries is crucial for optimizing patient comfort and postoperative outcomes. Epidural analgesia, often employed in this context, relies on the adjunctive use of medications to enhance pain control. Among the numerous options available, two commonly used adjuvants are dexmedetomidine and fentanyl. This study aims to provide a comparative analysis of the efficacy and safety of these two medications when incorporated into epidural analgesia protocols for lower limb orthopaedic surgeries. By exploring their respective benefits and potential drawbacks, this research seeks to contribute valuable insights to the field of perioperative pain management, ultimately aiding clinicians in making informed decisions regarding the choice of adjuvants in orthopaedic surgical settings. Materials and Methods: The present study included 120 patients who underwent lower limb orthopaedic surgery and were of both sexes, aged 20 years to 56 years, and of physical status I and II according to the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA). Sixty patients each were randomly assigned to the two groups Group 1 [ropivacaine + dexmedetomidine (RD)] and Group 2 [ropivacaine + fentanyl (RF)]. Epidurally, 15 ml of 0.75% ropivacaine injection was given to both groups, along with 1 g/kg of dexmedetomidine for Group 1 and 1 g/kg of fentanyl for Group 2. Various block characteristics, such as the time to the first onset of analgesia at T10, the maximum sensory analgesic level, the duration of the motor blockade, the duration of the two segmental dermatomal regressions, and the duration of the first rescue analgesic, were also noted along with cardio-respiratory parameters and sedation scores. Data was rigorously gathered at the conclusion of the study and analyzed using Fisher's exact test, Chi-square test, and ANOVA with post-hoc significance. Statistical significance was set at 0.05 (if the P-value ≤ 0.05, it is significant). Results: The demographic profile of patients was comparable in both groups. The onset of sensory analgesia at T10 (7.65±1.93 minutes vs 9.76±2.19 minutes) and establishment of complete motor blockade (19.42±4.11 minutes vs 21.65±5.37 minutes) was significantly earlier in Group 1 [ropivacaine + dexmedetomidine (RD)]. Postoperative analgesia was prolonged significantly in Group 1 [ropivacaine + dexmedetomidine (RD)] (362.13±20.87 minutes) and consequently low dose consumption of local anaesthetic (74.56±9.82 mg vs 108.65±14.69 mg) during epidural top‑ups postoperatively. Sedation scores were much better in Group 1 [ropivacaine + dexmedetomidine (RD)] and highly significant in statistical comparison. The incidence of nausea and vomiting was significantly higher in Group 2 [ropivacaine + fentanyl (RF)] , while the incidence of dry mouth was significantly higher in Group 1 [ropivacaine + dexmedetomidine (RD)]. Conclusion: As an epidural adjuvant, dexmedetomidine appears to be preferable to fentanyl because it offers comparable stable hemodynamics, early onset and establishment of sensory anaesthesia, prolonged postoperative analgesia, lower post-operative local anaesthetics consumption for epidural analgesia, and significantly higher sedation levels.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Non-Invasive Predictors of Esophageal Varices in Chronic Liver Disease
Pages 1586 - 1592

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Background: Cirrhosis is the end-stage of every chronic liver disease, resulting in the formation of fibrous tissue, disorganization of liver architecture, and nodule formation, which interferes with liver function and results in portal hypertension. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is considered the primary modality for the detection and surveillance of EV and to determine the risk of bleeding, guidelines for adult cirrhotic patients recommend universal EV screening by esophagogastroduodenoscopy at the time of the diagnosis of cirrhosis. Material And Methods: It is an observational analytical study. The study comprised of 100 portal hypertensive patients who were admitted in Department of General Medicine, Raja Rajeshwari Medical College and Hospital over a period of 6 months. Spleen size was measured by placing the patient in supine position, using 2-5 MHz curvilinear transducer in the coronal plane of section, posteriorly in one of the lower left intercostals spaces. The patient was examined in various degrees of inspiration to maximize the window to the spleen. The spleen parenchyma is extremely homogenous and it has uniform mid to low echogenicity. When the spleen enlarges it can be more echogenic. A maximum cephalocaudal measurement exceeding 13 cm indicates enlargement with high degree of reliability. Results: Alcoholic liver disease is the most common etiology in this study corresponding to 62 % of cases followed by hepatitis B with 10%. Child pugh score was calculated for all the patients with most of the patients with varices fall in group C and without varices in group B. On univariate analysis portal vein diameter , spleen diameter, platelet count and platelet count and spleen diameter ratio was found to be significantly associated with the presence of varices .On multivariate analysis the presence of esophageal varices was significantly associated with platelet count < 102,000/ μl (OR 6.65; 95% CI,2.51-17.6), spleen diameter > 154 mm (OR 5.78; 95% CI, 2.4-13.94) , portal vein diameter > 13 mm (OR 2.49;95% CI, 1.1-5.62) and platelet count /spleen diameter <815 (OR 10.92 ;95% CI 4.07-29.26). Conclusion: Ultrasonography of abdomen is a simple, convenient and non-invasive method for assessing the severity of portal hypertension in patients and to predict the severity of esophagogastric varices indirectly.
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Open Access
Perinatal Asphyxia: Correlation with Antepartum, Intrapartum and Postpartum Parameters
Pages 1579 - 1585

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Background: Fetal asphyxia has been a concern since the 19th century when it was first identifiedthat defective oxygen supply is associated with the process of labour. In the present situation the identification of asphyxia is very crucial to initiate need for early active intervention thus reducing the risk of perinatal morbitidy and improve neonatal outcome. Perinatal asphyxia occurs as a result of deprivation of oxygen due to reduced blood supply to brain. Hence the clinical presentation of asphyxia has to be correlated with severity and duration of asphyxia. The complications of perinatal asphyxia are Hypoxemic ischemic encephalopathy which is most severe and common presentation, others include RDS, NEC, hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, MAS, ATN and multiorgan failure. Material and Methods: This is a prospective study conducted in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Chittoor from October 2022 to March 2023. Among these, variations of various parameters in asphyxiated newborn are compared with non-asphyxiated newborn. After separation of the baby, cord blood collected from the placental side and smear made to assess presence of nucleated red blood cells. Acid base status of the newbornalso will be assessed by acid base analysis. Results: About 17% women are in the age group of 16-20years, 12% are in the agegroup of 26-30 years, 4% are in the age group of 31-35years. Majority belong to 21- 25years age group of 65%. Among the 100 pregnant women in the antepartum period, 82% had reactive CTG and 18 % had non reactive CTG. Among the study group of 100 antenatal women, 74% has normal modified biophysical profile. 10% has variation in AFI, 14 % has abnormal CTG and 3 % has abnormality in both AFI and CTG. In my study comparison of group of neonates with reactive vs non-reactive intrapartum CTG was carried out. IP CTG was reactive in 48%, equivoval in 8% and non-reactive in 45%. Conclusion: Together, various parameters can be used as an essential, non invasive approach for early detection of any fetal distress. All the parameters taken in the study are easier to implement in the routine care of antenatal women, are less expensive and they provide a reassuring information regarding the status of the fetus in utero. Hence the study concludes the use of modified biophysical profile in antepartum period, intrapartum CTG and APGAR scores, number of cord blood nucleated RBC and acid base as tools of fetal surveillance in predicting the perinatal outcome.
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Open Access
A Comparative Study of Cold Steel Dissection (CSD) and Hot Monopolar
Diathermy Methods of Tonsillectomy Surgery in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1573 - 1578

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Background: Different tonsillectomy techniques were adopted and improved to make the procedure safe and reduce operative time, intra operative blood loss, post-operative morbidity and complications. Aim & Objectives: To compare cold steel dissection and monopolar diathermy methods of tonsillectomy surgery in study population in terms of operative time, intra operative bleeding, post-operative pain and bleeding. Methods: This is a case control study done on 40 patients in Govt medical college hospital anantapuram in Andhra Pradesh India, between January 2023 to May 2023. Patients were randomly selected to have either the right or left tonsils removed by either technique (cold dissection or monopolar dissection technique). We compared both techniques in each side on the same patient. Results:There was no significant difference in operative time between both sides by either technique, Mean duration of surgery by cold steel dissection technique is 7 min while for monopolar cautery dissection technique is 3.96 min .The volume of blood loss in cold steel dissection technique from 2ml to 25 ml (Mean blood loss = 11 ml ) while in monopolar cautery dissection technique blood loss from 1 ml to 20 ml (Mean blood loss = 6 ml).Post-operative pain recorded separately two sides by visual analogue pain score, pain scores are more in monopolar cautery side in immediate post op period (6hrs after surgery). Pain is reduced gradually and second post-operative day the pain scores are almost same in both techniques. Conclusion: Monopolar diathermy method is a safe technique and when compared to CSD technique, MEC technique will take lesser time for performing the surgery & less intraoperative blood loss. Though MEC has more pain in immediate post-operative period when compared to CSD, after 48 hrs post-operative pain is the same for both the techniques.
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Open Access
Spectrum of Infections Caused by Streptococcus Species at A Tertiary Care Hospital, Telangana
Pages 1568 - 1572

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Background: Infections attributable to Streptococcus are protean. These range from mild skin and soft tissue infections to life-threatening conditions like meningitis, endocarditis and toxic shock syndrome. There appears to be a recent surge of invasive infections due to these organisms. Penicillin is drug of choice for majority of Streptococcal species. Objectives: Isolation, identification and antibiotic susceptibility of Streptococcus species from various samples to revise hospital empirical therapy with regards to penicillin allergic patients in whom Streptococcus species is isolated. Methods: This is a prospective study over the past 2 ½ years (January 2020-August 2022) that includes all the Streptococcal species, isolated from clinical specimen. These were identified using ID GP card, Vitek-Compact 2. Antibiotic susceptibility was performed using AST 628 and ST03 cards. Results: There were 50 Streptococcal isolates from 50 patients. The ages ranged between 21 to 80 years; Males (61%) & Females(39%). The isolation of Streptococci from skin and soft tissue samples was high (55.3%) followed by respiratory samples (17%). Str.pyogenes (31.9%) and Str. agalactiae (25.5%) were predominantly isolated from skin and soft tissues, especially with lower limb cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis. Str.pneumoniae (27.6%) were isolated mainly from lower respiratory infections in elderly patients. Other isolates included Str.mitis (6.3%), Str.viridians (2.1%) , Str.mutans (2.1%), Str.sanguis (2.1%) and Str.uberis (2.1%). Most of the isolates were susceptible to Penicillin & Ampicillin. Interestingly, susceptibility to macrolide and lincosamide was low. Conclusion: Str.pyogenes has emerged as an important cause of life-threatening skin and soft-tissue infections, especially necrotizing fasciitis. Using erythromycin or Clindamycin as empirical therapy in penicillin allergic patients should be cautioned due to low susceptibility at our hospital
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Open Access
A study examining Trigger factors and hormonal abnormalities in adult female acne
Pages 1562 - 1567

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Background: Acne affects an increasing number of adult females, impairing quality of life, with significant negative psychological effect and social impact. Adult female acne (AFA) is defined as one that affects women over the age of 25 and may persist continuously or intermittently from adolescence or manifest for the first time in this period. It is believed that genetic and hormonal factors contribute to the pathogenesis of AFA, characterized by chronic evolution, requiring maintenance treatment, in some cases for years. The etiopathogenesis of acne vulgaris involves a complex interaction between the main factors such as: genetic predisposition; androgenic hormone stimulation leading to an increase in sebaceous secretion; alteration of the lipid composition; follicular hyperkeratinization; bacterial colonization mainly by Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and periglandular dermal inflammation. Materials and methods: Patients having acne of age ≥25 years were analyzed using a pre devised proforma to elicit trigger factors while the severity was graded using the Global Acne Grading System (GAGS). A detailed hormonal assessment was undertaken that assessed total testosterone (TT), sex hormone‑binding globulin (SHBG), free androgen index (FAI), AMH, 17‑hydroxyprogesterone (17‑OHP), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), follicle‑stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), thyroid‑stimulating hormone (TSH), and prolactin. Result: This research involves 90 students as the sample. The profile of the samples that contain average age, gender, degree of acne vulgaris, father genetic history, and mother genetic history. Statistical analysis of the father’s genetic history resultsin a p-valuel3t of 0.001, which means that the father’s genetic history was significantly related (p0.05) to the degree of acne vulgaris. Topical steroid use was found to be an important factor responsible for aggravation of acne in our study population. The objective assessment implicated the role of diet in 14.4% of patients with the common foods being ―oily ―and dairy products. Conclusion: Adult female acne may be triggered by diet, stress, and cosmetics and there is a distinct hormonal milieu that accounts for hyperandrogenemia. We noted high levels of adrenal androgens which have been known to be associated with stress and sleep deprivation. Our study shows the value of counseling adult female acne patients about various acne triggers.
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Open Access
A Study of gross and histological structure of thymus gland in Human fetal Cadavers
Pages 1554 - 1561

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The thymus is the lymphoid organ of greatest importance. It has structurally separated lobules through the connective tissue septa. That lobule has a cortex and a medulla in it. Many studies of this organ related to the histology of early fetuses are focused on animals. The present study focuses on certain histological features relating to the histogenesis of the thymus in adolescent and fetuses. The thymus is a powerful lymphoid organ and a main immune system regulator, and is responsible for the body’s mobile immunity. The bilobed shape, divided into lobules via connective tissue septa. Every lobule is composed of cortex and medulla. Materials and methods: The present study has been undertaken on thymus specimens of 25 fetuses of different age groups starting from the crown - rump length (CRL) of these fetuses have been to challenge to morphometry and histometry. The fetuses have been obtained from the Department of Anatomy, Siddhartha Medical College (Govt), Vijayawada over a period of 6 years and one specimen of thymus gland of the age of 15 years taken from the branch of forensic medicine. The fetuses had been tested for their respective crown rump lengths, gestational age and weights were used for the study. They had been constant in 10% formalin for 10 days after which subjected to dissection. Result: The histometric analysis of parenchyma (cortex and medulla) and connective tissue indicates that there was no significant variation in their ratio. The corpuscles frequently seen in thymuses of the early gestational period are called as Solid Hassall Corpuscles (SHC) and were located at the periphery of the medulla within the age group of the present study. Their size ranged from 25-35 μm with a mean of 33.171 μm. Certain corpuscles had a homogenous hyalinized eosinophilic mass in the center encircled by well defined, compactly packed concentric layers of epithelial cells which formed a capsule like structure. This epithelial capsule was separated from the central mass by a subcapsular space that gave a cyst like appearance hence named primary cystic Hassall’s corpuscle (CHC I). Conclusion: The findings of the present study are in conformity with studies related to the volume and size of the thymus with respect to gestational ages as well as with previously mentioned histological features. However, the present study noted different types of HC which are reported in the adult thymus. Hence the period of gestation between 15 and 18 weeks is critical for the development of fetal thymus.
Research Article
Open Access
Study on prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea among obese individuals
Pages 1548 - 1553

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Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is characterized by the partial or complete narrowing of the pharyngeal airway during sleep.The purpose of the study is to find out the prevalence of Obstructive sleep apnea among obese individuals by using STOP BANG Questionnaire. Material and Methods: The present study examined the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea among patients who were obese. The method that was used was an observational approach. The research was carried out at the ACS Medical College and Hospital in Velappanchavadi, which is located in the city of Chennai. The duration of the study was for a period of six months, during which time data was collected from a total of 204 different participants. The research would need to include 204 people as its sample size if it were to be conducted on the basis of the assumption that was drawn from an earlier study, which said that 15 percent of the people who make up the population possess the particular factor that is of interest. Results: The mean age of the participants were 45.0414.94 years. Around 64.7% were females and 35.3% were males. Around 47.1% were overweight, 37.35 obese class I, 10.3% obese class II and 5.4% obese class III. As age increases the risk of sleep apnoea increases. According to StopBang sleep apnoea scores low risk and moderate risk more commonly seen among females. Correlation ofStop Bang score with BMI shows as the obesity increases the Stop Bang sleep apnoea scores increases. Conclusion: The study showed prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea among obese individuals to be 69%. This study delved into the prevalent yet underdiagnosed realm of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) among obese individuals.
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Open Access
A Study on Systolic Desynchrony of Left Ventricle in Patients with ST
Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Pages 1537 - 1547

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Background: Mechanical systolic LV dyssynchrony is associated with poor outcomes in patients with cardiac failure. However, its role in predicting prognosis after acute MI has been remotely explored. Materials and methods: 62 patients with acute MI who were admitted to the Department of Cardiology, Govt General Hospital, Ongole were included in this study. All patients were subjected to echocardiography and their baseline parameters were noted. The patients were followed up for 6 months. Results: Dyssynchrony is present in 35% of the study population. The prevalence of dyssynchrony is significantly higher in AWMI compared to nonAWMI. Baseline LV dyssynchrony of 57 ms or more, as assessed by TDI, had a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 84% to predict LV remodeling at 6 months after acute infarction. Conclusion: Early identification of LV dyssynchrony aids in understanding the prognosis after acute MI and helps in intervening before the start of LV remodeling.
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Open Access
Association of (TTTC)n repeat polymorphism in 3’UTR of leptin gene
with essential hypertension
Pages 1532 - 1536

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Background: Leptin, an adipokine known for its anti obesity action also has a direct effect in maintaining blood pressure of an individual. Many studies have proposed the significant relation of high plasma leptin levels with high blood pressure. A significant association was found between a tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism (TTTC)n in the 3’UTR of leptin gene with essential hypertension in several populations. So we wanted to conduct a study to know the relationship of (TTTC)n repeat polymorphism in 3’UTR of Leptin gene with Essential hypertension in our population and its relation to serum leptin levels. Methods: A case-control study was done in our tertiary care hospital for one and a half years. Polymerase chain reaction was carried out and the products were visualized after running in 2% agarosegel electrophoresis. The alleles of this tetranucleotide polymorphism were classified as shorter form- class I and longer form class-II. Serum leptin levels were measured by ELISA. Result: It was found that Class I allele was more frequent in hypertensives when compared to controls(p<0.001). Class I/I genotype had significant association with essential hypertension even after adjusting for BMI(p<0.000). The difference in serum leptin levels between hypertensives and apparently healthy controls in our study was statistically significant even after adjusting for influence of obesity (p=0.015). This difference was in line with many other studies. However we could not find a significant association of serum leptin levels with this tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism. Conclusion: We found a significant association of (TTTC)n repeat polymorphism in 3’UTR of Leptin gene with Essential hypertension in this study.
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Open Access
A Study on Various Histopathological Lesions in TURP Specimens in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1523 - 1531

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Background: Most occurrences of prostatic disease are caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), then prostatic cancer. An adult male with prostatic hyperplasia requires a thorough study because prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed malignancy in males. Different prostatic lesions have the same clinical characteristics; however, identification is crucial because treatment and prognosis vary greatly. Material & Methods: Study Design: A prospective hospital based observational study. Study area: Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. Study Period: 1 year. Study population: This prospective study includes TURP specimens that were collected during the study period. Sample size: The study consisted of 100 cases. Sampling method: Simple random technique. Results: Foci of Prostatic Intra-Epithelial Neoplasia (PIN) were identified in 10% of all cases that were studied. 40% of the HG PIN lesions were identified in association with adenocarcinoma of prostate and the rest (60%) were found along with BPH. Highest incidence of PIN was noted in 7th decade followed by 6th decade. Atypical adenomatous hyperplasia was found in 4 (4%) of all cases. Conclusion: Malignant lesions are less frequent than benign ones. BPH is the most common type of prostatic lesion among the histopathological patterns. In order to recognise premalignant lesions, proliferative activity, and degree of inflammation, it is required to examine all prostate biopsies (TURP and needle core).
Research Article
Open Access
Doppler Indices in IUGR Fetuses - A Prospective, Observational Study
Pages 1518 - 1522

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Background: This prospective observational study delves into the intricate realm of Doppler indices in intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) fetuses, aiming to illuminate their clinical relevance and predictive potential. Fetal growth restriction, a critical concern in maternalfetal medicine, is explored through the lens of Doppler ultrasound, which enables assessment of uteroplacental and fetoplacental blood flow dynamics. By evaluating umbilical arterial (Umb A) Doppler Velocimetry, this study establishes correlations between hypoxemia in IUGR-affected fetuses and abnormal Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) pulsatility indices. The investigation comprehensively analyzes Doppler indices' performance in predicting perinatal outcomes, utilizing sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy assessments. With a focus on both symmetrical and asymmetrical IUGR, this study demonstrates the importance of Doppler imaging in diagnosing growth retardation and predicting adverse outcomes. Findings underscore the significance of combined uteroplacental and fetoplacental assessments and the potential of umbilical artery Doppler in outcome prediction. The implications of abnormal Cerebro umbilical ratio and absent diastolic flow further underscore the utility of Doppler imaging in enhancing high-risk pregnancy surveillance and outcomes.
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Open Access
To study the Effects of Trimetazidine on Left Ventricular Mechanics in Chronic Stable Angina Patients admitted in a tertiary healthcare center in north India
Pages 1512 - 1517

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Background: A lot has been investigated about how trimetazidine (TMZ); a metabolic modifier works at molecular level, however very little is known about how well that translates into mechanistic benefit at LV muscular level. This study was done to evaluate the effects of trimetazidine on the LV mechanics in patients of chronic stable angina. Material & Methods: Hospital based observational study, we followed 40 patients of chronic stable angina on conventional optimal medical therapy (OMT). LV mechanical indices including 2D Global Longitudinal Strain (GLS),4D Global Circumferential Strain (GCS),4D Global Area Strain (GAS), 4D Global Radial Strain (GRS), LVEF, E/A, E/e’ were measured at baseline and compared 1 month after addition of TMZ to OMT. Results: The mean 2D GLS at baseline was -17.36 ± 3.09%, which improved to -18.33 ± 3.13% on follow up (P=0.001). The mean 4D GCS at baseline was -6.87 ± 3.41%, and -8.52 ± 2.69% on follow up (P= 0.003). The mean 4D GAS at baseline was-12.40 ± 5.90% vs -14.02 ± 4.38% on follow up (P= 0.017). The mean 4D GRS at baseline was 16.50 ± 7.81% vs 18.00 ± 6.76% on follow up, P =0.091(NS). The mean LVEF improved from 55.67 ± 5.46 at baseline to 57.62 ± 5.15 on follow up after 1month on TMZ therapy (P=0.001). The mean E/A value at baseline was 1.14 ± 0.39, which changed to 1.04 ±0.24 on follow up (P=0.038). The mean E/e’ value at baseline was 8.91 ± 2.50, which improved to 8.14 ±2.17 on follow up (P=0.008). Conclusion: TMZ has beneficial effects on the LV Mechanistic indices when added over and above the conventional OMT in patients of chronic stable angina.
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Open Access
Morphometric Study of the Acetabulum and Its Clinical Correlation in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Pages 1507 - 1511

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Introduction: The acetabulum, a component of the hip joint, plays a pivotal role in maintaining stability and facilitating a wide range of motion. Total hip arthroplasty is a widely accepted surgical intervention for patients suffering from various hip pathologies, including osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis, and fractures. The successful outcome of total hip arthroplasty is heavily reliant on accurate implant positioning within the acetabulum, as improper placement can lead to postoperative complications such as dislocation, impingement, and accelerated wear of the prosthetic components. Morphometric analysis of the acetabulum involves the quantitative assessment of its anatomical features, which can greatly influence the surgical approach, implant selection, and overall postoperative function of the hip joint. The aim of this study is to conduct a morphometric analysis of the acetabulum that belonged to the North Indian population and investigate its clinical significance in total hip arthroplasty. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 110 adult dry hip bones (among which 55 belong to the right side and 55 belong to the left side) of unknown gender and age were studied in the Department of Anatomy, Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura, Bihar. We measured the diameter of the acetabulum, depth of the acetabulum, and width of the acetabular notch with the help of a digital vernier caliper which had a sensitivity of 0.01 mm and the least count observed was 0.01 mm. The obtained data is expressed in terms of Mean and standard deviation. A p-value less than 0.05 was considered significant in this study for analysis. The findings were tabulated and analyzed statistically by using the Graph Pad Prism version 9 software. Results: We observed that the measurements of the diameter of the acetabulum on the right side were 47.94 ± 2.53 mm and on the left side was 46.87 ± 3.52 mm. The depth of the acetabulum on the right side was 25.05 ± 1.32 mm and on the left side was 26.16 ± 2.15 mm. While the width of the acetabular notch was 23.26 ± 3.55 mm on the right side and 23.97 ± 4.13 mm on the left side. In the present study, there were no significant differences found between the right and left side parameters of the acetabulum. Conclusion: The biomedical engineers will be able to create acceptable prostheses with the help of a complete understanding of the acetabulum's dimensions. The present study identified a number of acetabulum metrics that can be employed in total hip replacement to assess the acetabulum as part of preoperative planning.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Patient Satisfaction among Inpatients in the Department of General Medicine, Government Medical College, Ggh, Srikakulam
Pages 1501 - 1506

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Background: Patient Satisfaction, which is viewed as a significant indicator of quality of care, can be defined as fulfillment or meeting of expectation of a person from a service or product and has been receiving greater attention as a result of rise in pay for performance. It is an important and commonly used indicator to measure the quality of care that can contribute evaluation of structure, process and outcome of services. Patient satisfaction is a subjective phenomenon. It is also a multidimensional aspect as, many factors contribute directly or indirectly to patient satisfaction including accessibility and convenience of services, institutional structure, interpersonal relationships, the competence of health professionals and patient expectations and preferences. Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator to measure the quality of care that can contribute to a balanced evaluation of structure, process and outcome of services. So patient satisfaction has become a high priority to hospitals and health plans across the country, because of its impact on patient loyalty, the hospital’s reputation, perception of quality of care, employees’ dissatisfaction and retention of a hospital’s bottom line. Materials And Methods: It is a hospital based prospective study; the research was carried among 120 randomly selected patients who were admitted in the department of General Medicine, GGH, Srikakulam, a tertiary care teaching hospital. The study is conducted through the collection of primary and secondary data. Results: A total of 120 patients were included in the study of which 68 (56%) were males, 52 (44%) were females.56% in 15-45 years age group, 26% in 45-60 years, 18% in more than 60 years, and the level of patient satisfaction of various factors like time taken for admission is good as 45%, excellent staff friendliness 17%’ excellent timely discharge process as 20%, excellent doctor care as 46%, excellent dietary services 26% etc. Conclusion: Feedback of patients is one of the key parameters in assessing the quality of hospitals. The feedback results showed that most of the patients were satisfied with most of the services in Hospital under study and the doctor’s care and nursing services have the highest satisfaction level, which is very satisfactory and encouraging but there is always a scope for improvement. More than 85% of the patients rated most of the parameters as good or excellent.
Research Article
Open Access
A Cross Sectional Study on Quality of Life and Its Determinants among Adult Diabetics Attending Life Style Clinic of a Teaching Hospital, West Bengal
Pages 1495 - 1500

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most common metabolic diseases with a complex, multi- factorial etiology and has varied clinical and biochemical manifestations. The impact of the disease and of treatment on all chronic patients, quality of life (QOL) and lifestyle is a key concern for both the patients themselves and their physicians. Aims: To assess the quality of life (QOL) and the associated risk factors among adult diabetics attending the lifestyle clinic of a teaching hospital, West Bengal. Materials and Methods: This hospital- based, cross- sectional study recruited 152 patients with diabetes to assess the QOL in the lifestyle clinic of a tertiary healthcare facility. The QOL was assessed with the help of the World Health Organization (WHO) QOL BREF instrument. The socio demographic and diabetes- related attributes were collected by a pre-designed and pre-tested structured questionnaire. Clinical and anthropometric examinations were also conducted. All the available data were initially coded and then analyzed using the SPSS, 22.0 licensed software. Result: Association of QOL found with the respondents those were on OHA, on diet modification, on recommended physical activity, having family h/o DM and duration of diabetes. Patients those were using only OHA among them nearly 57% had good quality of life. More than 60% of the participants those who were not on diet modification and 56.13% of participants those were not doing recommended physical activity had poor QOL. It is found that 59.73% of participants those having family h/o DM had poor quality of life. Similarly, 62.86% respondents had poor QOL among those having diabetes of more than equal to 5 years duration. Conclusion: This study concludes that poor QOL was highest in social domain whereas half of the diabetics had an overall good score. Poor QOL was associated with ongoing treatment, patients not following any life style modification, family h/o diabetes, distance from home to hospital along with long waiting period for getting services and also with patients having other known co-morbidities, overweight/obesity and presence of pallor.
Review Article
Open Access
Alleviate COPD using Liquorice and Asafoetidaenriched foods by combating AGE-RAGE axis
Pages 1482 - 1494

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Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) are formed in the lungs either spontaneously or as a result of the insult due to cigarette smokes. These AGEs have deleterious effects due to their pro oxidant and inflammatory actions. The AGEs can interact with the receptor for AGE, called RAGE, triggering various kinase pathways that activate transcription factor NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa B). This, in turn, leads to the production of several inflammatory substances and promoters. Impeding the formation of AGEs and inhibiting the AGE-RAGE axis can prove beneficial in down regulating the inflammatory process, leading to favourable outcomes. Asafoetida and liquorice are two such herbs that can significantly impede the AGE-RAGE-NF-κBaxis, which plays a key role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). These herbs have the potential to improve symptoms and lung function in patients suffering from this condition.
Research Article
Open Access
To study strain elastography and transrectal ultrasonography in the detection of prostate cancer
Pages 1477 - 1481

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Introduction and Background: Since it is the second most frequent cancer in males, and the second leading cause of cancer-related death, prostate cancer is a key focus of healthcare research and development. Traditional methods of assessing prostate cancer relied on digital rectal examinations and PSA levels because of the prostate's inconvenient position. Material and Methods: 20 patients with high PSA levels and aberrant DRE results who were sent to our clinic were analyzed. From December 2021 to November 2022, at Mahavir institute of Medical Sciences, Vikarabad, Telangana, researchers gathered data. All patients provided informed consent after having potential biopsy consequences outlined to them. Antibiotics were provided as a preventative measure before the operation. Results: In our prospective study, 20 patients with abnormal digital rectal examination and elevated PSA levels underwent transrectal real-time strain elastography, transrectal ultrasonography, a systematic 12-core biopsy, and additional targeted biopsies from abnormal areas found by transrectal real-time strain elastography and transrectal ultrasound. The interpretations from each of these techniques were contrasted with the histopathological diagnosis. Conclusion: This research shows that compared to ultrasonography, elastography is more sensitive to the presence of malignancies and has a strong negative predictive value, both of which aid in avoiding unnecessary biopsies. Elastography and ultrasonography together improve cancer detection by pinpointing malignant tumors and facilitating guided biopsies.
Research Article
Open Access
A cross sectional study of skin manifestations in chronic kidney disease patients on Haemodialysis in a tertiary hospital in Central India
Pages 1471 - 1476

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Background: Chronic renal failure (CRF) is manifested by various skin symptoms. New changes have been described continuously since the advent of hemodialysis, which increases life expectancy and allows time for these changes to occur. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of skin manifestations in chronic renal failure (CRF) patients receiving hemodialysis. Methods: it was a cross sectional observational study in which skin changes were studied in a total of 500 CRF patientsreceiving hemodialysis attending dermatology OPD in a tertiary hospital in central India. Results: 80% of the patients complained of some skin problems.However, at examination, all patients had at least one skin condition caused by CRF. The most common finding was xerosis (80%), followed by pallor (70%), itching (50%), and skin hyperpigmentation (40%). Other skin manifestations include Kell's disease (20%), fungal (40%), bacterial (15%), purpura (10%) and dermatitis (2%). Nail changes include koilonychia (25%), onychomycosis (20%), subungual hyperkeratosis (10%), onycholysis (10%) and hemorrhages (5%), Mee’s line (5%), Muehrcke lines (5%) and Beau's lines (2%). Hair changes include thinning hair (35%) and brittle and dull hair (15%). Oral changes include striated macroglossia (40%), xerostomia (30%), ulcerative stomatitis (30%), angular cheilitis (15%), and uremic breath (10%). Some rare side effects of CRF have also been observed, such as uremic frostbite, gynecomastia, and pseudoKaposi's sarcoma. Conclusion: CRF is associated with a complex set of cutaneous manifestations caused by disease or treatment. The most common are xerosis and pruritus, and early recognition of skin symptoms can reduce pain and morbidity.
Research Article
Open Access
Ultrasonographic Study of Fetal Congenital Anomalies in South Burdwan District of West Bengal – A Cross-Sectional Study
Pages 1467 - 1470

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Fetal congenital anomalies are one of the most important causes of fetal morbidity and mortality in the world. With the advent of ultrasonography it has become much easier to detect congenital anomalies at earlier stages for further evaluation and management. In this study a total number of 1800 patients were selected for study during the period of first July 2021 to 30th September 2022. Congenital anomalies were detected in 47 patients with a prevalence of 2.6%. Patents were divided in to two groups. Group – I had some underlying medical conditions (380 patients) and group-II had no underlying medical conditions (1420 Patients). Prevalence of congenital anomalies were found to be more in group-I patients with significant P value (0.002). Central nervous system anomalies were found to have the highest incidence 42.5%.
Research Article
Open Access
A Case Control Study of Surgical Anatomy of Sigmoid Volvulus in India
Pages 1461 - 1466

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Sigmoid volvulus is a rare but potentially life-threatening condition caused by abnormal changes in the sigmoid colon surrounding the mesentery. The purpose of this article is to determine the trunk length of the unchecked S-bracket. Methods: This study was a case-control study conducted in two tertiary teaching hospitals in central India. Patients included patients 18 years of age or older with surgically proven sigmoid volvulus; controls included people aged 18 years or older who had undergone other surgeries that did not involve the colon, sigmoid, or rectum. Results: Intraoperative sigmoid measurements, including midsigmoid root width and midsigmoid length. Observations and results: A total of 30 cases and 30 controls were included. The sigmoid colon was longer and wider in the subjects than in the control group. However, mean sigmoid root width was similar between groups. These findings support that sigmoid torsion results from broad-based rotation of a long and wide midsigmoid colon. This is the first adequately controlled study to examine the anatomy of sigmoid torsion and provides strong evidence to confirm previous theories about the anatomical basis of sigmoid torsion.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Hepatic Dysfunction and Its Prognostic Significance in Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
Pages 1457 - 1460

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Background: Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) is one of the common cause for admission in emergency medical units. Patients admitted with Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) have high in-hospital mortality. This study aims at evaluating the prognostic significance of hepatic dysfunction in patients admitted with Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF ). Methods: 84 patients admitted with Acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) were evaluated for hepatic dysfunction using MELD ( Model for Endstage Liver Disease ) score and MELD-Na (MELD Sodium) score. They where followed up during their course in hospital and the outcome in terms of mortality was measured. Results: 57 patients survived and 27 patients died during hospitalisation. The MELD and MELD-Na scores of those patients who died during hospitalization were significantly high when compared to those who survived.
Research Article
Open Access
Nerve Conduction Parameters in Primary Hypothyroidism at Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1451 - 1456

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Introduction: Thyroid hormones are not essential for maintenance of vital functions of life, their deficiency causes severe deficit in mental and physical growth and extreme decrease in body metabolism. Aim: To study nerve conduction parameters in primary hypothyroidism patients. Method: study conducted on 84 patients( 42 patients in each case group and control group) aged between 20 to 45 years at Department of Medicine, S.M.S. Medical Collage, Jaipur, Rajasthan from May 2020 onwards for one year or till the sample size was achieved and two months for data compilation and analysis. Cases and control fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken into study. The study access nerve conduction parameters in primary hypothyroidism patients. Result: mean age for case group was 38.09 years and for control group it was 34.9 years( p >0.05). There was significant difference seen inFT3, FT4, TSH and anti TPO test. Significant difference in FT3 in abnormal nerve conduction and normal nerve conduction patients, FT4, TSH and anti TPO was found non-significant in abnormal nerve conduction and normal nerve conduction patients. Conclusion: Performing electrophysiological studies early in the course of the disease in hypothyroid patients is suggested, in order to detect nervous system involvement.
Research Article
Open Access
Cytomorphological Spectrum of Lymph Node Lesions Diagnosed By Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in a Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 1443 - 1450

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Background: Lesions of Lymph Nodes are very common and important manifestations of many systemic diseases. Especially, in developing country like India, most of the lesions are of infectious etiology. FNAC can be used as a triage to distinguish between various cases of lymphadenopathies, as it is a simple and economical procedure. Materials & Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of Pathology, in the newly established Government Medical College and Hospital, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of 93 patients presenting with complaint of enlarged lymph nodes were subjected to FNAC procedure after taking history and doing general and local examinations. Smears were prepared, stained and Cytological Diagnosis was made. Results: Most of the patients presenting with lymphdenopathy were in age group of 11-20 years. The most common lesion diagnosed was Reactive Lymphadenitis, followed by Tuberculous Lymphadenitis. Malignancies formed 7.53% of all cases. Conclusion: FNAC is a rapid & economic technique to diagnose the etiology of various types of Lymphadenopathies and also to classify the lesions as Non Neoplastic and Neoplastic. It also reduces the need for excision biopsy in most cases of Lymphedenopathies as diagnosis can easily be done by Cytomorphological examination.
Research Article
Open Access
Kap Study on Covid-19 and Its Correlation with Mortality and Severity of Disease
Pages 1435 - 1442

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Introduction: Every element of human existence has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving people more susceptible to the illness. Aim: To investigate the KAP towards COVID-19 among COVID-19 patients admitted during April 2021 to Oct 2021 and its correlation with mortality and severity of disease. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted among consecutive COVID-19 adult patients (>18 years) admitted to Dedicated COVID Hospital, at tertiary health care center, SP Medical College, Bikaner (Rajasthan). All covid positive patients, giving informed verbal consent, reporting to our COVID dedicated hospital within study duration, were included in our study by consecutive sampling. A pretested preformed questionnaire was used, which comprised of two parts to collect demographic details of the participants along with KAP towards COVID-19. The collected data was entered in Microsoft Excel and then was analysed and statistically evaluated using Epi info software. Results: Age of patients ranged between 18 to 85 years with mean age of 50.9±15.4 yr. A composite analysis of the KAP score revealed that 24.6% had a poor KAP score, 65.6% had an average KAP score while the remaining 9.8% had a good KAP score. We found a significant association between low disease severity or good disease outcome with all 3 parameters of KAP score (p value <0.05). Patients with low levels of KAP (knowledge, attitude, and practices) showed a higher likelihood of being infected with COVID-19. Conclusion: the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding COVID-19 among patients with COVID-19 were average, and were lower among patients with low education levels, low socioeconomic status, and occupations not related to healthcare.
Research Article
Open Access
MicroRNA 24 as predictor of CAD severity in patients with Acute Coronary syndrome with and without Diabetes mellitus
Pages 1426 - 1434

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Objective: To compare the levels of microRNA (miRNA) 24 levels in diabetic patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS)with non-diabetics suffering from ACS. Methodology: A prospective case-control study was carried out among 40 patients with ACS residing in Belagavi, Karnataka, South India. Patient characteristics based on demographics, ACS related information and treatment, biochemical parameters, and miRNA-24 levels were compared between diabetics and non-diabetics. Finally, miRNA-24 was evaluated for effectiveness as a clinical biomarker for CAD severity in ACS pateints in both the groups. Results: The majority of patients were males between the age group of 18 and 77 years living in urban areas with physical activities restricted to NHYA class 2. A significant level of differences was found between the cases and controls inpatient characteristics such as duration of diabetes diagnosis, treatment of diabetes, family history of diabetes, comorbidities, random blood sugar and HbA1c. Within the levels of miR-24 also, significant variation was observed between the diabetics and non-diabetics. The ROC analysis for evaluating the efficiency of miR-24 as a clinical biomarker for diabetic patients with ACS was established. Conclusions: The control (non-diabetic) group showed significant CT values of miRNA-24 compared to diabetics, suggesting an up-regulation of mi-RNA and thereby may play a protective role of miRNA-24 in these patients. Moreover, the ROC analysis for fold change in miRNA-24 level in diabetic patients with ACS was found to be significant, suggestive of a possible link between expression of miRNA-24 and glucose levels. Therefore, the current study supports the use of miRNA-24 as a prognostic marker inACS outcome.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparative Analysis of Cytological and Molecular Markers in Breast Lesions: A Cross-Sectional Study
Pages 1421 - 1425

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Background: Breast lesions are a significant global health concern, often requiring invasive procedures for definite diagnosis. Cytological and molecular markers present alternative, potentially less intrusive diagnostic methodologies. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of cytological and molecular markers for the diagnosis of breast lesions. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on a cohort of 500 patients presenting with breast lesions, undergoing cytological evaluation (Fine-Needle Aspiration Cytology) and molecular marker testing (HER2/neu, ER, PR, and Ki-67). Concordance between the two methods was evaluated. Results: Both cytological and molecular marker evaluations showed significant diagnostic potential. There was substantial concordance between the two modalities. However, molecular markers exhibited a slightly higher diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, especially in the detection of pre-malignant and malignant lesions. Conclusion: Cytological and molecular markers each offer valuable, complementary diagnostic approaches. While cytology provides rapid, cost-effective results, molecular markers offer increased sensitivity and specificity. Their combined usage can help minimize invasive procedures and improve patient outcomes. Further research is recommended to refine the usage of these diagnostic tools.
Research Article
Open Access
Correlation of the Red Cell Distribution Width Value with Severity of Sepsis
Pages 1416 - 1420

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Background: Sepsis is known as a life-threatening organ dysfunction that is caused by a dysregulated host response to infection. Sepsis and septic shock carries high potential mortality rates, resulting in challenge and burden to healthcare system. Variation in the size of red blood cells is represented by RED cell distribution width. It is thought to be elevated when an excess amount of reticulocytes are released into circulation. RDW parameter is provided in the CBC report done by the automated analyzer. It is an inexpensive, routinely available, and rapidly measurable prognostic tool. Methodology- The study was carried out at the ICCU, Department of Medicine of tertiary care center, for period of 15-18 months. 65 patients fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were considered for the study. RDW value was recorded and it correlation with APACHE II score and mortality among the patients was noted. Data was entered in MS EXCEL spread sheet and analysed with the help of Open epi and spss software. Results- Mean age group of study population among non-survivor patient was 48.64 with SD of 17.26 and of survivor was 39.91 with SD of 16.64. Mean APACHE II score among Group I was 16.333 with SD of 7.711, in Group II was 21.307 with SD of 8.596 and in Group III was 21 with SD of 8.5. 30 days mortality among Group I was 1 (16%) in Group II was 22 (84.62%) and in Group III was 30 (90.91%). Conclusion- RDW value increased in patients with sepsis.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparison of Subfoveal Choroidal Thickness in Patients with CRVO and BRVO
Pages 1408 - 1415

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Background: The objective of this study is to assess the subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) in individuals with macular edema (ME) resulting from retinal vein occlusion (RVO). Additionally, the study aims to examine the immediate effects following a solitary intravitreal ranibizumab (IVR) injection. Furthermore, it is important to compare the changes in subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) between central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). Methods: This study involved a prospective longitudinal examination of 100 eyes belonging to 100 patients who had not received any prior treatment for retinal vein occlusion. Among these patients, 24 had central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and 40 had branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO). In this study, Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) was employed to assess various ocular parameters including peripapillary choroidal thickness (PPCT), subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT), peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (pRNFL) thickness, and central macular thickness (CMT) in both affected and fellow eyes. Measurements were taken at baseline during the acute phase, as well as at 3 and 9 months following anti-VEGF treatment. The Spectralis HRA-OCT system from Heidelberg was utilized for this purpose. A p-value less than or equal to 0.05 was deemed to be statistically significant. Results: When compared to other eyes in CRVO and BRVO, affected eyes had thicker baseline PPCT and SFCT (p 0.05). At three months following baseline, PPCT in the affected eyes significantly decreased in both groups (p 0.05). PPCT remained stable at 9 months as compared to 3 months (p > 0.05). At 3 months, both groups' affected eyes' SFCT significantly decreased (p 0.05). SFCT decreased in the CRVO patients at 9 months compared to 3 months (p = 0.047), but it remained stable in the BRVO patients (p = 0.850). At any timepoint in both groups, there were no correlations between SFCT and CMT (p > 0.05). At 3 months, there is a correlation between PPCT and pRNFL in CRVO, but no other correlations were discovered during the follow-up. In BRVO, there was no discernible correlation between PPCT and pRNFL. Conclusion: Both in CRVO and BRVO eyes, PPCT and SFCT at diagnosis are significantly thicker compared to the fellow eye, suggesting a possible increase in CT immediately after the occlusion, which is followed by a decrease at an early follow-up stage.
Research Article
Open Access
Study on variations of the vascular and extrahepatic biliary system in laparoscopic cholecystectomy and its associated outcomes
Pages 1403 - 1407

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Background- Anatomical variations in the hepatobiliary system are usually asymptomatic. However, it is very important to know the anatomy to avoid unwanted complications during surgery and in the postoperative period Materials and methods:- 80 patients with cholecystitis who presented to the department of surgery, KIMS, Narketpally, who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy, were included in this prospective study. Results: - Out of the 80 patients, variable anatomy of the biliary system and vascular system was found in 20 patients, of whom, 15 had variations in the biliary system and 5 patients had variations in the vascular system. 3 patients with variable anatomy developed complications. 6 patients had to be re-explored by conversion into open cholecystectomy due to frozen Calot’s triangle. Conclusion:- Variations in biliary anatomy and vascular system are diverse. Few such variations were confirmed with this study, thereby implying the need for in-depth knowledge about congenital anomalies of the biliary system.
Research Article
Open Access
A comparative study of morphological and Immunohistochemical expression of P40 and P63 immunomarkers in squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma lung
Pages 1397 - 1402

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Introduction: Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related death worldwide and accounts for 28% of all cancer mortality and around 1.8 million new cases were diagnosed in 2012. The morphological distinction between pulmonary adenocarcinoma (ADC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) is sometimes difficult, mainly in cases of poorly differentiated tumors or when degenerative changes, necrosis and crushing may obscure the cell characteristics. p63 is a homologue of the p53 tumour suppressor gene that is responsible for proliferation and differentiation of epithelial progenitor cells. p40 is consistently the predominant isoform expressed in squamous cell carcinoma; thus, it offers improved specificity for diagnosing squamous cell carcinoma. Materials And Methods: This is a prospective and observational study conducted in the Department of Pathology, Tertiary care Teaching Hospital over a period of 1 year. Primary lung carcinoma cases included with unequivocal morphological diagnosis irrespective of age, gender and nature of biopsy material (endoscopic biopsy/ needle core biopsy / resected specimen). Cases diagnosed as Small cell carcinoma of lung, as metastatic lung cancers, poorly differentiated NSCLC-NOS and with inadequate material for IHC study were excluded from present study. Results: In the present study, a total of 150 patients were included out of which 112 (74.6%) were males and 38 (25.4%) were females. In our study, most of the patients were >61 years i.e., 63 out of 150 (42%), followed by 51-60 years, i.e., 40 out of 150 (26.7%). All 8 cases of well differentiated Adenocarcinoma were positive for P40 and 5 cases showed P63 expression. Out of 13 cases of moderately differentiated Adenocarcinoma, 3 cases were positive for P40 and 10 cases were positive for p63 marker. Out of 30 cases of well differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma 15 cases were P40 positive and 15 cases were P63 positive. All 53 cases of moderately differentiated Squamous cell carcinoma showed positive P40 and P63 expression. Conclusion: We conclude that strong and diffuse p40 expression is seen in majority of lung squamous cell carcinomas and absence of p40 expression in most of the lung adenocarcinomas. Expression of p63 is similar to that of p40 in lung squamous cell carcinoma, but there was variable p63 immunoreactivity in lung adenocarcinoma. In Moderately differentiated cases, a two-panel approach of p63 and p40 help to distinguish adenocarcinoma from squamous cell carcinoma. Thus, p40 is an excellent marker for distinguishing lung squamous cell carcinoma from adenocarcinoma and that its expression is equivalent to that of p63 in lung squamous cell carcinoma.
Research Article
Open Access
To study comparison of BISAP clinical rating and clinical outcome with CT-based pancreatitis severity evaluation using the updated Atlanta classification
Pages 1391 - 1396

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Background and Objectives: The purpose of this study is to use contrast-enhanced computed tomography to categorize individuals with acute pancreatitis into interstitial edematous pancreatitis and necrotizing pancreatitis according to the updated Atlanta classification, and to describe the kind of collections in these patients. After that, we'll determine how severe it is using the new Atlanta categorization. And using the BISAP clinical rating system, discuss the disease's clinical progression and severity. Ultimately, we hope to link these observations to improved patient care. Materials and Methods: The study period began June 2022 to May 2023, conducted at the Department of Radiodiagnosis, Dr. Patnam Mahender Reddy Institute of Medical Sciences, Chevella, Hyderabad, India. This prospective observational study took place in a hospital setting. The sample size for this study was 200 patients. Primary data was obtained by the investigator from patients diagnosed with acute pancreatitis and admitted to the surgery or medicine wards at our hospital for CT scans. Results: Patients in our study group tended to be male, and alcoholism was the leading cause of their condition. In addition, interstitial edematous pancreatitis and mild acute pancreatitis accounted for the vast majority of cases. They achieved favorable clinical outcomes with a BISAP score of less than 3. Acute necrotizing pancreatitis and interstitial edema were both classified as moderately severe. Necrotizing pancreatitis was the most common kind of the severe acute form. Clinical outcomes were unsatisfactory for the majority of these individuals. Grades in the moderately severe range lie between the mild and severe varieties. Clinical result was found to correlate positively with BISAP rating, and the updated Atlanta categorization. Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis imaging results can now be more uniformly described and recorded in clinical practice according to the new Atlanta classification system. Acute pancreatitis patients can now be more accurately triaged, predicted, and treated thanks to the integration of the new Atlanta classification and BISAP clinical grading.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Semitendinosus Graft in Biological Reconstruction of Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations Rockwood Type 3 to Type 6 and Functional Outcome
Pages 1386 - 1390

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Background- Acromioclavicular (AC) joint injuries most commonly occur in young males after direct damage at the acromion1. Surgical treatment for types IV through VI, whereas management of type III injuries is more controversial. The overall complication rate is high (14%)2. Technique for open repair of a chronic AC joint separation using a semitendinosus allograft using the cerclage for enhanced fixation. Aims And Objectives- To study the functional outcome of acromioclavicular ligament reconstruction using semitendinosus graft. To provide a pain-free, mobile shoulder. Methodology- Design: Prospective study Period: JAN 2021 to JULY 2022 Sample size: 14 cases were taken up for our study. FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION: Two scoring systems were used: (a) ASES SCORE(b)CONSTANT SCORE Observation&Results—POST-OP ASES SCORES INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY WHEN COMPARED TO PRE-OP POST-OP CONSTANT SCORE INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY WHEN COMPARED TO PRE-OP
Research Article
Open Access
Basilic Vein Transposition in Forearm for Distal Av Fistula Creation: Our Experience
Pages 1383 - 1385

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A V fistula creation in patients with chronic kidney disease is challenging in the setting of previous failed fistulas, thrombosed cephalic veins. Distal fistula creation is the preferred site so that the proximal options are available if the distal fistulas fail. Basilic vein transposition is commonly done in the arm. The purpose of this study is to present the technique of Basilic vein transposition in forearm proving beneficial in preserving the proximal options for AV fistula creation in patients with thrombosed cephalic vein, small calibre cephalic vein and failed distal AV fistulas.
Research Article
Open Access
End to Side Interposition Vein Grafts a Novel Technique in Upper Limb Vascular Injury in Paediatric Population Less Than 5 Years of Age: Our Experience
Pages 1379 - 1383

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Upper limb neurovascular injuries are uncommon in paediatric population [1]in the age group less than 5-year-old. The vascular injuries requiring surgical intervention pose technical difficulties in view of vasospasm and small calibre of the vessels in the paediatric population [2]. The purpose of this study is to present the technique of End to Side anastomosis of brachial artery proving beneficial in vascular repair in children with small calibre vessels with vasospasm than the conventional reverse vein end to end anastomosis.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Procalcitonin as an Early Predictor of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis
Pages 1373 - 1378

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Introduction: Acute pancreatitis is an acute inflammatory process ranging clinically from mild discomfort with localized inflammation to severe disease involving remote organ systems. Aim: Study of procalcitonin as an early predictor of severity in acute pancreatitis. Methods: This study was a Hospital based observational study conducted on 56 cases aged between 18 to 80 years at acute pancreatitis patients presenting in OPD and IPD of medicine and gastroenterology department at SMS Medical College and Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Data collection was started after approval from institutional research review board. Results: majority 46.4% patients were of 20-40 years age group, mean age was 43.69 years, 71.4% patients were male, 44.6% patients were alcoholic. Majority 37.5% patients were of Ranson score 2, as per Atlanta criteria, 66.07% patients were of mild acute pancreatitis, 10.7% patients died. Conclusion: We have observed that Procalcitonin has shown promising results as an early marker of development of complications.
Research Article
Open Access
Thyroid Dysfunction in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients at a Tertiary Care Hospital- An Observational Study
Pages 1368 - 1372

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Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a prevalent chronic autoimmune illness that does not target specific organs. In contrast, autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) is the most often occurring autoimmune disease that specifically affects the thyroid gland, potentially resulting in either hypo- or hyperthyroidism. The aetiology of both diseases is multifaceted, involving a combination of genetic and environmental variables. Furthermore, there are shared genetic elements that contribute to the development of both diseases. Methods: This observational study was conducted at the rheumatology OPD/Medicine OPD at Tertiary Care Hospital. The study included patients of rheumatoid arthritis, aged >18 years, who fulfilled European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)/American College of Rheumatology (ACR) - 2010 criteria for rheumatoid arthritis and was screened for: free T3 (free triidothyronine), free T4 (free thyroxine) and TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone). Results: Among a cohort of 100 patients, it was revealed that 41% of the patients exhibited thyroid abnormalities. Specifically, the study revealed that 59% of the participants exhibited normal thyroid function, while 6% were diagnosed with hypothyroidism, 10% with hyperthyroidism, 24% with subclinical hypothyroidism, and 1% with subclinical hyperthyroidism. Patients with thyroid abnormality had significantly lower levels of hemoglobin (p-value <0.001), mean corpuscular volume (p-value 0.011), total leucocyte count (p-value 0.004), and platelet counts (p-value 0.040) compared to individuals without thyroid problem. In addition, a statistically significant decrease in urea (p-value <0.001) and creatinine levels (p-value <0.001) was seen in patients with thyroid abnormalities compared to those without thyroid abnormalities. Conclusion: Thyroid dysfunction has been observed to exhibit a significant prevalence among individuals diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The study detected cases of subclinical hypothyroidism, which is the most prevalent thyroid condition, as well as cases of overt hyperthyroidism.
Research Article
Open Access
A study of thyroid function tests in type 2 diabetes mellitus Patients in teritiary care Centre
Pages 1364 - 1367

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder. It is a state of persistent hyperglycemia secondary to defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The development of Diabetes involves several pathogenic processes ranging from autoimmune destruction of the β cells of the pancreas resulting in absolute insulin deficiency, to other abnormalities that result in insulin resistance. Thyroid hormones and Insulin have both agonist and antagonist action in glucose homeostasis. The most common endocrine disorder after diabetes mellitus is thyroid disorder. Hence, it is common to be affected by both thyroid disease and diabetes. This study also helps in recognition of the interdependent relationship between thyroid disease and diabetes and guides clinicians on the optimal management of both these conditions. Materials And Methods: 100 Type 2 Diabetic patients were analyzed in this study. A structured questionnaire designed for the study was used to collect the demographic details and the history related to their illnesses. A complete physical and systemic examination was conducted on all patients, and the findings were recorded. The following investigations were carried out on the study subjects like fasting and postprandial blood sugars, HbA1C levels, thyroid profile which includes t3, t4, TSH levels as needed. Results: The mean age (years) of the study group was 54.57. Males were outnumbered by females in the study. Thyroid dysfunction was present in 23% patients. Of this 16.0% of the patients had subclinical hypothyroidism,6.0%of the patients had Hypothyroidism,1.0%of the patients had Hyperthyroidism. None of them had subclinical hyperthyroidism. Of these 91 patients, 48.3% had subclinical hypothyroidism, 24.2% had subclinical hyperthyroidism and 23.1% had hypothyroidism, females had more prevalence of thyroid disorders compared to males Conclusion: After having reviewed the results and significant findings of the above study, it can be concluded that Thyroid dysfunctions are prevalent in the diabetic population, and this further emphasises the need to screen for thyroid dysfunctions routinely to improve the quality of life and reduce morbidity.
Research Article
Open Access
The role of Ambulatory blood pressure measurement in patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) with an aim to improve Renal and CardioVascular outcomes
Pages 1355 - 1363

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Background: Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) measurement, compared to office blood pressure measurement, provides for better risk stratification in essential hypertension, but its prognostic role in non-dialysis chronic kidney disease has not been well studied. Methods: In 436 consecutive individuals with chronic kidney disease, the prognostic value of daytime and nighttime systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in contrast with office measurements was assessed. Time to renal mortality (end-stage renal disease or death) and time to fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular events were the primary end points. Patients were categorised using BP quintiles. Results: The patients had a mean (SD) age of 65.1 (13.6) years and a glomerular filtration rate of 42.9 (19.7) mL/min/1.73 m2. Of the participants, 41.7% were female, 36.5% had diabetes, and 30.5% had cardiovascular disease. SBP/DBP values measured in the office were 146 (19)/82(12)mmHg; midday values were 131(17)/75 (11)mmHg, and nighttime values were 122(20)/66 (10)mmHg. 155 and 103 patients, respectively, achieved the renal and cardiovascular end points during follow-up (median, 4.2 years).Patients with an SBP of 136 to 146 mmHg and those with an SBP greater than 146 mmHg had an increased adjusted risk of cardiovascular endpoint (hazard ratio [HR], 2.23; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.13-4.41and3.07;1.54-6.09) and renal death compared with those with a daytime SBP of 126 to 135 mmHg (1.72;1.022.89and1.85;1.11-3.08). In comparison to the reference SBP value of 106-114 mmHg, night time SBPs of 125 to 137 mmHg and higher than 137 mmHg also raised the risk of the cardiovascular endpoint (HR, 2.52;95%CI, 1.11-5.71and4.00;1.77-9.02) and renal endpoint (1.87; 1.03-3.43and2.54;1.41-4.57). The risk of the kidney or cardiovascular endpoints was not predicted by office blood pressure monitoring. Patients who didn't dip or did it backwards were more likely to experience both outcomes. Conclusion: When dealing with chronic kidney disease, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, particularly at night, provides for a more precise prognosis of renal and cardiovascular risk however office blood pressure monitoring makes no prognoses.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Carcinoembryonic Antigen Levels in Patients with Unstable Angina and Its Correlation with Quantitative Troponin I Levels
Pages 1347 - 1354

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Introduction: Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), one of the most widely used tumor markers, has been recently associated with carotid atherosclerosis. Aims: To assess the level of carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with unstable angina and its relation with quantitative troponin-I. Materials and methods: An observational study was conducted for a period of two years among 120 patients with unstable angina in the department of general medicine, aim to assess the level of carcinoembryonic antigen in patients with unstable angina and its relation with quantitative troponin-I. Results: The mean age of the study population was 51.9 ± 7.9 years. The gender ration male to female in the present study was 2.9:1 with male dominance (74.2%). Out of 120 cases, 15.8% had family history of myocardial infarction. The mean body mass index (BMI) of the study population was 25.8 ± 3.6 kg/ Among 120 cases, 14.2% were overweight, 41.6% were pre-obese and 14.2% were obese. In the present study, 28.3% had diabetes mellitus, 22.5% had hypertension and 20.8% had hyperlipidaemia. All the cases had chest pain at the time presentation. 12.5% had shortness of breath, 17.5% had chest discomfort, 20.8% had sweating and 36.7% had tachycardia. Among 120 cases, ECG findings shows that 44.2% had ST elevation, 39.2% had t-wave changes and 28.3% had other ECG changes. The mean Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in the study population was 44.9 ± 7.91%. The mean Troponin-I (ng/ml) in the study population was 0.12 ± 0.04 ng/ml with 95% Confidence Interval of 0.10 – 0.12 ng/ml. The mean CEA (ng/ml) in the study population was 3.63 ± 0.88 ng/ml with 95% Confidence Interval of 3.47 – 3.79 ng/ml. There was a positive correlation between CEA and Troponin-I, but there was no statistical significant association found between CEA and Troponin-I . Conclusions: A biomarker such as CEA can give physician a window period to act and prevent myocardial necrosis from occurring in the first place. This can be helpful in future to bring down ACS related mortality and morbidity significantly.
Research Article
Open Access
An Observational Study of Homocysteine Level in Patient of Acute Brain Stroke
Pages 1343 - 1346

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Introduction: Stroke is one of the leading causes of mortality and long-term disability in both developed and developing countries. Aim: To establish relationship of Homocysteine level in patients of acute brain stroke event. Methods: This study was a Observational–comparative study on 30 cases and 30 controls aged above 18 years conducted at the General Medicine department of Sawai Maan Singh Hospital and attached group of Hospitals from Feb 2020 to jan 2021. Blood samples would be drawn for serum homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folate level. Compare the different outcome of brainstroke with different values of homocysteine. Results: Difference in age, sex and residence of cases and controls was found to be statistically insignificant. mean homocysteine level in cases was 18.55±7.99 which was higher compared to mean homocysteine level of controls 12.17±4.86(p value<0.05). Conclusion: Homocysteine level in blood was higher among cases of acute brain stroke in absence of traditional risk factors. It should be considered as independent risk factor for stroke.
Research Article
Open Access
Improvement in Lipid Profile after Starting Metformin in Prediabetic Patient- An Observational Study
Pages 1338 - 1342

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Background- Additionally, the prevalence of prediabetes in India ranged from 10% to 14%, which is higher than the global prevalence of 8%. Dyslipidemia, characterized by elevated levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLc), elevated tri-acylglycerol (TG), and decreased levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc), is linked to an augmented risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Consequently, the timely identification and management of dyslipidemia can significantly contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Methods- This is a Prospective observational cohort study, A total of 240 patients from Outpatient department (OPD) and Indoor patient (IPD) department of Medicine, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical college and Hospital, New Delhi, were taken for study considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data was collected in a pre test proforma which includes various socio-economic parameters like age, sex, occupation, religion, etc Results - The mean age of participants was 53.020+-16.5 years, and mean BMI of 24.555±12.8 kg/m2. All patients, exhibited total cholesterol levels that fell within the range considered to be normal following the administration of the prescribed therapy. The mean total cholesterol level recorded was 141.2mg/dl. In the study, it was observed that 75% of the participants experienced a reduction in their cholesterol levels. On the other hand, a small percentage of 1.25% showed an increase in their cholesterol levels. Additionally, 23% of the participants demonstrated no significant change in their cholesterol levels, with a margin of error of plus or minus 10mg/dl, when compared to their baseline measurements. Conclusion- There was a notable enhancement in the average values (moving closer to the normal distribution) of each lipid profile parameter over time. The findings of the study indicate that the utilization of metformin resulted in improvements in lipid parameters.
Research Article
Open Access
To evaluate Spectrum of Arthritis in Children: A Prospectively Study At MKCG Medical College, Berhempur
Pages 1330 - 1337

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Arthritis in children has different phenotype, course and prognosis. Arthritis is a inflammatory condition in the synovium of a joint and is derived from ARTHRON, a Greek word meaning joint and ITIS meaning inflammation. Arthritis is defined as a clinical finding of swelling within a joint, or limitation in the range of joint movement with joint pain or tenderness, excluding primarily mechanical disorders and other identifiable causes.(62) The first recognized description of chronic arthritis in childhood is, according to Schaller, found in an English textbook of pediatrics by Thomas Phaer “The book of Chyldren” from 1545 referring to the “stiffness of limes” thought to be a result of exposing children to the cold (58,60). Pediatric rheumatology is comparatively new sub specialiity in field of pediatrics with a history from 19th century onwards only. Materials and Method: Our study is a cross sectional observational population-based study of a cohort of patients with features of arthritis ,admitted to pediatric inpatient’s department of MKCG Medical college, Berhempur. RESEARCH/STUDY SETTING- admitted patients in department of pediatrics MKCG Medical College, Berhempur. Patient who fulfill inclusion criteria shall be considered as sample and the sample size is 49. 49 Cases admitted to pediatric in-patient’s department with the chief complain of pain and swelling of joints with limited range of motion in the age group 0- 14years were included in the study. Results: The above table shows most of cases of arthritis were in the age group 6-14yrs accounting for 37 out of 49 cases (75.52%) and 0-1yr, 2-5yr age group contributed 6 cases (12.24%). Acute and sub acute form of arthritis constituted more than 80% of the cases contributing 40.82% each in comparison to chronic arthritis which constituted only 18.36%. Septic arthritis was the most common form of acute arthritis contributing 45% of cases followed by SCA,HP,HSP and Viral arthritis contributing 10% each and ALL, HFS, TS contributing 5% each. RF was the most common sub acute arthritis constituting 20% of the cases followed by ReA, SA, SCA and JIA(P) accounting for 10% each and ALL, HIV-A, HP, HSP, IE, PSRA,RR and VIRAL contributing 5% each. Conclusion: SA arthritis was the most common etiology in acute arthritis category where as JIA was most common in chronic arthritis group. Wide range of systemic causes like leukemia, hemophilia, sickle cell anemia, scleroderma, tuberculosis and HSP presented as arthritis in children, however detailed clinical examination and appropriate investigation will clinch the definitive diagnosis. Early diagnosis, timely intervention and rehabilitation will definitely decrease the morbidity due to chronic arthritis.
Research Article
Open Access
Assessment of liver problems in Road traffic accident victims in western Odisha: A hospital based study
Pages 1324 - 1329

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Background: The liver is the location of various disorders, some of which become symptomatic and have clinical manifestations, while others stay quiet and can only be detected at autopsy. Histology is a distinct approach for determining acute and chronic hepatitis, steatosis, steatohepatitis, focal nodular hyperplasia, cirrhosis, cholestasis, hemangioma, and hepatocellular cancer. Steatosis is the most common histological change in liver tissue, followed by inflammation and fibrosis, according to research from multiple institutions. Objectives: To analyze the incidence of various liver illnesses in road traffic accident victims, which will provide us with data on the incidence in the general population of Orissa, as well as histological studies to detect steatosis, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, and other disorders. The research will also look at the long-term impact of numerous toxins, infections, enzymatic changes, and metabolic storage problems on the liver. Results: Histopathological findings reveal most cases (35 out of 139) had portal fibrosis and inflammation. Fatty change/steatosis also accounts for the bulk of instances, 27 out of 139 (19.42%). Conclusion:Even though autopsies and histological studies of the liver are the best methods for determining undetected liver disorders, the autopsy rate has lately declined. To increase the number of autopsies, doctors and pathologists should take an active role and persuade families to consent to autopsies in situations of organ failure.
Case Report
Open Access
Ultrasound Guided Interscalene Brachial Plexsus Block Alone, For Mid Shaft Displaced Clavicle Fracture: A Case Report
Pages 1319 - 1323

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Background: Fractures of the clavicle are common usually following trauma. Surgical fixation of clavicular fractures has been traditionally performed under General Anaesthesia (GA). Although GA has several benefits but also carries associated risks. Ultrasound-guided techniques have enabled the anaesthetists to reduce doses of local anaesthetic drugs and perform more successful blocks. In this case report we have explored use of only interscalene approach to brachial plexus block as surgical anaesthesia and analgesia in clavicle fracture. Case Description: A 39-year-old male patient, had a closed complete displaced fracture in the middle third shaft of the left clavicle due to a history of trauma. The interscalene block was performed under ultrasound guidance. A local anaesthetic drug was administered for interscalene block. Distribution of the local anaesthetic drug was visualized during the procedure. Motor blockade and sensory blockade was assessed. The patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the left clavicle. During intraoperative and postoperative period no intravenous analgesics were used. Patient was monitored for few hours in post-operative room and was sent home the day after the surgery, with oral medications (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with an opioid). Conclusion: Our limited experience suggests that the interscalene block is possible as a sole anaesthesia method in patients who undergo clavicular fracture surgery. In this case study, regional anaesthesia was successful.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Cardiac Manifestations in Acute Febrileillness - Dengue, Leptospirosis, Malaria and Swine Flu
Pages 1313 - 1318

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Objective: To study the incidence and outcome of cardiac manifestation in Acute febrile illness(AFI) with Dengue/ Leptospirosis/ Malaria/ Swine flu and to correlate organ dysfunction and mortality. Methods: This was a prospective observational study that included 187 AFI patients with laboratory confirmed Dengue/ Leptospirosis/ Malaria/ Swine flu admitted in tertiary care center. Demographic data, clinical presentation, investigations and outcomes were collected and analyzed. SOFA(Sequential organ failure assessment) score was used to assess outcome in patients with cardiac manifestation. Results: Total of 187 patients were included in this study. Mean age of patients was 26.5 years(SD8.4), 143(76.4%) were males and 44(23.5%) were females. 122 patients(65.2%) had ECG changes, out of which 86 patients(45.9%) had sinus tachycardia and rest 36 patients(19.2%) had ST-T changes or rhythm abnormalities. Of these 36 patients, 11 patients(5.88%) had 2D-Echo changes of hypokinesia and 27 patients(14.4%) had raised CPK-MB levels. 1 patient(0.5%) had LV hypokinesia without ECG manifestation. Mortality was higher among sinus tachycardia and additional ECG changes compared to sinus tachycardia alone(25% vs 3.4%,p<0.001). SOFA score >6 at zero hour and its increasing trends compared to decreasing or same trend predicted mortality(55.5% vs 1.85%,p<0.001). Conclusion: Incidence of cardiac manifestation in our study was 65.7% with 6.42% mortality. Sinus tachycardia is most common ECG manifestation. Mortality correlates better when Sinus tachycardia co-manifests with additional ECG changes. SOFA score >6 at zero hour has good mortality prediction as determined by the ROC (Receiver operative characteristic) curve. Increasing trends of SOFA score predicts mortality better than single initial score.
Research Article
Open Access
Quality of life of individuals aged 18 year and above affected with musculoskeletal disorders in a rural area of Jaipur: A cross sectional study
Pages 1306 - 1312

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Introduction: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are prevalent across the globe and one of the commonest causes of long-term pain and disability, affecting million of the peoples.1 These disorders cause pain and discomfort which interfere with day to day activities. According to WHO Quality of life is defined as individuals' perceptions of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. This definition reflects the view that quality of life refers to a subjective evaluation which is embedded in a cultural, social and environmental context.6-9 Materials And Methods:The study was conducted in adults (aged 18 years or more) living in rural part of Jaipur. The study was a descriptive, cross sectional, community-based study; and data was collected from each patient at only one point of time in the area covered under 3 subcentres viz. Kanth, Achrol and Dhand. Results: The study was conducted amongst 200 adult participants, 103 (51.5%) were female and 97 (48.5%) were male. Out of 70 study participants who had MSD at the time of interview, 35 (50%) perceived their quality of life as good, while 100 (76.9%) of the participants not suffering from MSD (n=130) perceived their quality of life as good and this association was found to be statistically significant. (p-value-0.001). Conclusion: According to our study, individuals with musculoskeletal disorders had considerably worse quality of life in the physical, psychological, and environmental domains.
Research Article
Open Access
Cytomorphological Spectrum of Breast Lesions Diagnosed By Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in a Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 1297 - 1305

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Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has been established as the most preferable first line investigation for palpable breast lumps. Incidence of both benign and malignant breast lesions has been increasing in India in the recent times. Various predisposing factors have been attributed for the rapid surge of breast lesions. Materials & Methods: This study was carried out in the Department of Pathology, in the newly established Government Medical College and Hospital, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh. A Total of 57 female patients presenting with palpable breast lump were subjected to FNAC procedure after taking history and doing general and local examination. Smears were prepared, stained and cytological diagnosis was made and reporting done by IAC (International Academy of Cytology), categories C1 to C5. Results: Most of the female patients presenting with palpable breast lump were in the age group of 31-40 years. The most common lesion diagnosed was Fibroadenoma. Malignancies formed 19.29% of all cases. Most of the lesions (71.95%) were in C2 category of IAC. Conclusion: FNAC is a fast and easily available technique to diagnose and differentiate between various benign and malignant breast lesions. It also guides the clinician for proper preoperative evaluation of patients.
Research Article
Open Access
Prevalence of Oral Health Conditions among Children in the Mixed Dentition Stage Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Tamil Nadu, India: A Cross-Sectional Study
Pages 1290 - 1296

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Introduction: Oral health is an integral component of overall health and well-being, with a profound interplay between the health of the mouth and its impact on the rest of the body. The human body is a complex and interconnected system, where each part influences and interacts with others to maintain optimal functioning. In this intricate web of health, oral health plays a vital role, extending beyond the confines of the mouth to impact various aspects of general health. Many diseases of the oral cavity often are neglected and not attended for. To address this concern, we conducted a study aimed at identifying the common oral health conditions for children during the mixed dentition stage attending a tertiary care hospital in western Tamil Nadu, India. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the common oral health conditions among children of mixed dentition stage. Materials And Methods: This cross-sectional study was done among 246 children of mixed dentition stage attending Paediatric Outpatient Department (OPD) of KMCH IHSR, Coimbatore, Western Tamil Nadu, India, between June 2023 to July 2023. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data Results: When assessed for common oral health conditions 64.2% of the study population had Dental carries. 35.8% had periodontal disease. 9.3% had oral mucosal lesions. 15% had malocclusion, 9.3% had unerupted teeth and 6.1% had deleterious oral habits. Conclusion: The data presented in the current study highlights the prevalence of various dental conditions in the study population, emphasizing the need for comprehensive oral health care and preventive measures. Addressing these dental issues through regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene practices, and early intervention is essential in promoting optimal oral health and overall well-being for the children. Incorporating all these measures through the school dental health program will help in effective implementation and improving the dental status of the children.
Research Article
Open Access
Short-Term and Long-Term Outcomes in Very Low Birth Weight Infants with Admission Hypothermia
Pages 1285 - 1289

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Neonatal hypothermia in very low birth weight (VLBW) is a common issue worldwide, especially preterm infants. Even when caregivers follow routine thermal care guidelines, keeping preterm infants sufficiently warm immediately after birth is challenging.Along with various short-term outcome like hypoglycemia, hypoxia, acidosis, long-term neuro-developmental outcomes of VLBW infants with admission hypothermia have very limited studied.Globally, the incidence of hypothermia upon admission in VLBW preterm infants is 31%–78%.In recent years, improvement in pregnancy care, upgraded obstetric techniques and better neonatal nursing in India have influenced the over-all incidence and prevalence of neuro-developmental outcomes among preterm VLBW infants with hypothermia.Odisha being a low-resourced state faces a high prevalence of hypothermia among VLBW infants. So, this study has been planned with the primary focus to prevent the hypothermia among preterm VLBW infants which in future will improve their short-term and long-term consequences. Total of 329 infants were included in this study from department of Paediatrics between April 2022 to March 2023.All infants with a birth weight < 1500g and GA less than 34weeks admitted to the NICU / SNCU with admission hypothermia were included during this study period .Infants having major congenital abnormalities and infants with missing or incomplete temperature data were excluded from this study. Routine investigations were done in all study participants as per protocol. In result, we observed the maternal variables and found that thyroid disorder were significantly more in mothers i.e. 62.31% (205) as compared to other factors. Mortality (40.93%) and RDS (87.13%) was high in moderate hypothermic VLBW infants as short term outcome whereas delay in mean developmental age (p=0.003) was observed in same group as long term outcome after one year of age. Early diagnosis and careful management will prevent the hypothermia among the preterm VLBW infants which in futures improves their short-term and long-term consequences.
Research Article
Open Access
Paily’s Aortic occlusion clamp during caesarean hysterectomy for placenta accreta spectrum (PAS); a case series
Pages 1280 - 1284

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Objectives- To study effectiveness of temporary aortic clamping as a method of limiting blood loss at in women with placenta accrete spectrum Methods- Data was collected from records of 14 patients with PAS who had Paily’s aortic clamp applied after delivery of baby and prior to Caesarean hysterectomy from January 2016 to December 2021 at Government Medical College Hospital ,Thrissur,Kerala,India. Results- 6(42.9 %) cases were diagnosed intraoperatively.12 (85.7 %) had a Classical Caesarean and 2( 14.3 %) had a lower segment Caesarean followed by total hysterectomy. Mean duration of application of the clamp was 28.21±12.49 min(Range 15-60 min).The mean blood loss was 1.77 ± 0.96 litres(95% CI 1.21-2.33 ).Mean units of blood transfused was 2.64 (95 % CI 1.67-3.62).None of the patients required ionotropes or critical care. There were 2 cases(14.2 %) of bladder injury ,both occurred in FIGO type 3b PAS.There were no cases of vascular injury,organischemia,thrombosis or relaparotomy for bleeding.Mean duration of hospital stay was 11.35 ± 5.38 days. Conclusion- Aortic clamping prior to Caesarean hysterectomy is a safe and effective method to reduce blood loss in Placenta Accreta Spectrum.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of the clinical profile, management strategies and predictors of outcome in patients with Emphysematous Pyelonephritis from Territory Care Centre in South India
Pages 1274 - 1279

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Introduction: Urinary tract infections are commonly encountered and managed worldwide, and emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN) is among the most serious types of urinary tract infections. EPN is an acute necrotizing infection of the kidney, often associated with high rates of renal loss and mortality. Aims: This retrospective study aimed to study on clinical information, management strategies and predictors of outcome Emphysematous pyelonephritis. Materials and methods: 90 consecutive patients were diagnosed with EPN with there demographic characteristics, clinical presentations, management strategies, and final outcomes were analyzed retrospectively. Results: There are 36 men and 54 women among the 90 patients. The average patient age is 58 years old. 96% of patients have diabetes, and 22% of those patients also have renal calculi. 4% of patients do not have diabetes. The majority of patients (91%) present with a fever, followed by flank pain (75%), decreased urine output, lower urinary symptoms, shock, and altered sensorium. The most typical organism found in urine (71% of the time) is E. coli. 37 percent of patients had class 2 EPN, 35 percent had class 3, and 14 percent had class 4 EPN. In 46% of patients, left sided EPN, right sided EPN, and bilateral EPN were all present. Shock, thrombocytopenia, altered sensorium, serum creatinine, and symptoms that had only been present for seven days or less at the time of presentation were. The majority of people who have experienced an episode of EPN have advanced to CKD. The majority of patients are treated with minimally invasive procedures such PCD/PCN insertion and DJ stenting together with antibiotics. Only 2 patients underwent nephrectomy. Six patients died before invasive therapy was attempted, and eight of the 14 patients died within 48 hours. Conclusions: Serum creatinine level is the most reliable predictor of outcome in patients with emphysematous pyelonephritis. Most of the patients are treated by minimal invasive surgery like DJ stenting, PCD/PCN insertion in combination with antibiotics.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Smoking on Cardiac Autonomic Activity & Blood Sugar Indices in Adult Males: A Cross Sectional Study
Pages 1266 - 1273

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Background: Changes in blood pressure and heart rate in smokers have been investigated in previous studies but far less is known about the cardiac autonomic response in smokers and according to best of our knowledge there is insufficient data especially in Northern India on effect of smoking on HRV (Heart Rate Variability). Therefore, we have taken up this study to assess HRV including the non linear HRV indices and HbA1c in non-diabetic, smokers and non-smokers. Methods: A total of sixty-two participants (including 30 male, non-diabetic, smokers of 20 to 40 years and 32 age matched, male, healthy non-smokers) were studied. Anthropometric variables were recorded. HRV was recorded and blood sample was sent for HbA1c and average blood glucose level. Results: We found a significant decrease in SBP (p=0.0001), DBP (p=0.0002), PR (p=0.0072), time domain parameters - mean RR (p=0.0001), SDNN (p=0.0001), RMSSD (p=0.0001) & pNN50 (p=0.0061), frequency domain parameters - TP (p=0.0002), LF (p=0.001) and HF (p=0.0002) and non-linear parameters - SD1 (p=0.0015) & SD2 (p=0.0023) in the study group. Cardiovascular and HRV parameters were negatively correlated with smoking index. Conclusions: Cigarette smoking impairs cardiac autonomic activity. We found a significant decrease in the time and frequency domain parameters of HRV which may be responsible for suppression of vagal tone and increased sympathetic activity. The pack years and smoking index were significantly associated with impaired cardiac autonomic activity and decreased HRV which may predispose to cardiac arrhythmias including sudden cardiac death.
Research Article
Open Access
To study the Merits & Demerits of Endoscopic Endonasal trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery, in a tertiary care centre
Pages 1259 - 1265

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Introduction: In the past, intra-cranial surgeries need external incision, blood loss, and injury to vital structures of the brain parenchyma, which finally leads most of the time to mortality and morbidity. As time passed, a major breakthrough has come in this keyhole surgeries concept, thus reducing mortality and morbidity. One such is the keyhole Endoscopic endonasal trans spherical pituitary surgery. The conventional approach to pituitary surgeries has many drawbacks. How meticulous is the surgeon? Methodology: Patients diagnosed with symptomatic pituitary adenomas in all age groups were taken into the study from the period Statistical evaluation was done by taking different parameters like age, sex, symptoms, and complications. Mortality and morbidity rates were evaluated. Results: Post of recovery, recurrences, and outcomes were evaluated and proved to be a superior approach to conventional. Conclusion: Endoscopic endonasal trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgeries proved to be the best approach when compared to conventional open surgeries, which result in high mortality and morbidity rates. Functional outcomes are superior with endoscopic surgeries.
Research Article
Open Access
Assessment of Correlation between Chronic Rhinosinusitis and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Pages 1254 - 1258

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Background and Objectives: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS), a prevalent ENT condition, often presents treatment-resistant cases. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) causing Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is implicated in its etiology. This study aims to assess LPR prevalence in refractory CRS and the impact of combining proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) with functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Methods: 50 refractory CRS patients were evaluated, split into study (PPIs + FESS) and control (FESS only) groups in the Department of ENT at a tertiary care medical college in India. CRS indicators were assessed, and post-surgery, study patients received intranasal steroids and PPIs. A 3-month follow-up tracked symptom relief. Result: Majority of refractory CRS patients had LPR, mainly affecting the posterior larynx. Nasal obstruction, discharge, and polyps were common CRS indicators. Study group with PPIs showed greater improvement in symptoms, notably by the third postoperative month. Conclusion: The study highlights a significant link between refractory CRS and GERD. PPIs, when used alongside FESS, offer effective refractory CRS management, emphasizing combined treatment's advantages.
Research Article
Open Access
Assessment of Lipid Profile in Subclinical Hypothyroidism at Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 1250 - 1253

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Background and Aim: Dyslipidemia is thought to confer risk of cardiovascular disease development. Overt hypothyroidism is associated with lipid abnormalities. As SCH is being diagnosed more frequently in young and middle-aged people, there is a need to know the effect of SCH on cardiovascular risk factors in young in tertiary centre in Gujarat, India. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the relation between SCH and serum lipid parameters in this subgroup. Material and Methods: This observational study was conducted at Department of Medicine at Tertiary Care Institute of Gujarat, India in subjects diagnosed with Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism. Blood samples were drawn at early morning after an overnight fast in a sterile bottle. Serum was separated for the estimation of serum TSH, T3, T4, and total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which were derived from TC and TG, using Friedwald's Formula [LDL = TC - (HDL + TG/5)], Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) derived from TG.. Lipid profile was compared with matched controls. Results: The levels of TSH are significantly higher in group II compared to group I, which is statistically significant. (p≤0.05) There is a significant increase in the serum TC level in group II individuals when compared to group I, which is statistically significant. (p≤0.05). There is also a significant increase in serum LDL Cholesterol in group II individuals when compared to group I individuals, which is statistically significant. Conclusion: Subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is associated with increased serum TC and LDL-C levels. Therefore, there is a potential association between subclinical hypothyroidism and atherosclerosis. Larger studies are needed to prove this association in Patients.
Research Article
Open Access
A study on addition of dexmedetomidine to lignocaine compared to lignocaine alone in Intravenous Regional Anaesthesia for upper limb surgeries
Pages 1243 - 1249

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the quicker onset of sensory and motor blockade, increased duration of postoperative analgesia and lesser incidence of tourniquet pain following addition of dexmedetomidine to lignocaine compared to lignocaine alone in IVRA for upper limb surgeries. Methods: A randomized prospective study conducted in 60 ASA grade I and II patients, of either sex, between 20-60 years, scheduled for either elective or emergency surgeries of upper limb were included in the study. All patients were divided into two groups by computer generated randomization of 30 each, into group A and group B. Group A received 3mg/kg lignocaine diluted with saline to a total volume of 40ml with dexmedetomidine 0.5 microgram/kg added as an adjunct. Group B received 3mg/kg lignocaine diluted with saline to a total volume of 40 ml. Pain score was evaluated using visual analog scale (VAS) of 0 to 10. Sensory and motor block onset and recovery times, onset of tourniquet pain, time to first analgesic requirement was noted. Result: Both groups are comparable with demographic details ie age, gender are weight. type and duration of surgery are insignificant in between groups. Sensory, motor blockade onset time are significantly less in lignocaine and Dexmedetomidine added groups. Sensory blockade recovery time and motor recovery time after the release of tourniquet was significantly longer Group A than for Group B (2.53 ± 0.51 minutes) which is statistically significant with a ‘p’ value of 0.0001. VAS reached a score of 3 at 416.2 ± 45.73 minutes in Group A and at 33 ± 0.96 minutes in Group B. This difference was statistically significant with a ‘p’ value of 0.0001. In group A, 7 cases had a sedation score of 1 and 23 had a score of 2. In group B, 30 cases had sedation score of 1. Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine 0.5micrograms/kg is added to lignocaine for Intravenous regional anesthesia, it provided quicker onset of sensory and motor blockade, lesser incidence of tourniquet pain, increased duration of post operative analgesia and better haemodynamic stability.
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Open Access
Assessment of Midtrimester Sonographic Cervical Length Measurement as a Predictor Factor of Preterm Birth
Pages 1235 - 1242

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Introduction: Spontaneous preterm delivery, a composite perinatal and obstetric condition is the main source of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Regardless of latest management of neonates in the last centuries, a couple of trials recognized high-probability category who might have premature delivery and also to concentrate on perinatal results, yet premature delivery not decreased. Early detection of premature labour has been pursued as a means of reducing prematurity-related perinatal morbidity. Preterm labor is triggered by a number of mechanisms, similar to how parturition at term is triggered by a number of mechanisms. Asymptomatic bacteriuria, cervical incompetence, cervico-vaginal infections, uterine overdistension, uteroplacental insufficiency, decidual hemorrhage and other factors might cause them. Materials And Methods: This is Hospital-based prospective observational study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in a tertiary care teaching hospital for a period of one year. The pregnant mothers coming under inclusion criteria are explained about the study and the ultrasound procedure. Consent for the procedure is obtained. Using ultrasonography, cervical length is measured and they are asked to come for follow-up after 3-4 weeks. These patients are subjected to follow-up till delivery and their gestation age at delivery and mode of delivery are noted. Transvaginal ultrasonography of cervix is the reference standard technique for accurate determination of dimensions and characteristics of the cervix. USG Machine - Mind Ray 2D Ultrasound with Transvaginal probe (Frequency - 7.5MHZ). Results: In the present study 47% were in 18 weeks of gestational age. About 21% were in 19 weeks of gestational age. About 15% were in 20 weeks of gestational age. About 13% were in 21 weeks of gestational age. Only 4% were in 22 weeks of gestational age. Mean gestational age is 20.56 and standard deviation is 2.24. About 47% had cervical length equal to or less than 2.5 cm. About 53% had more than 2.5 cm cervical length. About 72% were Normal vaginal deliveries. About 22% were LSCS deliveries. About 65% of the mother delivered Preterm, less than 37 weeks of gestational age. About 35% of the mother delivered at and more than 37 weeks of gestational age. About 36% were between 2.1 - 2.5 Kgs followed by 22% between 2.6 - 3.0 Kgs. 17% were <2 kgs. 16% were between 3.1-3.5Kgs. 9% were between 3.6 - 4.0 Kgs. Conclusion: Even if using predictors may not diminish the pace of premature birth, it does help us identify patients who are at risk and choose better treatment options. It likewise assists us to avoid overseeing preterm labor and treating it too aggressively. The use of Transvaginal ultrasonography to determine the cervix has the potential to help forecast the probability of preterm labor. Considering the severity of premature labor, the expense of managing premature babies, and the associated morbidity and mortality, the utilisation of cervical sonological estimation at 18 to 24 weeks as a standard screening strategy is practical and has great legitimacy as a successful screening test, and should be offered to all pregnant women.
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Open Access
A Randomized Clinical Trial to Compare Efficacy of Palonosetron and Ondansetron for Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting – A Clinical Trial
Pages 1229 - 1234

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Background: Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a common complication following surgical procedures, impacting patient recovery and satisfaction. This clinical trial aimed to compare the efficacy of palonosetron and ondansetron for PONV prevention, considering their safety profiles, patient satisfaction, and perioperative outcomes. Methods: A prospective, randomized, double-blind, controlled clinical trial enrolled patients undergoing elective surgery under general anesthesia. Patients were assigned to receive either palonosetron or ondansetron. The primary outcome was the incidence of PONV within 24 hours postoperatively. Secondary outcomes included time to first nausea and vomiting, adverse events, patient satisfaction, postoperative pain scores, and time to ambulation. Statistical analyses were employed to assess the differences between treatment groups. Results: Among the 300 patients (150 per group), palonosetron demonstrated a significantly lower incidence of PONV within 24 hours compared to ondansetron (10.7% vs. 24.0%, p < 0.001). The palonosetron group exhibited a prolonged time to first nausea and vomiting (p < 0.001 for both). Adverse events were comparable between groups, and patient satisfaction scores trended higher with palonosetron. Postoperative pain scores were lower (p = 0.013) and time to ambulation was shorter (p = 0.029) in the palonosetron group. Conclusion: This clinical trial highlights the superior efficacy of palonosetron over ondansetron in preventing PONV during the immediate postoperative period. Palonosetron's extended antiemetic effect, coupled with favorable safety and patient-centered outcomes, underscores its potential as a preferred antiemetic choice. These findings contribute to evidence-based perioperative practices, enhancing patient care and recovery.
Research Article
Open Access
Maternal and Perinatal Outcome in Twin Gestation
Pages 1223 - 1228

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Background and objective: Incidence of twin pregnancy has grown from the past 20 years due to early detection by USG and increased use of ovulation inducing drugs and ART. There is significant risk of maternal and perinatal morbidity due to associated complications like re-eclampsia, anemia, premature delivery, malpresentations, PPROM in twin gestation. Active and timely intervention and strict vigilance helps in improving the maternal and perinatal outcome. Methods: A prospective study was carried out from March 2021-December 2022 in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department at Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India. The study was approved by Institute Ethics Committee. 90 antenatal women with twin pregnancy more than 28 weeks attending antenatalop, labour ward were included. Results: Maternal complications most common is pre-eclampsia in 35.5% cases, anemia is seen in 30% cases, antepartum eclampsia seen in 3% cases, premature delivery in 70% cases, malpresentations in 53.6%, pph in 30%, postpartum eclampsia in 8.8%cases. Low birth weight is 62.2%, perinatal mortality rate is 6.32% and neonatal mortality rate is 4.87.Most common cause of neonatal death is prematurity with RDS. Conclusion: Early identification of twin gestation Chorionicity, is important to identify the twins at risk for complications. Good antenatal care, early detection of complications, timely intervention, and prevention of pre term labour, strict intrapartum care and good neonatal intensive care services reduces the maternal and prenatal morbidity and mortality to a significant extent.
Research Article
Open Access
Soft Tissue Coverage for Post Electrical Burn Defects in Upperlimbs with Flaps
Pages 1217 - 1222

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Background and objective: Analysis of electrical burns to the upper extremities. Upper limb deformities caused by electrical burns are resurfaced using flaps that are tailored to the individual patient's situation. Methods: During the time period of March 2022 to January 2023, at the Department of Plastic Surgery, ASRAM Medical College and Hospital, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh, India, performed prospective research on a total of 25 patients with post electrical burn defects in upperlimbs with flaps. Result: When compared to electrical burns produced by lightning or higher voltages (>1000 volts), those caused by low-tension (1000 volts), mostly caused by domestic appliances, account for a disproportionately large number of visits to the emergency room. In all, 42 people have only had symptoms in their upper extremities, 22 in their lower extremities, and 16 in other parts of their bodies (scalp, face, neck, trunk, genitalia). One hundred and one people have been diagnosed with the condition affecting their upper limbs (42+22+16+21). Conclusion: The wrist and fingers are the most common places where soft tissues are injured. According to our findings, the groyne flap is the most often used flap, followed by the abdominal flap and the louvre flap. No unrestricted tissue swaps were done. The study population did not have any life-threatening complications, such flap failure.
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Open Access
A comparative study of pregnancy outcome and risk factors in preterm premature rupture of membranes (PROM) between 28 to less than 34 weeks of gestation and 34-37 weeks of gestation
Pages 1209 - 1216

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Background: Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is the spontaneous rupture of the fetal membranes before the completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy. PPROM is one of the most common complications of pregnancy. It is an important cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. PPROM occurs in 3% of pregnancies. Aims and objectives: The present study was done to identify risk factors associated with PPROM and feto-maternal outcome in PPROM. Methods: The present study was single centered prospective comparative study. A total of 100 patients in each group that is GROUP A - 28 to less than 34 weeks of gestation and GROUP B- 34 to 37 weeks of gestation were selected for the study. Study was conducted from April 2019 to March 2020 in the Department of obstetrics and Gynecology, Nil Ratan Sircar medical college and hospitals, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. Statistical data were analysed by using Microsoft Excel and SPSS V.20 software. Results: PPROM is mainly seen is in primigravida patients compared to multigravida. My study had 60% primigravida in Group A and 52% in Group B. There were no risk factors found in 74% patient in 28 to less than 34 weeks of gestation and 76% in 34-37 weeks of gestation. Most common risk factors in both groups was history of PPROM in previous pregnancy followed by malpresentation like Breech. Perinatal mortality includes stillbirth and early neonatal death which was 12% in Group A and 2% in Group B. Maternal morbidity was less in both groups. There was no maternal mortality. Chorioamnionitis was seen in 3 patients in Group A. Conclusion: Perinatal morbidity was mainly due to respiratory distress syndrome and prematurity in less than 34 weeks of gestation. Maternal morbidity was also increased mainly in lower gestational age group.
Research Article
Open Access
To study 24 hour sodium and correlation to blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension
Pages 1200 - 1208

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Introduction: Essential hypertension is a common circulatory system disease, which is affected by both genetic and environmental factors, and accounts for more than 40% of the cardiovascular disease total burden. Aim: To study 24 hour sodium and correlation to blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension. Materials and methods: It is Hospital based Analytical Observational Cross-sectional study done in 100 patients comprised of hypertensive individuals presenting to Medicine op and patients admitted under the department who are fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: There was a strong positive correlation between Systolic BP , diastolic BP , MAP , duration of HTN (Years) and Urinary Sodium (mmol/L), and this correlation was statistically significant. There was a significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of urinary sodium(mmol/L), with the median Urinary Sodium (mmol/L) being highest in the LVHI. There was a significant difference between the various groups in terms of distribution of LVMI.There was a positive correlation between Systolic BP, Diastolic BP, MAP (mmHg) and LVMI (g/m2), and this correlation was statistically significant . There was no statistically significant correlation between BMI (Kg/m2) and LVMI (g/m2) (rho = 0.17, p = 0.084). There was no statistically significant correlation between BMI (Kg/m2) and LVMI (g/m2). Conclusions: Hypertension is one of the preventable causes of cardiovascular mortality. Hypertension can be prevented by modifiable risk factors such as low-salt diet, physical activity, blood sugar control, and smoking cessation.
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Open Access
Nalbuphine Vs. Butorphanol As An Adjuvant To Local Anaesthetic Wound Infiltration In Posterior Spine Surgery: A Randomised Control Trial
Pages 1195 - 1199

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Introduction: Local wound infiltration is an effective, simple, and practical method of postoperative analgesia. Time and resource consumption is minor; while being more acceptable. A low incidence of complications; and no major contraindications have been noted, other than patient refusal or local infection. Various systematic reviews outline the benefits of adjuvants such as opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, alpha-2 agonists, ketamine, etc. in increasing the analgesic efficacy and opioid-sparing effect when combined with local anaesthetic agents via wound infiltration; while also providing supportive evidence of the safety of these agents. Material and Method: The study was as a prospective double blind randomised controlled trial conducted between April 2022 to April 2023. The inclusion criteria were age 30 to 60 years, lumbar degenerative disc diseases needing posterior spinal fixation of one- or two-disc levels and of American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) grade I/II. The criteria for exclusion were surgery of >2-disc levels (>3 vertebrae), surgery for non-degenerative spinal diseases, previous spinal surgery, osteoporosis and spondylolisthesis of grade III/IV, altered hepatic or renal parameters or ASA grade III/IV. Surgical decision was made according to the patient’s history, flexion extension radiographs and MRI, with consultations with the patient. Patients were then randomly allocated randomly in 2 groups by a computer-generated randomization. Group N received inj nalbuphine 10mg, 0.5 % inj bupivacaine 9ml and 10ml normal saline while group B received inj butorphanol 1mg, inj bupivacaine 9ml and normal saline 10 ml. Results: At end of the recovery, patients in nalbuphine group had mild pain with mean NRS score 2.5±0.5. The pain remained mild in nature till 4 hours and then starts increasing slowly with NRS at 6 hours 3.8±0.7 and peaking between 6 and hours (table 2, figure 1). The hearts rate and MAP were also had similar trends with progressive increase from 4 hours and peaks at 8 hours. In the butorphanol group the mean NRS score at the end of recovery was 2.8±0.6 which was comparable to the that of nalbuphine group. It started to increase before 4 hours, with mean NRS score at 4 hours 3.8±0.7 and peaked between 4 and 6 hours. During intergroup comparison mean heart rates, MAP and NRS were comparable between the two groups at baseline, 0 hour and 2 hours. Significant difference in NRS score were observed among the two groups at 4 hours (p – 0.03), 6 hours (p-0.01) and 8 hours (p-0.006). After 8 hours the heart rate, MAP and NRS in both groups were comparable (p>0.05). Conclusion: In this study we have compared the benefits and safety of two different opioids as adjuvants to local infiltration in spine surgery. The study was done in similar group of patients of degenerative lumbar disease operated with similar surgery (lumbar spinal fixation and decompression) by a single surgeon. The results demonstrated that the NRS score remains low at both groups till 4 hours of recovery and the patients were haemodynamically stable with no tachycardia or increased blood pressure. In the butorphanol group the NRS score increase around 4 hours of recovery and the request for first rescue analgesia was between 4 and 6 hours, mean 289.7±46.8 minutes. But in nalbuphine group, NRS score remained low up to 8 hours and mean time for request of first rescue analgesia was 492.4±56.3 minutes.
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Open Access
A Study of Lipid Profile, Lipoprotein (A) Levels and Magnesium Levels in Acute Mi in Young Adult Population
Pages 1185 - 1194

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Aim and Objectives: The aim of the study is to assess the role of altered lipid profile, lipoprotein (a) and serum magnesium levels in young patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). To evaluate the lipid profile in young adult patients with AMI and compare it with matched healthy adults; To determine the level of Lipoprotein (a) in young adult patients with acute MI and compare it with matched healthy control group; To estimate the level of serum magnesium in patients with acute MI and compare with healthy group. Methodology: The present study was a case-control study carried out at Owaisi hospital and research center and princess Esra hospital to detect the role of altered lipid profile, lipoprotein (a) and serum magnesium levels in young patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and compared it with normal healthy controls of same age group. In the study, the most common risk factors found in young acute MI patients were smoking followed by psychosocial stress and family history of CHD. Results: This study revealed a male predominance in young adult cases with acute MI and maximum incidence of acute myocardial infarction was seen in the 4th decade of life. Serum lipid profile in this study revealed some significant alterations, there was a marginal increase in serum total cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum LDL-c in young adult patients with acute MI. However, serum HDL-c levels were slightly lower in cases of acute MI compared to healthy controls. Serum Lp (a) levels were significantly increased in young AMI patients when compared to controls. This suggests that an elevated Lp (a) concentration is associated with AMI and a risk factor for acute MI in young adults Serum Magnesium levels in cases with acute MI were significantly decreased compared to controls. Magnesium is known to have an influence in the causation of acute myocardial infarction in young adults also. Conclusion: The present study concluded that lipid fractions like total cholesterol, serum triglycerides (TG) low density lipoprotein (LDL) high density lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol and lipoprotein (a) along with serum magnesium may be important for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. and could be considered as risk markers for acute MI in young adult population. But to prove this, it needs further large scale studies with large number of patients.
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Open Access
Functional Outcome of Extended Curettage, Cementation, and Plate Fixation in a Pathological Fracture Secondary to Giant Cell Tumor of a Long Bone: A Joint Preserving Alternative
Pages 1178 - 1184

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Background: majority of the time, giant cell tumours (GCT) of the bone develop in the region of the long bones' metaphysis, frequently in contact with the articular cartilage. Their treatment remains controversial because of their high recurrence rate. Many studies have been conducted using various treatment techniques for GCT’s resection but less emphasis is given to managing it with curettage and cementation with internal fixation. Aim: Our study aims to evaluate the functional outcome of curettage and cementation with plate fixation in a giant cell tumor of a long bone. Methods: This Interventional study was conducted between November 2020 to October 2021 in our orthopaedics department after clearance from the ethical committee. 27 GCT patients received treatment using extended curettage and cementation followed by plate fixation. All of these tumors were present around the knee: 21 at the distal femur and 6 at the proximal tibia. Preoperative radiological evaluation with standard X-rays showed that the tumour measured a mean 65 × 41 mm, for a mean volume of 70 cm3. Seventy-eight percent of these GCTs were in direct contact with the articular cartilage and 45% extended to the soft tissues as seen on the MRI. All patients were treated with extended curettage and cementation with plate fixation. Follow up was done after 1,3,8,12,24 weeks. All patients continue to be monitored, with none lost to follow-up. Functional evaluation was done using the Musculoskeletal Tumour Society (MSTS) scoring system for the lower extremity Results: The overall MSTS score was excellent in 22 patients (84%), good in 3 patients (11%), fair in 1 patients (0.03%), and poor in 1 patient (0.03%). The overall local recurrence rate was 0.07% (2 cases) and a 10% complication rate. There were no cases of fracture non-union or distant metastasis till 1 year follow up in all patients. Conclusion: GCTs around the knee with associated pathological fractures at diagnosis can be treated with curettage and cementation as cavity filling with cement has its own advantage of cytotoxic effect and mechanical support synergizing with the stability given by the plate to achieve an anatomic reduction and stable fixation. This procedure also has an added advantage of joint preservation in a younger age and varied mega-prosthetic procedures. This technique is a good and equivalent option along with other techniques using extending curettage.
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Open Access
Prospective study of Diabetic foot Ulcer outcomes using Diabetic Ulcer Severity Score (DUSS)
Pages 1163 - 1177

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Introducation: In the years between 1958 and 1993, the number of people diagnosed with Diabetes multiplied five – fold.1 In 1994, 135 million patients world – wide were living with Diabetes Mellitus. By the year 2025, it is estimated that this figure would increase to more than 300 million .2 Currently 25 million Indians have diabetes. The loss of a limb or foot is one of the most feared complications of diabetes and yet foot problems remain the commonest reason for diabetic patients to be hospitalized. Diabetic foot ulcers precede almost 85% of amputations.
- Objectives To predict the risk of amputation .
- Prognosticate diabetic foot ulcer healing & complications
- Average length of Hospital stay(ALOS)
Material and Methods: This Is Prospective Study Conducted In Belgavi Institute Of Medical Sciences Belgavi From 2018 Till 2020. Total of 90 Diabetic patients with diabetic foot ulcers irrespective of their duration, attending surgical outpatient clinic or admitted into the BELGAVI INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES BELGAVI were recruited into the study based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. ulcers were followed up for a minimum period of 6 months. Once a patient’s ulcer had healed completely either by primary healing or skin grafting or a lower-limb amputation performed, the outcome was noted and the patient was deemed to have completed the study Results AND Interpretation: Most Of The Patients Were Male In Thr 5 N 6 Decade ,Scoring Done Using Duss Score 11% Requiring Major Ampuatation And 44 % Minor Ampuatation. With Increases In Duss Score Ampuatation Chances Are More. Conclusion: DUSS scoring system provides an easy diagnostic tool for predicting probability of healing or amputation by combining four clinically assessable wound based Parameters.
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Open Access
Sonographic evaluation of irregular periods in females with hormonal and dermatological correlation
Pages 1158 - 1162

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Background: Irregular menstrual cycles are a prevalent concern affecting women worldwide, with a diverse range of underlying causes including hormonal imbalances and anatomical irregularities. Sonography has emerged as a powerful tool to investigate gynecological conditions, while hormonal imbalances and dermatological manifestations have been linked to menstrual irregularities. However, the correlation between these factors in women with irregular periods requires further exploration. Present study aimed to evaluate sonographic findings in patients presenting with irregular periods and subsequent correlation with hormonal levels and significant dermatological manifestations. Methods: This prospective observational study conducted at the Department of Radiology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences(RIMS), Ranchi, Jharkhand. A sample of 200 women with irregular menstrual cycles in the age group of 18 to 45 years were recruited. Sonographic imaging focused on identifying anatomical irregularities, and hormonal assays measured estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH and TSH levels. Dermatological assessments examined acne, hirsutism, and abnormal pigmentation, rashes and alopecia. Descriptive statistics, correlation analyses, and logistic regression were used for data analysis. Results: Sonographic findings revealed no abnormality in 24%, polycystic ovaries(PCOD) in 42%, uterine fibroids in 18% and endometriosis in 16% of participants. Hormonal analysis demonstrated positive correlations between LH/FSH ratio and PCOD (r = 0.56, p = 0.011), positive correlation between estrogen and uterine fibroid(r=0.45,p=0.14), positive correlation between estrogen and endometriosis(r=0.24,p=0.12) and negative correlation between progesterone and endometriosis(r=-0.31,p=0.04). 31% of normal patients on sonography had elevated TSH levels. Dermatological manifestations of PCOD included acne (35%), hirsutism (47%), abnormal pigmentation (22%) and alopecia (11%) with some overlapping of findings. In endometriosis patients 20% had acne and 16% had rashes. No specific dermatological finding was seen in fibroid patients. Significant correlations were observed between PCOD and dermatological conditions. Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of sonographic imaging in diagnosing irregular menstrual cycles and identifies potential associations between hormonal imbalances and dermatological manifestations. This integrated approach enhances understanding of irregular menstrual cycles, facilitating targeted treatment plans and improved patient outcomes.
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Open Access
Study of Lipid Profile in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Pages 1155 - 1157

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Background: Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disorder affecting the people all over the world. Diabetes mellitus has been known to be associated with lipid disorders and cardiovascular complications. This study is planned to assess the lipaemic changes in diabetes mellitus patients. Method: A total number of 50 control who were healthy non smokers non alcoholics and at the time of study all of them were keeping good health and 50 diabetics who were on treatment were studied. Results: In our study the lipid profile parameters difference between the control and the study (Diabetic) groups was Statistically highly significant. Conclusion: This study revealed that dyslipidaemia was observed in the diabetic population. The diabetic patients had a higher prevalence of high serum cholesterol, high triacylglycerol and high LDL-C than the controls, indicating that diabetic patients were more prone to cardiovascular diseases.
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Open Access
Post Covid-19 Pulmonary Sequelae in Moderate to Severe Cases in a
Tertiary Care Hospital - A Prospective Study
Pages 1154 - 1561

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Background: This study was conducted to assess pulmonary sequelae in moderate to severe cases of post-COVID-19 infection with follow-up at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 9 months from the time of diagnosis of COVID-19 and assess the pulmonary complications in moderate to severe cases of COVID-19. Methods: This was a hospital-based prospective observational study conducted among 60 patients (adults) presenting with a past history of COVID-19 to the Department of Respiratory Medicine, Rajarajeshwari Medical College Hospital, Bengaluru, over a period of 18 months from December 2020 to June 2022, after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: 54 of them showed residual HRCT findings like GGO, patchy consolidation, septal thickening, bronchiectasis, and fibrotic strands among others. The median CT score was 14, with the majority of study subjects having 51-75% lung involvement. In the 1st month, the median FEV1 was 55% of what was predicted. At the third month, median FEV1 was 58% of predicted, at the sixth month, 58% of predicted, and at the ninth month, 60% of predicted. The FVC median at the first month was 55%, 60% at the third month, 64.5% at the sixth month, and 69% at the ninth month. The average DLCO was 48% of what was predicted in the first month, 55% of what was predicted in the third month, 68% of what was predicted in the sixth month, and 75% of what was predicted in the ninth month. Conclusion: Patients recovering from COVID-19 may present with significant parenchymal, functional, and physiological abnormalities persisting for several months following the primary infection. According to our study, up to 9 months after discharge, pulmonary sequelae were common among moderate-to-severe patients who had been hospitalized for COVID-19. Hence, a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to deal with the undiscovered pulmonary sequelae of COVID-19 on follow-up.
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Open Access
Assessment of second-hand smoking among rural population: A Prospective Study
Pages 1149 - 1154

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Background: Exposure to secondhand smoke has no safe limit. Secondhand smoking contributes to significant health problems in India. Apart from cancer, exposure to secondhand smoke has been reported to be associated with several respiratory diseases (including asthma, respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia, wheezing, coughing), ear infections, sudden infant death syndrome, and slow fetal growth and lung development. However, the overall rates for smoking, including consumption of different tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, are still high. Smoking is a common practice among many adults in Indian people generally have very low concerns regarding the adverse health effects of secondhand smoking. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with exposure to secondhand smoke among subjects in households of rural India. Materials and methods: We used two measures of SHS: exposure to SHS at home and exposure to SHS in the workplace. SHS exposure at home is estimated for non-smokers who reported anyone smoking inside his/her home. Exposure to SHS in the workplace is estimated for non-smokers who reported anyone smoking in the workplace in the past 30days before the survey. Statistical techniques such as χ2 test, logistic regression and discriminant function analysis were used. Result: The prevalence of SHS exposure at home was 55.8%, where 13.3% of children lived with one smoker, while 50% of children lived with ≥2 smokers. There was a significant difference in the mean score of the combined cognitive tests between SHS-exposed and non-exposed children after adjustment for sex, parental educational level, family income and academic performance [Pillai’s Trace=0.084, F statistic (df)=6.803 (4302), p<0.001]. Conclusion: Current smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke among internal migrants in India is high. Socio-demographic characteristics and migration status were strongly associated with current smoking and second-hand smoke exposure. We recommend specifically targeted tobacco control interventions to help to address these risk factors, such as focusing on divorced/widowed women.
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Open Access
Assessment of Biomedical Waste Management in Government Health Care Facilities of Ganjam District, Odisha
Pages 1141 - 1148

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Introduction: Hospital waste is “Any waste which is generated in the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals or in research” in a hospital. “Hospital waste is a special type of waste produced in small quantities carrying a high potential of infection and injury and high potential to transmit infection to others. There are serious health effects from public health standpoint if hospital waste is not handled properly. Usually, the terms medical waste, hospital waste, infectious, and regulated medical wastes are often used interchangeably with medical wastes since there is no universally accepted definition for these terms. Material and Methods: This is a Facility based cross-sectional study conducted at Health care facilities at various levels in Ganjam district. In each health care facility, the medical officer, the pharmacist, the staff nurse and attendant comprised our study population. Those health care providers who gave consent to participate in the study. Using the observation checklist, the facilities were observed for infrastructure, logistics and practice of the stake holders. Then, the respondents were interviewed using the structured questionnaire for knowledge. A value of 1 and 0 was assigned for correct and incorrect practices respectively. For knowledge a value of 1 and 0 was assigned for correct and incorrect responses respectively. The total knowledge and practice score for each facility was calculated and then mean score was calculated. They were asked for their valuable feedback. Finally, they were thanked for their valuable support. Results: Only 12 (46.1%) of the doctors agreed that their facilities generate biomedical wastes, 15 (57.7%) of the doctors had opined that biomedical wastes associate with health hazard, 17 (65.4%) of the doctors were concerned regarding needle stick injury, 15 (57.7%) doctors believed wearing PPE reduces infection. Color coding of the waste segregation could be answered by 17 (65.4%) doctors, 13 (50%) of the doctors agreed that the BMW containers need to be labelled and 16 (61.5%) doctors agreed that the wastes need to be segregated at point of generation. Regarding color coded bins, 19 (73.1%) doctors practiced putting wastes in color coded bins. 20 (76.9%) doctors had the practice of displaying segregation instructions at their work place. 16 (61.5%) doctors were properly segregating wastes and aided in its proper transport. 18 (69.2%) doctors were not in practice of getting dustbins filled more than 3/4th. Conclusion: Findings from our study reveal that though the participants in our study have a fair knowledge regarding biomedical waste management still there is a lot of scope in not only improving the knowledge but also in changing the attitude and inculcating more rational practices towards the same. Majority of attendants had poor knowledge and practice regarding BMWM. Thus, there has to be a regular training programmes on biomedical waste management and its hazards for all the healthcare workers including group D workers. Along with educational intervention, strict implementation of biomedical waste management guidelines with its monitoring at all levels is also very much essential.
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Open Access
Evaluation of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio as a Predictive Marker in Patients of Community Acquired Pneumonias
Pages 1137 - 1140

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Background and Objectives: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a prevalent infectious disease with significant implications for the elderly's health worldwide. This study explores the potential of the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) as a biomarker for CAP. Methods: This diagnostic comparative study involved patients aged 18 and above with community-acquired pneumonia under care at a tertiary care hospital in India. Detailed history, clinical assessments, and lab investigations were conducted after obtaining informed consent. NLR, CURB-65 score, and PSI score were computed and statistically analyzed. Result: The study included 246 patients (mean age: 56.8 ± 15.9 years; 60.3% male, 39.7% female). Comparing mild, moderate, and severe risk groups showed significantly higher mean NLR in the severe group. Pearson's correlation revealed positive links between NLR and CURB-65 score, and PSI score. ROC analysis resulted in AUCs of 0.902 (NLR), 0.922 (CURB-65), and 0.931 (PSI), all significant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio emerges as a significant biomarker for community-acquired pneumonia. NLR also correlates positively with CURB-65 and PSI scores, offering a simple and effective tool for outcome assessment in CAP patients.
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Open Access
To Study Thyroid Dysfunction in Antenatal Women and Its Impact on Maternal and Fetal Outcome
Pages 1129 - 1136

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Background: Pregnancy has a profound impact on the thyroid gland and its functions. During pregnancy, the thyroid gland increases in size by 10% in iodine replete countries but by 20% to 40% in areas of iodine deficiency. Production of thyroid hormones and iodine requirement each increases by approximately 50% during pregnancy. Hypothyroidism in pregnancy is associated with significant obstetrical and fetal complications such as spontaneous or threatened miscarriage, anaemia, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, low birth weight, fetal growth restriction, placental abruption, postpartum haemorrhage, high perinatal mortality etc. This study is designed to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction and its impact on maternal and fetal outcome in antenatal women attending antenatal clinic at a tertiary healthcare centre in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Objectives: To study the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in antenatal women and the impact of thyroid dysfunction on maternal and fetal outcome. Material And Methods: This was a prospective observational study with 113 healthy pregnant women attending the ante natal clinic of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology between 8 to 26 weeks of gestation during the time period of 1st November 2018 to 31st October 2019. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive and inferential analysis. To establish association tests namely chi square test, ANOVA test and odds ratio were used. Level of significance P value <0.05 that is 5% was considered as statistically significant. Results: Out of 113 subjects 74.34% were euthyroid and 25.66 % had thyroid dysfunction in which 18.58% were subclinical hypothyroid, 6.19% were overt hypothyroid and 0.88 % were hyperthyroid. Abnormal maternal outcome was significantly higher (p=0.003) among subjects with thyroid dysfunction (58.62%) as compared to euthyroid subjects (30.95%). Abnormal fetal outcome was significantly higher (p=0.002) among anti-TPO positive hypothyroid subjects as compared to anti TPO negative hypothyroid subjects. NICU admission was needed by neonates of 47.05% and 75% of subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism and overt hypothyroidism respectively (p=0.0013). APGAR score <7 at 1 min after birth was significantly higher (p =0.0322) in neonates of subjects with thyroid dysfunction (36.36%) as compared to euthyroid subjects (15.58%). Conclusion: In India prevalence of hypothyroidism in antenatal women is much higher as compared to western countries. Prevalence also varies widely through different regions in India. Our study revealed a high prevalence of hypothyroidism in Mowa, Raipur, Chhattisgarh state in India. With our study we would like to conclude that both overt and subclinical hypothyroidism in antenatal women is significantly associated with adverse maternal and fetal outcomes and therefore needs to be monitored vigilantly for development of complications and timely interference to improve maternal and fetal outcome
Research Article
Open Access
Study on Ocular Manifestations of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
Pages 1126 - 1128

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Background: One of the main causes of maternal and perinatal death is pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), a stigmatising condition in the field of obstetrics that requires challenging stigma removal. In order to evaluate ocular symptoms in individuals with pregnancy-induced hypertension, the current investigation was carried out. Materials & Methods: 200 patients with pregnancy-related hypertension in total were enrolled. Patients with persistent hypertension, underlying renal diseases, diabetes, haematological problems, infectious infections, and any past ocular diseases were disqualified. Torch light was used to examine the anterior portion. With the help of tropicamide, the eyes were dilated, and an indirect ophthalmoscope was used to examine the fundus. SPSS software was used to record and analyse each outcome. Results: 19% of the patients experienced eyesight problems. 11 percent of the patients had macular oedema. In 2% and 3% of the patients, respectively, lid oedema and choroidal infarcts were found. 14 percent of the patients had a narrowing of the arteries. Conclusion: Of the cases of preeclampsia, 32% involved ocular symptoms. In PIH patients, routine retinal screening is recommended.
Research Article
Open Access
Association of Increased Monocyte count to High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio with TIMI Risk Score in Patients with ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Pages 1118 - 1125

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Background: STEMI is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with CAD. All STEMI patients should undergo risk stratification at the earliest as these patients are at highest risk for developing complications. TIMI risk score is used to predict both early and one year mortality. MHR has emerged a prognostic marker and has been related to cardiovascular outcomes in various CVDs. Methods: 103 acute STEMI cases admitted to KIMS Hospital, Hubballi meeting the inclusion criteria were considered in 2year time period. Of these, 75 patients with a diagnosis of STEMI who underwent PCI with significant CAG findings were selected as the STEMI group and the remaining 28 patients, who had normal coronary arteries, were selected as the control group. The STEMI patients were then divided into two subgroups based on TIMI scores. Results: Among 103 study participants ,75.73 % were males and 24.27 % were females Mean age of STEMI group is 60.8 years.DM was found in 26.21 % and HTN was found in 45.63 % of participants. Mean HDL of the STEMI group is 41.6 mg/dl. Mean monocyte count of the STEMI group is 0.9 ×103 /µL. Mean MHR of STEMI group is 3 and mean TIMI score of STEMI group is 3.3. MHR is significantly higher in STEMI group. Conclusion: In this study it has been observed that MHR is associated with TIMI score in patients with STEMI. MHR can be used as a novel prognostic marker for risk stratification and may be as an predictor of future cardiovascular events in STEMI patients.
Research Article
Open Access
Histopathological Spectrum of Thyroid Lesions - A Two Years Study
Pages 1114 - 1117

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Background: Thyroid gland is unique in having a wide spectrum of lesions and these thyroid lesions are common worldwide. However, the thyroid gland lesions vary in their incidence and histopathological patterns. Hence the present study was undertaken to determine the histopathological pattern of thyroid lesions in tertiary care centre. Material and methods: Total 250 thyroidectomy specimens received in the Pathology Department during a period from July 2021 to June2023 were included in the study. Detailed information regarding age, gender, clinical status, and relevant investigations like fine needle aspiration cytology, thyroid scan, ultrasound reports and operation findings were obtained from histopathology request forms and register. Percentages and simple frequency tables were used for data analysis. Results: Out of 250 thyroidectomy specimens, 215(86%) were females and 35(14%) were males. The age of patients ranged from 3-75 years, with a mean age of 37.56 years. 195cases (78%) were non-neoplastic and 55 cases (22%) were neoplastic. The most common non-neoplastic lesions were multi-nodular goiter (95cases; 38%) followed by colloid goiter (65 cases; 26%) whereas most common neoplastic lesions were follicular adenoma (20cases;12%) and papillary carcinoma(14cases;5.6%). Conclusion: In our study, majority of thyroid lesions showed a female predominance with most of them occurring in the age group of 31-40 years and most common thyroid lesions were non-neoplastic. Proper diagnostic tools, including clinical history, ultrasonography and proper pathological examination are required for the identification of thyroid malignancy. Diagnosis by histopathological examination is important for the prompt diagnosis and treatment of Neoplastic lesions.
Research Article
Open Access
Mri Evaluation of Patients with Knee Trauma in Correlation with Arthroscopy
Pages 1108 - 1113

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Introduction: The knee joint trauma is a significant cause of morbidity at young and active persons. An early and accurate diagnosis of the severity of injuries is essential for early conservative as well as for surgical management. It needs a precise history of trauma, a thorough clinical examination and diagnostic imaging. MRI and arthroscopy were the most widely used diagnostic modalities to assess the joint injury. Arthroscopy is invasive and may cause complications. Magnetic resonance imaging has now accepted as the best non-invasive imaging modality for evaluation of traumatic knee joint. Aim: Arthroscopy in conjunction with MRI evaluation of patients with knee trauma. Materials and Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study done over a period of 1 year 7 months between March 2018 to October 2019. 50 consecutive patients with suspicion of knee trauma were selected for the study referred with clinically suspected internal derangement of knee following trauma to the knee from the orthopedic department of KGH, Visakhapatnam for evaluation of traumatic knee. Results: The study population's average age is 36.5±14.2 years, with a minimum age of 18 and a maximum age of 60 years. MRI has sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV with respective to ACL is 95.35%,85.71%,97.62%,75% , for PCL has all 4 100%, MM it is 96.30%,95.65%,96.30%,95.65%, LM it is 92.86%,97.22%,92.86%,97.22%.Overall stating a very good diagnostic tool in comparison with Arthroscopy. Conclusion: In the present studyMRI proved to be an excellent, non-invasive, radiation-free imaging modality with multiplane capabilities and excellent tissue delineation in comparison with invasive Arthroscopy. Thus, helping in arriving at a correct anatomical diagnosis thereby guiding further management of the patient.
Research Article
Open Access
Knowing the unknown: A study to assess the clinical features along with maternal and neonatal outcomes of COVID 19 in pregnancy in a tertiary care center in Coimbatore, India
Pages 1102 - 1107

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Objectives: Coronavirus disease2019 (COVID-19) has created an extraordinary health crisis worldwide.Given the infancy of the pandemic and limited data available for managing it in susceptible populations like pregnant women and neonates, there arises a need to understand the implications of this disease to formulate appropriate guidelines. Hence, this study assessed the clinical features, maternal and neonatal outcomes of COVID-19. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional research study collected data from101COVID-19positive pregnant women using their case records. Variables analyzed included gestational age, symptoms, maternal investigations, period between test positivity and delivery, mode of delivery, maternal ICU admission/need for respiratory support, maternal mortality rate, and neonatal outcome. Results: Mean gestational age for becoming COVID positive was 36.03 ± 6.66 weeks (3rd trimester). Most cases (69%) were asymptomatic, while some had fever (15.84%), cough (12.87%), and elevated serum ferritin levels (32.67%). Obstetric complications were observed in 61.39% of the cases and 70.3% had cesarean deliveries, most likely due to oligohydramnios (15.49%). No case required ICU admission, but some required heparin (87.13%), steroids (9.9%), remdesivir medication (4.95%), and respiratory support (3.96%). Owing to 2 twin pregnancies, 83 mothers gave birth to 85 babies with a mean neonatal birthweightof2.97 ± 0.47 Kg. No babies were COVID positive and only 4.71% were admitted to NICU. Conclusion: No worsening of maternal and neonatal outcomes due to COVID 19 infection were seen. Obstetrical complications like gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)&pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH)were existing conditions in pregnant women.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparison of the Effect of Intravenous Tramadol, Ketamine, and Placebo for the Treatment of Intraoperative Shivering in Spinal Anesthesia in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section – A Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial
Pages 1096 - 1101

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Background: Shivering frequently occurs in cesarean section (CS) under spinal anesthesia (SA), resulting in several complications. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of intravenous tramadol and ketamine with placebo in the treatment of intraoperative shivering in patients undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Methods: This randomized, double-blind clinical trial was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Uttar Pradesh. A total of 120 patients scheduled for elective cesarean section under spinal anesthesia were randomly allocated into three groups: Group T (tramadol), Group K (ketamine), and Group P (placebo). Patients in Group T received intravenous tramadol 1 mg/kg, Group K received intravenous ketamine 0.5 mg/kg, and Group P received normal saline as a placebo. The occurrence and severity of shivering were assessed using a standardized shivering scale. Hemodynamic parameters, adverse effects, and patient satisfaction were also recorded. Results: The occurrence of intraoperative shivering was significantly lower in Group T (15%) and Group K (20%) compared to Group P (70%) (p < 0.001). Both tramadol and ketamine effectively reduced the severity of shivering compared to placebo (p < 0.001). Hemodynamic parameters remained stable in all groups. Adverse effects, such as nausea and sedation, were more prevalent in the tramadol group compared to the ketamine and placebo groups. Patient satisfaction was higher in Group T and Group K compared to Group P. Conclusion: Intravenous tramadol and ketamine are effective in reducing the occurrence and severity of intraoperative shivering in patients undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. However, tramadol is associated with a higher incidence of adverse effects compared to ketamine. Therefore, ketamine may be considered as a safer alternative in the management of intraoperative shivering during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia.
Research Article
Open Access
Infant Young Child Feeding knowledge and practices among the mothers in a tribal area of Odisha
Pages 1092 - 1095

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Background: For an infant's growth, development, health, and nutrition, it is crucial to start breastfeeding as soon as possible and to introduce safe, suitable supplementary meals at the right time. The aim of the present study was to assess mothers’ knowledge of IYFC is one of the objectives and to understand the breadth of IYFC usage among moms. Materials and Methods: At the PRM Medical College, Baripada, UHTC, Debendrapur vaccination session, cross-sectional research was done. Every mother who attended the vaccination session with a child aged 0 to 23 months was used as a research participant. The study took place between August 2022 and January 2023. The study participants' verbal consent was obtained after describing the study's goal. Data was gathered using pre-tested, pre-designed questionnaires, and MS Excel was used for analysis. Results: Of the 167 mothers, 163 (97.6%) were aware of the benefits of colostrum feeding, and 167 (100%) were aware of the benefits of pre-lacteal feeding. Only 163 mothers (97.6%) agreed that breastfeeding should begin within an hour of delivery. 167 moms (100%) agreed that exclusive breastfeeding should continue for another six months. 157 moms (94.1%) had sufficient understanding of supplementary feeding. 136 women (81.4%) were advised to continue breastfeeding for up to a year, and 21 (12.5%) were advised to do so for two years. 131 women (78.4%) were determined to be adequately knowledgeable about feeding the infant when they were experiencing diarrhea. All 167 (100%) moms provided their infants colostrum, and none of them had supplied pre-lacteal milk. 167 women practiced exclusive breastfeeding (100%) of the time. 90 (97.8%) of the moms provided complementary feeding. Conclusion: To enhance mothers' understanding of and use of IYFC, ongoing health education is crucial.
Research Article
Open Access
Is periarticular or epidural bupivacaine preferable for early rehabilitation following complete knee replacement?
Pages 1087 - 1091

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Background and objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of an analgesic cock tail injection into the periarticular space in encouraging quick functional recovery. To evaluate the efficacy of the periarticular injection of an analgesic cocktail of medications in the immediate post-operative period and compare the results to the current treatment regimens currently being used to control pain in our institution, i.e. epidural infusion of Bupivacaine. Method: A randomised control trial was used in the investigation. The study included patients having a unilateral complete knee replacement. Following preoperative evaluation, patients were randomly divided into two groups, one of which received an epidural bupivacaine infusion for pain management and the other of which received a periarticular injection of a combination of analgesic medications. Range of motion and postoperative pain scores were recorded on days 1, 2, 3, and 10. Using a repeated measure ANOVA, consumption of morphine and functional rehabilitation were also measured and statistically analysed. Result: In the first few days following surgery, patients who got pericapsular injections of medication experienced pain reduction that was noticeably superior than that of the epidural group. The pericapsular injection group saw faster functional recovery, but by day 10 after surgery, there had been no change in functional ability or pain reduction. The method of pain control had no discernible impact on range of motion. Those who got pericapsular injections experienced less anesthesia-related adverse effects like nausea, pruritis, vomiting, and urine retention. Conclusion: Patients who underwent peri capsular injections experienced significantly less postoperative pain than those who used epidural injections on the first day following surgery (day 1). Even though the difference was not statistically significant, patients who got peri capsular injections for pain management reported less pain during the remaining days (days 2-10) after knee replacement. On the first day after surgery, patients who received peri capsular injections for pain treatment performed straight leg raises with braces far better than those who were receiving epidural infusions. From the second day on, this difference was no longer statistically significant.
Case Report
Open Access
Aortic Aneurysm with Dissection
Pages 1083 - 1087

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Background: There are four major acute aortic syndromes 1) aortic rupture,2) aortic dissection,3) intramural hematoma, and 4) penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer. Among them here we are presenting case report on acute aortic dissection. Acute aortic dissection is a life-threatening condition in which a tear occurs in the inner layer of the aorta. Blood rushes through the tear and splits the inner and middle layers. Pulsatile aortic flow then dissects along the elastic lamellar plates of the aorta and creates a false lumen. Death from aortic dissection can be related to rupture of a proximal dissection into the pericardium precipitating cardiac tamponade or bleeding into the pleural space, dissection into the aortic valvular annulus leading to severe aortic regurgitation, obstruction of the coronary artery ostia leading to myocardial infarction, or end-organ failure due to abdominal aortic branch vessel obstruction. Case Report: 45-year-old female patient, nondiabetic, non-hypertensive, no significant past illness history came to emergency department with acute onset substernal pain with left sided chest pain 2-4 hours back with history of two episodes of vomiting at home. She described chest pain in numerical rating scale of 8-9, with character of pain as excruciating pain with doomed feeling, diaphoresis and difficulty in taking deep breath. She also felt slight faintness. On examination patient was conscious, restless, sweating++, she looked acutely ill but nothing specific was detected in her heart and lung sound, Initial vitals at emergency room were stable, pulse rate 120/min, blood pressure 120/84 mm Hg, respiration rate 24/min, body temperature 36.6 , saturation 99%. Electrocardiogram (ECG) was immediately taken which showed normal sinus rhythm with tachycardia, no evidence of ischemic changes. Patient shifted to ICU on ECG monitor, BP monitor, and oximeter. and started with Oxygen, Analgesics, Antiemetics.
Research Article
Open Access
An analysis comparing the use of prophylactic antibiotics during orthopaedic surgery for one day against three days
Pages 1079 - 1082

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Background and objectives: The accepted method for preventing surgical site infections during orthopedic surgery, including arthroplasty, is prophylactic systemic antibiotics. There is sufficient data to support its effectiveness in avoiding or decreasing surgical site infection. Controversial issues with this method include the timing of administration, the appropriate antibiotics to utilize, and the appropriate antibiotic duration. Methods: The study compared the effects of three intravenous doses of Ceftriaxone 1 g over three days (group 2 n = 65) vs three hours (group 1 n = 65), was conducted on patients who were scheduled for orthopaedic operations with a particular exclusion and was followed up for a year. Results: In groups 1 and 2, 65 patients each received antibiotics for one day and three days, respectively. There were 45 men and 15 women in group 2, compared to 40 men and 20 women in group 1. The patients' ages ranged from five to seventy. The patients in groups 1 and 2 were, on average, 32.5 and 36 years old, respectively. Both groups reported regional edema, redness, and soreness at the surgical site for the first 48 hours after the procedure. These side effects eventually disappeared on their own. Both groups exhibited no signs of localized inflammation, infection, or pus production at a subsequent check-up. Conclusion: In neither group did any of the cases experience any infection. The study is a step in developing policies about the use of antibiotics in our nation and shows the value of antibiotic prophylaxis.
Research Article
Open Access
Quality of life among Vitiligo patients attending a tertiary care center in Eastern India: A cross-sectional study
Pages 1073 - 1078

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Background: Vitiligo is an acquired disorder of the melanocytes characterized by depigmented macules and patches. The chronic, unpredictable course of the disease and the visible cosmetic disfigurement leading to social discrimination lead to a decline in the quality of life (QoL) of patients suffering from Vitiligo. Aims and objectives: This study aims to assess the impact of Vitiligo on the quality of life of patients using two questionnaires – Dermatological Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Vitiligo Quality of Life (VitiQoL). Materials and methods: All patients above the age of fifteen years presenting with Vitiligo were included in the study after taking written informed consent. Patients with any other co-existing debilitating disease or disability, psychiatric problems, systemic or personal conditions which might have an impact on the Quality of life (QoL) as well as pregnant and lactating women were excluded from the study. Socio-demographic data and detailed history regarding the symptoms, duration of disease, and treatment history was recorded. A thorough general physical, systemic, and cutaneous examination was done. Patients were requested to answer the questions of the DLQI questionnaire and VitiQoL questionnaire after clearly explaining the meaning of the questions to them in their preferred language. The answers were noted by the same dermatologist in every case. The DLQI and VitiQoL score was then calculated. The scores were evaluated and compared at the end of the study. Results: A total of 78 patients were included in the study in the age group of 15-78 years and the mean age was 34.6 ± 4.4 years. There were 46 males and 32 females included in the study and the male-female ratio was 1.4:1. According to the DLQI scores, a moderate effect was seen in 27(34.6%) patients, followed by a very small effect in 24(30.7%) patients, very large effect in 18(23%) patients, no effect in 6(7.6%) patients and extremely large effect in 3(3.8%) patients. The mean DLQI score was 7.8 ± 5. There were 19(24.3%) new patients, and 59(75.6%) patients already under treatment for vitiligo. The commonest type was non-segmental (generalized vitiligo) seen in 38(48.7%) patients followed by acro-facial in 14(17.9%) patients. Segmental vitiligo was present in 8(10.2%). The duration of symptoms was greater than one year in 44(58.9%) patients and the mean duration was 1.8 years. Around 21(26.9%) patients had patches of overexposed parts of the body and a family history of vitiligo in first–degree relatives was positive in 3.8% of patients. The VitiQoL score in our study had a mean value of 37.8 with a standard deviation of 4.2. Higher mean values were seen in questions pertaining to frustration regarding the disease (3.8± 2.4), fear of progression (3.3±1.9), and worrying about what other people might think of them (3.1±2.7). Conclusion: Vitiligo is a disease that is still significantly associated with tremendous social stigma which greatly impacts the personal, professional, and social aspects of the patient’s life. Understanding the degree of impairment that Vitiligo can have on the quality of life (QoL) of patients will help us understand the magnitude of the problem and thereby take adequate steps like treatment with psychological support as well as counseling, along with community awareness programs to improve the QoL of patients.
Research Article
Open Access
Molecular detection and characterization of genes encoding Metallo beta lactamase in Gram Negative Bacilli
Pages 1067 - 1072

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Introduction: Treatment of bacterial infections has become complicated due to the emergence of multidrug resistant strains of gram negative bacilli. The multidrug resistant strains of gram negative bacilli causes multiple clinical infections and has become a rising problem globally. The metallo beta lactamases encoding genes are very sever in gram negative bacteria such as E.coli. Metallo beta lactamases are beta lactamase enzymes produced by pathogenic bacteria and gradually found in gram negative organisms Materials And Methods: This is a prospective, descriptive, Cross sectional, In-vitro laboratory based , single center study in the Department of Microbiology, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research center Indore. The isolates will be obtained from clinical specimens such as blood, urine, exudative specimens which included pus, wound swabs, eye swab, ear swabs, conjunctival swabs, cerebrospinal fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid, drain fluids and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and lower respiratory secretions (bronchial wash, endotracheal aspirates and sputum) and other relevant clinical material submitted to Microbiology Laboratory for Culture and Sensitivity testing. Result: Among 210 isolates, 81 isolates were Acinetobacter baumanni, 30 isolates were Acinetobacter lwofii, 23 isolates were of other Acinetobacter sp. and 76 isolates were Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Among 210 isolates, majority were collected from male patient (160). In case of Acinetobacterbaumanni isolates, 50 were collected from male patients whereas 26 isolates were collected from female patients.In case of Acinetobacter lwoffi, 27 isolates were from male and only 03 isolates were from female. AmongAcinetobacter sp.08 isolates were from male patients and only 05 were from female patient. Similarly in case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates, 65 were from male and 16 isolates from female patient. Conclusion: All the MBL positive isolates showed resistance towards aminoglycosides. In case of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Colistin was 100% sensitive and the next effective drug was Amikacin.In Acinetobacter the most effective drug was Tigecyclin(100% sensitivity) and the next effective drug was found to be Tobramycin and Gentamycin. In most of the MBL positive isolates Aztreonam was resistant. This can be attributed to the co presence of multiple mechanism of resistance in MBL positive isolates.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Lipid Profile and Body Mass Index (Bmi) In Adult Females with Sedentary and Active Life Styles
Pages 1062 - 1066

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Background: Atherosclerosis is diagnosed, treated, and predicted using lipid profile testing. An increase in the fasting serum cholesterol, triglyceride, or both values is referred to as hyperlipidaemia. Diet, exercise, smoking, and some medications can all have an impact on lipid levels. A sedentary lifestyle is one that is prevalent in modern civilisations and is distinguished by spending the most of the day sitting either at work or at home. It is thought to contribute to obesity and other illnesses. Objectives: To study and compare the TC, TG, LDL-C, VLDL-C and HDL-C in the sedentary adult females and active adult females. Material & Methods: 100 healthy individuals who worked at various banks, schools, colleges, government and non-government organisations, as well as housewives, made up the study's subjects. All of the participants were female and between the ages of 25 and 45. 50 randomly chosen volunteers with sedentary lifestyles and 50 subjects with non-sedentary/active lifestyles. During individual interviews, a validated, structured questionnaire was utilised to gather information on demographic, socioeconomic, lifestyle, and physical activity patterns. Results: In our study when compared to the normal, healthy lipid profile patterns in active adult females, the evaluation of lipid profile patterns in the sedentary subjects revealed hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia as well as decreased HDL-C levels in them. Less active adult females had statistically significantly higher lipid profiles (P-value 0.001) than active adult females. Compared to active adult females who have normal, healthy HDL-C levels, sedentary adult females have lower HDL-C levels. Conclusion: As a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of hyperlipidaemia, regular lengthier training sessions at a greater working intensity and a low-fat diet should be promoted to significantly lower blood lipid levels and other heart disease risk factors including hypertension and obesity.
Research Article
Open Access
Single Center Observational Prospective Study to Assess Right Ventricular Function in Congenital Heart Disease with Large Atrial Septal Defect and Eisenmenger Syndrome Initiated on Angiotensin Receptor - Neprilysin Inhibitor
Pages 1053 - 1061

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Background: Atherosclerosis is diagnosed, treated, and predicted using lipid profile testing. An increase in the fasting serum cholesterol, triglyceride, or both values is referred to as hyperlipidaemia. Diet, exercise, smoking, and some medications can all have an impact on lipid levels. A sedentary lifestyle is one that is prevalent in modern civilisations and is distinguished by spending the most of the day sitting either at work or at home. It is thought to contribute to obesity and other illnesses. Objectives: To study and compare the TC, TG, LDL-C, VLDL-C and HDL-C in the sedentary adult females and active adult females. Material & Methods: 100 healthy individuals who worked at various banks, schools, colleges, government and non-government organisations, as well as housewives, made up the study's subjects. All of the participants were female and between the ages of 25 and 45. 50 randomly chosen volunteers with sedentary lifestyles and 50 subjects with non-sedentary/active lifestyles. During individual interviews, a validated, structured questionnaire was utilised to gather information on demographic, socioeconomic, lifestyle, and physical activity patterns. Results: In our study when compared to the normal, healthy lipid profile patterns in active adult females, the evaluation of lipid profile patterns in the sedentary subjects revealed hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia as well as decreased HDL-C levels in them. Less active adult females had statistically significantly higher lipid profiles (P-value 0.001) than active adult females. Compared to active adult females who have normal, healthy HDL-C levels, sedentary adult females have lower HDL-C levels. Conclusion: As a sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of hyperlipidaemia, regular lengthier training sessions at a greater working intensity and a low-fat diet should be promoted to significantly lower blood lipid levels and other heart disease risk factors including hypertension and obesity.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of the Apolipoprotein B/ Apolipoprotein A1 Ratio as a Potential Marker of Plasma Atherogenicity in Acute Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
Pages 1048 - 1052

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Background: The apolipoprotein B (ApoB) is the main component of very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) particles. LDL contains variable quantities of cholesterol, but each lipoprotein contains a single ApoB protein, while Apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) is the main apolipoprotein incorporated into high‐density lipoprotein (HDL). It has a major role in reversing cholesterol flow and cellular cholesterol homeostasis once detected. Therefore, the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio reflects the cholesterol balance between atherogenic and anti-atherogenic lipoprotein particles. Aim: The aim of the study is to measure ApoB/ApoA1 ratio in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Methods: Total of 60 patients aged 18–80 years were included in the study. The plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), apolipoprotein A1, ApoB protein, ApoB/ApoA1 ratio were determined after a 12 h fasting period. Results: Mean ApoB/ApoA1 ratio for our study was 0.87 with 60% of STEMI patients had ratio >0.8. In our study, 23.64% of patients had absolutely normal lipid profile with deranged ApoB/ApoA1 ratio. Conclusion: Despite normolipidemic, the subjects with the unfavourable ApoB/ApoA1 ratio had more atherogenic lipid profile and corelated its relationship with the severity of CAD.
Research Article
Open Access
Correlation of Ultrasonographical and histopathological diagnoses of female pelvic masses
Pages 1043 - 1047

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Background and Objectives: he objective of this current study was to assess the ultrasonographic characteristics of pelvic masses and establish correlations with histopathological diagnoses in patients who underwent surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional prospective study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Radiology The study cohort comprised 113 female patients who presented with symptoms indicative of pelvic masses. The final diagnoses were subsequently correlated with histopathological findings, with the cytohistopathology diagnosis considered definitive. Results: A total of 113 female patients underwent ultrasonography (USG) scans, in concurrence with a clinical history and examination of pelvic masses. The predominant age group was 40-50 years. The most frequently reported chief complaint among the female patients in our study was pelvic pain followed by a combination of pain and palpable mass. Menstrual irregularities, menorrhagia, post-menopausal bleeding, infertility, and amenorrhea were among the less common complaints presented by female patients in our study. Conclusion: Ultrasonography emerges as the foremost imaging modality for evaluating gynaecological masses. Proper differentiation between gynaecological and non-gynaecological masses on sonographic assessment is vital for precise patient management.
Research Article
Open Access
A Hospital Based Study on Clinico – Epidemiological Profile and Outcome in Infants with Bronchiolitis
Pages 1035 - 1042

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Background: One of the biggest clinical problems in paediatric treatment is still bronchiolitis. Young children (under 2 years old) are more susceptible to the lower respiratory ailment bronchiolitis, which is brought on by seasonal viruses such as RSV, Rhinovirus, Influenza, Adenovirus and others. It is the most common reason for young children to be admitted to the hospital and is associated with a high level of morbidity but a low fatality rate (1%). Each year, bronchiolitis affects 20% of newborns in the US and about 3% of those need to be hospitalised.
1. To study the clinico-epidemiological andmicrobiological profile of bronchiolitis in children.profile of bronchiolitis in children.
2. To assess the clinical outcome in hospitalised infants with bronchiolitis.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based prospective cross-sectional study. Study area: The study was conducted in the Department of Paediatrics. Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Hyderabad. Study Period: JAN 2021 TO DEC 2022. Study population: Children aged between two months and two years, presenting with first episode of acute bronchiolitis and respiratory distress attending department of paediatrics. Sample size: Study consisted a total of 88 subjects. Sampling Technique: Simple Random technique. Results: Among 88 cases, 23 cases (26.1 %) showed negative in viral panel, 33 cases (37.5%) showed Respiratory syncitial virus, Rhino virus was the 2nd most common virus seen in 18 cases (20.5 %), Adeno virus in 3 cases (3.4 %), Para influenza seen in 3 cases (3.4%), Boca virus in 2 cases (2.3%), Human metapneumo virus seen in 2 cases (2.3%), Influenza and Para influenza seen one in each. Conclusion: Infants with Bronchiolitis typically present with upper respiratory tract symptoms. Bronchiolitis is common in young infants, with male predominance and severity of bronchiolitis also has male predominance. Our study very interestingly found that none of the cases required invasive ventilation, majority were treated with only humidified high flow nasal canula. Severity of bronchiolitis is more among RSV positive cases.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of cerebral cardiac syndrome in acute ischemic stroke patients without prior cardiac disease in a tertiary care center
Pages 1029 - 1034

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Introduction: Cerebral cardiac syndrome (CCS) refers to cardiac dysfunction after brain injury. Byer and colleagues first reported Cerebral cardiac syndrome in 1946. It is an interplay between brain and heart and is also known as neuro cardiogenic syndrome or stroke heart syndrome. CCS refers to cardiac complications that occur after stroke including arrhythmias, myocardial damage, and cardiac dysfunction. Ischemic stroke is strongly evidenced to induce CCS with prevalence of 4-19%. ECG changes are reported in 65 -69% of ischemic stroke patients. Most of these ECG changes are seen early after stroke within the first 3 days. CCS is worsening of premorbid cardiac conditions or new onset cardiac injury in stroke patients. Materials and methods: This is a cross sectional study conducted in the Department of Neurology at Dr.Pinnamaneni Siddhartha Institute of Medical Sciences &Research Foundation, Chinnavutapalli, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh from July 2022 to June 2023 with a sample size of 51 patients. Patients of acute ischemic stroke within 72 hours with no previous cardiac disease. Data regarding age, sex, stroke territory, NIHSS score, 2d echo and ECG findings, blood investigations like prothrombin time and neutrophil count were analyzed. Results: A total of 51 ischemic stroke patients were included in this study; 49 patients with arterial infarcts and 2 with venous infarcts. Out of 51 ischemic stroke patients, 23 developed CCS accounting to an incidence of 45%. In 38 patients with anterior circulation strokes, 39% (14) developed CCS. In 11 patients with posterior circulation strokes, 54% (6) patients developed CCS. ECG findings were recorded within 72 hours of acute stroke. Anterior circulation strokes: In strokes involving anterior circulation, 80% had ECG changes. T waves inversions accounted to 60% and T wave elevations to 20%, T wave inversion with co-existing ST elevation, ST depression and pathological Q waves were accounted for 6.6% each. Conclusion: Our study shows that ECG changes, NIHSS score, sex, prothrombin time, neutrophil count are independent risk factors for CCS correlating with the previous studies. However, our sample had more of posterior circulation strokes presenting with CCS rather than anterior circulation as reported by various studies. Dual role of neutrophils need to be further studied for targeted therapies to improve functional outcomes post stroke.
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Open Access
A randomized controlled trial comparing dural puncture versus traditional epidurals for pain relief during birth
Pages 1023 - 1028

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Background: If you're looking for a reliable and adaptable approach of pain management during labor, look no further than central neuraxial analgesia. There have been a number of promising technical advancements in the realm of neuraxial analgesia. The purpose of this research is to examine the relative benefits of dural puncture epidural vs conventional epidural for delivering babies in pain-free conditions. Methods: Studying how well dural puncture epidurals work compared to more traditional epidurals for pain relief during labor. The Department of Anaesthesia, MNR Medical College and Hospital, Fasalwadi, Telangana, India, was the site of this clinical trial, which took place at the hospital's labor and delivery unit. From the month of February 2022 to January 2023. Forty participants are included in this analysis. Results: Adequate analgesia was reached on average 11.60 minutes into treatment in group A, and 10.04 minutes into treatment in group B. After 10 minutes after receiving an epidural bolus, 52% of women in Group A and 60% of women in Group B reported a VAS score of 10 or below for pain. Conclusion: In terms of pain relief during labor, dural puncture epidural method is preferable to classic epidural technique since it takes less time to reach therapeutic levels of analgesia. There are no harmful consequences on the mother or the baby from a dural puncture epidural, and the epidural enhances the sacral spread, the start of analgesia, and the bilateral pain alleviation for laboring women.
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Open Access
Comparative Study of Ecg and Coronary Angiographic Findings with Acute Coronary Syndrome in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients in Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 1013 - 1022

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Background: India has now become the diabetic capital of the world, with over 30 million diabetic individuals. Cardiac involvement in diabetes commonly manifest as coronary artery disease. Invasive diagnostic modality like Coronary Angiography serves as a diagnostic as well as therapeutic aid in the management of coronary artery disease and it remains the gold standard technique. Objectives: Present study is an attempt to find out how coronary artery involvement in diabetics differs from that of non-diabetics with special interest in their electro-cardiography and angiographic profile. Methodology: 50 patients having acute coronary syndrome undergoing coronary angiography, aged 18-60 years, were included in present study, and grouped into 2; group A having diabetes (n=25) and group B without diabetes (n=25). Angiographic extent, type of vessel, number of vessels, severity involving coronary artery and its branches in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) were studied and compared in both groups. RESULTS: Significantly higher differences in age, sedentary lifestyle, and hypertension were seen among diabetics than non-diabetics. Significantly higher diabetic cases had ST-T changes. Diabetic patients had more multivessel, multi-lesion, extensive and small vessel disease than nondiabetic patients. Conclusion: According to the present study, severe forms of coronary artery lesions were found common among diabetic patients as compared to non-diabetic patients.
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Open Access
A Comparative Study of Acute-On-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) Patients with Respect to Diabetes Mellitus and Metabolic Syndrome
Pages 1007 - 1012

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Diabetes mellitus and chronic liver disease often coexist in long-term disease progression causing adverse outcomes and premature mortality. Furthermore, diabetes and metabolic syndrome exhibit a closed interlinking mechanism with hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer through the glucose and metabolic homeostasis imbalance. However, the association with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) has been poorly studied in the last years. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the association of diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (DM/MS) with ACLF patients, to use it as a disease prognostic indicator. A total of 34 consecutive ACLF patients above 18 years were included, as well as their clinical records, and divided into DM/MS and non-DM/non-MS groups. They were tested for anthropometric and biochemical assays and all data was analysed to assess the immediate and short-term progression. We observed that DM/MS patients had increased numbers in the different demographic clinical variables, had increased levels in their glucose and lipid profile, and reduced levels in their protein profile, with respect to the control group non-DM/non-MS. About death occurrence, we observed an increase in DM/MS group (33.3%) respect to the control group (15.78%). With these results, we can infer that ACLF patients with DM/MS have a higher risk of mortality and a longer period of stay in the hospital. The coexistence of DM and MetS in ACLF patients is associated with increased disease severity, worse prognosis, and adverse outcomes. Timely recognition and appropriate management of these comorbidities are crucial to improve patient outcomes.
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Open Access
Correlation of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Findings with Thyroid Function Test in Cases of Lymphocytic Thyroiditis
Pages 1002 - 1006

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Background and Objectives: Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis is autoimmune thyroiditis; it is considered as second most common thyroid disorder diagnosed on FNAC following colloid goitre. FNAC is a reliable and efficient method for diagnosing these thyroid lesions. Chronic Lymphocytic thyroiditis frequently affects women, primarily compared to men and is commonly found with hypothyroidism, euthyroidism or every so often with hyperthyroidism. The incidence rate of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is 1–4%, with an occurrence of 30–60/100000 population per year. Autoimmune thyroiditis can be categorized on the cytomorphological features of FNAC. Methods: To compare FNAC cytological findings with TFT in Chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. One hundred ten patients with thyroid swellings were presented for FNAC examination, serology of TFT and Anti TPO antibodies and Ultrasonography during 2020–2021. In addition, fine needle aspiration cytology was performed using non-aspiration or aspiration techniques. TFT and Anti- TPO antibodies were performed on Avion CLX 120 auto analyser based on the Chemiluminescence method. Result: Out of 110 cases of midline neck swelling presented in our department, Autoimmune Thyroiditis was observed in 43 cases. The most affected age group of lymphocytic thyroiditis was 21–30 years, with the male: female ratio being 1:3. Most of the patients presented with diffuse swelling and few presented with nodular swelling. The Grading of the lymphocytic thyroiditis was done by the criteria used by Bhatia et al Anti-TPO antibody was elevated in 19 cases (26.2%), and TSH was elevated in 28 cases (40.81%). These cases were diagnosed as autoimmune thyroiditis on cytology, clinically and also correlating with radiological findings. Grade 3 lymphoid infiltrate was seen in 53.33% (16/30) cases, and Grade 2, lymphoid infiltrate was seen in eight cases (62.50%). Grade 1 lymphoid infiltrate was seen in five cases (11.63%). Among 43 cases, 28 cases (65.12%) show hypothyroidism, 7 cases (16.28%) show hyper, and 8 cases (18.60%) show Euthyroidism. Among these 43 cases, 26 cases showed diffuse thyroid swelling on ultrasonography, and 7 cases showed solitary nodule. Conclusion: Grade 3 lymphocytic infiltration statistically correlates with anti-TPO and TSH in conjunction with ultrasonography findings of diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland. The presence of Hurthle cell change, giant cells, anisonucleosus, and granulomas do not find to be any statistical correlation with lymphocytic thyroiditis as these cases are primarily corresponding to Grade 1 and Grade 2. Through this study, we conclude that FNAC remains the gold standard method despite having different diagnostic modalities accessible for diagnosing thyroid lesions. Grading of FNAC Smears depends on lymphocytic infiltration of the thyroid follicles, along with positivity for antithyroid antibodies (anti-TPO antibody) and TSH. These findings are firmly associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis.
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Open Access
Liver function test as a diagnostic and prognostic indicator for acute appendicitis and its severity
Pages 996 - 1001

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Introduction: Acute appendicitis remains one of the most common surgical emergencies, accounting for 1% of all emergency operations. The diagnosis can at times be very difficult, so any test which can contribute towards the diagnosis is very valuable. Even though USG, MRI and CT scan of abdomen and blood tests can confirm the diagnosis but not its severity. Aim: The aim of this study is to establish the role of deranged liver function tests as a new diagnostic tool and also to predict gangrenous and ruptured appendicitis which would serve the purpose of decreasing the mortality and morbidity in these patients. Methods: Ninety patients of different age groups from 8 to 70 years of both sexes were included in this study over a span of 14 months. They were confirmed by USG, routine blood examination and clinical findings. LFT were performed, studied and compared with all patients of acute appendicitis. Results: Out of 90 patients, hyperbilirubinemia was observed in 45 cases (50%). There was an increase in other liver enzymes like SGOT in 18 patients (20%), SGPT in 3 patients (2.7%), and Alkaline Phosphatase in 10 patients (9%). However, serum albumin was found to be normal in all patients. GGT increase is seen in 6 patients (9.23%). Specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value and p value were highly significant (p<0.001) in complicated appendicitis. Conclusion: The elevated parameters of LFT in patients of complicated appendicitis (ruptured, gangrenous) carried considerable prognostic significance. Hence LFT can be used as a diagnostic and prognostic indicator in patients of acute appendicitis, thus avoiding unnecessary morbidity and mortality in these patients.
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Open Access
Metabolic syndrome in patients of chronic plaque psoriasis: A study in a tertiary health care centre of Tripura
Pages 991 - 995

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Background: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease, where a sustained inflammatory state causes comorbidities such as, metabolic syndrome (MS), psoriatic arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Aims: 1) To find out the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients of chronic plaque psoriasis. 2) To study the association of metabolic syndrome with severity of psoriasis and duration of psoriasis. Methods: It was an observational cross-sectional study for a period of one year (February 2021 to January 2022) in the Department of Dermatology, Tripura Medical College & Dr BRAM Teaching Hospital, Agartala. All diagnosed cases of psoriasis patients attending the Dermatology department enrolled after obtaining informed consent and prior Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) permission. Total 90 patients were included using purposive sampling technique. Results: Present study found; 30 patients (40%) were having metabolic syndrome with mean age of study participants was 38.28 ± 10.29 years. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher in severe psoriasis (59.5%) group compared to moderate (27.9%) and mild psoriasis (20%) group which was statistically significant (p value < 0.05). We also found that prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher in patients who have psoriasis for longer duration (>3 years) which was statistically significant (p value < 0.05). Metabolic syndrome is seen frequently in patients of psoriasis specially those who has a longer disease course with higher PASI score. Conclusion: Prevalence of metabolic syndrome was higher in severe psoriasis patients. Patients with psoriasis should be regularly screened and advised lifestyle modification such as healthy diet, physical exercise, and stress reduction to reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome.
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Open Access
Clinico-demographic profile of patients presenting with organophosphorus poisoning in tertiary care hospital in Mumbai
Pages 985 - 990

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Background: The issue of organophosphorus (OP) poisoning remains a significant global health concern, especially prevalent in developing nations. Aims and Objective: This current investigation endeavors to examine the clinic-demographic characteristics observed among patients exhibiting symptoms of OP poisoning. Methodology: A retrospective and prospective study spanning a duration of one and half year was carried out on patients with OP poisoning at a tertiary-level medical college. Results: Throughout the study duration, a total of 40 patients presented themselves. Instances of intentional self-poisoning (95%) outweighed those of accidental exposure (5%). The preponderance of patients were identified as housewives (32.5%), succeeded by individuals in occupations such as private job, farmers, studentship, sweepers and some were unemployed (5%). Among the toxins ingested by patients, Dichlorvas (42.5%) emerged as the predominant choice (35.74%), trailed by Chlorpyrifos, Dimethoate, Methyl parathion, Phorate , Thiomate and Monocrotophos. Manifestations of nausea and vomiting, observed in 85.02% of cases, while the predominant sign was miosis, noted in 91.94%. The mean duration of hospital stays varied among the different severity level. In terms of outcomes, 75% of patients survived without the need for mechanical ventilation and the mortality rate documented in our study stood at 10%. Conclusion: The current investigation revealed that a significant proportion of the patient cohort consisted of individuals in their youthful years, with males surpassing females in representation. Deliberate poisoning incidents exceeded accidental ones.
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Open Access
A Descriptive study to find out risk factors of hypertension among hypertensive patients among the patient visiting a tertiary care center
Pages 971 - 984

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Aim: To find out risk factors of hypertension among hypertensive patients among the patient visiting a tertiary care center. Patients and methods: In this study, analysis and interpretation of data were based on data collected through a structured interview schedule, measurement of BMI and blood pressure of 100 study subjects. Results: A Chi-square test was applied to determine the association of dietary & behavioral risk factors with socio-demographic variables. Dietary risk factors with socio-demographic variables. The statistical test showed the level of significance with gender, religion, marital status and type of family (p-value is less than 0.05). Fruit and vegetable consumption with socio-demographic variables. The statistical test showed the level of significance with age, education level and occupation (p-value is less than 0.05). Coffee consumption with socio-demographic variables. The statistical test showed that all variables are non-significant (p-value is greater than 0.05). Fatty food intake with socio- demographic variables. Discussion: The study concludes that 51% of females were hypertensive. Hypertension was higher among subjects with risk factors like fatty food and desi ghee intake, frequency of meal 2 times a day, physically inactive and taking less than 6 hours sleep in a day. Although there was a significant association of dietary & behavioral risk factors with socio-demographic variables like gender, age, religion, marital status, education, occupation and family income (p is less than 0.05) as depicted by the Chi-square test.
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Open Access
Impact of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) on Acute Liver Disease (ALD) and Chronic Liver Disease (CLD)
Pages 965 - 970

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Acute liver disease (ALD) or chronic liver diseases (CLD) are the two major comorbidities observed in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS). It is well known that, aetiology of liver disease such as hemochromatosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are frequently associated with DM. However, in many studies there is no direct relationships between MS and cirrhosis, acute hepatic failure, end-stage liver disease, hence, we tried to investigate the association between diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (DM/MS) group Vs. non-diabetes and non-metabolic syndrome having ALD and CLD, which might further explore the feasibility of using DM and MS as a prognostic indicator in such patients. Consecutive, age and sex matched ALD (n=31) and CLD (n=62) patients of above 18 years age were included in this study. Patients were categorized into two groups of having diabetes and metabolic syndrome; whose anthropometric, clinical and biochemical details were documented. Further, clinical reports were analyzed to assess the immediate and short-term consequences. Among ALD patients, FBG, HbAlc, ALT values were found significantly higher in DM/MS group (P<0.05). Time to resolution of injury (bilirubin normalization) was found to be significantly higher in DM/MS group (p<0.05). Among CLD patients, high PPBG, HbAlc, TG, LDL, VLDL values were observed in DM/MS group (p<0.05) compared to the nonDM/nonMS group. Higher number of deaths occurred in DM/MS group (n= 6; 28%) in comparison to non DM / non MS group (n=3; 7%)(P>0..05). Overall, patients having DM/MS had high risk of liver disease, mortality and more length of stay in hospital. Patients with DM/MS are at a higher risk of developing severe hepatitis. There is a great impact of DM/MS on development and prognosis of acute as well as chronic liver disease, so, every DM patient must be screened and evaluated for liver injury and its complications.
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Open Access
Study of Fungal Etiological Agents of Onychomycosis
Pages 959 - 964

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Background: Onychomycosis is the commonly encountered problem especially in adults. Appears as a simple cosmetic problem infected nails, but have significant effect on patients emotional, occupational and social aspects, also serve as reservoir of mycotic infection and can give rise to repeated skin infections. Dermatophytes are the principal pathogens. Objectives: Isolation and identification of fungal agents causing onychomycosis and to study the predisposing factors with their clinical presentations. Methods: Appropriate samples from 50 patients with a diagnosis of onychomycosis were included in study for a duration of one year, from July 2012 to August-2013. Nails were collected in sterile black craft paper envelopes of 5x5 cms after disinfection and nail borings from nail bed. These were subjected to 20 to 40% KOH mount, routine Culture on SDA with antibiotics and cycloheximide. Isolates were identified based on colony morphology and biochemical reactions. Results: In a sample size of 50, dermatophytes were predominant agents 70.58% compared to non-dermatophytes 29.4%, 78% were males and 22% were females. In these cases distal and lateral sububgual onychomycosis (60%) was the most common clinical presentation followed by proximal subungual onychomycosis (20%). Total positive culture cases were 17 (34%), among which Trichophyton rubrum 41.17% was predominant followed by T.mentagrophytes 17.6%. Conclusion: Not all nail dystrophies are fungal in origin, an accurate laboratory diagnosis of onychomycosis is must, as been shows in this study. Dermatophytes were predominant etiological agents among which T.rubrum was most common Changing. Systemic and local predisposing factors were diabetes, anemia, traumatic injury, hands submerged in water for prolonged time.
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Open Access
To study the spectrum of Mucormycosis and it’s Catastrophic Sequelae in a tertiary care hospital, Visakhapatnam, AP State
Pages 952 - 958

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Introduction: The Covid 19 pandemic has moved the world with devastating outcomes in the first wave (2019-20) and the second wave (2020-21). Additionally, in the second wave descending phase, mucormycosis, which is almost the rarest disease, has come rampant, again creating panic for the human race. Materials and Methods: 200 consecutive Mucormycosis cases were admitted, managed both medically and surgical by a multidisciplinary team approach over a period of 6 months. Results: Data is analyzed statistically in a Microsoft Excel sheet, represented pictorially by bar diagrams. Conclusion: Post Covid Mucormycosis differs from the mucormycosis seen in immunodeficient patients by pathophysiology, and the management protocols also differ. It has high mortality and morbidity with repeated complex surgical procedures. It requires a team approach and prolonged, repeated reconstructive, and rehabilitative procedures.
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Open Access
Study of Histopathological Changes in Placenta in Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy
Pages 941 - 951

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Aims: To study the morphological changes in the placenta in Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. To correlate the pathological changes in placenta with severity of disease and fetal outcome. Materials and methods: The placentae for the study were obtained from the in patients of Obstetrics and Gynaecology department from Government Maternity Hospital, Hanamkonda.53 placentae of clinically diagnosed cases of Preeclampsia and Eclampsia were included in study. Results: Out of 53 placenta 40 placentae were from Preeclampsia mothers and 13 placentae were from mothers with Eclampsia. The morphometric parameters viz. placental weight, placental diameter, placental thickness umbilical cord length were reduced in placentae of the mothers with Preeclampsia and Eclampsia . The mean birth weight and APGAR score of the babies born to mothers with Preeclampsia and Eclampsia was significantly reduced. Increased incidence of eccentric cord insertion, round placentae, calcification and infarction was noted in placentae of study group. Significant microscopic changes were observed in placentae of study group viz. increased syncytial knots, fibrinoid necrosis and villous stromal fibrosis (p<0.001). Conclusions: Early detection and early management, thus ensuring better outcomes for both mother and child.Our study of the histopathology involved in the placenta due to Hypertensive disorders can be beneficial.
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Open Access
Hypothyroidism in Cholelithiasis and Choledocholithiasis; an Observational Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Tripura
Pages 936 - 940

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Introduction: Gallstone disease or Cholelithiasis is the most common disorder affecting the gallbladder and biliary system. In western countries, 10-12% of adult population develops gallstone disease. The incidence of gallstone is 5-15% in Indian population while the prevalence of gallstone varies widely in different regions in India with North Indians having 2 – 4 fold higher prevalence as compared with the South Indians. Aims: To study the hypothyroidism among cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis and also the factor associated with it. Materials and Methods: The present study was a Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study and Observational study. This Study was conducted from one and half years w.e.f Jan 2021 to June 2022 at Department of General Surgery, A.G.M.C & G.B.P HOSPITAL. Result: In our study we found that there were (4.0%) with high TSH level, with newly diagnosed hypothyroid patients. 86(31.5%) patients with normal level (under medication for hypothyroidism). out of which, 15 patients (5.5%) were found to have clinical hypothyroidism and 71(26%) were found to have subclinical hypothyroidism and rest 65% were euthyroid. Conclusion: A significant prevalence of previously undiagnosed hypothyroid patients were not found in this study, but it was evident that subclinical hypothyroidism was significantly more common, compared to the clinical hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism was found to have a higher prevalence in females than in males which corresponds to other previous studies.
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Open Access
Perinatal Outcome among Early, Intermediate and Late Preterm Birth: A Comparative Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Agartala
Pages 931 - 935

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Introduction: Preterm birth is defined as babies born alive before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy. Preterm birth (PTB) is associated with short- and long-term adverse outcomes for the neonate. In addition, it is the leading cause of neonatal death and also a contributor to the under-five mortality rate. Aims: To study the perinatal outcome in terms of morbidity and mortality among early, intermediate and late preterm birth, in AGMC & GBPH. Materials and methods: The present study was a hospital based observational study with a cross sectional design. This Study was conducted for one and half years between January 2020 and June 2021 at department of Obstetrics & gynecology at AGMC & GBP Hospital during the study period. Total 216 patients were included in this study. Result: The association between lengths of maternal post-partum hospitalization with gestational age of the infants. It can be inferred that the mothers who gave birth to early preterm infants had a significantly higher proportion of post-partum hospitalization of 7 days or more the relation between interventions for neonatal jaundice and gestational age of the infants. The proportion of exchange transfusion was significantly more in the early preterm births in comparison, among the late preterm births, majority needed no treatment for neonatal jaundice. Conclusion: Preterm birth remains a significant risk factor for excess neonatal morbidity, hospitalization, and morbidity and associated costs, in addition to the psychological distress to the families. It is evident from this study that complications in both mothers and infants tend to increase with increasing prematurity associated with lower weeks of gestation. Developing a deeper understanding of the factors significantly associated with preterm birth especially identifying those factors that are modifiable, could help develop new approaches to antenatal, intranasal and post-natal care to prevent adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. This study is the first of its kind in North East India that looks extensively into these predictors and helps identify areas of intervention for lower neonatal and pregnancy related adverse outcomes.
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Open Access
A Clinicopathological Evaluation of Solitary Nodule in Thyroid; A Retrospective Observational Hospital Based Study
Pages 927 - 930

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Background: The solitary node in thyroid is a palpably discrete swelling within an apparently normal thyroid gland. It is usually a benign lesion but from clinical standpoint the possibility of neoplastic disease is of major concern for surgeon and patient. As there is variability in the conclusion of various authors and there is no work about clinicopathology of solitary nodules of thyroid in our region, present study has been designed to evaluate the epidemiology, fine needle aspiration cytology and incidence of malignancy in solitary nodule. Aims: To review data regarding incidence of the solitary nodular goitre, analyse & discuss the various clinical presentation, percentage of malignancy and importance of histopathological examination. Methods: As per exclusion and inclusion criteria 80 patients with solitary nodule of thyroid were included in this study. Various data like age, sex, family history, duration of nodule, site and size of nodule were recorded. Thyroid function test, fine needle aspiration cytology and ultrasonographic finding were recorded from case record. Results: Out of all histopathological finding of nodules follicular adenoma was most common followed by multinodular goitre (25%) and Adenomatous goitre (7.5%). Carcinoma was present in (17.5 %) and thyroiditis is 7.5% patients. Conclusions: Most of the patients were Euthyroid and benign condition was more common than malignancy. Follicular adenoma was most common among benign lesion and papillary carcinoma was more common neoplasm. Most of the patients required hemithyroidectomy.
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Open Access
Study of Cervical Lymphadenitis in Central India Population
Pages 917 - 926

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Background: Tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease caused by bacteria belonging to the "Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex". It presents a great social and economic problem and is one of the major factors responsible for high morbidity and mortality in India. The incidence of tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy accounts for two third of extra pulmonary tuberculous lymphadenopathy. Higher proportion of tuberculous origin is because of greater incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in our country. Perhaps there are many other causes of lymphadenopathy which are usually misdiagnosed as tuberculosis. Thus, it has been a common problem for both the clinicians as well as the pathologists to diagnose tuberculosis. Methods and Materials: The present work is carried out in 100 clinically suspected cases of tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis attending E.N.T., Surgery, Paediatrics and Medicine Department of central India institute as an outdoor/indoor patient during the period of one year. Patients with enlarged cervical lymph nodes with a history suggestive of tuberculosis were included after taking an informed consent. Results: Study was conducted on 100 clinically suspected cases of tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis, Tuberculosis was diagnosed in 57% cases by FNAC, smear and culture together, the maximum incidence of tuberculosis was observed in second and third decades, Females were more affected (64%) than males with the ratio of 1:2.3. FNAC showed accuracy of 42%, 30% cases were AFB smear positive in our study which nearly matches to other authors. The culture studies could diagnose 57 cases as tuberculous and 4 cases as non-tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis. Culture positive was higher in granulomatous necrotic lesions. Sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of culture study were significantly higher than FNAC and smear. These methods of investigation require considerable experience and confidence of the pathologist who perform the procedure for better results. When culture was taken as Gold Standard, cytology was found to be more sensitive than smear. Conclusions: From this study we concluded that Both FNAC and smear are quick, simple, less traumatic and cost-effective methods and are used as routine investigating procedures in OPDs of urban and semi-urban hospitals. Simplicity of these techniques (FNAC & Smear) combined with early availability of results and good diagnostic accuracy warrants their clinical application. Missed cytological diagnosis and isolation of non-tuberculous mycobacteria justify the use of culture studies in all suspected tuberculous lymphadenitis cases.
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Open Access
A Study on Role of Probiotics as an Adjuvant Therapy in the Management of Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia
Pages 911 - 916

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Background: This study was conducted to investigate the role of probiotics as an adjunct to phototherapy in the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, with regard to reducing phototherapy's duration and accelerating the rate at which TSB (fading of jaundice) falls when used as an adjunct. Methods: This was a hospital-based prospective case control study conducted among 110 inborn neonates with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia admitted to the NICU, Department of Paediatrics, Gandhi Medical College, and Hospital, Secunderabad, from December 2019 to May 2021 after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: The mean TSB at inclusion was 19.14 ± 0.89 mg/dL vs. 16.89 ± 0.92 mg/dL in the case and control groups respectively (p<0.001). The mean duration of phototherapy was 3.93±0.85 days’ vs. 5.58±1.62 days in the case and control groups respectively (p<0.001). Hence, it was statistically significant. The mean TSB at 24 hours (17.88±1.15 vs. 16.17±1.11) (p value <0.001), 48 hours (15.36±1.90 vs. 14.74±1.67) (p-value 0.069) and at discharge (10.20 ± 1.84 vs 9.86 ±1.54) (p-value 0.308) in case and control group respectively. The rate of change of TSB among two groups at different time intervals (24 hours: 1.26±0.98 vs. 0.72±0.83 (p-value 0.002), 48 hours: 7.68±1.89 vs. 6.30±1.56 (p-value <0.001), and at discharge 8.94±1.82 vs. 7.03±1.53) was statistically significant. Conclusion: Hyperbilirubinemia is a common problem in neonates. An advantage was observed in the use of probiotic (Bacillus clausii) as an adjunct to phototherapy in the management of hyperbilirubinemia.
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Open Access
Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Administration of Pregabalin and Duloxetine on Postoperative Analgesic Requirement Following Lower Extremity Trauma Surgeries
Pages 904 - 910

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Background- The induction of hyperalgesia is a well-documented consequence of surgical trauma, and inadequate pain management has been identified as a contributing factor to the development of persistent pain during the postoperative phase. The primary objectives of this study were to assess and compare the impact of pregabalin and duloxetine on post-operative pain scores. Methods: In this observational study, a total of 120 patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status I-II who were scheduled for lower limb trauma surgery were randomly assigned to two groups. One group received oral pregabalin at a dosage of 150 mg per day, while the other group received duloxetine at a dosage of 60 mg per day. The medications were administered 2 hours prior to surgery and continued once daily for the following 2 days after the surgery. The surgical procedure was conducted utilizing a standardized technique for spinal anesthesia. The investigator was unaware of the treatment allocation, which consisted of oral paracetamol at a dosage of 1 g every 6 hours, and intravenous diclofenac at a dosage of 75 mg as a rescue analgesic. The main objective of the study was to assess the response rate in relation to the need for rescue analgesia. The secondary outcomes encompassed various measures, such as the total amount of rescue analgesia administered, the visual analogue scale scores obtained at rest and during movement, the assessment of haemodynamics, the evaluation of anxiety and depression levels, the assessment of patient satisfaction, and the monitoring of any adverse effects. Results: In the pregabalin group, 60% of patients necessitated the initial administration of rescue analgesia within the first 72 hours following the surgical procedure, while the corresponding figure in the duloxetine group was 50%. Within the pregabalin group, it was observed that 6.6% of patients necessitated a second dose of rescue analgesia, with an average duration of 24 hours. Conversely, in the duloxetine group, 10% of patients required a second dose after an average duration of 40 hours. The scores on the visual analogue scale, the time until the first rescue intervention, and the cumulative use of rescue analgesics were found to be similar in both groups. Conclusion: Equivalent rate-responsive rescue analgesia was required in patients receiving pregabalin or duloxetine following lower limb trauma surgery.
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Open Access
An Observational Study of Early Hepatic Involvement and Other Clinical Parameters in Dengue Fever- Central India
Pages 897 - 903

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Background: DENV (dengue viral infection) is a non-hepatotropic RNA virus, but hepatic involvement is common. High level of viremia is associated with involvement liver and other organs. Present study is a prospective study which is aimed to know about the, pattern of hepatic involvement in dengue patients. Methods: This is a prospective hospital-based study conducted in the Department of General Medicine of tertiary care hospital of central India. During study period 200 clinically and serologically positive patients of Dengue fever, Dengue haemorrhagic fever and Dengue shock syndrome, classified as per the, definition of national vector borne disease control programme Govt. of India. Results: The mean value of total bilirubin was found to be 0.8 mg/dl in patients with dengue fever (DF), 0.96 mg/dl in patients with dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and 1.08 mg/dl in patients with dengue shock syndrome (DSS). The mean value of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was 77.44 IU/L in the dengue fever (DF) group, 112.32 IU/L in the dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) group, and 486.28 IU/L in the dengue shock syndrome (DSS) group. The average alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level in the DF group was 94.36 IU/L, while in the DHF group it was 386.42 IU/L. The average serum albumin levels were found to be 3.97 gm/dl in the DF group, 3.65 gm/dl in the DHF group, and 3.49 gm/dl in the DSS group. The average serum globulin levels were 2.98 mg/dl in the DF group, 2.86 gm/dl in the DHF group, and 2.69 gm/dl in the DSS group. The serum alkaline phosphate level exhibited an elevation in all groups under investigation. The mean value of ALP was found to be 118.46 IU/L in the DF group, 164.32 IU/L in the DHF group, and 342.42 IU/L in the DSS group. Conclusion: The pattern of hepatic involvement of liver in dengue fever varies as per the severity of disease. In milder case of dengue fever liver function test was normal but there was hepatomegaly was present commonly but in severe form of disease pattern of hepatic involvement varies from tender hepatomegaly to significant increase in liver enzyme.
Research Article
Open Access
To study the Traumatic brain injury in the Paediatric age group in a Tertiary Care Hospital, Vijayawada, A.P
Pages 888 - 896

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Traumatic brain injury is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in children.The anatomical features, physiological response to injury, neuronal development, and low myelination in children cause different clinical features compared to adult TBI. The aim is to study the incidence, predisposing factors, clinical presentations, and outcomes of paediatric head injuries. The patients included in this retrospective study are under the age of 14 years and admitted to the neurosurgery department of Siddhartha Medical College, Vijayawada and a tertiary care center. The study period is one year duration from 1.1.2019 to 31.12.2019. Data was collected on the basis of history, physical examination, baseline investigations, and the plain CT scan in all cases. The paediatric patients were 226 in total, with 743 head injury cases.There were 64.6 % (n= 146) males and 35.4%% (n=80) females. The age ranged from 12 days to 14 years. Fall from height was the commonest cause of head injury found in 48.6% (n=110) cases, road traffic accidents (RTA) in 34.5 % (n =78), and other causes in 16.8 % (n=38). 49(21.68 %) patients had associated injuries. In 55.75% (n=126) cases, mild head injury with GCS 13-15 was present, and severe head injury with GCS less than 8 in 29 (12.8%) patients. The 188 patients are treated conservatively. Thirty-eight patients underwent different neurosurgical procedures, of which five patients died. Conclusion: Head injury in the paediatric age group carries a high risk of morbidity and mortality.Good outcomes are achieved by early diagnosis and referral from primary care centers to tertiary care centers.
Research Article
Open Access
Functional and Volumetric Assessment of Renal Parenchyma Preservation during Partial Nephrectomy- Experience of Indian Subset of Population
Pages 876 - 887

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Introduction: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most common cancers in this world. Partial nephrectomy (PN) leads to better preservation of renal function after surgery. The main purpose of PN is to preserve as much renal function as possible while still achieving negative surgical margins, all withinthe context of a low perioperative complication rate. Material & Methods: It is a Prospective observational study conducted in the urology department at the Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, over 24 months. Results: The average age of the patients was 44.86±13.23 years, ranging from 24 to 73 years. There was a slight male preponderance in the study (60%). HTN (28%) and T2DM (26%) were the most common comorbidities in the study.A correlation of the Ipsilateral PPPM in terms of actual and predicted levels (using the Renal score-based method) was done. It was seen that there was a strong positive correlation between the two parameters (r=0.6202) with a p-value of <0.0001. Conclusion: Our study is one of the first to explore the prediction of renal function in partial nephrectomy patients in the Indian subset of patients. We observed that the predicted preserved parenchymal mass (PPPM) levels correlated positively with the actual levels.
Research Article
Open Access
Role of CT angiography in Renal Artery Stenosis and correlation with Doppler findings
Pages 872 - 875

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Background: Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is a vascular condition associated with hypertension and renal impairment, necessitating early and accurate diagnosis for optimal patient management. While Doppler ultrasonography has been the conventional imaging technique for assessing RAS, its limitations have led to the exploration of alternative modalities like Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA). This study aimed to evaluate the role of CTA in diagnosing RAS and its correlation with Doppler ultrasonography findings.
Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted at the Department of Radiology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences(RIMS), Ranchi, Jharkhand, from December 2021 to December 2022. The study included 100 consecutive hypertensive adult patients referred for suspected RAS. CTA and Doppler ultrasonography were performed on all patients, and the results were interpreted. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated for both modalities. Correlation between CTA and Doppler findings was analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient.
Results: The study involved 100 participants (mean age: 58.5 ± 10.2 years, male: 58%, hypertension: 72%, diabetes: 35%). CTA demonstrated higher sensitivity (85.4%) and specificity (91.7%) compared to Doppler ultrasonography (sensitivity: 72.8%, specificity: 81.3%). The correlation coefficient between CTA and Doppler findings was 0.836 (p < 0.001), indicating a strong positive correlation.
Conclusion: Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA) demonstrated superior diagnostic accuracy and strong correlation with Doppler ultrasonography in the assessment of renal artery stenosis. CTA could serve as an effective alternative or adjunct to Doppler ultrasonography, providing valuable anatomical information and aiding in the clinical evaluation of RAS.
Research Article
Open Access
A Retrospective study on Prevalence of HIV and HBV infection among patients attending a tertiary care hospital
Pages 867 - 871

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Background: Worldwide, the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) is on high alert. Both viruses' route of transmission is similar; can lead to chronic disease, cancer and death, patients affected by these viruses face detrimental side effects to pathogenicity of viruses and even to antiviral agents. Our study is focused on the study of HIV and HBV co-infections among patients attending a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective study done in the Department of Microbiology, ACSR Medical College from January 2020 to April 2023. HIV were tested by using 3rd & 4th generation ELISA kits as per NACO guidelines, further testing of duplicates was done by HIV rapid kits of two different principles. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) were tested by 3rd generation ELISA kits. All positive samples are usually reconfirmed with repeat samples. Results: HIV and HBV coinfection was noted in 0.5% of the tested population. Age wise distribution of HIV and HBV dual infection cases were observed which shows 31-40 years age group patients were majorly affected by co-infection by these viruses. Male predominance was noted in the study population (Table 1), it was 70.83% of males. Conclusion: Screening of blood donors is mandatory to detect major viruses. As a result spreading of transfusion transmissible infections can be decreased in the community and to physicians. Early detection with new commercially available kits made it easy for detection of these viruses.
Research Article
Open Access
Assessment of C Reactive Protein in Pediatric Bacterial meningitis: A cross-sectional study
Pages 862 - 866

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Background and Objectives: Bacterial meningitis (BM) poses a considerable global public health concern. C-reactive protein (CRP) has emerged as a viable diagnostic marker, particularly in differentiating bacterial and aseptic meningitis, especially in cases where bacterial culture results are negative in both blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. The present study was done with the primary objective of estimating the serum CRP levels in pediatric meningitis cases caused by bacterial pathogens. Materials and Methods: A hospital-based descriptive cross-sectional study was undertaken at a renowned tertiary care hospital in India, involving the evaluation of 222 samples. Cerebrospinal fluid samples were collected following standard guidelines, and bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing were carried out using an automated system. Quantitative estimation of CRP levels was performed using a solid-phase, sandwich-format immunometric assay employing a gold antibody conjugate. Results: The study cohort consisted of pediatric meningitis cases with a median age of 3.9 years, ranging from 1 to 4.6 years. Among the bacterial isolates, Escherichia coli was identified as the most prevalent pathogen, followed by Klebsiella pneumoniae. Notably, 31.32% of the participants exhibited elevated serum CRP levels. Moreover, a statistically significant association was observed between elevated serum CRP levels and cases with Gram-negative bacterial etiology. Conclusion: Elevated serum CRP can serve as a valuable diagnostic marker for identifying pediatric bacterial meningitis cases with a Gram-negative etiology. The utilization of CRP as a diagnostic adjunct can aid in timely and accurate differentiation between bacterial and aseptic meningitis, facilitating appropriate clinical management and improved patient outcomes.
Research Article
Open Access
Standardized Forearm Angiography Increases Procedural Success Rates of Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI): A Retrospective Analysis of a Diverse Patient Population
Pages 854 - 861

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Background: Over the past three decades, Transradial-Access (TRA) has revolutionized cardiac catheterization, demonstrating superior safety and outcomes compared to other access points. The European Society of Cardiology has now endorsed TRA as a viable alternative to traditional methods. Challenges during TRA can arise despite its success, making a comprehensive assessment of forearm artery anatomy essential. Forearm artery angiography (FA) has emerged as a valuable tool to improve procedural success and reduce complications. In this study, we retrospectively analyze the impact of FA on a diverse patient population, aiming to enhance TRA's effectiveness and safety in cardiac catheterization procedures in Bangladesh. Aim of the study: This study investigates the potential for enhanced success rates of Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) by utilizing Standardized Forearm Angiography in a diverse patient population. Methods: This is a prospective comparative study, a total of 480 patients were enrolled and analyzed in this study. The study was conducted at the Department of Cardiology, Apollo Imperial Hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh. It analyzed 480 consecutive patients who underwent Coronary Angiography (CA), with or without Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). The study spanned one year, from January 2022 to December 2022. Result: In this prospective study, 480 patients were analyzed, and various characteristics of the study population were examined. The average age of patients was 71.4 years, 71% male and 29% female. The study focused on forearm artery access, with 54.17% having right forearm access and 45.83% left forearm access. The most common access type for left forearm artery access was the distal radial artery, while the proximal radial artery dominated right forearm access. Arterial hypertension was the most prevalent variable, followed by diabetes mellitus and active smoking. The most common clinical indication for medical procedures was "Suspected CAD or chronic coronary syndrome." Etiological factors leading to medical conditions were also analyzed, with "Failure to achieve arterial puncture or introduce arterial sheath" being the most common factor, followed by "Kinking" and "Atherosclerotic occlusion." Conclusion: The retrospective analysis showcased promising results, indicating that standardized forearm angiography may lead to enhanced success rates in coronary angiography and PCI among a diverse patient population. This non-invasive approach could offer improved diagnostic accuracy and procedural outcomes, warranting further investigation and consideration for broader clinical implementation.
Research Article
Open Access
Association of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Dyslipidemia
Pages 848 - 853

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Background: Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is a chronic disease of the meibomian glands that is frequently characterised by terminal duct obstruction and/or qualitative/quantitative abnormalities in glandular secretion. Aims and objectives: To evaluate the association between meibomian gland dysfunction and dyslipidemia and also severity of MGD associated with it. Materials and Methods: A Case control study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology in a Tertiary Care Centre after Institutional Ethical Committee approval. Total of 72 cases in each group were enrolled.Detailed history including drug usage was taken and ocular examination was recorded including grading of MGD on expressibility and secretions. Fasting Lipid Profile was done and levels of HDL, LDL, Triglycerides and total cholesterol were compared in cases and age matched controls . Prevalence of dyslipidemia was significantly higher among cases of MGD as compared to controls (56.9% vs 18.1%; p<0.01). Mean total cholesterol (186.89 vs 171.54 mg%; p<0.01), triglycerides (193.35 vs 102.58; p<0.01) and LDL levels (111.36 vs 98.50; p<0.01) were significantly higher in cases with MGD as compared to controls while HDL levels were significantly lower (37.99 vs 45.33; p<0.01). Conclusion: cases with meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) has significantly higher prevalence of dyslipidemia and higher grades of severity of MGD.
Research Article
Open Access
Morphological study of Occipital emissary foramina in Human dry skulls
Pages 844 - 847

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Background: The emissary foramina are the small foramina that transmit the valveless emissary veins connecting the extracranial veins with the intracranial veins. Occipital emissary foramina usually transmit the occipital emissary vein; this vein connects the suboccipital venous plexus with the occipital sinus. There are variations in the number and location of these foramina which deserves special importance during surgical procedures. Objectives: To evaluate the number and location of the occipital emissary foramen in dry adult skulls. Materials And Methods: The study was performed on 150 adult dry human skulls of unknown sex available at the department of Anatomy, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences. The occipital bones were observed with the magnifying lens for the presence, number, and location of occipital emissary foramina. The skulls with broken occipital bone were excluded from the study. The presence of foramen was confirmed by passing the probe through it. Results: The occipital emissary foramen was present in 45/150 (30%) skulls. In 2 skulls the foramen was located on the external occipital protuberance. In 2 it was located on the right side of the external occipital protuberance. In 4 it was located on the left side of the external occipital protuberance, in 8 it was bilateral and in 6 it was on the external occipital crest. Rest 23 solitary foramina were near the foramen magnum. Conclusion: The dura mater of the posterior cranial fossa is tightly adherent to the periosteum of the skull and cannot be stripped easily. Due to this reason, there might be a chance of massive intermittent bleeding from the bone or from the dura or from the dural sinus during the surgical procedures of the posterior cranial fossa which has to be taken care of. The knowledge of the presence, number, and location of occipital emissary foramina becomes very essential to avoid unexpected massive intracranial bleeding during neurosurgical procedures.
Research Article
Open Access
Epidemiological profile and clinical characteristics of patients with Neurofibromatosis type 1 at Tertiary care centre in India: A prospective study
Pages 830 - 838

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Background: Neurofibromatosis type-1 (NF-1) is an inherited neuro-ectodermal disorder primarily defined by the presence of six or more café‐au-lait macules, intertriginous freckles, two or more neurofibromas, plexiform neurofibroma, lisch nodules, bony defects like sphenoid dysplasia, and optic gliomas. Due to gross cosmetic disfigurement and multisystem involvement, it can have heavy psychological and physical burdens, especially in countries like India, wherein skin disease is significantly stigmatized. Aim: The aim of the study was to understand various clinical and epidemiological patterns and complications of NF-1. Material and methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study on 47 clinically diagnosed patients with NF-1 at a tertiary care center in Bihar to understand various presentations and life-threatening complications in patients with Neurofibromatosis type-1. A detailed history was taken regarding onset, symptoms, family history, and associated co-morbidities. A comprehensive cutaneous, ophthalmological, neurological, and psychiatric evaluation was done. Ophthalmological screening via slit-lamp examination was done in all patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was done in patients having neurological complaints and findings were subsequently analyzed. Results: A total of 47 newly diagnosed patients were enrolled in the study out of which 36 (76.6%) were males and 11 (23.4%) were females. The majority of patients belonged to the 40 to 49 years age group (29.78%) followed by the 30 to 39 years age group (27.65%). The mean age of total patients was 31.68 ± 13 years ranging from seven years to sixty-eight years. A family history of NF1 was positive in 22 patients (46.8%), with six (12.76%) patients reporting consanguineous marriage of their parents. All the cases of NF-1 presented with one consistent finding, that is, the prerequisite number and size of café au lait macules. The next most common presenting lesions were cutaneous neurofibromas and axillary freckling present in 38 (80.8%) and 26(55.31%) patients respectively. Plexiform neurofibroma was present in twelve (25.5%) patients. Clinical severity was assessed by DNB (dermatological, neurological, and bone manifestations) classification of Japan and the majority of patients (38.29%) were classified as Stage 3 followed by Stage 4 (23.4%). The most common ocular finding was lisch nodules, present in 28 patients. The most common neurological abnormality present was cognitive dysfunction (12.7%) followed by seizures (4.2%). Conclusion: Neurofibromatosis type-1 is a life-long neurocutaneous disorder with an extremely unpredictable clinical course. Although the majority of patients have a benign course, there’s a small subset of patients who develop debilitating and life-threatening complications. To provide optimal care, treating physicians must be aware of its diverse presentations and rare complications, so as to prevent them at comparatively earlier stages and prevent chronic disabilities.
Research Article
Open Access
A Clinico-epidemiological Study of Alopecia Areata in A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Bihar
Pages 825 - 829

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Background: Alopecia areata is a common cause of non-scarring alopecia of hair characterized by single or multiple patches of hair loss. It is an autoimmune disease with an unpredictable course and has a profound impact on the psychosocial well-being of the patients. Aims: Our present study aimed to assess the demographic pattern, clinical patterns, and associations with diseases in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Bihar. Materials & methods: All patients diagnosed with alopecia areata visiting dermatology opd and fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included in the study. A detailed history-taking and clinical examination was conducted and recorded in a predefined performa. All routine blood and radiological investigations, dermoscopic and histopathological examination in doubtful cases. All data were recorded and analyzed with Descriptive statistics and Chi-Square Test. Analyses of collected data were done by SPSS software, version 18.0. Results: A total of 82 patients suffering from alopecia areata were included in our study. 53(64.6%) patients were male and 35(29%) were female. The male-female ratio was 1.5. Classical alopecia areata was the commonest (87.8%) variant noted. Alopecia totalis (6.1%), alopecia universalis (3.6%), and ophiasis pattern (2.4%) were also identified. Scalp (67.3%) was the commonest site involved. Majority of our patients presented to us within 6 months of disease onset. 23 patients (28%) had nail involvement. In our study, Atopy was the most common condition associated condition seen in 10.8 % of cases followed by vitiligo in 4(4.8%), leucotichia in 2(2.4%), lichen planus in 3(3.6%), androgenic alopecia in 4(4.8%) and verruca in 3 (3,4%) cases. Ocular changes were present in 11(13.4%) cases. Conclusion: Alopecia areata mainly affects young and adolescent age group patients. Poor prognostic factors are extensive involvement, early age of onset, and positive family history. The scalp region is most commonly involved. The most common associated condition noted was atopy.
Research Article
Open Access
A Cross Sectional Study of Normative Data On Qtc Interval in Pediatric Patients
Pages 819 - 824

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Background and Objectives: Alterations in the QT interval represent a crucial electrocardiographic parameter that holds clinical significance not only among adults but also in the pediatric population. The prevalence of conditions leading to sudden fatalities in children has propelled researchers to explore the realm of electrocardiographic (ECG) investigations. The primary objective of study was to establish normative QT values for pediatric subjects across different age groups and genders. Methods: Employing a cross-sectional design, we enrolled 175 healthy children (100 males, 75 females) and recorded their electrocardiograms. To ensure the homogeneity of the study cohort, individuals with congenital or acquired cardiovascular disorders were excluded from participation. Result: Heart rate exhibited an inverse relationship with the QT and QTc interval, whereas the RR interval displayed direct proportional correlations with both the QT and QTc intervals. As age increased, heart rate declined, while other ECG parameters exhibited progressive increments. Despite the inverse correlation between heart rate and QT/QTc interval, a positive correlation was observed between QT/QTc and RR interval. Conclusion: The integration of ECG as a routine investigative tool for pediatric subjects is warranted, as it aids in the early diagnosis of congenital and acquired cardiac conditions and arrhythmias, discernible through QT interval assessments.
Research Article
Open Access
Maternal and perinatal outcome of acute pancreatitis during Pregnancy: experience at a tertiary care centre
Pages 813 - 818

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Background: Acute pancreatitis is a common cause of acute abdomen in pregnant women Acute pancreatitis in pregnancy (APIP) is rare and occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 to 1 in 4000 births. The most common symptom of acute pancreatitis is epigastric pain radiating to the back which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and fever. Aims and objectives: The present study was done to evaluate the maternal and perinatal outcome of acute pancreatitis during pregnancy. Methods: The present study was hospital based retrospective observational study. A total of thirty-eight patients were admitted with acute pancreatitis complicating pregnancy between January 2020 to December 2020 in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in IPGMER and SSKM Hospital, West Bengal, India and were followed up until after delivery. Statistical data were analysed by using Microsoft Excel and SPSS V.20 software. Results: Incidence of acute pancreatitis in our study was 38 in 11,899. Maximum gestational age was 36 weeks i.e. 10 (26.3%) followed by 30 weeks 6 (15.8%). Among causes of acute pancreatitis Idiopathic was 12 (31.6%) followed by gallbladder stone 8 (21.1%), fatty lever and obesity were 4 (10.5%) each, trauma was 3 (7.9%). Raised S Amylase level was 33 (86.38%) and raised S Lipase level was 17 (44.7%), which is statistically significant. HELLP syndrome was present in 3 (7.9%) cases. In maternal complications Jaundice and loss off weight was observed in 5 (13.2%) cases each. Sepsis was present in 3 (7.9%) cases. Term deliveries were observed in 21 (55.2%) cases, miscarriage and still born was seen in 4 (10.5%) cases each. Babies delivered at 34 weeks, 36 weeks and IUFD was present in 2 (5.3%) cases each. Conclusion: The course of acute pancreatitis in pregnancy is usually mild and self-limiting. But, it can be rapidly progressive and fulminant with complications like electrolyte imbalance, ARDS and DIC. Most patients delivered preterm. Conservative management till delivery by multidisciplinary team lead to good maternal and perinatal outcome.
Mini Review Article
Open Access
JOB SYNDROME /Hyper IgE Syndrome
Pages 811 - 812

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Research Article
Open Access
Permanent Vascular Access in Hemodialysis Patients: Complications and Failure of Arterio-Venous Fistula with Various Predictors: A Tertiary Center Study
Pages 806 - 810

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Introduction: Dialysis access procedures and complications represent a major cause of morbidity in CKD patients. Recent guidelines have encouraged a creation of AV fistula access in a CKD patient at least 6 months before first dialysis for proper maturation and to give time, if any secondary procedure is needed due to primary failure. Aggressive strategy should be taken for creation of AV Fistula to avoid sepsis and morbidity of temporary access. Objectives: To analysis various factors affecting the primary failure, secondary failure and primary patency of AV Fistula, complications of AV Fistula and its management. Methods: We evaluate the AV Fistula created in RGKMCH in Urology department in 5 years period from January 2017 to February 2022 (212 cases of AV Fistula, done by Radio- cephalic or Brachio- Cephalic end to side anastomosis). A fistula is adequate, if it provides a blood flow of at least 350 ml/min in 6 sessions of hemodialysis in one month. Various demographic factors (age, sex), clinical factors (diabetes, obesity, persistent low BP with Interstitial Nephritis, smoking), venous anatomy of upper limbs, arterial atherosclerosis are related with primary failure and complications. Results: Of 212 AV Fistulas, 178 fistulas developed for dialysis and 34 were primary failure. Primary failure rate was lower in patients aged less than 65 years, in 34 cases of primary failure 6 patients developed pseudoaneurysm and required emergency closure of AV fistula. In 178 cases, 38 patients had eventually secondary failure (mean time ~4 months after initiation of HD) and required a second procedure in upper arm (mainly Brachio- cephalic anastomosis and 12 cases required Permanent Dialysis Catheter insertion in IJV). Primary failure was higher in poorly controlled diabetics (random CBG > 200mg/ dl), in atherosclerotics, in low BP (SBP< 100) and in elderly females. Among 6 cases of pseudoaneurysm in the entire study, 4 were poorly controlled diabetics. The adequacy rate was not related with Serum albumin, Serum PTH, Surgeon, Serum Creatinine. Primary (28 out of 34) and secondary failure (22 out of 38) rate is significantly higher in forearm fistula than upper arm fistula, but complications like pseudoaneurysm (4 cases), serpentine aneurysm (4 cases), steal phenomenon (10 cases), gangrene of the limb (2 cases) are more common in upper arm fistula. The adequacy of forearm fistula is poorer in older women, diabetics and they need upper arm fistula to avoid primary failure, though complications are more common in upper arm fistula. Conclusion: Success rate of AV Fistula is lower in certain subset of patients. To achieve best outcome, AV Fistula need to be constructed in upper arm in older, female, low BP, or in diabetics, though upper arm fistula has more complications like pseudoaneurysm, serpentine aneurysm, steal phenomenon, gangrene of limb.
Research Article
Open Access
Can Anosmia be a noteworthy tool to predict the overall outcome of Covid 19 disease?
Pages 798 - 805

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Background: The Covid pandemic has caused major disaster globally. It has been established, that the sinonasal-tract involvement plays a significant role in Covid-19 infection. Anosmia is one of the commonest symptoms of covid-19, ranging from 20-70%. But very few studies have shown the relationship between anosmia and Covid-19 related morbidity and mortality. The basic aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of anosmia in Covid-19 patients and the correlation of anosmia to the disease severity. Methodology: This is a retrospective observational study. Patients >18 years of age with Covid disease (RTPCR proven), without any cardiac/respiratory comorbidities were included. The prevalence of anosmia, the incidence of hospitalizations, requirement of oxygen, disease severity and mortality were noted. The association of anosmia with the severity of covid-19 disease has been calculated and analyzed. Results: The prevalence of anosmia in hospitalized patients is 41.67%. Out of 112 covid patients with anosmia, 87 (77.68%) patients did not require hospitalization, but out of 98 patients without anosmia, 35 patients (35.71%) were hospitalised. 102(91.07%) patients with anosmia did not require any kind of oxygen support but 32 patients among 98 patients with no anosmia(32.65%) required oxygen support during the course of the disease. The mean of lowest recorded saturation in anosmic patients is 95.14 and the non-anosmic patients is 91.89. Among the anosmic patients 96 patients (85.71%) did not record the saturation below 94% in room air throughout the course of the disease. Contrary to that, in non-anosmic group 46 patients (46.94%) had a drop in saturation below 94 %. Conclusion: Presence of Anosmia is associated with improved outcome as evidenced by low hospitalization rates, less fall in Spo2 and less oxygen requirement during the course of the disease. So, anosmia can be used as a tool in future to predict the overall outcome in covid-19 disease.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Sacralisation of Lumber vertebra in Humans
Pages 791 - 797

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Background: Sacralization of Fifth lumbar (L5) is a congenital abnormality in which the lumbar vertebra, specifically its transverse process, becomes fused or semi-fused with the sacrum, ilium, or both. This fusion can happen on either one or both sides of the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of sacralisation of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebrae. Methods: 40 adult human sacra were evaluated in the current study at the Department of Anatomy, Shree Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhilai, C.G. Each sacra was examined for sacralisation and lumbarisation, the number of ventral and dorsal sacral foramen, the number of vertebral bodies, the sacral hiatus, and the sacral cornua. Results:In the present study out of forty sacral bones, there were 25 (62.5%) male sacral bones and 15 (37.5%) female sacral bones. Sacralization was found in 22.5% of cases. Among 9 sacralised bones, 66.67% were male bones and the remaining 33.33% were female bones. 6 bones showed bilateral sacralization and only 3 bones showed unilateral sacralization. Conclusion:Sacralisation knowledge is not only useful for orthopaedic surgeons, but also for Clinical Anatomists, Radiologists, Forensic specialists, Morphologists, Architects, and Anthropologists.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Prognostic Implications of Hyponatremia in Elderly Hospitalised Patients
Pages 782 - 790

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Background: Elderly in-patients are most usually affected by hyponatremia, a relatively prevalent electrolyte problem in clinical medicine [1-3]. It is recognised as occurring in 15–30% of hospitalised patients and is indicated by an s. Na+ level of less than 135 mEq/L. However, it has been noted that the occurrence rate in older people might reach 50% [3-5]. OBJECTIVES:
1. To classify severity of hyponatremia in hospitalized elderly and to correlate with outcome following treatment.
2. To study clinical feature and etiology of hyponatremia in elderly hospitalized patients.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based prospective observational study. Study area: Department of General Medicine, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga. Study Period: July 2022 – June 2023. Study population: Elderly patients (60 yrs and older) admitted in medical ICU Sample size: Study consisted a total of 100 subjects. Sampling Technique: Simple Random sampling. All elderly patients admitted to medical ICU, 3-5 ml of venous blood was collected in a yellow top vaccutainer, and 5-10ml of urine (spontaneous void or catheter specimen) is collected in clean bottle. Routine blood and urine investigations as appropriate the diagnosis like, Complete blood count, renal function tests, electrolytes, liver function tests, urine routine, chest radiograph and other imaging studies as needed are done. When the electrolytes reports are available, patients are enrolled in the study if they are having serum sodium less than 125mmol/L and the plasma and urine sample are sent for measurement of serum osmolality and urine osmolality by freezing point depression osmometer. Serum electrolytes and urine spot Sodium are measured by ion sensitive electrode method. Results: Among the 80 patients who improved 50 were female and 30 were male. And among the 20 patients, who expired, 15 were male and 5 were female. This indicates that among the 45 male patients admitted 30 (66.67%) patients improved and 15 (33.33%) patients expired, and among 55 female patients 50 (90.91%) improved and 5 (9.09%) expired. Which shows though the severe hyponatremia is high among females the response to treatment and survival is better among females than compared to males (p=0.0026). Conclusion: Clinicians need to be aware about the common occurrence of hyponatremia in acutely sick elderly and early identification and adherence to standardized correction protocol is essential to avoid complications and to reduce mortality. Meticulous monitoring for dosing of multiple drugs in elderly population would help in preventing hyponatremia.
Research Article
Open Access
Superoxide Dismutase Gene 2 Polymorphism-Related Diabetic Susceptibility to Vascular Complications
Pages 775 - 781

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Background and objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine whether diabetes individuals who have a variation in the MnSOD gene are more likely to experience cardiovascular problems. This is accomplished by determining the prevalence of MnSOD gene polymorphism in type 2 diabetic patients who either have or do not have cardiovascular disease, as well as in healthy control subjects. To determine whether or not this MnSOD polymorphism results in decreased SOD activity. Method: To conduct this case-control investigation, ethical approval was obtained. This investigation was conducted between February 2023 to May 2023 at Government Medical College Sircilla, Telangana, India. Seventy patients with diabetes that had been ongoing for more than five years were included in the investigation after receiving informed consent. The diagnosis is based on the clinical history, fasting plasma glucose levels, and electrocardiogram (ECG) findings. Result: The genotype and allele frequency of the SOD2 gene are displayed for those with type 2 diabetes, those without the disease, and healthy controls. More people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (n = 25; 71.42%) have the TT genotype than people with diabetes and no cardiovascular disease (n = 15; 42.85%) or controls (n = 10; 28.5%). There is a significant (P = 0.006) difference in the frequency of the TT genotype among diabetic CVD cases. Genetics and SOD activity interacted. The SOD activity was lower in people with the TT genotype. SOD activity ranges from 86U/L in TT to 187U/L in CC, with CT falling in the middle at 145U/L. It's 0.000. The SOD activity was lower in people with the TT genotype. Conclusion: This study compared diabetics with and without cardiovascular disease for SOD2 gene (T>C) substitution polymorphism. 35 diabetics with and without cardiovascular disease were compared. T2DM patients with cardiovascular disease had a higher SOD2 TT genotype rate than those without CVD and controls. TT genotype differs significantly amongst diabetics with and without cardiovascular disease. Diabetes patients with cardiovascular disease had reduced serum SOD activity, which may contribute to cardiovascular illness. The TT genotype was associated with cardiovascular disease due to its low serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. After controlling for variables, the TT genotype predicts cardiovascular disease complications.
Case Report
Open Access
Awake coronary artery bypasses grafting: A promising bail out?
Pages 770 - 774

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Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most commonly performed procedure in most of the cardiac centres. Patients with ischemic heart disease often suffer from other co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic kidney disease or cerebrovascular disease. Hence, optimising the patient pre-operatively is essential to decrease the intra-operative risk factors and increase the chances of faster recovery in the post operative days. Based on the associated co-morbidities, surgical and anaesthetic techniques have to be modified to suit individual patient’s needs. Severe restrictive airway disease, pulmonary fibrosis and chronic pulmonary infections will benefit with the use of high thoracic epidural anaesthesia (TEA) instead of endotracheal general anesthesia which is the norm for any CABG procedure. In order to overcome post operative lung complications and a possible ventilatory dependency in such cases, awake CABG is performed as a suitable alternative to the conventional procedure.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinico-Pathological Study of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in North Coastal Andhra
Pages 762 - 769

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Introduction: Squamous cell carcinomas comprise 90% of oral cancers, are usually preceded by premalignant lesion. Oral cancers are approachable to visual inspection and there are chances for earlier detection in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. Screening asymptomatic individuals by systematic visual oral examinations to detect the disease has been shown to be feasible. Despite the ready accessibility of oral cavity, these malignancies are often detected at late stage due to ignorance in rural areas. Aims and objectives: The present study aimed to identify clinicopathological characteristics of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) according to age, sex and risk factors, to analyse histological differentiation specific to tumour and grading [Broder’s grading]. Materials and methods: A total of 137 samples received in the department of pathology between July 2015- June2017, were studied. Clinical data including age, gender, site, size of tumour, risk factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, pan chewing had been recorded. Histopathological grading was determined using Broder’s grading system. Results: The mean age of incidence was 54.6 yrs. with male predominance. Out of 137samples the most common presentation was with fungating growth seen in 71(51.8%) patients. The most common site was tongue in 49 cases (35.7%) followed by buccal mucosa in 38 cases (27.7%). Aetiology of smoking accounted for 131 cases (95.6%), alcohol consumption in 74 cases (54%), pan chewing among 69 cases (50.3%). Moderately differentiated tumours were observed in 73 cases (53.3%), well differentiated carcinoma in 60 cases (43.8%), verrucous carcinoma identified in 4 cases (2.9%) patients. Conclusion: OSCC is frequently encountered in fourth to sixth decade of life with male predominance. Smoking and pan chewing were common risk factors. The most common histological subtype was moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinicopathological Study of Thyroid Lesions and Application of Ck19 and Cd56 Fordiagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 752 - 761

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Background: Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid(PTC) is the most common malignant thyroid carcinoma. Histological diagnosisof PTC is generally easy in majority of cases, because of its diagnostic clue that is presence of its characteristic nuclear feature. Due to its tumourheterogeneity, it is difficult to distinguish papillary carcinoma thyroid from thyroid papillary hyperplasia, solitary nodules with papillary transformation and follicular variant from other follicular thyroid lesions. As a result, immunohistochemistry(IHC) plays a supplementary role in the effort to resolve such dilemma. The study aims to evaluate the role of CK19 and CD 56 as supplementary diagnostic markers in diagnosis of papillary carcinoma thyroid. Methodology: Observational study was conducted by light microscopy and immunohistochemical examination of 150 thyroidectomy specimens at department of pathology studied in teritiary care hospital over a period of 2years Oct 2019 to Sept 2021. Results: Out of the 150 patients, 138(92%) were females and 12(8%) were males. In present study, majority of the thyroid lesions occurred between the age groups 31-40 years (31.33%) followed by 41-50 years (26%). 30 cases are subjected for CK19 and CD56 IHC. CK 19 staining reveals strong positive expression in 9 cases,which include Classic variant of PTC(2cases),follicular variant of PTC(3cases),undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma(1 case) and multinodular goitre with suspicious papillary carcinoma like areas(2 cases).Lack of CD56 expression (negative) is seen in 10 cases. out of which 8 cases of malignant thyroid lesions - PTC- classic variant(2cases), PTC-follicular variant(3cases), multinodular goiter with microcarcinoma (2cases), undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma(1case) show negative CD56 expression.Conclusion: Classical papillary thyroid carcinoma has typical features on histopathology and does not need any additional Immunohistochemistry markers. IHC helps to differentiate PTC and its variants from other mimicking thyroid lesions to sub classify them accurately.
Research Article
Open Access
Transabdominal Ultrasound in the Preoperative Staging of Carcinoma Stomach
Pages 742 - 751

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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of transabdominal ultrasound in preoperative staging of carcinoma of the stomach with postoperative histopathological findings, which is the reference standard. Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted among 70 patients with endoscopic biopsy proven carcinoma stomach cases, referred to the department of Radio diagnosis at the Government Medical College Hospital, Thrissur, over a period of one year after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: No T1 cases were detected in this study. The sensitivity for T2, T3 and T4 stages was 92%, 91.7% and 37.5% respectively. Specificity for T2, T3 and T4 stages was 91%, 79.4% and 100% respectively. The sensitivity for N1, N2 and N3 stages was 76.9%, 94.3% and 59.1% respectively. Specificity for N1, N2 and N3 stages was 98.2%, 74.3% and 100% respectively. Cases with metastasis were not included in this study as HPR was unavailable. Conclusion: Transabdominal ultrasound is accurate in the preoperative T staging of carcinoma of the stomach in advanced cases. In this study, the sensitivity for T4 was lower compared to T2 and T3 because most of the cases underwent only palliative procedures and hence were excluded from this study. On the other hand, sensitivity for N3 is lower compared to N1 and N2 because of the limited acoustic window; however, it has high specificity.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Intravenous Clonidine and Intravenous Dexmedetomidine on Intrathecal Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Lower Limb Surgeries: A Comparative Clinical Study
Pages 734 - 741

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Background: Alpha-2-adrenergic agonists have synergistic action on local anesthetics used in spinal anaesthesia. The objectives of this study was to compare the efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine with clonidine and placebo on sensory and motor blockade duration, and analgesia duration in patients undergoing lower limb surgeries under bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia. Methodology: A total of 90 ASA physical status 1 and 2 patients undergoing lower limb surgeries under spinal anaesthesia were randomized into three groups of 30 each in this prospective randomized controlled study. Group N (placebo group) received 10 ml of intravenous normal saline, group C (clonidine group) received 1μg/kg intravenous clonidine, whereas group D (dexmedetomidine group) received 0.5μg/kg of intravenous dexmedetomidine, all given 10min after administration of spinal anaesthesia with 15mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. Onset time and regression of sensory and motor blockade and duration of analgesia were recorded. Data was analyzed using analysis of variance or Chi-square test, with value of p<0.05 considered statistically significant. Result: Onset of sensory and motor blocks were similar across the groups, p>0.05. Duration of sensory and motor blocks were longer in dexmedetomidine group (295.7 + 37.3min and 307 + 29min), than clonidine group (187 + 13min and 229 + 31min) or placebo group (123 + 16.4min and 168 +20min), p<0.05. Duration to first postoperative rescue analgesia was longer in dexmedetomidine group (336.3 + 29.3min) as compared to clonidine (252.7 + 33.4min) and placebo(183.7 + 15.2min), p<0.05. Hypotension was significantly more in group D and group C as compared to group N, whereas other side effects were not significant and comparable among the groups. Conclusion: Intravenous dexmedetomidine is superior to intravenous clonidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia for lower limb surgeries to prolong duration of sensory and motor blockade and duration of analgesia with similar side effects.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparison of Bupivacaine, Levobupivacaine, and Ropivacaine, in Subarachnoid Block for Elective Lower Abdominal Surgeries with Regard to Onset and Duration of Sensory and Motor Blockade, Maximum Height of Sensory Block, Time for Two Segment Regression from Highest Sensory Level and Duration of Analgesia
Pages 727 - 733

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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the effects of bupivacaine 0.5% and levobupivacaine 0.5%, ropivacaine 0.5% in subarachnoid block for elective lower abdominal surgeries with regard to onset and duration of sensory blockade, onset and duration of motor blockade, maximum height of sensory block, time for two segment regression from the highest sensory level and duration of analgesia. Methods: This was a randomized controlled trial carried out at the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, conducted among three groups of 40 subjects each from December 2015 to September 2017. Results: It was found that bupivacaine has a faster onset of action and a longer duration of action, with intense motor block associated with a small amount of hypotension. Levobupivacaine did not have any complications and had similar characteristics like that of bupivacaine except for a slightly slower onset of action and a less intense motor blockade. Though ropivacaine has a slower set of actions, less intensity of motor blockade compared to bupivacaine, it has a shorter duration of action for both sensory and motor blocks, which is more beneficial in day-care procedures without much complications. In our study, bupivacaine, levobupivacaine and ropivacaine showed excellent surgical block, resulting in sensory block that ensures the patient’s wellbeing, while motor block facilitated the surgeon’s work. Conclusion: Levobupivacaine and ropivacaine can be used in parallel to bupivacaine for elective lower abdominal surgeries.
Research Article
Open Access
A cross sectional study of online anatomy teaching in a tertiary medical college in central India
Pages 723 - 726

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Due to advent of technology and internet, teaching too is now largely utilizing these modern devices and internet to impart education to the children. When it was mandatory to keep social distancing and hence avoid regular classes for medical students during the dreadful COVID pandemic, it was decided to teach the 1st year MBBS students online using the technology and the internet. This study aimed at determining if the students found this novel online teaching to be helpful or not. Methodology: A total of 100 1st year MBBS students in a tertiary medical college in central India were included in the study from September 2020 to February 2021 for 6 months. It was an observational study and an informed consent from the students was taken prior to the study. Classes were conducted as usual as per the institutional guidelines and feedback forms were collected after that. Results: Out of total 100 students, 65 were girls and 35 were boys. Average age of the class was 19.2 1.1 years. 85% had used mobile phones and internet for education before and 15% had never used it for education purpose. 75% had a concentration time of 30 minutes. About 50% students faced internet issues and faced moderate disturbance during the classes. 85% used mobile phones for the classes. 60% students opined that such online classes are effective for teaching anatomy while 40% told that it was not effective. Conclusion: The study concludes that currently online classes for the subject like anatomy are not as effective as regular classroom teaching. The factors could be low motivation, technology and internet problems, low attention span etc.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Spectrum of Cns Tumors at a Tertiary Care Center
Pages 718 - 722

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Background: The incidence of Central Nervous System tumors is low in India when compared to western countries. Now a days, the increase in incidence may be due to improved diagnosis with advancement of studies. They have a wide spectrum clinically and histopathologically. Aims And Objectives: This study aims to provide the spectrum of CNS tumors histologically and clinically, along with radiological correlation,To analyse various histological types of Cranial and spinal tumors ,to evaluate age and gender distribution and topography of tumors. Materials And Methods: A retrospective study was performed in the department of pathology, for a period of 18 months.The data and Hematoxylin and Eosin stainedslides were retrieved from the archives, the cases were analysed and graded according to 2021WHO grading system. Results And Conclusion: out of 76 CNS tumors, most common were Intracranialtumors 85.5% (65) cases and Spinal tumors were 14.4% (11) cases. There is male preponderance, 44 cases (57.8%)Majority were in 45 to 60 years. Tumors were more common on right side, 61% (47 cases) and most common location was cerebellopontine angle 13.1.% (10 cases) followed by frontal region 11.8% (9 cases). The most common histological type were Astrocytomas, followed by Meningiomas. WHO Grade I tumors are more common, 24.6% followed by Grade II, 21.7%. Most common tumors inchildren were Medulloblastomas (Grade IV). Three cases ofsecondary deposit from epithelial malignancy were also included in the study.
Research Article
Open Access
Gall Bladder Volume in Correlation with Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Pages 712 - 717

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder of humans characterized by metabolic abnormalities leading to long term complications involving kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nerves and blood vessels, thereby causing morbidity and mortality. Human diabetic neuropathy is characterized by dysfunction of somatic and autonomic nervous system. A simple definition it Was recently agreed on at an international consensus meeting. “The presence of symptoms and/ or signs of peripheral nerve dysfunction in people with diabetes after the exclusion of other causes”. Vagal innervation of the heart is essential efferent pathway to sustain this variation which is decreased as age advantage due to lowered vagal tone. Asymptomatic but striking reduction or absence of this variation is observed in autonomic neuropathy. Materials And Methods: Diabetes mellitus patients who have been attending Department of General Medicine, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka from January 2022 to December 2022 were taken for study considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This is a cross sectional study. All the Selected patients will be investigated with RBS, FBS, PPBS, HbAIc for glycemic control. Ultrasonography was done to study the fasting gall bladder volume in patients. Cardiac autonomic neuropathy will be assessed clinically by using simple non invasive bed side tests like heart rate variation during to standing, deep breathing. Results: The youngest patients was 41 years old and the oldest was 76 years old. The maximum number of patients were in the age group of 41-50 ( 55%). Mean age in the present study was 52.6 years. In our study 60 (75%) were male and 20 (25%) were female. In the present study the mean gall bladder volume in diabetes with diabetic Severe autonomic neuropathy was 55.8 + 9.9ml and as a whole mean gall bladder volume in persons with autonomic neuropathy was 30.13 ± 18.73ml and the mean gall bladder volume in diabetes without diabetic autonomic neuropathy was 18.5 +5.01ml. P value is <0.05 there is statistically significant correlation between diabetic autonomic neuropathy and Gall bladder volume. Conclusion: The gall bladder volume was significantly higher in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy when compared to diabetics without autonomic neuropathy. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy was seen in diabetic patients who had poor glycemic control when compared to those who had good glycemic control. The gall bladder volume was more in diabetic patients with higher age group patients. A definite association of cardiac autonomic neuropathy with cholecystomegaly has been established by our study.
Research Article
Open Access
Role of a Local Antibiotic Delivery System in Orthopaedic Infections
Pages 707 - 711

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Introduction: Bacterial infections are one of the most devastating complications in the field of orthopaedicsurgery.Increasing incidence of open fractures leading to higher infection rates. Infection control can be achieved by meticulous surgical debridement and microbial specific antibiotic administration. Local antibiotic delivery is a way to deliver high concentration of drug locally even to avascular areas that are inaccessible by systemic antibiotics. AIM:The present study was designed to evaluate clinical outcome of orthopaedic infections which are managed by local antibiotic delivery system. Material and methods:This is a prospective study, for a period of 16 months, carried out in 32 patients posted for surgical debridement for bone & joint infections. For evaluation of outcome we used Asepsis wound score, radiological, hematological and microbiological investigations. Results: In the 32 patients analyzed, 21.8% were in age group of 18-30 years ,of which 71.4% had satisfactory outcome. 50 % were in age group of 30-50, of which 81.25% had satisfactory outcome and 28% were > 50 years , of which only 44% had satisfactory outcome. Overall infection was controlled satisfactorily in 68.75 % of patients by usinglocal antibiotic delivery system. In our study most common organism isolated was MRSA (37.5%), Followed by MSSA (31.25%). Conclusion: Systemic antibiotic therapy may not provide a minimum inhibitory concentration for prolonged period and which is further worsened due to decreased blood supply, secondary to scarring. By using local antibiotic delivery system ,we can control infection effectively by delivering high concentration of drug locally. And also, this system decreases the risk of complications due to systemic antibiotics such as end organ failure and GIT side effects.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Clinical, Radiological and Etiological profile of Cranio-Vertebral Junction(CVJ) Disorders at a Tertiary Care Center
Pages 700 - 706

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The cranio-vertebral junction (CVJ) is a complex transition region between base of skull and upper cervical spine. This study aimed to evaluate clinical features, radiological findings and various causes of CVJ disorders. It was a hospital-based prospective observational study from November 2021 to November 2022 in the Department of Radiology, RIMS, Ranchi, a tertiary care hospital of Jharkhand, India. A total of 62 cases were studied. Cranio-vertebral junction anomalies are more common in males than females with a ratio of approximately 1.7:1. Second and third decades are most common ages of presentation making up 19 cases in our study. 16 patients were above the age of 60 years. Most common presenting symptom was neck pain which 26 patients were having as their predominant complaint followed by limb weakness. Developmental anomalies were most common accounting for 51% followed by traumatic (15%) and then degenerative (13.33%). History of trauma was present in 15 patients of which 6 had developmental anomalies which were precipitated by trauma and 9 had history of pure trauma without any underlying developmental anomaly. Atlato-axial dislocation (AAD) was the most common CVJ anomaly seen in almost 60% of patients followed by basilar invagination seen in 36.66%. Os odontoideum is more common in males than females. In all 4 patients of CVJ tuberculosis, one had history of active pulmonary tuberculosis while in rest three there was past history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Rheumatoid arthritis was present in all patients for a duration of more than 5 yrs. AAD was found in all whereas basilar invagination was seen in 2 patients. Radiographs of the cervical spine should be performed 2 years after diagnosis of Rhematoid arthritis(RA) and periodically thereafter. Degenerative changes affecting the cervical spine may mimic CVJ anomalies
Research Article
Open Access
Obstetric and neonatal outcomes after transvaginal cervical cerclage in a tertiary care centre in South India
Pages 694 - 699

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Background: Cervical cerclage reduces the risk of preterm birth in women at high‐risk of preterm birth and probably reduces risk of perinatal deaths. Objectives: To study obstetric and neonatal outcomes in antenatal patients with transvaginal cervical cerclage. Methods: This is an ambidirectional cohort study conducted in Government Medical college, Thrissur for 2 years on 42 antenatal women who underwent transvaginal cervical cerclage,. After written informed consent, data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire at first visit or at time of cerclage and followed up until removal and delivery, all antepartum,intrapartum and neonatal events until discharge were listed. Results: Cervical cerclage in total had a fetalsalvage rate of 73.8%.Elective cerclage had 95.3% take home baby rate, while emergency cerclage had only 50% fetal salvage rate.Comparing Mc Donald and Modified Shirodkar technique, though the latter is associated with more prolongation of gestational age, the difference was not statistically significant. Cerclage was not found to have any maternal complications in this study. Conclusion: Overall cervical cerclage in indicated cases offers good obstetric outcomes in terms of mean prolongation of gestational age at delivery and improved take home baby rates. It is advisable to screen pregnancies at risk of cervical insufficiency and to offer elective cerclage as it gives better results when compared to emergency cerclage.
Research Article
Open Access
Readiness for self-directed learning among undergraduate medical students of North Bengal Medical College, Darjeeling district, West Bengal
Pages 688 - 693

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Introduction: Self-directed learning (SDL) is the practice of learning on one's own initiative and is characterised by the learner's main ownership of the planning, carrying out, and evaluation of the endeavour. To assess whether undergraduate medical students at North Bengal Medical College in Darjeeling district, West Bengal, are ready for self-directed learning, and because medical professionals need to be self-directed learners to maintain lifelong learning in the field of medicine. Methods: This descriptive epidemiological study with cross sectional design was conducted in North Bengal Medical College, located in Siliguri, Darjeeling district. Total 300 undergraduate medical students of North Bengal Medical College from 1st prof to final prof were included in the study after getting consent to participate in the study. The duration of the study was 6 months (August 2019- January 2020). The data was tabulated in Microsoft Excel software and analysed with SPSS V.20 software. Results: In the present study male were 192 (64%) and female were 108 (36%). Total day scholars were 55 (18.3%) and hostellers were 245 (81.7%). Median SDLRS score was 140.63. The mean sores in the three domains of self-management, desire for learning and self- control were 42.76±6.236, 44.67±6.257, and 52.52±7.563 respectively. Females scored higher in all three domains than males. Day scholars scored higher in all the three domains (self- management, desire for self-learning, self-control) when compared with Hostellers. Conclusions: There is need to modify medical education innovation programmes, such as problem-based learning and to emphasize more on self-directed learning rather than on traditional teacher centered learning.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Comparative Single Blinded Observational Study of Preoperative Airway Assessment Techniques by Upper Lip Bite Test and Modified Mallampati Score
Pages 680 - 687

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Background: In a clinical setting assessment of airway needs to be simple and convenient3. There is no single test with absolute accuracy to predict difficult airway2. In our study we assessed airway difficulty in elective surgeries for adults by comparing ULBT and MMS individually as well as in combination to that of Cormack-Lehane grading. Method: The single blinded prospective, comparative and observational study was conducted at SDMCMS& Hospital Dharwad. A total of 150 patients aged 18-60 years of either sex with ASA physical status 1,2&3 who underwent elective surgery under general anaesthesia were included. CL grade 3&4 deemed as difficult laryngoscopy. Diagnostic testing was carried out to compare MMS and ULBT with CL grade in predicting difficult intubation. McNemar test was used to compare difference between diagnostic parameters. P-value less than or equal to 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Demographic data and ASA grades were same for participants. We observed that at 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for ULBT sensitivity (92%), specificity (68%), positive predictive value (93.5%) and negative predictive value (62.96%) was better compared to that of MMS whose sensitivity was 64.8 %, specificity 24%. Also, ULBT had a better accuracy 88% than that of MMS with 58%. Conclusion: Our study and analysis concluded that the upper lip bite test is good option for predicting difficult intubation than Modified Mallampati Score.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Correlation of Biochemical Parameters with RBC Indices in Patients with Anemia
Pages 672 - 679

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Anemia is a major health problem in developing countries like ours’. Although macrocytic anemia constitutes a minor portion among nutritional anemias, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) and Folate deficiency in Indian population is quite prevalent. As the of studies evaluating the relationships of these nutritional parameters with RBC indices in the same group of study participants are limited, we planned this study to study correlation of serum Ferritin, Vitamin B12, Folate with and RBC indices. A case-control study including 100 patients with anemia (Cases) and 100 age and sex-matched subjects without anemia (Controls) was conducted at UPUMS, Saifai, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh. Patients satisfying WHO criteria of anemia were included as cases, while those with history of any factors that are known to alter study parameters were excluded. Estimation of all study parameters was done following standard operating procedures of our laboratory and the results were analysed using appropriate statistical methods. In our study, serum Ferritin (p=0.0001), Vitamin B12 (p=0.0004) and Folate (p=0.0001) deficiency were found to be significantly higher in cases, compared to controls. There was a moderate positive significant (p-value<0.05) correlation of Hb with serum Ferritin in both cases and controls. We also observed a positive significant (p-value<0.05) correlation of MCV with serum Ferritin in both groups. There was also a mild negative correlation of MCV with serum Vitamin B12 and Folate, in both groups of cases and controls. Based on our findings, it may be concluded that Microcytic RBCs on microscopic examination does not necessarily mean serum Ferritin deficiency. It could be a concomitant deficiency of both serum Ferritin and Vitamin B12.
Case Report
Open Access
A Case Report of Eisenmenger Syndrome in Eastern Rajasthan Presenting as Respiratory Failure
Pages 669 - 671

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Eisenmenger Syndrome is a rare constellation of symptoms due to untreated congenital heart disease with right to left shunt and increased pulmonary arterial hypertension. A female of 58 years old came to ER with respiratory failure and upon evaluation found to have Eisenmenger syndrome. Intensive work up concluded in medical management with patient. Eisenmenger syndrome patients’ need to be closely monitored once diagnosed owing to decreased life expectancy.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Cardiovascular Parameters in Different Trimester of Pregnancy
Pages 663 - 668

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Background: Pregnancy is associated with volume overload producing significant vascular and hemodynamic adaptations in cardiovascular physiology. Present study was designed to follow up gradual adaptations in cardiovascular hemodynamics during the course of pregnancy using Doppler echocardiography which is reproducible and noninvasive technique Method: In present prospective study of 120 women, were divided into 2 groups of 60 each: control group & study group (pregnant patient in I trimester, II trimester & III trimester). They were non invasively analysed for cardiovascular function and systemic hemodynamics using echocardiography and compared with control group. The data was analysed using ANOVA for comparison within the group and student’s t- test for comparison between the groups. ‘p’- value < 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: Mean age and height in control and study groups were comparable. Weight gain was within the expected range with advancement of pregnancy. Heart rate was increased in I and II trimesters with peak rise in III trimester. The difference between control group and study groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Systolic blood pressure was slightly decreased in all the trimesters as compared to control group which was statistically not significant. There was gradual increase in SBP from I to III trimesters. Diastolic blood pressure progressively decreased in I and II trimesters and then increased in III trimester. The difference in DBP between control group and I , II trimesters of pregnancy was significant (p<0.05). Systemic vascular resistance progressively decreased with advancement of pregnancy and difference was statistically significant (p <0.05) . Cardiac output is steadily increased in all trimesters of pregnancy with peak at 36 weeks and was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was due to increase in both heart rate and Stroke volume. Ejection fraction also increased in all trimesters .Conclusions: Present study shows significant functional changes in the cardiovascular dynamics during pregnancy. Doppler echocardiography provides an excellent noninvasive method for the evaluation and serial analysis of hemodynamic changes. These results will help in distinguishing abnormal echocardiographic changes from the normal physiologic changes of pregnancy. Therefore maternal echocardiography should be introduced into the antenatal management protocol, which will help to identify women at high risk to developing cardiovascular complications and there by early intervention.
Research Article
Open Access
To Evaluate the Role of Laparoscopic Drainage in Cases of Pyogenic Liver Abscess
Pages 657 - 662

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Background: Laparoscopic drainage of liver abscesses represents an attractive alternative to open surgical drainage. The advantages of laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess include minimal tissue trauma, shorter duration of the procedure, minimal postoperative pain, early ambulation and early return to daily routine. Materials & methods: A prospective study of twenty patients admitted in the Department of Surgery, Government Medical College, Jammu with liver abscess over a period of 12 months, i.e, from 1st November 2019 to 31st October 2020. All the patients were subjected to detailed history and examination and underwent laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess and the outcomes were studied. Results: The maximum number of cases were in the age range of 40-50 years and the male to female sex ratio was 3:1. The most common clinical symptoms in the study group were fever, jaundice, pain and vomiting. 80% of the patients had abscess in the right lobe of liver while 20% had abscess in the left lobe. Mean volume of abscess drained was 176ml. Mean operative time for laparoscopic drainage was 71.8 minutes. The most common causative organism was found to be E.coli present in 65% of the study population. 20% of the patients showed no growth, while 5% demonstrated K. pneumonia and 10% showed polymicrobial growth. 80% of patients showed complete resolution while recurrence occurred in 10%of patients whereas 10% patients were lost to follow up. Intraoperative bleeding occurred in only 5%of the patients. There was a single case of conversion from laparoscopic to open surgery due to the presence of dense adhesions and incomplete aspiration of the abscess. Postoperative complications (lung abscess, pneumonia and port site infection) occurred in 15% of patients. Mean duration of stay at the hospital was 10.2 days. Conclusion: Laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess is a safer alternative to open surgical drainage. Success rate of 80% with minimal morbidity makes the laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess a preferred first line treatment and should be considered invariably in all such patient who are deemed fit to undergo a laparoscopic procedure.
Research Article
Open Access
Predictors of Anatomical and Functional Success of Macular Hole Surgery in the Kashmiri Population
Pages 651 - 656

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Background: In this study, our objective is to investigate the predictive factors influencing the anatomical and functional success of macular hole surgery in the Kashmir population. By analyzing a cohort of patients who underwent macular hole surgery, we aim to explore the preoperative characteristics, surgical techniques employed, and postoperative outcomes that contribute to the success rates in this specific population. Methods: This retrospective observational study was conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology, GMC Srinagar over a period of one year. A total of 70 patients, ranging in age from 45 to 76 years, were included in the analysis. We reviewed their preoperative characteristics, surgical techniques utilized, and postoperative outcomes. Results: Our findings revealed a prominent age group between 51-60 years, comprising 44.3% of the sample, followed by individuals aged 61-70 years, accounting for 31.4% of the cohort. Notably, female patients exhibited a higher representation, constituting 61.4% of the total sample. The duration of symptoms varied widely, ranging from 1 to 15 months, with the majority of patients (67.1%) reporting symptom duration of 1-6 months. Anatomically, Type 1 closure predominated, with an overwhelming majority of cases at 85.7%. Significantly, despite the absence of notable age and gender differences between the Type 1 and Type 2 closures, substantial variations were observed in critical parameters such as hole height, hole form factor (HFF), macular hole index (MHI), tractional hole index (THI), and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) between the two closure types. Conclusion: Our study highlights the utmost importance of a comprehensive evaluation that takes into account age, gender, and anatomical characteristics when assessing macular hole patients. These findings provide crucial insights for refining treatment strategies and tailoring interventions to optimize surgical outcomes in this specific population.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Randomised Double-Blind Study of the Effect of Magnesium Sulphate 50 Mg V/S Dexmedetomidine 25 Mcg as an Adjuvant to Epidural 0.5% 15 Ml of Bupivacaine in Patients Posted for Elective Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb Surgeries
Pages 640 - 650

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Background: Postoperative pain is the major cause of fear and anxiety leading to prolonged hospital admission and delayed discharge rates in hospitalized patients. So, to make the patient pain free, multimodal analgesia has been used since long time. Opioids as an adjunct to epidural local anaesthetics by many people, but opioid free analgesia is a major concern in recent times to avoid its respiratory depressant and other adverse effects. Objective: studying non opioid drugs namely α2 agonist dexmedetomidine and magnesium sulphate as an adjunct to epidural bupivacaine and to compare their hemodynamic, sedative and analgesic effects. Methods: A randomized double blinded study was conducted in 60 patients of either sex belonging to ASA class I and II scheduled for elective lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries under epidural anaesthesia. They were divided randomly into two groups (n = 30). After epidural block, test dose was given with 3 ml 2% lignocaine with adrenaline. Both the groups received 15ml 0.5% bupivacaine, group MB received 50mg magnesium sulphate and group DB received 25µg dexmedetomidine. Onset and duration of sensory blockade, motor blockade; time required for first rescue analgesia; Ramsey sedation score; cardiorespiratory parameters and adverse events were recorded. Result: Onset of sensory and motor blockade was rapid: duration of sensory and motor blockade; and the time for rescue analgesic was prolonged with higher sedation in group DB. Cardiorespiratory parameters and adverse effects were comparable between the two groups. Conclusion: Addition of dexmedetomidine to epidural bupivacaine can be advantageous with increased duration of sensory and motor blockade with arousable sedation, acceptable side effects and better patient comfort compared to addition of magnesium sulphate.
Research Article
Open Access
Screening of Anemia by Cutaneous Hemoglobinometry
Pages 636 - 639

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Introduction: Anemia is a prevalent disorder that impacts approximately one-third of the global population, with a majority of affected individuals residing in countries with limited resources. There are various new methods to find out the level of Hb in children which included both invasive and non invasive procedure. The present study was conducted among 5 to 10 year old school children for screening of anemia by Medela pulse oximeter with SpHb and to know its benefits over traditional methods. Material & Methods: A total of 500 subjects were enrolled from outpatient department of pediatrics, Mediciti institute of medical sciences. Children of the age group 5-10 years were considered in the study. Blood samples were collected from the subjects for Hb test-Complete blood Count (CBC) and simultaneously Hb is measured using Pulse oximeter with SpHb probe. Data was collected and result was analysed using SPSS software. Results: Out of total 500 children there were 48 % boys and 52% were girls. The maximum children were of age group 7 to 8 years (43%) and least were in the age group of 5 to 6 years (12%). Those Children examined with Medela pulse oximeter with SpHb probe shows 175 (35%) no anemia (Hb ≥11 mg/dL), 290 (58%) anemic (Hb<11 mg/dL) and 35 (7%) were severe anemia (<7 mg/dL). Children examined through CBC showed 157(31%) no anemia (Hb ≥11 mg/dL), 275(55%) anemic (Hb<11 mg/dL) and 68(14%) severe anemia (<7 mg/dL). Conclusion: All those children who found to have Hb less than 11 on SpHb correlated with CBC Hb by 95%. Those children whose SpHb is above 11 had CBC Hb correlation 90%. This shows that SpHb is effective tool for screening anemia in children and avoiding unnecessary blood pricks for knowing Anemia.
Research Article
Open Access
Non Endoscopic Predictors in Patients with Cirrhosis for Esophageal Varices and Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy: A Hospital Based Study
Pages 627 - 635

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Introduction: With the rising mortality rate, worldwide liver cirrhosis has been ranked as the 13th leading cause of mortality. Portal hypertension is one of the common consequences of liver cirrhosis. Further, portal hypertension has its own complications and the most serious among them is the risk of development of esophageal varices (EV) caused by increased hepatic vascular resistance related to hepatic fibrosis and regenerative nodules. Methodology: A prospective study was carried out at the tertiary care hospital of, MKCG Hospital between September 2019 To November 2021. All patients of cirrhosis of liver without history of gastrointestinal bleed, irrespective of etiology, admitted in the hospital were included in this prospective study. Result: Among the patients studied males predominate the study population with 86% with females accounting for only 14%. Among the study population majority presented with abdominal distension constituting 86% followed by pedal oedema constituting 70%. Among 50 patients studied, cause of cirrhosis was found to be alcoholism in 78% and Non-alcoholic in 22%. Discussion: The platelet count and the spleen size showed the difference among the patients belonging to small varices and larger varices group, respectively. presence of thrombocytopenia and lower PC/SD ratio determine the presence of higher grades of varices and can hence identify the subset of patients who require high priority endoscopy for the prophylactic management of esophageal varices helping in better patient selection.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on diagnostic efficacy of Endoscopic-Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) in pancreatic and hepatio billiary tract lesions in a tertiary care hospital, in south India
Pages 616 - 626

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Background: The fourth most common cause of death from malignancies, pancreatic cancer is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality. [1] This low survival rate is due to late presentation, vague indications and symptoms, and insufficient diagnostic and treatment options. The effectiveness of treatment approaches can be significantly increased by correctly diagnosing benign and malignant diseases of the pancreas. Objectives: To study diagnostic efficacy of EUS-FNA with importance of cytopathology and correlating with histopathology and biochemical markers. Material & Methods: Study Design: Retrospective Hospital based observational study. Study area: Department of Pathology (Histopathology laboratory), NIMS, Hyderabad. Study Period: January 2019 – December 2022. (3 years) Study population: Sample size: study consisted a total of 172 cases. Sampling method: Simple random method. Study tools and Data collection procedure: Clinical information, results from lab tests, and reports from cytopathology and imaging studies were all retrieved for each patient. To determine the location, size, and features of the pancreatic lesions, imaging reports from sonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasonography (USG) were analyzed. The location, size, and features of the pancreatic lesions were evaluated using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Atrained pathologist and a technician from the on-site pathology team assisted with the EUS instruction for each FNA. Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 53.7 ± 13.33 years. Most (52.9%) of the subjectswereintheagegroupof41-60years, followed by 30.8% were in 61–80 years group. Only2.3% were in < 20yearsagegroup.Ourstudyalsohadresultswithsensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of 58.2%, 82.3%, 85%, and 53.5%, respectively. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that EUS-FNA had good sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV in the detection of solid and cystic pancreatic cancer. If necessary, a composite of the EUS-FNA cytology, cell block preparation, and immunohistochemistry results can be used to make the final diagnosis. This information may then be used to guide both surgeons' and oncologists' treatment strategies.
Research Article
Open Access
Pattern of Congenital Heart Disease and Various Epidemiological Factors Associated with it in Pediatric Population in South India
Pages 611 - 615

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Objective: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital anomaly in newborns and is a significant cause of mortality. The distribution pattern varies with different regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of CHD among referred pediatric population in south India. Methods: This was a single centre cross-sectional observational study done over a period of one year. A total of 616 infants and children referred with suspected CHD to a tertiary care centre in Kerala, from January to December 2019 were included. They underwent routine clinical examination, pulse oximetry and echocardiography. Results: Among the 616 enrolled subjects, 553 had CHD of which 526 (95%) had acyanotic lesions, 20 (3.6%) cyanotic lesions and 7 (1.2%) non-specified CHD. Among acyanotic CHD, shunt lesions were much common (87%) than obstructive/ regurgitant lesions (13%). Atrial septal defect (ASD) accounted for 54.9% followed by Ventricular septal defect (14.5%) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (13.9%). Pulmonary stenosis was the most common obstructive lesion (4.5%). Tetralogy of Fallot was the commonest among cyanotic CHD (2.1%). In 47 (8.4%) cases a combination of simple defects was seen, the commonest being ASD with PDA in 17 (3%) cases. Only consanguinity (2.6% vs. 0.3%, p 0.02) prematurity (16% vs. 4.4%, p 0.0001) and low birthweight (2.65 Kg vs. 2.89 Kg, p 0.001) were significantly associated with CHD. Conclusion: Among a referral pediatric population, ACHDs were far more common than CCHDs. Shunt lesions formed the majority of ACHD. While prematurity, low birth weight and consanguinity were the risk factors associated with CHD, parity, birth order and parental age were not. Inclusion of neonates in the study is one probable reason for the large proportion of shunt lesions like ASD in the study.
Case Report
Open Access
Eisenmenger syndrome in a case of restrictive PDA with Juvenile mitral stenosis
Pages 608 - 610

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Congenital heart disease is related to events occurring in the embryonal stage, while rheumatic heart disease is a sequelae of immune-mediated damage following streptococcal infection. Rheumatic heart disease is a well-known entity in developing world. Congenital heart disease is also common cause of hospital admission. However, coexistence of rheumatic heart disease with congenital heart disease occur rarely. Here we report an unusual case of rheumatic mitral stenosis with restrictive patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension leading to Eisenmenger syndrome in a 13 years old girl. This case highlights the need for careful examination for coexisting rheumatic disease and congenital heart disease. Eisenmenger syndrome could be a presentation of juvenile severe rheumatic mitral stenosis when it is associated with congenital shunt lesion like PDA
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study between Ripasa Scoring System and Modified Alvarado Scoring System in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Pages 604 - 607

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Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common surgically correctable cause of abdominal pain, the diagnosis of which remains difficult in many instances. Some of the signs and symptoms can be subtle to both clinician and the patient. also may not present in all instances. Arriving at the correct diagnosis is essential, however, a delay may allow progression to perforation and significantly increases morbidity and mortality. Incorrectly diagnosing a patient with appendicitis although not catastrophic, often subject the patient to an unnecessary operation. It has been claimed that diagnostic aids can dramatically reduce the number of appendectomies' in patients without appendicitis, the number of perforations, and the time spent in hospital. The methods advocated includes laparoscopy, scoring system, computer programs, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Aims: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of RIPASA and MODIFIED ALVARADO SCORING SYSTEM in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Materials and Methods: We compared prospectively Ripasa and Modified Alvarado Scoring Systemby applyingb them to 94 patients. Bpth scores were calculated for patients who presented with right illiac fossa pain during the study period Depending of radiological evidence, appendicectomy was done. Post-operative hiztopathology report was correlated with the scores. A score of 7.5 is the optimal cut off threshold for RIPASA and 7 for Modified Alvarado Scoring system. The diagnostic accuracy of both the scoring system are compared. Results:-The RIPASA scoring system accurately diagnose 97.8% patients of high probability group (score greater than 7.5), whereas Modified Alvarado Scoring System accurately diagnose 91.4% patients of high probability group(score greater than 7). Conclusion:- RIPASA scoring system is more convenient, accurate, and specific scoring system for Indian population then Modified Alvarado Scoring System.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Study Of Comparison Of Fetal Weight Estimation By Clinical Method And Ultrasound Its Correlation With True Birth Weight In Term Pregnancies.
Tanya Mahindra,
Vandna Singh,
Deepika Anuragi,
Gaurav Akhand,
Tanya Mahindra,
Vandna Singh,
Deepika Anuragi,
Gaurav Akhand
Pages 602 - 608

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Background:Precise determination of fetal weight is crucial in antepartum assessment, impacting the management of high-risk pregnancies and delivery procedures. Various methods, including clinical and ultrasonographic, are employed for estimating fetal weight, yet their comparative accuracy remains debated. This study aims to evaluate the precision of clinical and ultrasonographic methods in estimating fetal weight and their correlation with actual birth weight.Method:A prospective study was conducted involving 70 term pregnant women meeting inclusion criteria. Clinical assessment of fetal weight was performed using Dare's formula, while ultrasonographic estimation utilized Hadlock's formula. Actual birth weight was measured post-delivery. Statistical analysis was conducted using free online available calculators.Result: Clinical and ultrasonographic estimations showed a significant correlation with actual birth weight (p < 0.01). Dare's formula yielded mean birth weight predictions slightly higher than Hadlock's, yet both demonstrated reasonably accurate estimates. Clinical assessment was found to be as precise as ultrasonographic methods for typical birth weights.Conclusion: Clinical assessment of birth weight can serve as a reliable diagnostic tool, particularly in settings with limited access to ultrasound technology. While ultrasonography remains widely accepted, clinical estimation may suffice for managing term pregnancies, with further sonographic assessment recommended for weights below 2,500 g. Implementation of fetal weight estimation as a routine screening protocol is recommended for all pregnant women to enhance perinatal care.
Research Article
Open Access
Study on Bone Mineral Density in Adults with Nephrotic Syndrome
Pages 598 - 603

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Introduction: The nephrotic syndrome is one of the best known clinical presentations of adult or pediatric nephropathy. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by the association of heavy proteinuria with pedal edema, hypoalbuminemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Aims: To compare and correlate bone mineral density with biochemical parameters like serum calcium, phosphorus, vitamin-D, alkaline phosphatase, albumin and parathyroid hormone, in adults with nephrotic syndrome. Methodology: The study was Cross sectional observational study. The conducted in adult patients with nephrotic syndrome above 18 years of age with no primary bone pathology or metastatic disease. Biochemical parameters were assessed and correlated with bone mineral density by DXA scan of lumbar spine and neck of femur. Fifty patients of command hospital Kolkata (EC) were selected and compared with equal number of age and sex matched controls. All patients were selected from a period of 01 Jan 18 to 31 May 19. All underwent detailed clinical examination and investigations were done at the time of recruitment. Results: DXA scan results in cases of nephrotic syndrome show significantly low BMD for both lumbar spine and neck of femur with mean Z-scores less than -1.0 (P<0.001). Lumbar spine (L1-L4): Low BMD was found in 88 percent cases and 32 percent of controls (P < 0.001). Neck of femur: Low BMD was found in 44 percent cases and 10 percent controls (P<0.001). Cases with normal BMD had statistically significant lower levels of blood urea with mean 23 ± 4.53 mg/dl. Cases with osteopenia and osteoporosis had higher levels of blood urea with mean 54.13 ± 32.4 mg/dl and 66.85 ± 29.64 mg/dl respectively. Cases with normal BMD had higher levels of serum calcium with mean 7.67 ± 1.01 mg/dl. Cases with osteopenia and osteoporosis had serum calcium with mean 7.22 ± 0.88mg/dl and 7.26 ± 0.68 mg/dl respectively. However this comparison did not reach any statistical significance. Conclusion: Adults with nephrotic syndrome are at risk for low bone mineral density. These patients should undergo regular evaluations for mineral bone diseases and appropriate therapeutic interventions should be planned.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Bupivacaine and Ropivacaine in Spinal Anaesthesia in Children for Infraumblical Surgeries a Study of 60 Cases
Pages 593 - 597

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Introduction: Regional anaesthesia is the method chosen for surgeries involving the lower abdomen and lower limb in children. It provides a good alternative to general anaesthesia. This technique is safe and cost effective in day care surgeries. Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia in children posted for infraumblical surgeries. Materials and Methods: The present study was a prospective randomized study. This Study was conducted January 2022 to December 2022 at department of Anesthesiology, Iqcty medical College nd hospital, Durgapur. Total 30 patients were included in this study. Result: Children who receive spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine have sensory and motor block later than adults. In comparison to bupivacaine, it also exhibits a faster offset of the sensory and motor block with a sufficient quality of block. Children who receive spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine have sensory and motor block later than adults. In comparison to bupivacaine, it also exhibits a faster offset of the sensory and motor block with a sufficient quality of block. Conclusion: Children who receive spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine have sensory and motor block later than adults. In comparison to bupivacaine, it also exhibits a faster offset of the sensory and motor block with a sufficient quality of block.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Intrathecal 0.5% Isobaric Ropivacaine Vs 0.5% Isobaric Bupivacaine in Lower Abdominal Surgeries
Pages 588 - 592

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Introduction: Bupivacaine and ropivacaine have identical PKA values, however ropivacaine is less fat soluble, implying that ropivacaine will block A-alpha fibers more slowly than bupivacaine. Isobaric solution has the extra benefit of not affecting the intrathecal dissemination of local anaesthetic during and after injection. The purpose of this study was to compare the anaesthetic efficacy of intrathecal isobaric ropivacaine 0.5% to isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% in lower abdominal procedures in terms of: 1. Onset and duration of sensory block, 2. Onset, quality, and duration of motor block, and 3. Hemodynamic alterations. Material and Methods: The present study was a Prospective randomized comparative Study. This Study was conducted January 2021 to December 2022 at department of Anesthesiology, Iqcty medical College nd hospital, Durgapur. Total 100 patients were included in this study. Results: Intrathecal isobaric 0.5% ropivacaine causes a delayed onset but identical length of sensory block and a statistically significant shorter duration of motor block. Both groups have identical haemodynamics and block height (highest sensory level). Conclusion: Because of the shorter length of motor blockade and comparable duration of sensory blockade, haemodynamics, and blockade height, 0.5% isobaric ropivacaine is a superior choice for ambulatory anaesthesia.
Research Article
Open Access
A Randomized control study to compare delNido and Saint Thomas cardioplegia solutions in isolated valvular heart surgery
Pages 579 - 587

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Background: The standard cardioplegia solution for adult cardiac surgery, Saint Thomas Hospital solution, has been used for a long time. However, the prolonged cardiac arrest period offered by delNido cardioplegia has generated significant interest. This study aims to compare outcomes and variables in isolated valvular heart surgery using delNido and Saint Thomas cardioplegia solutions. Methods: This randomized controlled study was conducted in the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at IGMC&H, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Patients requiring heart valve surgery between November 2017 and December 2018 were included. Randomization was computer-generated, and allocation concealment was achieved using opaque sequentially numbered sealed envelopes. Appropriate statistical tests were used to assess associations between variables. Results: The study included 25 patients in each group. Group 1 (control) used Saint Thomas solution, while Group 2 (intervention) used delNido solution. Baseline parameters were similar between the groups. CPB and ACC times were slightly lower in the delNido group (114.48±37.73, 83.56±24.71) compared to the Saint Thomas group (132.64±37.73, 89.20±41.02), but the difference was not statistically significant. Cardioplegia volume was significantly lower in the delNido group. The delNido group required fewer inotropes, had a shorter ICU stay, fewer blood transfusions, and fewer defibrillations post aortic clamp removal, but these differences were not statistically significant. Mean duration of ventilation was higher in the delNido group, but not statistically significant. The delNido group had a significantly lower percentage of patients requiring defibrillation. Cardiac output values showed a significant difference at 72 hours post CPB, with a slight decrease in the delNido group. The interaction and main effect for CKMB levels were not statistically significant, but there was a significant main effect for CKMB values at 24 hours post CPB. Conclusion: Intraoperative and postoperative safety profiles of delNidocardioplegia were found to be similar to those of Saint Thomas cardioplegia in adult MVR/AVR± TV repair procedures.
Research Article
Open Access
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index as a Predictor of the Extent of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Pages 573 - 578

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Background: Coronary artery disease(CAD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India. We have done this work to study prevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic PVD in CAD patients undergoing CABG and to study whether low ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) can be used as predictor of morbidity and mortality in CABG. Methods: Descriptive study was done enrolling continuous 80 patients who were referred for coronary artery bypass grafting. On bases of ABPI they were divided into 2 groups, group I included patients of CAD with PAD and group II included patients of CAD without PVD. Syntax score was calculated. Cardiovascular risk factors, intraoperative mortality and myocardial infarction, postoperative complications were studied. Study was performed from March 2013 up to December 2014. Results: 88.75% of patients were males and 11.25% patients were females. Mean age was 55.94±8.42. Smoking and hypertension encountered in 85% and 45.6% of all patients respectively. BMI of >30 was present in 8.75% patients. 36% patients of group I and 35 % patients of group were diabetic. Left anterior descending artery was most commonly involved vessel in 97%. Deranged RFT's were found in 29% and 8% patients in group I and II respectively. Conclusion: ABPI can be useful in assessing both the atherosclerotic risk factors and the degree of coronary involvement. ABPI is a simple and easy tool to diagnose symptomatic and asymptomatic PVD.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of the Clinical Application of Pre-Operative Gamma Glutamyl Transferase for Prognosis in Biliary Atresia Post Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy
Pages 568 - 572

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Introduction: Biliary atresia is a rare disease characterized by an obstructive cholangiopathy of intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic bile ducts. Etiology is unknown. The reported two-year survival rate without any intervention is less than 5%. Early intervention is an important predictive factor for successful patient outcome. Aims: The goal of the present study is to examine the clinical use of serum gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) for early diagnosis and prognostication in biliary atresia following Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy (KHPE). Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study which was conducted at a large tertiary care pediatric referral center. A total of eighty cases were reviewed from March 2020 to April 2022. The GGT levels were obtained pre-operatively. Baseline parameters like age at surgery, outcome and prognosis were evaluated. Results: 80 infants underwent Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy. The age of the infants ranged from 31days to 116 days (median age of 62 days). Out of all the cases, 60% (48/80) had GGT value of <400 IU/L, 40% (32/80) had GGT value of >400IU/L. Low GGT(<400IU/L) group had shorter time to liver transplant and a poorer outcome. Conclusions: A low GGT level in biliary atresia might be associated with early onset of severe liver illness, and poor postoperative course after Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy. Recent advances in non-invasive test like GGT has shown promise as an effective diagnostic and prognostic marker in biliary atresia.
Research Article
Open Access
Prevalence of Postpartum Depression among Postnatal Women Residing in Rural India
Pages 560 - 567

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Background & Objectives: Postpartum depression (PPD) is defined as presence of depressive symptoms in the postpartum period. A seemingly innocuous disorder, if untreated can lead to foeticide or maternal suicide. Furthermore, there is currently no screening tool designated for use in clinical practice and no data are routinely collected on the proportion of perinatal women with postpartum depression. Hence the current study is taken to accurately estimate the burden of postpartum depression using valid tool. To assess the prevalence of postpartum depression among postnatal mothers in rural India Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among the 110 postnatal mothers attending immunization clinics and general OPD in the field practice area of department of Community Medicine, GMC, Srikakulam. Modified EPDS scale validated in local language was used to collect data. Results: The mean age of the mothers 23.7 ±2.6 ,most(42.7%) of them were intermediate educated and upper lower class(70%) of SES. The prevalence of possible depression (score ≥10) is 19.1% and the prevalence of Depression of varying severity (score >13) is 10%. Post partum depression is associated with age, SES, type of delivery, immediate outcome of delivery. Conclusion: EPDS tool can be effectively used to screen post partum depression at primary health care level.
Research Article
Open Access
Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary stenosis - With high RV/LV pressure Management strategy in a Tertiary Care center – An Indian Scenario
Pages 550 - 559

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Background: The management strategy of patients with significant intraoperative high pRV/LV ratio in Tetralogy of Fallot with PS remains a considerable debate. The traditional thinking is that an intraoperative pRV/LV in excess of 0.70 is not acceptable and revision of RVOT repair with TAP is advised -as post op RVOTO is undesirable and not well tolerated. Postoperative pulmonary insufficiency is well tolerated and that only very significant RV dilation is problematic is also a debatable concept. In the current era with evolving concepts, efforts are made to avoid ventriculotomy and or TAP in order to preserve biventricular function. Preserving pulmonary valve integrity offers a better long-term prognosis, despite a risk of residual stenosis. Objectives: We sought to analyse the need for revision of RVOT repair (Dynamic / Fixed RVOTO), early survival and perioperative complications, and morphologic risk factors to determine their effects on outcomes in patients with significant intraoperative high pRV/LV pressure ratio. Methods: ToF with pulmonary stenosis operated between October 2013 to December 2015 with high pRV/LV ratio intraoperatively >/=0.70 were chosen for the study. Results: Out of a total of 178 patients of TOF with PS, 62 patients had pRv/Lv>/= 0.70. Mean pRv/Lv was 0.82 with 4 patients having ratio >1. 6 patients underwent re RVOT resection and post revision pRv/Lv was mean 0.60. 16 patients continued to have high pRv/Lv and unstable hemodynamics. Revision surgery was performed with Trans annular patch insertion. 40 patients did not undergo revision and high ratio was accepted. Mean RvOT gradient of these patients intra op was 48.2+/-12.6. The mean RVOT gradient showed significant decrease at 12 hour and 24 hour post surgery interval. Mean RVOT gradient at 12 hours post surgery was 34 .6 +/- 8.2 and 23.5 +/-6.3 at 24 hours after surgery in patients who didn’t undergo TAP. So 40 patients did not undergo revision and high ratio was accepted. 65 % of such patients could be managed with RA / RA-PA approach without performing a Trans annular patch. Conclusions: Pulmonary valve annulus sparing procedure in ToF with PS patients with pRV / LV ratio >/= 0.70 can be accepted with less morbidity and mortality if Pulmonary annulus > -2, tricuspid Pulmonary valve, RVOT resection is adequate, RVEDP is not high, less ionotropic support and no residual lesions. It may be due to Dynamic RVOTO.
Case Report
Open Access
Rare Cases of Puerperal Uterine Inversion
Pages 545 - 549

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Uterine inversion is a rare event, out of which chronic puerperal uterine inversion is rarest of all, with only handful of cases reported in literature. We reported two such cases of chronic uterine inversion and one case of acute uterine inversion in our practice of 10 years which were promptly diagnosed and managed surgically .Our 1st case was 34 years old p2l2 lady with history of irregular bleeding per vaginum and heaviness in lower abdomen since last 3 months after delivery of her 2nd child ,which was delivered at home in absence of trained birth attendant .2nd case was p1l1 lady which was attended in OPD as a case of irregular uterine bleeding with heaviness in lower abdomen and something coming out per vaginum on straining ,she also gave history of history of post-partum hemorrhage after delivery of her baby 5 months back and 1 unit of blood transfusion in some peripheral center. Both these patients were examined, and a differential diagnosis of uterine inversion and cervical polyp was made for which they were investigated, and an USG followed by MRI was done which confirmed the diagnosis of uterine inversion.3rd case was a patient with acute uterine inversion after home delivery were the diagnosis was made clinical. All these patients were immediately taken up for laparotomy and surgical correction was done by Haultain’s method and uterus was preserved.
Research Article
Open Access
Aerobic Bacteriological Study of Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Special Reference to Non Fermenters
Pages 539 - 544

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Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is a life-shortening disease of young children but it has been present in adults in recent days. Studies on epidemiology and microbiota of cystic fibrosis from the southern part of India are very few. So we tried to project the data of bacteria responsible for pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis patients and their antibiotic sensitivity. Materials and Methods: A total of 75 samples were collected from confirmed cystic fibrosis patients attending outpatient clinical departments and were processed for culture and sensitivity according to CLSI protocols. ESBL and MBL production among non fermenters were detected using antibiotic discs using modified Kirby bauer method. Results: Out of all isolated pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were 29 (40.8%), 15 (21.1%) isolates were Klebsiella pneumoniae, 12 (16.9%) Staphylococcus aureus, 7 (9.8%) Candida albicans, 4 (5.6%) Enterobacter cloacae, 2 (2.8%) Burkholderia cepacia, and 2 (2.8%) Burkholderia species. Out of 29 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates 68.9% showed ESBL production and 17.2% showed MBL production. All the Burkholderia cepacia tested were ESBL and MBL producers. 100% and 50% of Burkholderia species expressed ESBL and MBL enzymes respectively. Conclusion: Co-existence of S.aureus and P.aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients is still a matter of debate. Many hypotheses including the present study concluded that microorganisms are antagonistic invitro after a prolonged co-existence.
Research Article
Open Access
A Cadaveric Study of Perforating Branches of Posterior Tibial Artery in Lower Third of Leg Used for Reconstruction of Foot Flaps
Pages 533 - 538

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Background: In diabetic foot, in case of lacerated wound in lower leg or in case of non healing ulcers in distal part of lower extremity it is very difficult to fill the wound gap. It is because of the area around malleolus and foot, the skin is very tight. Moreover, in between the bones and the skin mainly we are getting muscle tendons without any proper fleshy muscle bulk. so muscular flaps are less available to cover the wound. So based on fascio cutaneous or cutaneous flap generally the repairs were done in the region of lower third of leg. Perforator branches from Posterior tibial artery are the preferred solution in these cases to construct a proper flap. so we have tried to find out details of the perforator arteries based on posterior tibial artery in a cadaveric study. Materials and method: In a dissection based study we have dissected both of the lower limbs of total 10 cadavers. So total samples were 20 posterior tibial artery and their perforators in lower third of leg. Among them 8 were male and 2 were female. All of them were adult cadavers which were properly embalmed. It is a cross sectional study, where we had dissected a cadaver once and collected all of the data once. Result: Out of 20 samples from 10 cadavers, we got among 16 samples, 80% of the fascio cutaneous perforators were Bilateral symmetrical regarding their number and position. Most of the perforators are present within 7-10 cm distance from medial malleolus. Number of perforators in each leg were 3-5. Conclusion: posterior tibial artery perforator based flaps are of high Success rate if we exclude the risk factors. So with proper knowledge of perforators from PTA would help the surgoens to properly care the wounds around ankle and foot. There is probability of racial variation on which more extensive researches are needed.
Research Article
Open Access
Prospective Randomised Interventional Study Comparing Safety and Efficacy of Clear Fluids until 3 Hours before Surgery Compared to 6 Hours of Starvation Before and after Minor Surgical Procedures
Pages 525 - 532

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Background: In this study, we wanted to compare the safety and efficacy of clear fluids until 3 hours as compared to 6 hours of starvation before and after minor surgical procedures. Materials And Methods: This was a hospital based prospective randomized comparative interventional study conducted among patients age group of 18 to 60 years of either sex who presented with minor surgeries to the Department of Surgery, ENT, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Ophthalmology after obtaining clearance from institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: The sense of wellbeing parameters in the starvation group that were not statistically significant were dizziness, anxiety, nausea or loss of appetite, headache and weakness than the clear fluid group at 3 and 6 hours of starvation post operatively. The difference was statistically significant with regard to thirst and dryness of mouth. Conclusion: Wellbeing parameters were significantly improved in patients who were given clear liquids before surgery and after surgery and significance reduced as fluids replaced over time.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of quality of life in females with low back pain and radiculopathy: A descriptive study
Pages 520 - 524

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Background and Objectives: Low back pain with radicular symptoms is a prevalent musculoskeletal disorder and a leading cause of disability. Radicular back pain affects multiple nerve roots, resulting in pain, sensory loss, and motor dysfunction. Assessing the quality of life (QOL) provides valuable insights into the impact of health conditions and treatment outcomes. Low back pain significantly interferes with QOL and work performance. This study aimed to analyze the QOL in female patients with low back pain and radiculopathy. Materials and Methods: An observational study was conducted on 404 patients and healthy individuals at a medical college in India. The SF-36 questionnaire, which measures eight scores representing physical and mental components, was used to assess QOL. Results: Results from 364 eligible patients revealed significantly lower mean PCS and MCS scores compared to the normative population, indicating poorer QOL among low back pain patients. Conclusion: In conclusion, patients with low back pain and radiculopathy experience a diminished QOL compared to individuals without this condition. Therefore, efforts should be made to enhance patient care, focusing on improving QOL, as this aspect remains relatively unexplored.