Research Article
Open Access
Permanent Vascular Access in Hemodialysis Patients: Complications and Failure of Arterio-Venous Fistula with Various Predictors: A Tertiary Center Study
Pages 750 - 754

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Introduction: Dialysis access procedures and complications represent a major cause of morbidity in CKD patients. Recent guidelines have encouraged a creation of AV fistula access in a CKD patient at least 6 months before first dialysis for proper maturation and to give time, if any secondary procedure is needed due to primary failure. Aggressive strategy should be taken for creation of AV Fistula to avoid sepsis and morbidity of temporary access. Objectives: To analysis various factors affecting the primary failure, secondary failure and primary patency of AV Fistula, complications of AV Fistula and its management. Methods: We evaluate the AV Fistula created in RGKMCH in Urology department in 5 years period from January 2017 to February 2022 (212 cases of AV Fistula, done by Radio- cephalic or Brachio- Cephalic end to side anastomosis). A fistula is adequate, if it provides a blood flow of at least 350 ml/min in 6 sessions of hemodialysis in one month. Various demographic factors (age, sex), clinical factors (diabetes, obesity, persistent low BP with Interstitial Nephritis, smoking), venous anatomy of upper limbs, arterial atherosclerosis are related with primary failure and complications. Results: Of 212 AV Fistulas, 178 fistulas developed for dialysis and 34 were primary failure. Primary failure rate was lower in patients aged less than 65 years, in 34 cases of primary failure 6 patients developed pseudoaneurysm and required emergency closure of AV fistula. In 178 cases, 38 patients had eventually secondary failure (mean time ~4 months after initiation of HD) and required a second procedure in upper arm (mainly Brachio- cephalic anastomosis and 12 cases required Permanent Dialysis Catheter insertion in IJV). Primary failure was higher in poorly controlled diabetics (random CBG > 200mg/ dl), in atherosclerotics, in low BP (SBP< 100) and in elderly females. Among 6 cases of pseudoaneurysm in the entire study, 4 were poorly controlled diabetics. The adequacy rate was not related with Serum albumin, Serum PTH, Surgeon, Serum Creatinine. Primary (28 out of 34) and secondary failure (22 out of 38) rate is significantly higher in forearm fistula than upper arm fistula, but complications like pseudoaneurysm (4 cases), serpentine aneurysm (4 cases), steal phenomenon (10 cases), gangrene of the limb (2 cases) are more common in upper arm fistula. The adequacy of forearm fistula is poorer in older women, diabetics and they need upper arm fistula to avoid primary failure, though complications are more common in upper arm fistula. Conclusion: Success rate of AV Fistula is lower in certain subset of patients. To achieve best outcome, AV Fistula need to be constructed in upper arm in older, female, low BP, or in diabetics, though upper arm fistula has more complications like pseudoaneurysm, serpentine aneurysm, steal phenomenon, gangrene of limb.
Research Article
Open Access
Can Anosmia be a noteworthy tool to predict the overall outcome of Covid 19 disease?
Pages 742 - 749

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Background: The Covid pandemic has caused major disaster globally. It has been established, that the sinonasal-tract involvement plays a significant role in Covid-19 infection. Anosmia is one of the commonest symptoms of covid-19, ranging from 20-70%. But very few studies have shown the relationship between anosmia and Covid-19 related morbidity and mortality. The basic aim of this study is to describe the prevalence of anosmia in Covid-19 patients and the correlation of anosmia to the disease severity. Methodology: This is a retrospective observational study. Patients >18 years of age with Covid disease (RTPCR proven), without any cardiac/respiratory comorbidities were included. The prevalence of anosmia, the incidence of hospitalizations, requirement of oxygen, disease severity and mortality were noted. The association of anosmia with the severity of covid-19 disease has been calculated and analyzed. Results: The prevalence of anosmia in hospitalized patients is 41.67%. Out of 112 covid patients with anosmia, 87 (77.68%) patients did not require hospitalization, but out of 98 patients without anosmia, 35 patients (35.71%) were hospitalised. 102(91.07%) patients with anosmia did not require any kind of oxygen support but 32 patients among 98 patients with no anosmia(32.65%) required oxygen support during the course of the disease. The mean of lowest recorded saturation in anosmic patients is 95.14 and the non-anosmic patients is 91.89. Among the anosmic patients 96 patients (85.71%) did not record the saturation below 94% in room air throughout the course of the disease. Contrary to that, in non-anosmic group 46 patients (46.94%) had a drop in saturation below 94 %. Conclusion: Presence of Anosmia is associated with improved outcome as evidenced by low hospitalization rates, less fall in Spo2 and less oxygen requirement during the course of the disease. So, anosmia can be used as a tool in future to predict the overall outcome in covid-19 disease.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Sacralisation of Lumber vertebra in Humans
Pages 734 - 741

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Background: Sacralization of Fifth lumbar (L5) is a congenital abnormality in which the lumbar vertebra, specifically its transverse process, becomes fused or semi-fused with the sacrum, ilium, or both. This fusion can happen on either one or both sides of the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of sacralisation of the transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebrae. Methods: 40 adult human sacra were evaluated in the current study at the Department of Anatomy, Shree Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhilai, C.G. Each sacra was examined for sacralisation and lumbarisation, the number of ventral and dorsal sacral foramen, the number of vertebral bodies, the sacral hiatus, and the sacral cornua. Results:In the present study out of forty sacral bones, there were 25 (62.5%) male sacral bones and 15 (37.5%) female sacral bones. Sacralization was found in 22.5% of cases. Among 9 sacralised bones, 66.67% were male bones and the remaining 33.33% were female bones. 6 bones showed bilateral sacralization and only 3 bones showed unilateral sacralization. Conclusion:Sacralisation knowledge is not only useful for orthopaedic surgeons, but also for Clinical Anatomists, Radiologists, Forensic specialists, Morphologists, Architects, and Anthropologists.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Prognostic Implications of Hyponatremia in Elderly Hospitalised Patients
Pages 725 - 733

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Background: Elderly in-patients are most usually affected by hyponatremia, a relatively prevalent electrolyte problem in clinical medicine [1-3]. It is recognised as occurring in 15–30% of hospitalised patients and is indicated by an s. Na+ level of less than 135 mEq/L. However, it has been noted that the occurrence rate in older people might reach 50% [3-5]. OBJECTIVES:
1. To classify severity of hyponatremia in hospitalized elderly and to correlate with outcome following treatment.
2. To study clinical feature and etiology of hyponatremia in elderly hospitalized patients.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based prospective observational study. Study area: Department of General Medicine, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga. Study Period: July 2022 – June 2023. Study population: Elderly patients (60 yrs and older) admitted in medical ICU Sample size: Study consisted a total of 100 subjects. Sampling Technique: Simple Random sampling. All elderly patients admitted to medical ICU, 3-5 ml of venous blood was collected in a yellow top vaccutainer, and 5-10ml of urine (spontaneous void or catheter specimen) is collected in clean bottle. Routine blood and urine investigations as appropriate the diagnosis like, Complete blood count, renal function tests, electrolytes, liver function tests, urine routine, chest radiograph and other imaging studies as needed are done. When the electrolytes reports are available, patients are enrolled in the study if they are having serum sodium less than 125mmol/L and the plasma and urine sample are sent for measurement of serum osmolality and urine osmolality by freezing point depression osmometer. Serum electrolytes and urine spot Sodium are measured by ion sensitive electrode method. Results: Among the 80 patients who improved 50 were female and 30 were male. And among the 20 patients, who expired, 15 were male and 5 were female. This indicates that among the 45 male patients admitted 30 (66.67%) patients improved and 15 (33.33%) patients expired, and among 55 female patients 50 (90.91%) improved and 5 (9.09%) expired. Which shows though the severe hyponatremia is high among females the response to treatment and survival is better among females than compared to males (p=0.0026). Conclusion: Clinicians need to be aware about the common occurrence of hyponatremia in acutely sick elderly and early identification and adherence to standardized correction protocol is essential to avoid complications and to reduce mortality. Meticulous monitoring for dosing of multiple drugs in elderly population would help in preventing hyponatremia.
Research Article
Open Access
Superoxide Dismutase Gene 2 Polymorphism-Related Diabetic Susceptibility to Vascular Complications
Pages 718 - 724

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Background and objectives: The purpose of this study is to determine whether diabetes individuals who have a variation in the MnSOD gene are more likely to experience cardiovascular problems. This is accomplished by determining the prevalence of MnSOD gene polymorphism in type 2 diabetic patients who either have or do not have cardiovascular disease, as well as in healthy control subjects. To determine whether or not this MnSOD polymorphism results in decreased SOD activity. Method: To conduct this case-control investigation, ethical approval was obtained. This investigation was conducted between February 2023 to May 2023 at Government Medical College Sircilla, Telangana, India. Seventy patients with diabetes that had been ongoing for more than five years were included in the investigation after receiving informed consent. The diagnosis is based on the clinical history, fasting plasma glucose levels, and electrocardiogram (ECG) findings. Result: The genotype and allele frequency of the SOD2 gene are displayed for those with type 2 diabetes, those without the disease, and healthy controls. More people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease (n = 25; 71.42%) have the TT genotype than people with diabetes and no cardiovascular disease (n = 15; 42.85%) or controls (n = 10; 28.5%). There is a significant (P = 0.006) difference in the frequency of the TT genotype among diabetic CVD cases. Genetics and SOD activity interacted. The SOD activity was lower in people with the TT genotype. SOD activity ranges from 86U/L in TT to 187U/L in CC, with CT falling in the middle at 145U/L. It's 0.000. The SOD activity was lower in people with the TT genotype. Conclusion: This study compared diabetics with and without cardiovascular disease for SOD2 gene (T>C) substitution polymorphism. 35 diabetics with and without cardiovascular disease were compared. T2DM patients with cardiovascular disease had a higher SOD2 TT genotype rate than those without CVD and controls. TT genotype differs significantly amongst diabetics with and without cardiovascular disease. Diabetes patients with cardiovascular disease had reduced serum SOD activity, which may contribute to cardiovascular illness. The TT genotype was associated with cardiovascular disease due to its low serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. After controlling for variables, the TT genotype predicts cardiovascular disease complications.
Case Report
Open Access
Awake coronary artery bypasses grafting: A promising bail out?
Pages 713 - 717

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Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is the most commonly performed procedure in most of the cardiac centres. Patients with ischemic heart disease often suffer from other co-morbidities like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic kidney disease or cerebrovascular disease. Hence, optimising the patient pre-operatively is essential to decrease the intra-operative risk factors and increase the chances of faster recovery in the post operative days. Based on the associated co-morbidities, surgical and anaesthetic techniques have to be modified to suit individual patient’s needs. Severe restrictive airway disease, pulmonary fibrosis and chronic pulmonary infections will benefit with the use of high thoracic epidural anaesthesia (TEA) instead of endotracheal general anesthesia which is the norm for any CABG procedure. In order to overcome post operative lung complications and a possible ventilatory dependency in such cases, awake CABG is performed as a suitable alternative to the conventional procedure.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinico-Pathological Study of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma in North Coastal Andhra
Pages 705 - 712

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Introduction: Squamous cell carcinomas comprise 90% of oral cancers, are usually preceded by premalignant lesion. Oral cancers are approachable to visual inspection and there are chances for earlier detection in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. Screening asymptomatic individuals by systematic visual oral examinations to detect the disease has been shown to be feasible. Despite the ready accessibility of oral cavity, these malignancies are often detected at late stage due to ignorance in rural areas. Aims and objectives: The present study aimed to identify clinicopathological characteristics of patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) according to age, sex and risk factors, to analyse histological differentiation specific to tumour and grading [Broder’s grading]. Materials and methods: A total of 137 samples received in the department of pathology between July 2015- June2017, were studied. Clinical data including age, gender, site, size of tumour, risk factors like alcohol consumption, smoking, pan chewing had been recorded. Histopathological grading was determined using Broder’s grading system. Results: The mean age of incidence was 54.6 yrs. with male predominance. Out of 137samples the most common presentation was with fungating growth seen in 71(51.8%) patients. The most common site was tongue in 49 cases (35.7%) followed by buccal mucosa in 38 cases (27.7%). Aetiology of smoking accounted for 131 cases (95.6%), alcohol consumption in 74 cases (54%), pan chewing among 69 cases (50.3%). Moderately differentiated tumours were observed in 73 cases (53.3%), well differentiated carcinoma in 60 cases (43.8%), verrucous carcinoma identified in 4 cases (2.9%) patients. Conclusion: OSCC is frequently encountered in fourth to sixth decade of life with male predominance. Smoking and pan chewing were common risk factors. The most common histological subtype was moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinicopathological Study of Thyroid Lesions and Application of Ck19 and Cd56 Fordiagnosis of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 695 - 704

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Background: Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid(PTC) is the most common malignant thyroid carcinoma. Histological diagnosisof PTC is generally easy in majority of cases, because of its diagnostic clue that is presence of its characteristic nuclear feature. Due to its tumourheterogeneity, it is difficult to distinguish papillary carcinoma thyroid from thyroid papillary hyperplasia, solitary nodules with papillary transformation and follicular variant from other follicular thyroid lesions. As a result, immunohistochemistry(IHC) plays a supplementary role in the effort to resolve such dilemma. The study aims to evaluate the role of CK19 and CD 56 as supplementary diagnostic markers in diagnosis of papillary carcinoma thyroid. Methodology: Observational study was conducted by light microscopy and immunohistochemical examination of 150 thyroidectomy specimens at department of pathology studied in teritiary care hospital over a period of 2years Oct 2019 to Sept 2021. Results: Out of the 150 patients, 138(92%) were females and 12(8%) were males. In present study, majority of the thyroid lesions occurred between the age groups 31-40 years (31.33%) followed by 41-50 years (26%). 30 cases are subjected for CK19 and CD56 IHC. CK 19 staining reveals strong positive expression in 9 cases,which include Classic variant of PTC(2cases),follicular variant of PTC(3cases),undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma(1 case) and multinodular goitre with suspicious papillary carcinoma like areas(2 cases).Lack of CD56 expression (negative) is seen in 10 cases. out of which 8 cases of malignant thyroid lesions - PTC- classic variant(2cases), PTC-follicular variant(3cases), multinodular goiter with microcarcinoma (2cases), undifferentiated thyroid carcinoma(1case) show negative CD56 expression.Conclusion: Classical papillary thyroid carcinoma has typical features on histopathology and does not need any additional Immunohistochemistry markers. IHC helps to differentiate PTC and its variants from other mimicking thyroid lesions to sub classify them accurately.
Research Article
Open Access
Transabdominal Ultrasound in the Preoperative Staging of Carcinoma Stomach
Pages 685 - 694

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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of transabdominal ultrasound in preoperative staging of carcinoma of the stomach with postoperative histopathological findings, which is the reference standard. Methods: This was a hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted among 70 patients with endoscopic biopsy proven carcinoma stomach cases, referred to the department of Radio diagnosis at the Government Medical College Hospital, Thrissur, over a period of one year after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: No T1 cases were detected in this study. The sensitivity for T2, T3 and T4 stages was 92%, 91.7% and 37.5% respectively. Specificity for T2, T3 and T4 stages was 91%, 79.4% and 100% respectively. The sensitivity for N1, N2 and N3 stages was 76.9%, 94.3% and 59.1% respectively. Specificity for N1, N2 and N3 stages was 98.2%, 74.3% and 100% respectively. Cases with metastasis were not included in this study as HPR was unavailable. Conclusion: Transabdominal ultrasound is accurate in the preoperative T staging of carcinoma of the stomach in advanced cases. In this study, the sensitivity for T4 was lower compared to T2 and T3 because most of the cases underwent only palliative procedures and hence were excluded from this study. On the other hand, sensitivity for N3 is lower compared to N1 and N2 because of the limited acoustic window; however, it has high specificity.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Intravenous Clonidine and Intravenous Dexmedetomidine on Intrathecal Hyperbaric Bupivacaine for Lower Limb Surgeries: A Comparative Clinical Study
Pages 677 - 684

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Background: Alpha-2-adrenergic agonists have synergistic action on local anesthetics used in spinal anaesthesia. The objectives of this study was to compare the efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine with clonidine and placebo on sensory and motor blockade duration, and analgesia duration in patients undergoing lower limb surgeries under bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia. Methodology: A total of 90 ASA physical status 1 and 2 patients undergoing lower limb surgeries under spinal anaesthesia were randomized into three groups of 30 each in this prospective randomized controlled study. Group N (placebo group) received 10 ml of intravenous normal saline, group C (clonidine group) received 1μg/kg intravenous clonidine, whereas group D (dexmedetomidine group) received 0.5μg/kg of intravenous dexmedetomidine, all given 10min after administration of spinal anaesthesia with 15mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine. Onset time and regression of sensory and motor blockade and duration of analgesia were recorded. Data was analyzed using analysis of variance or Chi-square test, with value of p<0.05 considered statistically significant. Result: Onset of sensory and motor blocks were similar across the groups, p>0.05. Duration of sensory and motor blocks were longer in dexmedetomidine group (295.7 + 37.3min and 307 + 29min), than clonidine group (187 + 13min and 229 + 31min) or placebo group (123 + 16.4min and 168 +20min), p<0.05. Duration to first postoperative rescue analgesia was longer in dexmedetomidine group (336.3 + 29.3min) as compared to clonidine (252.7 + 33.4min) and placebo(183.7 + 15.2min), p<0.05. Hypotension was significantly more in group D and group C as compared to group N, whereas other side effects were not significant and comparable among the groups. Conclusion: Intravenous dexmedetomidine is superior to intravenous clonidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia for lower limb surgeries to prolong duration of sensory and motor blockade and duration of analgesia with similar side effects.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparison of Bupivacaine, Levobupivacaine, and Ropivacaine, in Subarachnoid Block for Elective Lower Abdominal Surgeries with Regard to Onset and Duration of Sensory and Motor Blockade, Maximum Height of Sensory Block, Time for Two Segment Regression from Highest Sensory Level and Duration of Analgesia
Pages 670 - 676

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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate and compare the effects of bupivacaine 0.5% and levobupivacaine 0.5%, ropivacaine 0.5% in subarachnoid block for elective lower abdominal surgeries with regard to onset and duration of sensory blockade, onset and duration of motor blockade, maximum height of sensory block, time for two segment regression from the highest sensory level and duration of analgesia. Methods: This was a randomized controlled trial carried out at the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, conducted among three groups of 40 subjects each from December 2015 to September 2017. Results: It was found that bupivacaine has a faster onset of action and a longer duration of action, with intense motor block associated with a small amount of hypotension. Levobupivacaine did not have any complications and had similar characteristics like that of bupivacaine except for a slightly slower onset of action and a less intense motor blockade. Though ropivacaine has a slower set of actions, less intensity of motor blockade compared to bupivacaine, it has a shorter duration of action for both sensory and motor blocks, which is more beneficial in day-care procedures without much complications. In our study, bupivacaine, levobupivacaine and ropivacaine showed excellent surgical block, resulting in sensory block that ensures the patient’s wellbeing, while motor block facilitated the surgeon’s work. Conclusion: Levobupivacaine and ropivacaine can be used in parallel to bupivacaine for elective lower abdominal surgeries.
Research Article
Open Access
A cross sectional study of online anatomy teaching in a tertiary medical college in central India
Pages 666 - 669

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Due to advent of technology and internet, teaching too is now largely utilizing these modern devices and internet to impart education to the children. When it was mandatory to keep social distancing and hence avoid regular classes for medical students during the dreadful COVID pandemic, it was decided to teach the 1st year MBBS students online using the technology and the internet. This study aimed at determining if the students found this novel online teaching to be helpful or not. Methodology: A total of 100 1st year MBBS students in a tertiary medical college in central India were included in the study from September 2020 to February 2021 for 6 months. It was an observational study and an informed consent from the students was taken prior to the study. Classes were conducted as usual as per the institutional guidelines and feedback forms were collected after that. Results: Out of total 100 students, 65 were girls and 35 were boys. Average age of the class was 19.2 1.1 years. 85% had used mobile phones and internet for education before and 15% had never used it for education purpose. 75% had a concentration time of 30 minutes. About 50% students faced internet issues and faced moderate disturbance during the classes. 85% used mobile phones for the classes. 60% students opined that such online classes are effective for teaching anatomy while 40% told that it was not effective. Conclusion: The study concludes that currently online classes for the subject like anatomy are not as effective as regular classroom teaching. The factors could be low motivation, technology and internet problems, low attention span etc.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Spectrum of Cns Tumors at a Tertiary Care Center
Pages 661 - 665

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Background: The incidence of Central Nervous System tumors is low in India when compared to western countries. Now a days, the increase in incidence may be due to improved diagnosis with advancement of studies. They have a wide spectrum clinically and histopathologically. Aims And Objectives: This study aims to provide the spectrum of CNS tumors histologically and clinically, along with radiological correlation,To analyse various histological types of Cranial and spinal tumors ,to evaluate age and gender distribution and topography of tumors. Materials And Methods: A retrospective study was performed in the department of pathology, for a period of 18 months.The data and Hematoxylin and Eosin stainedslides were retrieved from the archives, the cases were analysed and graded according to 2021WHO grading system. Results And Conclusion: out of 76 CNS tumors, most common were Intracranialtumors 85.5% (65) cases and Spinal tumors were 14.4% (11) cases. There is male preponderance, 44 cases (57.8%)Majority were in 45 to 60 years. Tumors were more common on right side, 61% (47 cases) and most common location was cerebellopontine angle 13.1.% (10 cases) followed by frontal region 11.8% (9 cases). The most common histological type were Astrocytomas, followed by Meningiomas. WHO Grade I tumors are more common, 24.6% followed by Grade II, 21.7%. Most common tumors inchildren were Medulloblastomas (Grade IV). Three cases ofsecondary deposit from epithelial malignancy were also included in the study.
Research Article
Open Access
Gall Bladder Volume in Correlation with Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Pages 655 - 660

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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder of humans characterized by metabolic abnormalities leading to long term complications involving kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, nerves and blood vessels, thereby causing morbidity and mortality. Human diabetic neuropathy is characterized by dysfunction of somatic and autonomic nervous system. A simple definition it Was recently agreed on at an international consensus meeting. “The presence of symptoms and/ or signs of peripheral nerve dysfunction in people with diabetes after the exclusion of other causes”. Vagal innervation of the heart is essential efferent pathway to sustain this variation which is decreased as age advantage due to lowered vagal tone. Asymptomatic but striking reduction or absence of this variation is observed in autonomic neuropathy. Materials And Methods: Diabetes mellitus patients who have been attending Department of General Medicine, Subbaiah Institute of Medical Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka from January 2022 to December 2022 were taken for study considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This is a cross sectional study. All the Selected patients will be investigated with RBS, FBS, PPBS, HbAIc for glycemic control. Ultrasonography was done to study the fasting gall bladder volume in patients. Cardiac autonomic neuropathy will be assessed clinically by using simple non invasive bed side tests like heart rate variation during to standing, deep breathing. Results: The youngest patients was 41 years old and the oldest was 76 years old. The maximum number of patients were in the age group of 41-50 ( 55%). Mean age in the present study was 52.6 years. In our study 60 (75%) were male and 20 (25%) were female. In the present study the mean gall bladder volume in diabetes with diabetic Severe autonomic neuropathy was 55.8 + 9.9ml and as a whole mean gall bladder volume in persons with autonomic neuropathy was 30.13 ± 18.73ml and the mean gall bladder volume in diabetes without diabetic autonomic neuropathy was 18.5 +5.01ml. P value is <0.05 there is statistically significant correlation between diabetic autonomic neuropathy and Gall bladder volume. Conclusion: The gall bladder volume was significantly higher in diabetic patients with autonomic neuropathy when compared to diabetics without autonomic neuropathy. Diabetic autonomic neuropathy was seen in diabetic patients who had poor glycemic control when compared to those who had good glycemic control. The gall bladder volume was more in diabetic patients with higher age group patients. A definite association of cardiac autonomic neuropathy with cholecystomegaly has been established by our study.
Research Article
Open Access
Role of a Local Antibiotic Delivery System in Orthopaedic Infections
Pages 650 - 654

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Introduction: Bacterial infections are one of the most devastating complications in the field of orthopaedicsurgery.Increasing incidence of open fractures leading to higher infection rates. Infection control can be achieved by meticulous surgical debridement and microbial specific antibiotic administration. Local antibiotic delivery is a way to deliver high concentration of drug locally even to avascular areas that are inaccessible by systemic antibiotics. AIM:The present study was designed to evaluate clinical outcome of orthopaedic infections which are managed by local antibiotic delivery system. Material and methods:This is a prospective study, for a period of 16 months, carried out in 32 patients posted for surgical debridement for bone & joint infections. For evaluation of outcome we used Asepsis wound score, radiological, hematological and microbiological investigations. Results: In the 32 patients analyzed, 21.8% were in age group of 18-30 years ,of which 71.4% had satisfactory outcome. 50 % were in age group of 30-50, of which 81.25% had satisfactory outcome and 28% were > 50 years , of which only 44% had satisfactory outcome. Overall infection was controlled satisfactorily in 68.75 % of patients by usinglocal antibiotic delivery system. In our study most common organism isolated was MRSA (37.5%), Followed by MSSA (31.25%). Conclusion: Systemic antibiotic therapy may not provide a minimum inhibitory concentration for prolonged period and which is further worsened due to decreased blood supply, secondary to scarring. By using local antibiotic delivery system ,we can control infection effectively by delivering high concentration of drug locally. And also, this system decreases the risk of complications due to systemic antibiotics such as end organ failure and GIT side effects.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Clinical, Radiological and Etiological profile of Cranio-Vertebral Junction(CVJ) Disorders at a Tertiary Care Center
Pages 643 - 649

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The cranio-vertebral junction (CVJ) is a complex transition region between base of skull and upper cervical spine. This study aimed to evaluate clinical features, radiological findings and various causes of CVJ disorders. It was a hospital-based prospective observational study from November 2021 to November 2022 in the Department of Radiology, RIMS, Ranchi, a tertiary care hospital of Jharkhand, India. A total of 62 cases were studied. Cranio-vertebral junction anomalies are more common in males than females with a ratio of approximately 1.7:1. Second and third decades are most common ages of presentation making up 19 cases in our study. 16 patients were above the age of 60 years. Most common presenting symptom was neck pain which 26 patients were having as their predominant complaint followed by limb weakness. Developmental anomalies were most common accounting for 51% followed by traumatic (15%) and then degenerative (13.33%). History of trauma was present in 15 patients of which 6 had developmental anomalies which were precipitated by trauma and 9 had history of pure trauma without any underlying developmental anomaly. Atlato-axial dislocation (AAD) was the most common CVJ anomaly seen in almost 60% of patients followed by basilar invagination seen in 36.66%. Os odontoideum is more common in males than females. In all 4 patients of CVJ tuberculosis, one had history of active pulmonary tuberculosis while in rest three there was past history of pulmonary tuberculosis. Rheumatoid arthritis was present in all patients for a duration of more than 5 yrs. AAD was found in all whereas basilar invagination was seen in 2 patients. Radiographs of the cervical spine should be performed 2 years after diagnosis of Rhematoid arthritis(RA) and periodically thereafter. Degenerative changes affecting the cervical spine may mimic CVJ anomalies
Research Article
Open Access
Obstetric and neonatal outcomes after transvaginal cervical cerclage in a tertiary care centre in South India
Pages 637 - 642

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Background: Cervical cerclage reduces the risk of preterm birth in women at high‐risk of preterm birth and probably reduces risk of perinatal deaths. Objectives: To study obstetric and neonatal outcomes in antenatal patients with transvaginal cervical cerclage. Methods: This is an ambidirectional cohort study conducted in Government Medical college, Thrissur for 2 years on 42 antenatal women who underwent transvaginal cervical cerclage,. After written informed consent, data was collected using a semi structured questionnaire at first visit or at time of cerclage and followed up until removal and delivery, all antepartum,intrapartum and neonatal events until discharge were listed. Results: Cervical cerclage in total had a fetalsalvage rate of 73.8%.Elective cerclage had 95.3% take home baby rate, while emergency cerclage had only 50% fetal salvage rate.Comparing Mc Donald and Modified Shirodkar technique, though the latter is associated with more prolongation of gestational age, the difference was not statistically significant. Cerclage was not found to have any maternal complications in this study. Conclusion: Overall cervical cerclage in indicated cases offers good obstetric outcomes in terms of mean prolongation of gestational age at delivery and improved take home baby rates. It is advisable to screen pregnancies at risk of cervical insufficiency and to offer elective cerclage as it gives better results when compared to emergency cerclage.
Research Article
Open Access
Readiness for self-directed learning among undergraduate medical students of North Bengal Medical College, Darjeeling district, West Bengal
Pages 631 - 636

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Introduction: Self-directed learning (SDL) is the practice of learning on one's own initiative and is characterised by the learner's main ownership of the planning, carrying out, and evaluation of the endeavour. To assess whether undergraduate medical students at North Bengal Medical College in Darjeeling district, West Bengal, are ready for self-directed learning, and because medical professionals need to be self-directed learners to maintain lifelong learning in the field of medicine. Methods: This descriptive epidemiological study with cross sectional design was conducted in North Bengal Medical College, located in Siliguri, Darjeeling district. Total 300 undergraduate medical students of North Bengal Medical College from 1st prof to final prof were included in the study after getting consent to participate in the study. The duration of the study was 6 months (August 2019- January 2020). The data was tabulated in Microsoft Excel software and analysed with SPSS V.20 software. Results: In the present study male were 192 (64%) and female were 108 (36%). Total day scholars were 55 (18.3%) and hostellers were 245 (81.7%). Median SDLRS score was 140.63. The mean sores in the three domains of self-management, desire for learning and self- control were 42.76±6.236, 44.67±6.257, and 52.52±7.563 respectively. Females scored higher in all three domains than males. Day scholars scored higher in all the three domains (self- management, desire for self-learning, self-control) when compared with Hostellers. Conclusions: There is need to modify medical education innovation programmes, such as problem-based learning and to emphasize more on self-directed learning rather than on traditional teacher centered learning.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Comparative Single Blinded Observational Study of Preoperative Airway Assessment Techniques by Upper Lip Bite Test and Modified Mallampati Score
Pages 623 - 630

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Background: In a clinical setting assessment of airway needs to be simple and convenient3. There is no single test with absolute accuracy to predict difficult airway2. In our study we assessed airway difficulty in elective surgeries for adults by comparing ULBT and MMS individually as well as in combination to that of Cormack-Lehane grading. Method: The single blinded prospective, comparative and observational study was conducted at SDMCMS& Hospital Dharwad. A total of 150 patients aged 18-60 years of either sex with ASA physical status 1,2&3 who underwent elective surgery under general anaesthesia were included. CL grade 3&4 deemed as difficult laryngoscopy. Diagnostic testing was carried out to compare MMS and ULBT with CL grade in predicting difficult intubation. McNemar test was used to compare difference between diagnostic parameters. P-value less than or equal to 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Demographic data and ASA grades were same for participants. We observed that at 95% Confidence Interval (CI) for ULBT sensitivity (92%), specificity (68%), positive predictive value (93.5%) and negative predictive value (62.96%) was better compared to that of MMS whose sensitivity was 64.8 %, specificity 24%. Also, ULBT had a better accuracy 88% than that of MMS with 58%. Conclusion: Our study and analysis concluded that the upper lip bite test is good option for predicting difficult intubation than Modified Mallampati Score.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Correlation of Biochemical Parameters with RBC Indices in Patients with Anemia
Pages 615 - 622

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Anemia is a major health problem in developing countries like ours’. Although macrocytic anemia constitutes a minor portion among nutritional anemias, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) and Folate deficiency in Indian population is quite prevalent. As the of studies evaluating the relationships of these nutritional parameters with RBC indices in the same group of study participants are limited, we planned this study to study correlation of serum Ferritin, Vitamin B12, Folate with and RBC indices. A case-control study including 100 patients with anemia (Cases) and 100 age and sex-matched subjects without anemia (Controls) was conducted at UPUMS, Saifai, Etawah, Uttar Pradesh. Patients satisfying WHO criteria of anemia were included as cases, while those with history of any factors that are known to alter study parameters were excluded. Estimation of all study parameters was done following standard operating procedures of our laboratory and the results were analysed using appropriate statistical methods. In our study, serum Ferritin (p=0.0001), Vitamin B12 (p=0.0004) and Folate (p=0.0001) deficiency were found to be significantly higher in cases, compared to controls. There was a moderate positive significant (p-value<0.05) correlation of Hb with serum Ferritin in both cases and controls. We also observed a positive significant (p-value<0.05) correlation of MCV with serum Ferritin in both groups. There was also a mild negative correlation of MCV with serum Vitamin B12 and Folate, in both groups of cases and controls. Based on our findings, it may be concluded that Microcytic RBCs on microscopic examination does not necessarily mean serum Ferritin deficiency. It could be a concomitant deficiency of both serum Ferritin and Vitamin B12.
Case Report
Open Access
A Case Report of Eisenmenger Syndrome in Eastern Rajasthan Presenting as Respiratory Failure
Pages 612 - 614

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Eisenmenger Syndrome is a rare constellation of symptoms due to untreated congenital heart disease with right to left shunt and increased pulmonary arterial hypertension. A female of 58 years old came to ER with respiratory failure and upon evaluation found to have Eisenmenger syndrome. Intensive work up concluded in medical management with patient. Eisenmenger syndrome patients’ need to be closely monitored once diagnosed owing to decreased life expectancy.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Cardiovascular Parameters in Different Trimester of Pregnancy
Pages 606 - 611

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Background: Pregnancy is associated with volume overload producing significant vascular and hemodynamic adaptations in cardiovascular physiology. Present study was designed to follow up gradual adaptations in cardiovascular hemodynamics during the course of pregnancy using Doppler echocardiography which is reproducible and noninvasive technique Method: In present prospective study of 120 women, were divided into 2 groups of 60 each: control group & study group (pregnant patient in I trimester, II trimester & III trimester). They were non invasively analysed for cardiovascular function and systemic hemodynamics using echocardiography and compared with control group. The data was analysed using ANOVA for comparison within the group and student’s t- test for comparison between the groups. ‘p’- value < 0.05 was considered to be significant. Results: Mean age and height in control and study groups were comparable. Weight gain was within the expected range with advancement of pregnancy. Heart rate was increased in I and II trimesters with peak rise in III trimester. The difference between control group and study groups was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Systolic blood pressure was slightly decreased in all the trimesters as compared to control group which was statistically not significant. There was gradual increase in SBP from I to III trimesters. Diastolic blood pressure progressively decreased in I and II trimesters and then increased in III trimester. The difference in DBP between control group and I , II trimesters of pregnancy was significant (p<0.05). Systemic vascular resistance progressively decreased with advancement of pregnancy and difference was statistically significant (p <0.05) . Cardiac output is steadily increased in all trimesters of pregnancy with peak at 36 weeks and was statistically significant (p<0.05). It was due to increase in both heart rate and Stroke volume. Ejection fraction also increased in all trimesters .Conclusions: Present study shows significant functional changes in the cardiovascular dynamics during pregnancy. Doppler echocardiography provides an excellent noninvasive method for the evaluation and serial analysis of hemodynamic changes. These results will help in distinguishing abnormal echocardiographic changes from the normal physiologic changes of pregnancy. Therefore maternal echocardiography should be introduced into the antenatal management protocol, which will help to identify women at high risk to developing cardiovascular complications and there by early intervention.
Research Article
Open Access
To Evaluate the Role of Laparoscopic Drainage in Cases of Pyogenic Liver Abscess
Pages 599 - 605

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Background: Laparoscopic drainage of liver abscesses represents an attractive alternative to open surgical drainage. The advantages of laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess include minimal tissue trauma, shorter duration of the procedure, minimal postoperative pain, early ambulation and early return to daily routine. Materials & methods: A prospective study of twenty patients admitted in the Department of Surgery, Government Medical College, Jammu with liver abscess over a period of 12 months, i.e, from 1st November 2019 to 31st October 2020. All the patients were subjected to detailed history and examination and underwent laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess and the outcomes were studied. Results: The maximum number of cases were in the age range of 40-50 years and the male to female sex ratio was 3:1. The most common clinical symptoms in the study group were fever, jaundice, pain and vomiting. 80% of the patients had abscess in the right lobe of liver while 20% had abscess in the left lobe. Mean volume of abscess drained was 176ml. Mean operative time for laparoscopic drainage was 71.8 minutes. The most common causative organism was found to be E.coli present in 65% of the study population. 20% of the patients showed no growth, while 5% demonstrated K. pneumonia and 10% showed polymicrobial growth. 80% of patients showed complete resolution while recurrence occurred in 10%of patients whereas 10% patients were lost to follow up. Intraoperative bleeding occurred in only 5%of the patients. There was a single case of conversion from laparoscopic to open surgery due to the presence of dense adhesions and incomplete aspiration of the abscess. Postoperative complications (lung abscess, pneumonia and port site infection) occurred in 15% of patients. Mean duration of stay at the hospital was 10.2 days. Conclusion: Laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess is a safer alternative to open surgical drainage. Success rate of 80% with minimal morbidity makes the laparoscopic drainage of liver abscess a preferred first line treatment and should be considered invariably in all such patient who are deemed fit to undergo a laparoscopic procedure.
Research Article
Open Access
Predictors of Anatomical and Functional Success of Macular Hole Surgery in the Kashmiri Population
Pages 593 - 598

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Background: In this study, our objective is to investigate the predictive factors influencing the anatomical and functional success of macular hole surgery in the Kashmir population. By analyzing a cohort of patients who underwent macular hole surgery, we aim to explore the preoperative characteristics, surgical techniques employed, and postoperative outcomes that contribute to the success rates in this specific population. Methods: This retrospective observational study was conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology, GMC Srinagar over a period of one year. A total of 70 patients, ranging in age from 45 to 76 years, were included in the analysis. We reviewed their preoperative characteristics, surgical techniques utilized, and postoperative outcomes. Results: Our findings revealed a prominent age group between 51-60 years, comprising 44.3% of the sample, followed by individuals aged 61-70 years, accounting for 31.4% of the cohort. Notably, female patients exhibited a higher representation, constituting 61.4% of the total sample. The duration of symptoms varied widely, ranging from 1 to 15 months, with the majority of patients (67.1%) reporting symptom duration of 1-6 months. Anatomically, Type 1 closure predominated, with an overwhelming majority of cases at 85.7%. Significantly, despite the absence of notable age and gender differences between the Type 1 and Type 2 closures, substantial variations were observed in critical parameters such as hole height, hole form factor (HFF), macular hole index (MHI), tractional hole index (THI), and postoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) between the two closure types. Conclusion: Our study highlights the utmost importance of a comprehensive evaluation that takes into account age, gender, and anatomical characteristics when assessing macular hole patients. These findings provide crucial insights for refining treatment strategies and tailoring interventions to optimize surgical outcomes in this specific population.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Randomised Double-Blind Study of the Effect of Magnesium Sulphate 50 Mg V/S Dexmedetomidine 25 Mcg as an Adjuvant to Epidural 0.5% 15 Ml of Bupivacaine in Patients Posted for Elective Lower Abdominal and Lower Limb Surgeries
Pages 582 - 592

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Background: Postoperative pain is the major cause of fear and anxiety leading to prolonged hospital admission and delayed discharge rates in hospitalized patients. So, to make the patient pain free, multimodal analgesia has been used since long time. Opioids as an adjunct to epidural local anaesthetics by many people, but opioid free analgesia is a major concern in recent times to avoid its respiratory depressant and other adverse effects. Objective: studying non opioid drugs namely α2 agonist dexmedetomidine and magnesium sulphate as an adjunct to epidural bupivacaine and to compare their hemodynamic, sedative and analgesic effects. Methods: A randomized double blinded study was conducted in 60 patients of either sex belonging to ASA class I and II scheduled for elective lower abdominal and lower limb surgeries under epidural anaesthesia. They were divided randomly into two groups (n = 30). After epidural block, test dose was given with 3 ml 2% lignocaine with adrenaline. Both the groups received 15ml 0.5% bupivacaine, group MB received 50mg magnesium sulphate and group DB received 25µg dexmedetomidine. Onset and duration of sensory blockade, motor blockade; time required for first rescue analgesia; Ramsey sedation score; cardiorespiratory parameters and adverse events were recorded. Result: Onset of sensory and motor blockade was rapid: duration of sensory and motor blockade; and the time for rescue analgesic was prolonged with higher sedation in group DB. Cardiorespiratory parameters and adverse effects were comparable between the two groups. Conclusion: Addition of dexmedetomidine to epidural bupivacaine can be advantageous with increased duration of sensory and motor blockade with arousable sedation, acceptable side effects and better patient comfort compared to addition of magnesium sulphate.
Research Article
Open Access
Screening of Anemia by Cutaneous Hemoglobinometry
Pages 578 - 581

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Introduction: Anemia is a prevalent disorder that impacts approximately one-third of the global population, with a majority of affected individuals residing in countries with limited resources. There are various new methods to find out the level of Hb in children which included both invasive and non invasive procedure. The present study was conducted among 5 to 10 year old school children for screening of anemia by Medela pulse oximeter with SpHb and to know its benefits over traditional methods. Material & Methods: A total of 500 subjects were enrolled from outpatient department of pediatrics, Mediciti institute of medical sciences. Children of the age group 5-10 years were considered in the study. Blood samples were collected from the subjects for Hb test-Complete blood Count (CBC) and simultaneously Hb is measured using Pulse oximeter with SpHb probe. Data was collected and result was analysed using SPSS software. Results: Out of total 500 children there were 48 % boys and 52% were girls. The maximum children were of age group 7 to 8 years (43%) and least were in the age group of 5 to 6 years (12%). Those Children examined with Medela pulse oximeter with SpHb probe shows 175 (35%) no anemia (Hb ≥11 mg/dL), 290 (58%) anemic (Hb<11 mg/dL) and 35 (7%) were severe anemia (<7 mg/dL). Children examined through CBC showed 157(31%) no anemia (Hb ≥11 mg/dL), 275(55%) anemic (Hb<11 mg/dL) and 68(14%) severe anemia (<7 mg/dL). Conclusion: All those children who found to have Hb less than 11 on SpHb correlated with CBC Hb by 95%. Those children whose SpHb is above 11 had CBC Hb correlation 90%. This shows that SpHb is effective tool for screening anemia in children and avoiding unnecessary blood pricks for knowing Anemia.
Research Article
Open Access
Non Endoscopic Predictors in Patients with Cirrhosis for Esophageal Varices and Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy: A Hospital Based Study
Pages 569 - 577

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Introduction: With the rising mortality rate, worldwide liver cirrhosis has been ranked as the 13th leading cause of mortality. Portal hypertension is one of the common consequences of liver cirrhosis. Further, portal hypertension has its own complications and the most serious among them is the risk of development of esophageal varices (EV) caused by increased hepatic vascular resistance related to hepatic fibrosis and regenerative nodules. Methodology: A prospective study was carried out at the tertiary care hospital of, MKCG Hospital between September 2019 To November 2021. All patients of cirrhosis of liver without history of gastrointestinal bleed, irrespective of etiology, admitted in the hospital were included in this prospective study. Result: Among the patients studied males predominate the study population with 86% with females accounting for only 14%. Among the study population majority presented with abdominal distension constituting 86% followed by pedal oedema constituting 70%. Among 50 patients studied, cause of cirrhosis was found to be alcoholism in 78% and Non-alcoholic in 22%. Discussion: The platelet count and the spleen size showed the difference among the patients belonging to small varices and larger varices group, respectively. presence of thrombocytopenia and lower PC/SD ratio determine the presence of higher grades of varices and can hence identify the subset of patients who require high priority endoscopy for the prophylactic management of esophageal varices helping in better patient selection.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on diagnostic efficacy of Endoscopic-Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA) in pancreatic and hepatio billiary tract lesions in a tertiary care hospital, in south India
Pages 558 - 568

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Background: The fourth most common cause of death from malignancies, pancreatic cancer is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality. [1] This low survival rate is due to late presentation, vague indications and symptoms, and insufficient diagnostic and treatment options. The effectiveness of treatment approaches can be significantly increased by correctly diagnosing benign and malignant diseases of the pancreas. Objectives: To study diagnostic efficacy of EUS-FNA with importance of cytopathology and correlating with histopathology and biochemical markers. Material & Methods: Study Design: Retrospective Hospital based observational study. Study area: Department of Pathology (Histopathology laboratory), NIMS, Hyderabad. Study Period: January 2019 – December 2022. (3 years) Study population: Sample size: study consisted a total of 172 cases. Sampling method: Simple random method. Study tools and Data collection procedure: Clinical information, results from lab tests, and reports from cytopathology and imaging studies were all retrieved for each patient. To determine the location, size, and features of the pancreatic lesions, imaging reports from sonography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasonography (USG) were analyzed. The location, size, and features of the pancreatic lesions were evaluated using computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Atrained pathologist and a technician from the on-site pathology team assisted with the EUS instruction for each FNA. Results: The mean age of the study subjects was 53.7 ± 13.33 years. Most (52.9%) of the subjectswereintheagegroupof41-60years, followed by 30.8% were in 61–80 years group. Only2.3% were in < 20yearsagegroup.Ourstudyalsohadresultswithsensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of 58.2%, 82.3%, 85%, and 53.5%, respectively. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that EUS-FNA had good sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV in the detection of solid and cystic pancreatic cancer. If necessary, a composite of the EUS-FNA cytology, cell block preparation, and immunohistochemistry results can be used to make the final diagnosis. This information may then be used to guide both surgeons' and oncologists' treatment strategies.
Research Article
Open Access
Pattern of Congenital Heart Disease and Various Epidemiological Factors Associated with it in Pediatric Population in South India
Pages 553 - 557

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Objective: Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital anomaly in newborns and is a significant cause of mortality. The distribution pattern varies with different regions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of CHD among referred pediatric population in south India. Methods: This was a single centre cross-sectional observational study done over a period of one year. A total of 616 infants and children referred with suspected CHD to a tertiary care centre in Kerala, from January to December 2019 were included. They underwent routine clinical examination, pulse oximetry and echocardiography. Results: Among the 616 enrolled subjects, 553 had CHD of which 526 (95%) had acyanotic lesions, 20 (3.6%) cyanotic lesions and 7 (1.2%) non-specified CHD. Among acyanotic CHD, shunt lesions were much common (87%) than obstructive/ regurgitant lesions (13%). Atrial septal defect (ASD) accounted for 54.9% followed by Ventricular septal defect (14.5%) and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) (13.9%). Pulmonary stenosis was the most common obstructive lesion (4.5%). Tetralogy of Fallot was the commonest among cyanotic CHD (2.1%). In 47 (8.4%) cases a combination of simple defects was seen, the commonest being ASD with PDA in 17 (3%) cases. Only consanguinity (2.6% vs. 0.3%, p 0.02) prematurity (16% vs. 4.4%, p 0.0001) and low birthweight (2.65 Kg vs. 2.89 Kg, p 0.001) were significantly associated with CHD. Conclusion: Among a referral pediatric population, ACHDs were far more common than CCHDs. Shunt lesions formed the majority of ACHD. While prematurity, low birth weight and consanguinity were the risk factors associated with CHD, parity, birth order and parental age were not. Inclusion of neonates in the study is one probable reason for the large proportion of shunt lesions like ASD in the study.
Case Report
Open Access
Eisenmenger syndrome in a case of restrictive PDA with Juvenile mitral stenosis
Pages 550 - 552

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Congenital heart disease is related to events occurring in the embryonal stage, while rheumatic heart disease is a sequelae of immune-mediated damage following streptococcal infection. Rheumatic heart disease is a well-known entity in developing world. Congenital heart disease is also common cause of hospital admission. However, coexistence of rheumatic heart disease with congenital heart disease occur rarely. Here we report an unusual case of rheumatic mitral stenosis with restrictive patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension leading to Eisenmenger syndrome in a 13 years old girl. This case highlights the need for careful examination for coexisting rheumatic disease and congenital heart disease. Eisenmenger syndrome could be a presentation of juvenile severe rheumatic mitral stenosis when it is associated with congenital shunt lesion like PDA
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study between Ripasa Scoring System and Modified Alvarado Scoring System in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Pages 546 - 549

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Background: Acute appendicitis is the most common surgically correctable cause of abdominal pain, the diagnosis of which remains difficult in many instances. Some of the signs and symptoms can be subtle to both clinician and the patient. also may not present in all instances. Arriving at the correct diagnosis is essential, however, a delay may allow progression to perforation and significantly increases morbidity and mortality. Incorrectly diagnosing a patient with appendicitis although not catastrophic, often subject the patient to an unnecessary operation. It has been claimed that diagnostic aids can dramatically reduce the number of appendectomies' in patients without appendicitis, the number of perforations, and the time spent in hospital. The methods advocated includes laparoscopy, scoring system, computer programs, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Aims: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of RIPASA and MODIFIED ALVARADO SCORING SYSTEM in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Materials and Methods: We compared prospectively Ripasa and Modified Alvarado Scoring Systemby applyingb them to 94 patients. Bpth scores were calculated for patients who presented with right illiac fossa pain during the study period Depending of radiological evidence, appendicectomy was done. Post-operative hiztopathology report was correlated with the scores. A score of 7.5 is the optimal cut off threshold for RIPASA and 7 for Modified Alvarado Scoring system. The diagnostic accuracy of both the scoring system are compared. Results:-The RIPASA scoring system accurately diagnose 97.8% patients of high probability group (score greater than 7.5), whereas Modified Alvarado Scoring System accurately diagnose 91.4% patients of high probability group(score greater than 7). Conclusion:- RIPASA scoring system is more convenient, accurate, and specific scoring system for Indian population then Modified Alvarado Scoring System.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Study Of Comparison Of Fetal Weight Estimation By Clinical Method And Ultrasound Its Correlation With True Birth Weight In Term Pregnancies.
Tanya Mahindra,
Vandna Singh,
Deepika Anuragi,
Gaurav Akhand,
Tanya Mahindra,
Vandna Singh,
Deepika Anuragi,
Gaurav Akhand
Pages 539 - 545

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Background:Precise determination of fetal weight is crucial in antepartum assessment, impacting the management of high-risk pregnancies and delivery procedures. Various methods, including clinical and ultrasonographic, are employed for estimating fetal weight, yet their comparative accuracy remains debated. This study aims to evaluate the precision of clinical and ultrasonographic methods in estimating fetal weight and their correlation with actual birth weight.Method:A prospective study was conducted involving 70 term pregnant women meeting inclusion criteria. Clinical assessment of fetal weight was performed using Dare's formula, while ultrasonographic estimation utilized Hadlock's formula. Actual birth weight was measured post-delivery. Statistical analysis was conducted using free online available calculators.Result: Clinical and ultrasonographic estimations showed a significant correlation with actual birth weight (p < 0.01). Dare's formula yielded mean birth weight predictions slightly higher than Hadlock's, yet both demonstrated reasonably accurate estimates. Clinical assessment was found to be as precise as ultrasonographic methods for typical birth weights.Conclusion: Clinical assessment of birth weight can serve as a reliable diagnostic tool, particularly in settings with limited access to ultrasound technology. While ultrasonography remains widely accepted, clinical estimation may suffice for managing term pregnancies, with further sonographic assessment recommended for weights below 2,500 g. Implementation of fetal weight estimation as a routine screening protocol is recommended for all pregnant women to enhance perinatal care.
Research Article
Open Access
Study on Bone Mineral Density in Adults with Nephrotic Syndrome
Pages 533 - 538

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Introduction: The nephrotic syndrome is one of the best known clinical presentations of adult or pediatric nephropathy. Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by the association of heavy proteinuria with pedal edema, hypoalbuminemia, and hypercholesterolemia. Aims: To compare and correlate bone mineral density with biochemical parameters like serum calcium, phosphorus, vitamin-D, alkaline phosphatase, albumin and parathyroid hormone, in adults with nephrotic syndrome. Methodology: The study was Cross sectional observational study. The conducted in adult patients with nephrotic syndrome above 18 years of age with no primary bone pathology or metastatic disease. Biochemical parameters were assessed and correlated with bone mineral density by DXA scan of lumbar spine and neck of femur. Fifty patients of command hospital Kolkata (EC) were selected and compared with equal number of age and sex matched controls. All patients were selected from a period of 01 Jan 18 to 31 May 19. All underwent detailed clinical examination and investigations were done at the time of recruitment. Results: DXA scan results in cases of nephrotic syndrome show significantly low BMD for both lumbar spine and neck of femur with mean Z-scores less than -1.0 (P<0.001). Lumbar spine (L1-L4): Low BMD was found in 88 percent cases and 32 percent of controls (P < 0.001). Neck of femur: Low BMD was found in 44 percent cases and 10 percent controls (P<0.001). Cases with normal BMD had statistically significant lower levels of blood urea with mean 23 ± 4.53 mg/dl. Cases with osteopenia and osteoporosis had higher levels of blood urea with mean 54.13 ± 32.4 mg/dl and 66.85 ± 29.64 mg/dl respectively. Cases with normal BMD had higher levels of serum calcium with mean 7.67 ± 1.01 mg/dl. Cases with osteopenia and osteoporosis had serum calcium with mean 7.22 ± 0.88mg/dl and 7.26 ± 0.68 mg/dl respectively. However this comparison did not reach any statistical significance. Conclusion: Adults with nephrotic syndrome are at risk for low bone mineral density. These patients should undergo regular evaluations for mineral bone diseases and appropriate therapeutic interventions should be planned.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Bupivacaine and Ropivacaine in Spinal Anaesthesia in Children for Infraumblical Surgeries a Study of 60 Cases
Pages 528 - 532

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Introduction: Regional anaesthesia is the method chosen for surgeries involving the lower abdomen and lower limb in children. It provides a good alternative to general anaesthesia. This technique is safe and cost effective in day care surgeries. Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of Ropivacaine and Bupivacaine in spinal anaesthesia in children posted for infraumblical surgeries. Materials and Methods: The present study was a prospective randomized study. This Study was conducted January 2022 to December 2022 at department of Anesthesiology, Iqcty medical College nd hospital, Durgapur. Total 30 patients were included in this study. Result: Children who receive spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine have sensory and motor block later than adults. In comparison to bupivacaine, it also exhibits a faster offset of the sensory and motor block with a sufficient quality of block. Children who receive spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine have sensory and motor block later than adults. In comparison to bupivacaine, it also exhibits a faster offset of the sensory and motor block with a sufficient quality of block. Conclusion: Children who receive spinal anesthesia with ropivacaine have sensory and motor block later than adults. In comparison to bupivacaine, it also exhibits a faster offset of the sensory and motor block with a sufficient quality of block.
Research Article
Open Access
A Comparative Study of Intrathecal 0.5% Isobaric Ropivacaine Vs 0.5% Isobaric Bupivacaine in Lower Abdominal Surgeries
Pages 523 - 527

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Introduction: Bupivacaine and ropivacaine have identical PKA values, however ropivacaine is less fat soluble, implying that ropivacaine will block A-alpha fibers more slowly than bupivacaine. Isobaric solution has the extra benefit of not affecting the intrathecal dissemination of local anaesthetic during and after injection. The purpose of this study was to compare the anaesthetic efficacy of intrathecal isobaric ropivacaine 0.5% to isobaric bupivacaine 0.5% in lower abdominal procedures in terms of: 1. Onset and duration of sensory block, 2. Onset, quality, and duration of motor block, and 3. Hemodynamic alterations. Material and Methods: The present study was a Prospective randomized comparative Study. This Study was conducted January 2021 to December 2022 at department of Anesthesiology, Iqcty medical College nd hospital, Durgapur. Total 100 patients were included in this study. Results: Intrathecal isobaric 0.5% ropivacaine causes a delayed onset but identical length of sensory block and a statistically significant shorter duration of motor block. Both groups have identical haemodynamics and block height (highest sensory level). Conclusion: Because of the shorter length of motor blockade and comparable duration of sensory blockade, haemodynamics, and blockade height, 0.5% isobaric ropivacaine is a superior choice for ambulatory anaesthesia.
Research Article
Open Access
A Randomized control study to compare delNido and Saint Thomas cardioplegia solutions in isolated valvular heart surgery
Pages 514 - 522

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Background: The standard cardioplegia solution for adult cardiac surgery, Saint Thomas Hospital solution, has been used for a long time. However, the prolonged cardiac arrest period offered by delNido cardioplegia has generated significant interest. This study aims to compare outcomes and variables in isolated valvular heart surgery using delNido and Saint Thomas cardioplegia solutions. Methods: This randomized controlled study was conducted in the Department of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery at IGMC&H, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Patients requiring heart valve surgery between November 2017 and December 2018 were included. Randomization was computer-generated, and allocation concealment was achieved using opaque sequentially numbered sealed envelopes. Appropriate statistical tests were used to assess associations between variables. Results: The study included 25 patients in each group. Group 1 (control) used Saint Thomas solution, while Group 2 (intervention) used delNido solution. Baseline parameters were similar between the groups. CPB and ACC times were slightly lower in the delNido group (114.48±37.73, 83.56±24.71) compared to the Saint Thomas group (132.64±37.73, 89.20±41.02), but the difference was not statistically significant. Cardioplegia volume was significantly lower in the delNido group. The delNido group required fewer inotropes, had a shorter ICU stay, fewer blood transfusions, and fewer defibrillations post aortic clamp removal, but these differences were not statistically significant. Mean duration of ventilation was higher in the delNido group, but not statistically significant. The delNido group had a significantly lower percentage of patients requiring defibrillation. Cardiac output values showed a significant difference at 72 hours post CPB, with a slight decrease in the delNido group. The interaction and main effect for CKMB levels were not statistically significant, but there was a significant main effect for CKMB values at 24 hours post CPB. Conclusion: Intraoperative and postoperative safety profiles of delNidocardioplegia were found to be similar to those of Saint Thomas cardioplegia in adult MVR/AVR± TV repair procedures.
Research Article
Open Access
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index as a Predictor of the Extent of Coronary Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Events in Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Pages 508 - 513

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Background: Coronary artery disease(CAD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India. We have done this work to study prevalence of symptomatic and asymptomatic PVD in CAD patients undergoing CABG and to study whether low ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) can be used as predictor of morbidity and mortality in CABG. Methods: Descriptive study was done enrolling continuous 80 patients who were referred for coronary artery bypass grafting. On bases of ABPI they were divided into 2 groups, group I included patients of CAD with PAD and group II included patients of CAD without PVD. Syntax score was calculated. Cardiovascular risk factors, intraoperative mortality and myocardial infarction, postoperative complications were studied. Study was performed from March 2013 up to December 2014. Results: 88.75% of patients were males and 11.25% patients were females. Mean age was 55.94±8.42. Smoking and hypertension encountered in 85% and 45.6% of all patients respectively. BMI of >30 was present in 8.75% patients. 36% patients of group I and 35 % patients of group were diabetic. Left anterior descending artery was most commonly involved vessel in 97%. Deranged RFT's were found in 29% and 8% patients in group I and II respectively. Conclusion: ABPI can be useful in assessing both the atherosclerotic risk factors and the degree of coronary involvement. ABPI is a simple and easy tool to diagnose symptomatic and asymptomatic PVD.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of the Clinical Application of Pre-Operative Gamma Glutamyl Transferase for Prognosis in Biliary Atresia Post Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy
Pages 503 - 507

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Introduction: Biliary atresia is a rare disease characterized by an obstructive cholangiopathy of intrahepatic and/or extrahepatic bile ducts. Etiology is unknown. The reported two-year survival rate without any intervention is less than 5%. Early intervention is an important predictive factor for successful patient outcome. Aims: The goal of the present study is to examine the clinical use of serum gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) for early diagnosis and prognostication in biliary atresia following Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy (KHPE). Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study which was conducted at a large tertiary care pediatric referral center. A total of eighty cases were reviewed from March 2020 to April 2022. The GGT levels were obtained pre-operatively. Baseline parameters like age at surgery, outcome and prognosis were evaluated. Results: 80 infants underwent Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy. The age of the infants ranged from 31days to 116 days (median age of 62 days). Out of all the cases, 60% (48/80) had GGT value of <400 IU/L, 40% (32/80) had GGT value of >400IU/L. Low GGT(<400IU/L) group had shorter time to liver transplant and a poorer outcome. Conclusions: A low GGT level in biliary atresia might be associated with early onset of severe liver illness, and poor postoperative course after Kasai Hepatoportoenterostomy. Recent advances in non-invasive test like GGT has shown promise as an effective diagnostic and prognostic marker in biliary atresia.
Research Article
Open Access
Prevalence of Postpartum Depression among Postnatal Women Residing in Rural India
Pages 495 - 502

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Background & Objectives: Postpartum depression (PPD) is defined as presence of depressive symptoms in the postpartum period. A seemingly innocuous disorder, if untreated can lead to foeticide or maternal suicide. Furthermore, there is currently no screening tool designated for use in clinical practice and no data are routinely collected on the proportion of perinatal women with postpartum depression. Hence the current study is taken to accurately estimate the burden of postpartum depression using valid tool. To assess the prevalence of postpartum depression among postnatal mothers in rural India Methods: A cross-sectional study was done among the 110 postnatal mothers attending immunization clinics and general OPD in the field practice area of department of Community Medicine, GMC, Srikakulam. Modified EPDS scale validated in local language was used to collect data. Results: The mean age of the mothers 23.7 ±2.6 ,most(42.7%) of them were intermediate educated and upper lower class(70%) of SES. The prevalence of possible depression (score ≥10) is 19.1% and the prevalence of Depression of varying severity (score >13) is 10%. Post partum depression is associated with age, SES, type of delivery, immediate outcome of delivery. Conclusion: EPDS tool can be effectively used to screen post partum depression at primary health care level.
Research Article
Open Access
Tetralogy of Fallot with pulmonary stenosis - With high RV/LV pressure Management strategy in a Tertiary Care center – An Indian Scenario
Pages 485 - 494

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Background: The management strategy of patients with significant intraoperative high pRV/LV ratio in Tetralogy of Fallot with PS remains a considerable debate. The traditional thinking is that an intraoperative pRV/LV in excess of 0.70 is not acceptable and revision of RVOT repair with TAP is advised -as post op RVOTO is undesirable and not well tolerated. Postoperative pulmonary insufficiency is well tolerated and that only very significant RV dilation is problematic is also a debatable concept. In the current era with evolving concepts, efforts are made to avoid ventriculotomy and or TAP in order to preserve biventricular function. Preserving pulmonary valve integrity offers a better long-term prognosis, despite a risk of residual stenosis. Objectives: We sought to analyse the need for revision of RVOT repair (Dynamic / Fixed RVOTO), early survival and perioperative complications, and morphologic risk factors to determine their effects on outcomes in patients with significant intraoperative high pRV/LV pressure ratio. Methods: ToF with pulmonary stenosis operated between October 2013 to December 2015 with high pRV/LV ratio intraoperatively >/=0.70 were chosen for the study. Results: Out of a total of 178 patients of TOF with PS, 62 patients had pRv/Lv>/= 0.70. Mean pRv/Lv was 0.82 with 4 patients having ratio >1. 6 patients underwent re RVOT resection and post revision pRv/Lv was mean 0.60. 16 patients continued to have high pRv/Lv and unstable hemodynamics. Revision surgery was performed with Trans annular patch insertion. 40 patients did not undergo revision and high ratio was accepted. Mean RvOT gradient of these patients intra op was 48.2+/-12.6. The mean RVOT gradient showed significant decrease at 12 hour and 24 hour post surgery interval. Mean RVOT gradient at 12 hours post surgery was 34 .6 +/- 8.2 and 23.5 +/-6.3 at 24 hours after surgery in patients who didn’t undergo TAP. So 40 patients did not undergo revision and high ratio was accepted. 65 % of such patients could be managed with RA / RA-PA approach without performing a Trans annular patch. Conclusions: Pulmonary valve annulus sparing procedure in ToF with PS patients with pRV / LV ratio >/= 0.70 can be accepted with less morbidity and mortality if Pulmonary annulus > -2, tricuspid Pulmonary valve, RVOT resection is adequate, RVEDP is not high, less ionotropic support and no residual lesions. It may be due to Dynamic RVOTO.
Case Report
Open Access
Rare Cases of Puerperal Uterine Inversion
Pages 480 - 484

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Uterine inversion is a rare event, out of which chronic puerperal uterine inversion is rarest of all, with only handful of cases reported in literature. We reported two such cases of chronic uterine inversion and one case of acute uterine inversion in our practice of 10 years which were promptly diagnosed and managed surgically .Our 1st case was 34 years old p2l2 lady with history of irregular bleeding per vaginum and heaviness in lower abdomen since last 3 months after delivery of her 2nd child ,which was delivered at home in absence of trained birth attendant .2nd case was p1l1 lady which was attended in OPD as a case of irregular uterine bleeding with heaviness in lower abdomen and something coming out per vaginum on straining ,she also gave history of history of post-partum hemorrhage after delivery of her baby 5 months back and 1 unit of blood transfusion in some peripheral center. Both these patients were examined, and a differential diagnosis of uterine inversion and cervical polyp was made for which they were investigated, and an USG followed by MRI was done which confirmed the diagnosis of uterine inversion.3rd case was a patient with acute uterine inversion after home delivery were the diagnosis was made clinical. All these patients were immediately taken up for laparotomy and surgical correction was done by Haultain’s method and uterus was preserved.
Research Article
Open Access
Aerobic Bacteriological Study of Cystic Fibrosis Patients with Special Reference to Non Fermenters
Pages 474 - 479

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Introduction: Cystic fibrosis is a life-shortening disease of young children but it has been present in adults in recent days. Studies on epidemiology and microbiota of cystic fibrosis from the southern part of India are very few. So we tried to project the data of bacteria responsible for pulmonary exacerbations in cystic fibrosis patients and their antibiotic sensitivity. Materials and Methods: A total of 75 samples were collected from confirmed cystic fibrosis patients attending outpatient clinical departments and were processed for culture and sensitivity according to CLSI protocols. ESBL and MBL production among non fermenters were detected using antibiotic discs using modified Kirby bauer method. Results: Out of all isolated pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were 29 (40.8%), 15 (21.1%) isolates were Klebsiella pneumoniae, 12 (16.9%) Staphylococcus aureus, 7 (9.8%) Candida albicans, 4 (5.6%) Enterobacter cloacae, 2 (2.8%) Burkholderia cepacia, and 2 (2.8%) Burkholderia species. Out of 29 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates 68.9% showed ESBL production and 17.2% showed MBL production. All the Burkholderia cepacia tested were ESBL and MBL producers. 100% and 50% of Burkholderia species expressed ESBL and MBL enzymes respectively. Conclusion: Co-existence of S.aureus and P.aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients is still a matter of debate. Many hypotheses including the present study concluded that microorganisms are antagonistic invitro after a prolonged co-existence.
Research Article
Open Access
A Cadaveric Study of Perforating Branches of Posterior Tibial Artery in Lower Third of Leg Used for Reconstruction of Foot Flaps
Pages 468 - 473

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Background: In diabetic foot, in case of lacerated wound in lower leg or in case of non healing ulcers in distal part of lower extremity it is very difficult to fill the wound gap. It is because of the area around malleolus and foot, the skin is very tight. Moreover, in between the bones and the skin mainly we are getting muscle tendons without any proper fleshy muscle bulk. so muscular flaps are less available to cover the wound. So based on fascio cutaneous or cutaneous flap generally the repairs were done in the region of lower third of leg. Perforator branches from Posterior tibial artery are the preferred solution in these cases to construct a proper flap. so we have tried to find out details of the perforator arteries based on posterior tibial artery in a cadaveric study. Materials and method: In a dissection based study we have dissected both of the lower limbs of total 10 cadavers. So total samples were 20 posterior tibial artery and their perforators in lower third of leg. Among them 8 were male and 2 were female. All of them were adult cadavers which were properly embalmed. It is a cross sectional study, where we had dissected a cadaver once and collected all of the data once. Result: Out of 20 samples from 10 cadavers, we got among 16 samples, 80% of the fascio cutaneous perforators were Bilateral symmetrical regarding their number and position. Most of the perforators are present within 7-10 cm distance from medial malleolus. Number of perforators in each leg were 3-5. Conclusion: posterior tibial artery perforator based flaps are of high Success rate if we exclude the risk factors. So with proper knowledge of perforators from PTA would help the surgoens to properly care the wounds around ankle and foot. There is probability of racial variation on which more extensive researches are needed.
Research Article
Open Access
Prospective Randomised Interventional Study Comparing Safety and Efficacy of Clear Fluids until 3 Hours before Surgery Compared to 6 Hours of Starvation Before and after Minor Surgical Procedures
Pages 460 - 467

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Background: In this study, we wanted to compare the safety and efficacy of clear fluids until 3 hours as compared to 6 hours of starvation before and after minor surgical procedures. Materials And Methods: This was a hospital based prospective randomized comparative interventional study conducted among patients age group of 18 to 60 years of either sex who presented with minor surgeries to the Department of Surgery, ENT, Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Ophthalmology after obtaining clearance from institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: The sense of wellbeing parameters in the starvation group that were not statistically significant were dizziness, anxiety, nausea or loss of appetite, headache and weakness than the clear fluid group at 3 and 6 hours of starvation post operatively. The difference was statistically significant with regard to thirst and dryness of mouth. Conclusion: Wellbeing parameters were significantly improved in patients who were given clear liquids before surgery and after surgery and significance reduced as fluids replaced over time.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of quality of life in females with low back pain and radiculopathy: A descriptive study
Pages 455 - 459

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Background and Objectives: Low back pain with radicular symptoms is a prevalent musculoskeletal disorder and a leading cause of disability. Radicular back pain affects multiple nerve roots, resulting in pain, sensory loss, and motor dysfunction. Assessing the quality of life (QOL) provides valuable insights into the impact of health conditions and treatment outcomes. Low back pain significantly interferes with QOL and work performance. This study aimed to analyze the QOL in female patients with low back pain and radiculopathy. Materials and Methods: An observational study was conducted on 404 patients and healthy individuals at a medical college in India. The SF-36 questionnaire, which measures eight scores representing physical and mental components, was used to assess QOL. Results: Results from 364 eligible patients revealed significantly lower mean PCS and MCS scores compared to the normative population, indicating poorer QOL among low back pain patients. Conclusion: In conclusion, patients with low back pain and radiculopathy experience a diminished QOL compared to individuals without this condition. Therefore, efforts should be made to enhance patient care, focusing on improving QOL, as this aspect remains relatively unexplored.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study on Evaluation of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Based on Palm-Coein Classification in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Pages 447 - 454

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Background: In gynecology, abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common symptom. AUB has been shown to affect 10-35% of women at some point in their lives (1). The prevalence of abnormal uterine bleeding in the United States is 53 per 1000 between the ages of 18 and 50, with a mean menarche age of 12 years and a mean menopause age of 51 years (2,3).
1. To study the various etiopathological factors responsible for abnormal uterine bleeding in women ages 20-55 years.
2. To evaluate the contributing aetiologies, common presentations, diagnosis, evaluation and management of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) on PALMCOEIN approach.
Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based observational study. Study area: Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, GSL Medical College, Rajamahendravaram, Andhra Pradesh. Study Period: 1 year. Study population: All cases of abnormal uterine bleeding with complaints of menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, polymenorrhea and menometrorrhagia in the age group 20-55 years. Sample size: Study consisted a total of 100 subjects. Sampling Technique: Simple Random technique. Study tools and Data collection procedure: The study population included a total number of 100 women of reproductive age group who were admitted with complaints of abnormal uterine bleeding in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, GSL Medical College, Rajamahendravaram. The demographic details were noted, and a structured history of previous and current menstrual history, history of contraception use and medical/surgical history was followed by general, physical, systemic and gynaecological examination. Results: Of the study group 61% of the cases presented with heavy menstrual bleeding followed by 11% of the cases with dysmenorrhoea along with menorrhagia. Intermenstrual bleeding is seen in 10% of the cases and the remaining cases were presented in association with AUB such as 7%of the cases presented with mass per abdomen while 4% of the cases presented with mass per vagina and urinary retention respectively. 2% of the patients presented with white discharge and HMB while 1% of the cases presented with white discharge and dysmenorrhoea. Conclusion: To conclude, the use of the objective PALM-COEIN system allows for faster and more efficient diagnosis and treatment planning than the traditional terminology system based on patient and clinician perception, which is relatively difficult to use and difficult to determine the cause of AUB with.
Research Article
Open Access
To Study the Clinicopathological and Radiological Aspects of Various types of liver abscess; A Retrospective Study from a Tertiary Hospital Centre
Pages 441 - 446

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Background: Liver abscess is a global health concern with diverse etiologies, including bacterial, parasitic, fungal, or mixed infections. This study aimed to comprehensively investigate the clinicopathological and radiological aspects of various types of liver abscesses in a tertiary hospital center. Material & Methods: A retrospective analysis of 60 patients with liver abscesses was conducted from August 2022 to July 2023. Clinical presentations, laboratory findings, imaging characteristics, microbiological profiles, and abscess volumes were assessed. Liver abscesses were categorized based on ultrasound findings. Data were analyzed descriptively. Results: Fever (76.67%) and upper abdominal pain (66.67%) were the predominant symptoms. Leucocytosis (>11000/mm³) was observed in 63.33% of cases. Escherichia coli (15%) and Klebsiella (10%) were common isolates. Most abscesses (55%) presented with right upper quadrant tenderness. Ultrasound-guided aspiration facilitated diagnosis, revealing amoebic, pyogenic, and fungal abscesses. Abscess volumes ranged from 100-600 cc. Conclusion: Liver abscesses present with diverse clinical features and microbiological profiles. Diagnostic imaging, especially ultrasound, plays a crucial role in characterizing abscesses. The study underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for accurate diagnosis and management.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of Chest Radiography Findings with The Method of Microbiological Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Pages 437 - 440

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Among the top 10 causes of death globally is tuberculosis. Chest radiography and sputum microscopy are the 2 basic investigations that are done to diagnose a case of pulmonary tuberculosis. Sputum CBNAAT is next diagnostic method of choice in sputum smear negative cases. The purpose of this study was to assess the link between chest radiography findings with method of microbiological detection. This study included 200 microbiologically confirmed cases of pulmonary tuberculosis that were diagnosed with either sputum microscopy (spontaneously produced or induced sputum) or sputum CBNAAT. Chest radiography findings were categorised based on type and location of lesions and extent of disease. Most common radiographic abnormality was consolidation, 61% of these were diagnosed on microscopy of spontaneously produced sputum. 70% patients of cavitary lesions and 80% with abscess were diagnosed on microscopy. Diagnostic yield of microscopy was less in lymphadenopathy and those with minimal lesions on chest radiography. All cases of miliary pattern (n=4) were detected on sputum CBNAAT. Sputum microscopy is fairly easy and sensitive method of diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. With microscopy, patient can be diagnosed and started on treatment in single visit to healthcare facility. Sputum CBNAAT is more sensitive technique but due to requirement of higher expertise and specialized equipment, it’s not available at most of the peripheral centres. Sputum CBNAAT is the next diagnostic method of choice for sputum smear negative cases but due to unavailability, either sample or patient is to be transferred to higher centre which further delays the diagnosis and initiation of treatment. Apart from paediatric and HIV/AIDS patients, we suggest that sputum CBNAAT should be used for diagnosis of cases with miliary pattern and minimal involvement to shorten the time to diagnosis and initiation of treatment.
Research Article
Open Access
Serum Cortisol Level as A Biomarker in Predicting the Severity of Stroke
Pages 432 - 436

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Background: A number of clinical and radiological indicators can reliably detect the prognosis of a stroke. Improved biomarkers for predicting prognosis in acute ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke are still elusive. Aims and Objective: The present study was aimed to observe whether serum cortisol acts a biomarker in predicting the severity of stroke. Materials and Methods: A prospective study performed among 50 patients with ischemic in Group A and 50 patients with hemorrhagic stroke in Group B. The random serum cortisol of these patients was compared with the NIHHS score. Results: Incidence of hypertension was significantly higher in group B than group A (72% vs. 38%; P<0.0001). Both systolic and diastolic BP were significantly higher in group B in comparison to group A (P<0.001). Severity of stroke was significantly higher in group B in comparison to group A (P<0.001). Mean cortisol levels were significantly more in group B in comparison to group A (P<0.001). Also, a statistically significant correlation with raised serum cortisol levels and the severity of stroke irrespective of type of stroke was observed. Conclusion: The study revealed that serum cortisol can be used as a biomarker for the prediction of severity of stroke.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Intrathecal versus Intravenous Dexmedetomidine as an Adjuvant to Hyperbaric Bupivacaine in Subarachnoid Block for Lower Limb Surgeries: A Comparative Clinical Study
Pages 425 - 431

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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of intrathecal vs. intravenous dexmedetomidine on the duration of sensory and motor blockage and analgesia in patients having lower limb procedures while under bupivacaine spinal anaesthesia. Methods: This was a hospital based prospective comparative randomized study conducted among 90 patients who were scheduled to undergo lower limb surgeries under sub-arachnoid block at Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore, from February 2021 to September 2022 after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: The mean time for onset of sensory blockade was 1.24 ± 0.44 min and motor block was 1.38 ± 0.39 min in group IT, 1.40 ± 0.54 min and 1.49 ± 0.51 min respectively in group IV. The onset of motor blockade was significantly faster in the intrathecal group compared to the intravenous group (p < 0.001). The mean duration of sensory blockade was 295.11 ± 38.88 min in group IT and 251.78 ± 46.19 min in group IV. The mean duration of the motor block was 307.78 ± 30.74 min in group IT and 263.11 ± 47.62 min in group IV. The duration of sensory and motor blocks was significantly higher in the intrathecal group when compared to the intravenous group (p<0.001). The mean duration of analgesia was significantly longer in group IV (p<0.001). Conclusion: Intrathecal dexmedetomidine is a better alternative to intravenous dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine intrathecally, as it provides good quality intraoperative and post-operative analgesia under stable hemodynamic conditions with minimal adverse effects.
Research Article
Open Access
Association of Serum Lipid Profile and Body Mass Index with Diabetic Retinopathy in Type II Diabetes Mellitus – A Cross Sectional Study
Pages 419 - 424

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Background: Numerous studies have been conducted to deduce the association of serum lipid abnormality and BMI with diabetic retinopathy with inconsistent results. With a high prevalence rate of diabetes mellitus in India, diabetic retinopathy is emerging as a frequent cause of acquired blindness. Hence, the present study was conducted to assess the association of serum lipid level and BMI with different grades and severity of Diabetic Retinopathy, to facilitate future research towards preventive measures. Methods: 150 diabetic patients with retinopathy (Group I) were compared with age and sex matched 150 diabetic patients without retinopathy (Group II). All patients were assessed for serum lipid profile & BMI. Detailed fundus examination was done by indirect ophthalmoscope and 90D lenses after mydriasis with 0.8% tropicamide and 5% phenylephrine eye drops and the findings were documented by photography. Statistical analyses were performed using statistical software R version 3.5.1. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation for quantitative data and Pearson’s Chi-square test and t-test were used for qualitative data. P value < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Patients with DR (Group I) were associated with higher TCL, LDL and TG than without DR (Group II). Significant positive correlation was observed between total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and severity of DR. No significant association was seen between TG and severity of DR. A significant negative correlation was observed between HDL and severity of DR. There was no significant association between BMI and severity of DR. Conclusion: Increased levels of total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, and decreased level of HDL are associated with higher incidence and increased severity of DR as well as CSME, with the exception of high TG level. However, no significant association between higher BMI and severity of DR was observed. Further studies are required to strengthen the establishment of the causal relationship of these factors with diabetic retinopathy, so that appropriate treatment guidelines can be formulated to mitigate the risk of development of DR.
Research Article
Open Access
Comprehensive Clinical Analysis of Non-Malignant Laryngeal Lesions: Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment
Pages 405 - 418

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Aim Of Study : Clinical study over a period of 2 years, to analyze the demographics such as age, sex, occupation, site of lesion, symptomatology and prognosis of the most frequent benign lesions of larynx. Material & Methods : The present study “clinical study of benign lesions of larynx” has been carried out in the department of ENT, NRI medical college, Chinakakani over a period of 2 years. During this period patients who presented with hoarseness of voice were evaluated and 52 patients with benign lesions of larynx were included in the present study after taking their consent. Conclusion: Human voice is an extraordinary attainment, which is capable of conveying not only complex thoughts but also subtle emotions. In our present study, it is seen that benign lesions of larynx were more common in males, maximum incidence between 41-50 years. Teachers among males and housewives among females most effected. Right vocal cord polyp was the most common lesion apart from vocal cord polyp (bilateral and unilateral), Reinke’s edema as least. Vocal abuse was a strong predisposing factor in all the cases included in the study others being upper respiratory tract infection, smoking and alcohol consumption. Hoarseness of voice was the most common clinical presentation, foreign body sensation in the throat, vocal fatigue, difficulty in breathing were the other clinical presentations. Definitive treatment of microlaryngeal surgery and voice rest was advised to the patients with vocal cord nodules and vocal cord polyp and the same was executed in those patients were consent for surgery was given.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Lipid prolife and Blood Pressure in Obese and Non-Obese patients –A Comparative study
Pages 398 - 404

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IBackground: The prime challenge of physicians in 21st century is cardiovascular disease (CVD). Cardiovasculardisease principally ischemic heart disease and stroke are the leading cause of mortality and majordisability in the world. The most important modifiable risk factors of CVDs are dyslipidemia, obesity and hypertension. The effects of unhealthy diet and physical inactivity include abnormal blood lipids, obesity and hypertension. Objective: To evaluate & correlate the pattern of lipid profile & blood pressure in obese & non-obese patients. Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on a database of 180 adults who received routine health screening. Subjects (n=180) include both male and female age between 20- 50 years who were willing to participate in the study, having body mass index (BMI) > 18.5 kg/m2,were considered. Subjects who are known case of obesity secondary to hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome, hypothalamic disease, pregnant, congestive cardiac failure, renal failure, cirrhosis withascites and those on lipid lowering drugs or any drugs affecting lipid metabolism were also excluded. Subjects who are on antihypertensive drugs were also excluded. Statistical analysis: The data are expressed in numbers as means ± SD. The t test was used to compare continuous variables, such as obesity indicators and biochemical parameters, between the two groups. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 26.0 (SPSS Inc.,). A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Result: Blood pressure was elevated in Gr-III as compared to Gr-I+II (p<0.001). Serum Cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL were elevated in Gr-III as compared to Gr-I+II (p<0.001).HDL was decreased in Gr-III compared Gr-I+II (P<0.001). In our study shows comparison of lipidprofile parameters and blood pressure parameters between nonobese (Gr-I+II) and obese subjects(Gr-III). Elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL in Gr-III as compared to Gr-I+II. It also shows elevated blood pressure parameters in Gr-III compared to Gr-I+II. Conclusion: Obese persons are prone to develop elevated serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and VLDL cholesterol as compare to non-obese. There is a positive correlation of serum cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and VLDL level with body mass index in this study, and there is negative correlation of serum HDL level with body mass index. The mean values of blood pressure parameters are more in obese subjects as compared to non-obese subjects.
Research Article
Open Access
Comparative study of Antipsoriatic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Nigella Sativa with Tazarotene in Propranolol Induced Psoriasis in Guinea Pigs
Pages 378 - 388

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Introduction: Psoriasis is a common, chronic auto- immune disorder affecting a significant proportion of the population. It frequently affects the skin, musculoskeletal system, the gastrointestinal system and the eye, and is characterized by itchy red patches with scales which tend to flare in a cyclical manner. Due to the inexistence of a standardized cure for the disease, and the unsatisfactory results with the conventional drugs and treatments in use owing to the side effects and the development of drug resistance, 95% ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa was evaluated for its antipsoriatic activity. Aim: To evaluate the Antipsoriatic Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Nigella Sativa in Propranolol Induced Psoriasis in Guinea Pigs. Materials and methods Study was conducted in the central animal house in Government Thoothukudi Medical College, Thoothukudi between December 2021 and March 2022 after receiving approval by Institutional Animal Ethical Committee of Government Thoothukudi Medical College, Thoothukudi, dated – 07/06/2019. 12 guinea pigs were divided into 3 groups, with 4 animals in each group. All the three groups received 0.1mg of 1% propranolol orally on a daily basis, for 14 days. In addition to it, they also received intradermal injections 2mL of Complete Freund’s Adjuvant(CFA) once a week for two weeks. After the induction of psoriasis, Group 1 was used as positive control. Group 2 was given standard drug 0.1% Tazarotene topically for 14 days, and Group 3 was given 95% ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa applied topically for 14 days. The psoriasis severity was calculated using the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) before and after the use of the drugs, and the antipsoriatic action of the ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa was assessed by using Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test to analyse the association between the variables with p value less than 0.05 was taken as significant. Results: Considering day 14 to be the cut off for assessing the changes in the lesion, Group 1 animals did not show any reduction in the area or severity of lesions. The group 2 animals which were treated with Tazarotene showed a rapid decline in the psoriasiform lesions with an average PASI score reduction from (5.5 to 1.5). Considering day 14 to be the cut off for assessing the changes in the lesion, Group 3 animals after being treated with topical ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa showed an appreciable reduction in the severity of the lesion with an average PASI score reduction from 5.5 to 3.25. The erythema, induration, desquamation and the surface area of the lesions were considerably diminished. Conclusion The ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa was found to have a significant antipsoriatic effect on the induced lesion, when compared with control group.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Ldh as Cardiac Markerin Cad Disease at Mamvakheda, Udaipur
Pages 374 - 377

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Several emerging evidences have documented cardiovascular disease arise due to multifactorial causes with elevated diagnostic serum levels such as Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). LDH could be a useful marker of systemic inflammation, as it is a cytoplasmic enzyme that is widely expressed in tissues. As elevated LDH levels reflect cardiac damage and is used to diagnose acute myocardial infarction, valve heart disease, heart failure, and coronary heart disease, therefore, present study was aimed to evaluate the serum LDH levels in the pathogenesis of CAD. Present study was carried out at Manva kheda, Udaipur, Rajasthan, from 2013 to 2014on 100 patients suffering from myocardial infarction and for comparative study 50 controls were included after check-up at our hospital and after explaining about the examination, a signed informed consent was obtained. So from all the participants 5ml of blood was obtained and serum was extracted for further LDH analysis. It was observed that, total mean age of controls and patients is 54.64 ± 7.75 and 57.36 ± 11.96 years respectively. LDH level was 157.74 ± 23.11. Males had 158.08 ± 23.37 and females had 156.40 ± 23.16 U/L. With biochemical parameters done on MI Patients, the value of LDH was 317.25+36.91 U/L. The males had 316.71+41.53 and females had 318.88+17.21. The t and p value of patients (male) and control (male) was statistically highly significant with 26.20; P<0.001 and t and p value of patients (female) and control (female) was also statistically highly significant 20.08; P<0.001.Hence, concluded that, LDH in myocardial infarction revealed increased serum levels for all patients with myocardial infarction and remained to be a significant marker in predicting MI.
Research Article
Open Access
To study the number of Y chromosomes and level of aggression in the criminals and their correlation with height
Pages 363 - 367

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Background: Extra Y chromosome was found to cause more aggression with a ratio 1:28 in case of violent and aggressive males. The present study was done to see the level of aggression and number of Y chromosomes in the taller male prisoners of Ambala Central Jail. Material &Methods: The Buss and Perry questionnaire along with certain demographic factors was used to estimate the level of aggression in the male prisoners. Buccal smear staining and conventional karyotyping method was used to see the presence of extra Y chromosome. Results: The aggression score was found highest in the tallest group of males and no extra Y chromosome was found in the prisoners. Conclusions: The aggression score was found increasing with the height. So, a correlation was found between height and aggression.
Research Article
Open Access
To Study the Obstetrics out come in Patients with Previous spontaneous abortions
Pages 359 - 362

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Background: The study aimed to know the adverse pregnancy outcome in patients with previous spontaneous abortions. Material and methods: The present prospective observational study was conducted on 80 patients of age between 18 to 40 years with a history of one or more spontaneous abortions irrespective of the period of gestation. A detailed history of each patient including details of the present pregnancy, previous pregnancy, and previous abortion was obtained. All the routine examination was done and patients were followed up till delivery and obstetrics outcomes were noted. Results: The majority of women were belonged to 21-30 years of age (82.6%).30% of subjects were from socioeconomic class IV followed by 27.5%, 18.8%, 12.5%, and 11.3% of patients belonged to socioeconomic class III, II, I, and V respectively. Moreover, 56.25% and 20% of women were gravida 3 and 2 respectively. The maximum number of study subjects (78.75%) had one previous abortion whereas 17.5% and 3.75% of women had two and three previous abortions respectively. In 77.6% of women, the type of delivery was LSCS followed by in 11.3% of patients it was FTVD. The most common intrapartum complication was foetal distress (17.5%) followed by intrapartum haemorrhage (5%), followed by prolonged labour (3.7%). In 75% of cases foetal outcomes were abnormal this including low birth weight, prematurity, meconium stained liquor, intrauterine growth restriction, intrauterine death, and tachypnoea. Previous spontaneous delivery was found to be significantly associated with type of delivery and foetal outcomes (P<0.05). Conclusion: Pregnancy with previous spontaneous abortion are associated with the adverse pregnancy and foetal outcomes. The maternal and foetal complications can be overcome by providing proper antennal care.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of Serum AST as Cardiac Marker in CAD at Manva Kheda, Udaipur
Pages 355 - 358

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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are major contributors to global burden of chronic diseases with 29.3% of global deaths and 9.9% of total disease burden. The diagnosis of the Myocardial infarction (MI) was based upon the electrocardiogram (ECG) and even if not indicated then different cardiac marker for example Serum Aspartate Transaminase (AST)was done for the confirmation of MI. Therefore, the present study was conducted on 50 normal and 100 patients suffering from myocardial infarction attending /admitted to various wards of Manva kheda, Udaipur. Patients with known cases of Diabetes mellitus and obese person were also included in study. The diagnosis of MI was confirmed by ECG changes and cardiac biomarkers. Controls were 50 normal healthy age and sex matched individuals without any major illness and not on any medications. 5 ml blood sample was obtained from both the groups and was subjected to centrifugation for serum separation and appropriate test analysis was performed. The total mean age of controls and patients is 54.64 ± 7.75 and 57.36 ± 11.96 years respectively. The value of serum AST was 25.76 ± 5.82, in which males had 26.08 ± 5.28 and females had 24.5 ± 7.82 IU/L. With biochemical parameters done on MI Patients, AST was 79.51+23.06. The males had 81.57+23.89 and females had 73.32+19.51 IU/L. The t and p value of patients (male) and control (male) was statistically highly significant with 19.25; P<0.001 and t and p value of patients (female) and control (female) was also statistically highly significant 10.57; P<0.001. Hence, concluded that, ASTin myocardial infarction revealed increased serum levels for all patients with myocardial infarction and remained to be a significant marker in predicting MI.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Factors Affecting and Outcomes in Difficult Total Knee Arthroplasty
Pages 348 - 354

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Background This prospective observational study was undertaken to look into the factors that affect the outcome of total knee arthroplasty and the short-term results of total knee replacements in complex knee pathologies. Methods This prospective observational study was conducted between 2021 and 2023 at Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad. A consecutive series of 12 total knee arthroplasties was performed on 12 patients at our institute using PFC Sigma endoprosthesis. The patients were assessed clinically and radiologically using the INSALL scoring system. Results The average pre-operative range of motion (flexion) was 45˚, with a highest of 120˚ and a lowest of 0˚. The average post-operative flexion was 102˚, with a highest of 130˚ and a lowest of 90˚. The average extension lag preoperatively was 18˚, and the average postoperative extension lag was less than 10˚. The average pre-operative knee score was 64.84, with the highest score of 91 and the lowest score of 40. The majority of the patients had a score in the range of 51–100. The average post-operative knee score was 136.84, with the highest score of 160 and the lowest score of 120. A majority of the patients had an improvement in score in the range of 101–150. At 6 months, follow-up relief was excellent in most patients; only 10 patients had anterior knee pain, and all the patients were able to walk more than 50 blocks post-operatively without any walking aid. Conclusion Determining the factors resulting in a difficult knee helps in formulating an appropriate surgical approach, which results in a better functional outcome following total knee arthroplasty.
Review Article
Open Access
Systematic Review of Anxiety and Depression as Predictors of Cardiovascular Outcomes Post-Myocardial Infarction
Pages 340 - 347

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Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disorders, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism among other conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. The primary objective of this study was to examine the correlation between anxiety and depression and the risk of experiencing cardiovascular events and mortality after a myocardial infarction. Methods: The Cochrane review and preferred reporting item for systemic review (PRISMA) guidelines served as the basis for this systematic review. The systematic search was conducted from different database like Embase, Scopus, Medline, PubMed, PsycINFO, Google Scholar and Copernicus from inception to May 2023. Data on the number of patients, the country they were from, the age of diagnosis, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular events, myocardial infarction and death was collected. Result: 448 references were taken out because there were fewer of them. After the first round of evaluation, 286 out of the 323 citations were found to be unnecessary. The full texts of 37 publications were looked at to see if they could be included. Ten of them met the minimum requirements. This systematic review analysis on anxiety and depression with risk of subsequent cardiovascular events and death after myocardial infarction included a total of 3560 patients from 10 studies. Conclusion: A significant part of deaths and disabilities globally are caused by cardiovascular diseases, and the number of deaths related to these conditions has increased in India along with the country's population growth. Anxiety was discovered to be a distinct risk factor for the occurrence of CVD and cardiac death in those who were initially in good health. Future studies on the biobehavioral mechanisms relating the physiological and psychological conditions that exist prior to myocardial infraction and long-term mortality could improve risk classification, long-term surveillance, and the creation of specialized therapies for myocardial infraction patients.
Research Article
Open Access
Influence of Maternal Nutritional Status During Pregnancy on Birth Weight
Pages 332 - 339

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Purpose: The purpose of this prospective observational study was to assess the effect of the nutritional status of pregnant mothers on the birth weight of their new-borns. Material and methods: This study was a prospective observational study of 500 pregnant women registering at an antenatal clinic in GMH Rewa from January 2021 to June 2022. The study participants were followed up at their 2nd visit between 24th and 28th weeks and at their 3rd visit at the time of delivery. Anthropometric, dietary, and haematological parameters were obtained at each visit. Results: Among the 203 women, 140 (68.93%) gave birth to babies whose weight was appropriate for gestational age (AGA) babies, and 63 (31.03%) gave birth to babies whose weight was less than expected for gestational age (SGA) babies. The present study has shown an association between low maternal BMI, low weight gain, inadequate IFA intake, inadequate nutrient intake, inadequate protein intake, inadequate calorie intake, low haemoglobin count during pregnancy, and low birth weight babies. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the significance of a healthy diet and nutrition throughout pregnancy because they directly and favourably affect the new-born’s weight and overall health. Birth weight is statistically significant and positively correlated with maternal iron and folic acid supplementation, particularly blood iron levels. The potential benefits of nutrition and iron-folic acid supplementation, as well as the identification of their inadequacies, can support low-cost treatments intended to lower the incidence of SGA. The study suggests providing proper awareness and health education about pregnancy, timely ANC visits, nutrition, and institutional delivery for a better foetal outcome.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Exercise on Heart Rate Variability in trained individuals as compared to untrained individuals
Pages 322 - 331

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This study examines the influence on heart rate variability (HRV) indices in trained individuals as compared to untrained individuals presented in a prospective and cross-sectional study. The predictability of HRV in athletic performance is also included. Finally, some recommendations concerning the application of HRV methods in athletes are made. The cardiovascular system is mostly controlled by autonomic regulation through the activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways of the autonomic nervous system. Analysis of HRV permits insight in this control mechanism. It can easily be determined from ECG recordings, resulting in time series (RR-intervals) that are usually analysed in time and frequency domains. As a first approach, it can be assumed that power in different frequency bands corresponds to activity of sympathetic (0.04-0.15 Hz) and parasympathetic (0.15-0.4 Hz) nerves. However, other mechanisms (and feedback loops) are also at work, especially in the low frequency band. During dynamic exercise, it is generally assumed that heart rate increases due to both a parasympathetic withdrawal and an augmented sympathetic activity. Most studies concern relatively small numbers of study participants, diminishing the power of statistics. In order to further develop this fascinating research field, we advocate randomised, controlled, long-term studies using validated measurement methods. There is a strong need for basic research on the nature of the control and regulating mechanism exerted by the autonomic nervous system on cardiovascular function in athletes, preferably with a multidisciplinary approach between cardiologists, exercise physiologists, pulmonary physiologists, coaches and biomedical engineers. In this study, we determine the effect of long term endurance training (minimum period of one year) on heart rate variability in trained individuals as compared to the sedentary population, so that long term endurance exercise could be used for cardiac wellbeing.
Research Article
Open Access
Effect of Paediatric Epidural Anaesthesia on Blood Pressure and SPO2
Pages 317 - 326

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Epidural anesthesia is a technique for perioperative pain management with multiple applications in anesthesiology. It is useful as a primary aesthetic, Aside from the benefit of potentially providing excellent analgesia, its use reduces the exposure to other anesthetics and analgesics, decreasing side effects. It has also shown to decrease cortisol levels, expedite the return of bowel function, decrease the incidence of PE and DVT in the post-operative period, and shorten lengths of in-hospital stay. Present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of epidural anesthesia with 0.25% bupivcacine for lower abdominal surgeries and its effect on blood pressure and SPO2. Present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of epidural anesthesia with 0.25%bupivcacine for lower abdominal surgeries and its effect on blood pressure and SPO2. Methods: We evaluated the characteristics of epidural block including onset, duration of action, hemodynamic changes, ease of performance, efficacy, adverse effects and complication in 50 children aged between 4 to 14 years. The epidural block was performed in lateral position with 19G Tuohy's needle in L4-L5 space and 19 G epidural catheter was threaded after detecting the ES by LOR technique. The dose of 0.25% bupivacaine was age in years/10 per spinal segment (> 10 yrs) and I ml/kg up to 20ml (< 10 yrs). Results: Efficacy, safety, and ease of performance were satisfactory in most children. The mean diastolic blood pressure showed statistically significant decreases starting from 5th min after administration of epidural anesthesia. This decrease was maintained till about 45 min and subsequently started increasing from 60th min onwards. The mean SP02 showed a statistically significant increase from 5 min and was maintained throughout the study period. All patients had received supplemental oxygen through mask throughout the study period. Conclusion: Epidural anesthesia with 0.25% hyperbaric bupivacaine in the appropriate dosage is a safe technique in pediatric patients undergoing lower abdominal surgeries and its effect on blood pressure and SPO2 is satisfactory.
Research Article
Open Access
To Study the Obstetrics outcome in Patients with Previous spontaneous abortions
Pages 313 - 316

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Background: The study aimed to know the adverse pregnancy outcome in patients with previous spontaneous abortions. Material and methods: The present prospective observational study was conducted on 80 patients of age between 18 to 40 years with a history of one or more spontaneous abortions irrespective of the period of gestation. A detailed history of each patient including details of the present pregnancy, previous pregnancy, and previous abortion was obtained. All the routine examination was done and patients were followed up till delivery and obstetrics outcomes were noted. Results:The majority of women were belonged to 21-30 years of age (82.6%).30% of subjects were from socioeconomic class IV followed by 27.5%, 18.8%, 12.5%, and 11.3% of patients belonged to socioeconomic class III, II, I, and V respectively. Moreover, 56.25% and 20% of women were gravida 3 and 2 respectively.The maximum number of study subjects (78.75%) had one previous abortion whereas 17.5% and 3.75% of women had two and three previous abortions respectively. In 77.6% of women, the type of delivery was LSCS followed by in 11.3% of patients it was FTVD. The most common intrapartum complication was foetal distress (17.5%) followed by intrapartum haemorrhage (5%), followed by prolonged labour (3.7%). In 75% of cases foetal outcomes were abnormal this including low birth weight, prematurity, meconium stained liquor, intrauterine growth restriction, intrauterine death, and tachypnoea. Previous spontaneous delivery was found to be significantly associated with type of delivery and foetal outcomes (P<0.05). Conclusion:Pregnancy with previous spontaneous abortion are associated with the adverse pregnancy and foetal outcomes. The maternal and foetal complications can be overcome by providing proper antennal care.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Factors Affecting and Outcomes in Difficult Total Knee Arthroplasty
Pages 306 - 312

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Background: This prospective observational study was undertaken to look into the factors that affect the outcome of total knee arthroplasty and the short-term results of total knee replacements in complex knee pathologies. Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted between 2021 and 2023 at Owaisi Hospital and Research Centre, Hyderabad. A consecutive series of 12 total knee arthroplasties was performed on 12 patients at our institute using PFC Sigma endoprosthesis. The patients were assessed clinically and radiologically using the INSALL scoring system. Results: The average pre-operative range of motion (flexion) was 45˚, with a highest of 120˚ and a lowest of 0˚. The average post-operative flexion was 102˚, with a highest of 130˚ and a lowest of 90˚. The average extension lag preoperatively was 18˚, and the average postoperative extension lag was less than 10˚. The average pre-operative knee score was 64.84, with the highest score of 91 and the lowest score of 40. The majority of the patients had a score in the range of 51–100. The average post-operative knee score was 136.84, with the highest score of 160 and the lowest score of 120. A majority of the patients had an improvement in score in the range of 101–150. At 6 months, follow-up relief was excellent in most patients; only 10 patients had anterior knee pain, and all the patients were able to walk more than 50 blocks post-operatively without any walking aid. Conclusion: Determining the factors resulting in a difficult knee helps in formulating an appropriate surgical approach, which results in a better functional outcome following total knee arthroplasty.
Research Article
Open Access
Peripheral Neutrophil Count and Its Association with Diabetic Kidney Disease in Diabetic Patients
Pages 299 - 305

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Introduction Diabetes mellitus affects > 530 million individuals across the globe and is responsible for most of the world’s burden of preventable blindness, end-stage renal disease, and non-traumatic lower limb extremity amputation. Diabetic kidney disease was traditionally considered to be caused by adverse effects of increased levels of glucose (metabolic theory). However multiple studies have found a low-grade inflammation in patients with diabetic kidney disease. Materials And Methods 119 Diabetic patients were selected for this study. Information is collected and detailed history is taken using pre-formed proforma at the time of admission. The diagnosis of T2DM was made according to the American Diabetes Association guidelines. The complete renal examination was applied to all participants, and the diagnosis of nephropathy was made by microalbuminuria and kidney size. Results Out of the 119 patients selected mean age of the study population was 56.65 +/- 9.67, 86 patients were diabetics without kidney disease and 33 were patients with diabetic kidney disease. The median neutrophil count in our study is 4545 in patients without DKD and in patients with DKD, it is 4862 which is statistically significant as the p-value is < 0.5. Conclusionour study sheds light on the association between the development of diabetic nephropathy. The neutrophil count is a good indicator of the risk of diabetic nephropathy and can be used as a predictor of diabetic nephropathy.
Research Article
Open Access
Listening to the Heart: An Observational Study on Heart Rate Variability during Music Therapy Sessions
Pages 294 - 298

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Background: Examining music therapy's influence on heart rate variability (HRV), measured by RMSSD, to elucidate its potential therapeutic effects. Objectives: This study explores the impact of music therapy on heart rate variability (HRV), specifically examining RMSSD as an indicator of autonomic nervous system activity. Methods: Initially, participants exhibited an average RMSSD of 49.80 milliseconds, serving as a baseline. Therapeutic interventions involved distinct musical genres, each with varying durations of exposure. Results: Exposure to calming music for an average of 30 minutes induced a significant increase in RMSSD, averaging 54.78 milliseconds (T-value = -3.13, P-value = 0.0020), suggesting its potential to enhance parasympathetic activity and promote relaxation.Conversely, stimulating music led to a modest decrease in RMSSD to 47.31 milliseconds after 20 minutes, although statistical insignificance (T-value = 1.69, P-value = 0.0934) highlighted individualized responses. Some participants, particularly those favoring stimulating music, reported improved mood, emphasizing the intricate interplay of emotional and physiological responses.Neutral music maintained an RMSSD akin to the baseline after 25 minutes, affirming its non-intrusive impact on HRV.Intriguingly, the control group, undergoing relaxation exercises without musical intervention, exhibited near-unchanged RMSSD at 49.73 milliseconds (T-value = 0.042, P-value = 0.9662), raising questions about the comparative efficacy of music therapy versus other techniques. Conclusion: This study reveals the multifaceted effects of music on HRV, with calming music enhancing parasympathetic activity, while responses to stimulating music vary. The contrast with neutral music underscores music's differential impact. The inclusion of a control group highlights potential avenues for therapeutic innovation and warrants further exploration. These findings have implications for tailoring music therapy interventions to individual preferences and optimizing their effectiveness.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of Arrhythmias in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome in the First 24 hours of hospitalization
Pages 286 - 293

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Introduction: Acute MI is one of leading causes of death and majority of deaths are due to arrhythmias. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and risk factors and outcomes of fatal arrhythmias. Early revascularization reduces the risk of fatal arrhythmias. Most arrhythmias causes deaths within 48 hours and it includes bradyarrhythmias, heart blocks, atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation. Aims and objectives: This study examines arrhythmias in acute coronary syndrome patients in the first 24 hours following presentation. Method: We collected hospital data from June 2022 to june 2023 with a 3 months follow-up after discharge. The study assessed clinical presentation, ECG monitoring of 900 ACS patients. Data was rigorously collected, including demographics, clinical information, and follow-up outcomes. Inclusion criteria: includes adults over 18 years with Acute MI. Exclusion criteria: contraindications for monitoring, severe arrhythmias, communication issues. Result: Patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were 2.21 times more likely to have >50 PVCs per hour. Those over 65 had a 2.41 times higher risk. The model fit well (chi-square value 14.79, p = 0.0004). Length of stay strongly correlated with AMI diagnosis (F value 35.41, p < 0.0001). Various arrhythmias were found, including PVCs (44.44%), non-sustained VT (20.44%), supraventricular (11.33%), and atrial fibrillation (6.55%). Sustained VT (2.44%), asystole (2.22%), torsade de pointes (1.11%), and ventricular fibrillation (1.11%) were less common but serious. Right bundle branch block was the most frequent conduction deficit (5.77%), followed by 2nd degree (2.66%) AV block, left anterior fascicular block (2.88%), left bundle branch block (1.77%), and left posterior fascicular block (0.88%). These findings emphasize the range of arrhythmias and conduction issues, highlighting the need for tailored therapeutic and monitoring approaches. Conclusion: This study concluded that life-threatening arrhythmias were less common compared to benign ventricular ectopics and supraventricular tachycardia in ACS patients in PCI era. Patient had favourable outcome if they received timely PCI.Isolated PVCs affected approximately 25% of the sample. It independently increased hospital stay but did not affect other outcomes.
Research Article
Open Access
Retrospective study of surgical outcome of decompressive craniectomy for cerebral venous sinus thrombosis: An Institutional experience of 45 cases Introduction
Pages 278 - 285

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Objective: To evaluate the surgical outcomes of decompressive craniectomy in patients with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CSVT) at our institution. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of 396 CSVT cases admitted to our institution. Among these, 45 (11.3%) underwent decompressive craniectomy. We assessed demographic data, clinical presentation, risk factors, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) scores upon presentation, and radiologic findings in relation to venous sinus and cerebral lobe involvement. Results: Of the 45 patients who underwent decompressive craniectomy, 26 (57.7%) were female and 19 (42.3%) were male. The mean age of incidence was 34 years, with a notable predominance in patients below 40 years (69%). The predominant presenting symptoms were headache (93.3%), altered sensorium (88.8%), focal motor deficit (60%), and convulsion (48%). Identified risk factors included chronic alcohol intake (31%), smoking (37%), postpartum status (30%), dehydration (51%), anemia (26%), homocystinemia (17.7%), and oral contraceptive pill usage (15%). In terms of GCS, 57.7% presented with scores between 8-12, while 22.2% had scores below 8. Radiologic findings revealed involvement of two or more sinuses in 21 patients. Specific sinus involvements were: superior sagittal (11 patients), sigmoid (7 patients), and transverse (6 patients). Regarding lobe involvement, the distribution was: parietooccipital (13 patients), frontal (10 patients), frontoparietal (14 patients), and temporoparietal (8 patients). Conclusion: Decompressive craniectomy serves as a crucial intervention in selected CSVT cases. Our study presents an institutional experience emphasizing demographics, clinical presentations, risk factors, and radiologic findings in patients undergoing this surgical intervention for CSVT.
Research Article
Open Access
The study of main trunks of right and left coronary arteries
Pages 272 - 277

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Aim of the study to know main trunks of right and left coronary arteries with respect to diameter and branching pattern in central India population. Coronary arteries show wide variations among different populations. The present study was undertaken on 70 adult human heart specimens from embalmed cadavers. Hearts were dissected and studied. Length and external diameter of main trunks noted. Branching pattern of main trunk of right coronary artery and left coronary artery studied. Out of seventy hearts, trunk length of right coronary artery ranged from 0.1-5.9 cm. with mean of 2.59±1.45 cm. The range of trunk length of left coronary artery is 0.2-2 cm. with the mean of 0.60±0.37 cm. The range of external diameter of main trunk of right coronary artery is from 2.34-6.5 mm. The external diameter of left coronary artery main trunk ranges from 4.34-6.6 mm. Thus it is seen that the external diameter of left coronary artery main trunk was larger than right coronary artery. Right coronary artery is found to terminate at the right border in 6 hearts (8.57%), between the right border and crux in 5 hearts (7.14%), at the crux in 20 hearts (28.57%), between crux and left border in 38 hearts (54.28%) and at the left border in 1 heart (1.42%). Mode of termination of left coronary artery shows bifurcation and trifurcation. Bifurcation of left coronary artery observed in 65.71% of cases. In 34.28% of hearts trifurcation is observed. Here main trunk of left coronary artery divided into left anterior descending, left diagonal and circumflex arteries.
Research Article
Open Access
Cytomorphological Study of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis in Correlation with Biochemical & Serological Parameters
Pages 266 - 271

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Introduction- Chronic thyroiditis embraces a heterogenous group of thyroiditis. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis forms the largest and clinically most significant cause of chronic thyroiditis. FNAC of thyroid provides a safe and accurate method of diagnosis of this condition. As there is paucity of literature on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and the input of patients presenting with features of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is on the rise, this study is under taken to correlate the cytomorphological features of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
with clinical, biochemical and with antithyroid antibodies where ever feasible.
1. Analysis of cytomorphological features on FNAC in Hashimito’s thyroiditis.
2. To determine the correlation between various cytomorphological features and biochemical & serological parameters in cases diagnosed as HT.
3. To correlate cytological diagnosis with histopathology wherever possible.
Materials and Methods This prospective study was conducted on 100 patients attending the cytopathology department of Adichunchanagiri Institute Of Medical Sciences, B.G. Nagara. Cytologically proven, cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis over a period of two years, from November 2017 to May 2019 formed the study material. The various parameters like patients clinical presentation, antithyroid antibodies & hormonal profiles, were studied. Fine needle aspiration of thyroid gland and grading of thyroiditis was done on smears. The grades were correlated with above parameters and the correlation indices were evaluated statistically. RESULTS: Most of the patients were females (97%) who presented with a diffuse goiter (91.%). Hypothyroid features were present in 62.7% of cases. Anti TPO antibody showed positivity in.93.4% of patients. Cytomorphologic spectrum of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was analysed and graded. Most of them had grade II disease by cytology.No correlation was observed between grades of cytomorphology and biochemical &
serologic parameters. Conclusion Despite the availability of several tests for diagnosis of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, ‘FNAC’ remains the gold standard.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinical Profile and Outcome of Patients with Cardiorenal Syndrome Type 1: A Cross Sectional Observational Study
Pages 258 - 265

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Background: Cardiorenal syndrome type 1 (CRS1) represents a critical medical condition characterized by the rapid deterioration of cardiac function leading to acute kidney injury (AKI), posing significant healthcare challenges. Understanding this complex syndrome is crucial for improving patient care. Material and Methods: We conducted a one-year cross-sectional observational study at the Department of Medicine, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Shimla, enrolling consecutive patients with acute heart failure (AHF). We defined CRS1 as the rapid worsening of cardiac function leading to AKI and employed the Framingham Criteria for HF diagnosis. AKI was assessed using the AKIN classification. Various clinical, laboratory, and echocardiographic parameters were examined, and statistical analysis was performed. Results: Among the 92 AHF patients, 15 (16.3%) met the criteria for CRS1, while 77 (83.7%) did not experience kidney injury (NCRS1). Shortness of breath was the most common presenting symptom (93.47%). Patients with CRS1 had significantly lower total leukocyte counts (TLC) but no significant differences in other hematological or biochemical parameters. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCMP) was a significant predisposing factor for CRS1, while other factors, including smoking, diabetes, and hypertension, did not contribute significantly. Medications for AHF management showed no significant impact on CRS1 development. Patients with CRS1 had higher mortality rates and longer hospital stays, with DCMP and Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) being major contributors to mortality. Conclusion: CRS1 is more prevalent in females and the elderly, presenting with shortness of breath and often triggered by infections. Lower TLC and DCMP are associated with CRS1 development. Smoking, diabetes, and hypertension appear unrelated to CRS1. Medications for AHF management showed no significant influence. DCMP emerges as a key underlying etiology, with CRS1 patients experiencing higher mortality rates and extended hospital stays, highlighting the need for tailored management strategies.
Research Article
Open Access
Correlation between mixed venous oxygen saturation, central venous oxygen saturation and cerebral oxygen saturation measured by near-infrared spectroscopy during off pump coronary artery bypass grafting
Pages 246 - 257

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Introduction: OPCAB was designed to reduce complications resulting from cardiopulmonary bypass like stroke, renal complications and myocardial ischemia and to reduce hospital stay, reduce morbidity and mortality. It includes various anatomical distortions of heart using stabilizers and suspensions which needs extensive monitoring techniques. To improve its efficiency neurological monitoring like NIRS and PA cannulation could play a significant role in further reducing such complications. Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) remains the accepted standard during anesthesia to evaluate the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption, especially during cardiac surgery. Monitoring the ScvO2-SvO2 with conventional PAC gives indirect evidence of myocardial ischemia, after excluding other causes of ischemia in lower body. Materials and Methods: In this single centred prospective interventional study, 60 patients undergoing elective off pump CABG between March 2018 to March 2020 were taken. Institutional ethical and scientific committee approval was taken (UNMICRC/ANESTH/2017/09) and written informed consent from patients was obtained. Results: Total 360 patients were enrolled in the study for comparative analysis of regional cerebral oxygen saturation (rScO2), central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) and mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) in off pump CABG. Table 1 shows general characteristics of patients. Mean ejection fraction was 45.92 ± 9.23%. Fifty patients had triple vessel disease and 10 had double vessel disease for which 60, 53 and 49 patients had undergone Left anterior descending (LAD), Obtuse marginal (OM) or Diagonal (DG) and Posterior descending artery (PDA) or Right coronary artery (RCA) grafting respectively. Conclusion: Positioning of the heart for distal anastomoses at lateral and posterior wall was associated with more hemodynamic alteration and increased in inotropic and vasopressor requirement and significant decreased in rScO2, ScvO2 and SvO2. There was significant positive correlation on measured gradient between ScvO2 & SvO2 and rScO2 & SvO2 and rScO2 & ScvO2. ΔrScO2 was found to be highest as compared to ΔSvO2 followed by ΔScvO2.
Research Article
Open Access
Efficacy of bedaquiline inpatients with drug-resistant tuberculosis fortreatment outcome &early sputum culture conversion
Pages 241 - 245

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Background: The World Health Organization advised bedaquiline for the treatment of extensively drug-resistant (XDR), pre-XDR and multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB). Bedaquiline is now recommended for usage for at least six months throughout therapy, it is used to treat drug-resistant tuberculosis when other treatment modalities cannot be used. This drug shows good result in clinically relevant patient associated with drug resistant tuberculosis. Objective: Present study was aim to analyseeffectiveness of bedaquiline treatment in patients with MDR, pre-XDR and XDR tuberculosis. We also aim to analyse the early culture conversion rate after starting bedaquiline treatment. Methods: Total 248 patients of which representing 160 patients with MDR and 88 patients with pre-XDR were included in the study. Sociodemographic data, outcome, HIV status, drug sensitivity, diagnosis and culture conversion rate were analysed. Results: There were 58.5% male and 41.5% female patients with mean age of 34.23 ± 15.42 years. Among total patients, 68.14% patients were cured whereas mortality observed in 21.4% patients. Total 46.4% patients exhibit resistance against isoniazid, 100% patients exhibit resistance against rifampicin and 43.5% patients exhibit resistance against fluoroquinolones.We found a significant linear declining trend in the positivity rate of sputum culture over a period of 24 months follow up which started declining from 3rd month & a significant drop after 8 months of treatment. Conclusion: Findings of present study are in consistent with the recommendations as per PMDT GUIDELINES 2021(Programmatic Management of Drug resistant Tuberculosis in India.)for the bedaquiline based drug resistant tuberculosis,which suggest a treatment of bedaquiline for6 months or longer showing the positive effect in sputum culture conversion & favourable effect on success rate as shown by pmdt guidelines.
Research Article
Open Access
Correlation of maternal iodine status with neonatal thyroid function in a tertiary care hospital of kolkata: A Unicenter Pilot study
Pages 233 - 240

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Background: Iodine deficiency during pregnancy has substantial consequences; one such is fetal brain damage. Data on the potential effects of mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency on the thyroid function of pregnant women and their newborns are scarce and divergent. Henceforth we tried to find out an association between iodine intake in pregnancy with maternal and neonatal thyroid function. Methods: 350 full term (> 36 week of gestation) pregnant women within their reproductive age group aged 15 to 45 years were selected from attending the Labor room of the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Medical College and Hospital of Kolkata. Spot urine samples with venous blood samples were collected to select hypothyroid cases. Cord blood from newborn of these hypothyroid mothers for TSH estimation. Cord blood TSH value >20 µIU/ml were selected. Such families were asked to bring their house hold salt in a tight container or sealed packet. Salt iodine content was estimated by the iodometric titration method. Results: Approximately 10% of mother in were iodine deficient, with most of them falling into the “mild iodine deficiency” category. Only 5 babies of these mothers have cord blood TSH >20 µIU/ml. Among these 5, only 1 (20%) of the households to have less than 15 ppm of iodine content and 4 (80%) households to have greater than 15 ppm of iodine content in their consumed salt. Conclusion: Pregnant women of the study area have iodine repleted. The neonatal thyroid function was also within normal range. The findings of the present study indicate that the iodine supplementation of the salt should be maintained in the area with periodical surveillance, especially about its preservation.
Research Article
Open Access
Supportive and Alternative Method to Learn Biochemistry -Poster Preparation and Presentation
Pages 227 - 232

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Introduction: Biochemistry is a very important subject in MBBS curriculum. because it teaches mechanisms of life at the molecular level Most students still have more difficulties in learning this subject and hate Biochemistry subject and what they do is mug up the topics before the unit tests. We though that there should be any supportive and alternative method to make the learning of Biochemistry interesting and increase curiosity of learning in the students’ minds. So, we decided to take poster preparation and presentation competition thinking that it will help in learning subject with interest along with traditional approach of learning biochemistry. Aim and Objective: To find out supportive or alternative method to learn biochemistry with interest by the student of first year MBBS Materials and Methods: 50 students participated then we grouped 3-5 student in each group into 10 groups. Topic was given to them related to medical biochemistry and asked them to prepare topic for poster preparation by giving proper instruction to prepare poster. 10 days’ time given to student to prepare topic by using standard textbook Results: Evaluation of poster done by expert teachers from department of anatomy physiology and biochemistry. Evaluation done based on 5 points that is content, originality creativity, presentation, interaction. Marks were given based on these 5 points and winner was decided. Prises given to first three groups. Conclusion: We started this alternative method to make the teaching of Biochemistry interesting and increase curiosity of learning in the students’ minds so, we as faculty along with majority of student found that Poster presentation exercise were beneficial activity to understand topic in depth and will increase interest of the student in subject biochemistry and all student participated enthusiastically So, we come to conclusion that this method can be supportive and alternative method to our traditional method of study biochemistry.
Research Article
Open Access
Scarred Uterus – A Risk Factor for Placenta Previa
Pages 218 - 226

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Aims & Objectives: To compare the incidence of placenta previa in current pregnancy in women with previously scarred and unscarred uterus. To compare the differences in incidence of placenta previa in current pregnancy in women with previously scarred and unscarred uterus; To compare the difference in maternal complications in current pregnancy in women with previously scarred and unscarred uterus; To compare the difference in fetal complications in current pregnancy in women with previously scarred and unscarred uterus. Methods: This was a Prospective cohort study conducted at Department. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kurnool Medical College and associated hospital, Kurnool from March 2021 to March 2022. Results: There were a total 1000 participants in the trial, of which 500 had a history of vaginal delivery in the past (Control Group PVD) and 500 had a history of uterine scarring in the past (Study Group PSU). In this current study, there were no significant differences in this patient distribution between the two groups based on presenting complaints like APH, and mean age, parity, GA, and foetal complications not appearance were comparable between the two groups. In this present study, in the women group PSU the number of previous cesarean sections were 1 in 69.2%, 2 in 27.6%, 3 in and above is 1.2% of the women, 2% of the women have history of D&C. With their history of one, two, three, or more cesarean sections or history of DC, placenta previa was observed in 3.1%, 12.3%, 33.3%, and 10% of instances, and the difference was determined to be statistically significant, indicating that scarring is a substantial risk factor for previa. Placenta prevalence was 2.4% in the PVD group and 6.8% in the PSU group, indicating a higher prevalence in the PSU group. The Placenta Previa group of PSU had more postpartum hemorrhage cases and interventions than the PVD group. Low birth weight (LBW), preterm, low APGAR scores, and NICU admissions were comparable in both groups with a modest increase in the PSU group. Conclusion: The current study's findings showed that uterine scarring in the past had a substantial impact on the chance of placenta previa in a subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, it's critical to encourage vaginal birth as much as possible. Regular prenatal checks, early diagnosis, and skillful management of previa are the keys to optimal maternal care.
Research Article
Open Access
Microvascular Structures in Brain Tissue: A Cross-Sectional Histological Study
Pages 211 - 217

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Background: The intricate microvascular structures of the brain play a critical role in maintaining cerebral homeostasis and ensuring adequate delivery of oxygen and nutrients to neuronal tissues. Understanding their architecture can provide insights into various neurological disorders and conditions. Objective: To elucidate the morphology and distribution of microvascular structures in various regions of the brain using cross-sectional histological analysis. Methods: Post-mortem human brain tissues from ten donors were acquired, with appropriate ethical considerations. Tissues were sectioned and stained using standard hematoxylin and eosin, as well as immunohistochemical markers specific to endothelial cells. Regions of interest, including the cortex, basal ganglia, and hippocampus, were examined under high-resolution microscopy. Results: Preliminary observations revealed a dense network of capillaries uniformly distributed in the cortical regions. The basal ganglia demonstrated larger vessels with increased branching, while the hippocampus exhibited a unique vascular pattern consistent with its layered structure. Immunohistochemical staining confirmed the presence of intact endothelial cells and tight junctions, suggesting well-preserved microvascular integrity. Conclusion: This study underscores the diverse microvascular architecture across different brain regions. Understanding these differences may aid in predicting region-specific susceptibilities in various cerebrovascular disorders and facilitate targeted therapeutic interventions.
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Open Access
A Study of Incidence of Vascular Malformations Along With its Clinical Presentation and Treatment at Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 206 - 210

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Background: Vascular malformation are congenital lesions with complex clinical presentations and management. Their classification and treatment options have considerably changed throughout the years, with conflicting evidence in the literature. Vascular malformations occur due to errors during vasculogenesis. They are present since birth, though they may not be apparent until later in life. These malformations are most frequently found in the head and neck, but can occur in any part of the body. Methodology- The study was carried out in the department of General Surgery of Tertiary care center teaching hospital from September 2018 to September 2020. The sample size taken for this study was 30 patients who were diagnosed as having vascular malformations and undergoing treatment. Patients were examined thoroughly and baseline findings were recorded. All the patients were subjected to either injection sclerotherapy, surgery or wait and watch treatment depending upon the vascular malformation and condition of patient. Sodium tetradecyl sulfate was used as sclerosing agent. Follow up of each patient was scheduled every 2 weeks, and therapy was repeated after 4 weeks, if there was no response or only a partial response. Result- The most commonly affected age group was 0-10 years. Cosmetic problems (63.33%)was the commonest symptom of presentation. Most common type of malformation was venous malformation (83.33%)/ truncular malformation (70%). The most common location of vascular malformation was lower extremity (36.66%). A good response was achieved in majority of the patients (50%) treated with sclerotherapy in our study. Conclusion- Injection sclerotherapy is a relatively cost-effective procedure with low complications. Embolization is another treatment useful in cases of large AVMs where sclerotherapy and surgery are not possible
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Open Access
Pattern of ulcer healing with DUSS score: A follow up study at tertiary care hospital
Pages 202 - 205

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Background: The outcome of foot ulcers is affected by wound depth, infection, ischaemia and glycaemic control. Diabetic ulcer severity score (DUSS) is one of the latest wound based scoring system. Aim: To study the pattern of ulcer healing with DUSS score. Material and Methods: a total of 104 diabetic patients attending surgical outpatient clinic or admitted into the surgical department were included. The DUSS was calculated by these separate grading to a theoretical maximum of 4. DUSS score obtained was then correlated with the pattern of ulcer healing. Results: Majority of ulcers i.e. 14 (60.87%) healed by 3rd follow up, 6 (26.09%) got healed by 4th follow up, 2 (8.70%) healed by 5th follow up and 1 (4.35%) underwent amputation during 4th follow up. Conclusion: DUSS scoring system provides an easy diagnostic tool for anticipating probability of healing /amputation and need for surgery by combining four clinically assessable wound based parameters.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of diabetic foot ulcer outcomes using diabetic ulcer severity score
Pages 198 - 201

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Background: DUSS (Diabetic Ulcer Severity Score) is one of the wound based system of classification which is useful tool to measure outcomes of diabetic foot ulcers. It is a simple and easily producible scoring system. Aim: To evaluate diabetic foot ulcer outcomes using diabetic ulcer severity score. Material and Methods: A total of 104 diabetic patients attending surgical outpatient clinic or admitted into the surgical department wereassessed on the basis of DUSS score.This score obtained was then compared with the final outcome to validate the prediction of DUSS score. Results: Majority of foot ulcers among study population with DUSS score 0, 1 and 2 healed by primary intention or skin grafting. However, among those with score 3 and score 4 majority required amputation i.e., 18(60%) and 16 (76.19%) respectively. This difference in the DUSS score among the three groups was found to be statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: DUSS scoring system can predictprobability of healing or amputation by combining four clinically assessable wound based parameters.
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Open Access
An Ambispective Study of Empirical Antimicrobial Therapy and Spectrum of Microorganisms in Breast Abscess
Pages 191 - 197

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Introduction: Breast abscess is a painful condition that usually appears as a lump and is brought on by infection. Since it's one of the most prevalent medical conditions affecting women, it's critical to understand the most recent developments in isolated bacteria and antibiotics that can be applied empirically. The aim of present study is to evaluate the role of different antibiotics in breast abscess, efficacy of empirical antibiotic therapy and to find out the microbiology of the disease. Material and methods: The present ambispective study was conducted at E.S.I.C. Medical College and Hospital among females presented with breast abscess for a period of 2 years. Total cases selected were 160 based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 25.0. Level of significance was kept at p<0.05. Results: Maximum were in age group of <30 years (47.5%). Most common symptoms were pain (100%) and redness (85%). Examining subjects revealed that maximum 85% of subjects had Mastitis. The most common mycobacteria in abscess was MRSA (30%), followed by E.coli (15%). Linzolid was mostly susceptible with MRSA, Amikacin with E.coli and S.typhi, Gentamycinmycin/tetra with S.aureus. Conclusion: The majority of breast abscess cases involved the isolation of methillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. When choosing an empirical treatment for a breast abscess, understanding the microbiological profile and antibiogram of the bacteria is crucial.
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Open Access
Effectiveness of Hand and Foot Massage Therapy on Post-Operative Pain and Anxiety among Patients Undergoing Cardiothoracic Surgery
Pages 185 - 190

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Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of hand and foot massage therapy on post-operative pain among patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery and evaluate the effectiveness of hand and foot massage therapy on anxiety among patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery. Methods: This was a hospital-based study conducted among 60 patients who underwent cardiothoracic surgery in the cardiothoracic ICU of Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram, after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: It is evident that the mean age of participants in the experimental group was 50.43 and the standard deviation was 11.61 and the mean age of the control group was 54.53 and the standard deviation was 8.25. Hence, the difference was not statistically significant because both groups were not comparable with respect to age. 80% of participants in the experimental group and 60% in the control group were males whereas 40% of participants in the experimental group and 20% in the control group were females. Hence, the difference was not statistically significant, both groups were comparable with respect to gender. In the distribution of participants based on type of analgesic, effectiveness of hand and foot massage therapy on postoperative pain among patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery, the effectiveness of hand and foot massage therapy on postoperative anxiety among patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery were found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Hand and foot massage therapy has been found to be effective in reducing postoperative anxiety among cardiothoracic surgery patients.
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Open Access
Difficulties Faced by Covid Health Care Workers Wearing Ppe Kit During Menstruation
Pages 181 - 184

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Background: Females constitute a significant proportion of the healthcare community. An integral component that forms a part of the difficult work environment of health workers is both the long hours that they have to put in donning and doffing PPE kits. This also affects female workers, who also have to endure the psychophysiological changes and difficulties associated with menstruation while continuing to perform their clinical duties. Aims and objectives: The purpose of this study was to shed light on the difficulties faced by the female frontline workers who had to don PPE suits while menstruating. This study also focused on assessing if there has been any impact of the usage of PPE kits on their menstrual habits during this pandemic. Methodology: The study's methodology involved using a self-made questionnaire that five experts validated. The final sample size was calculated to be 264. A total of 309 individuals participated in our study. a total of 21 questions to evaluate the difficulties faced by female health care workers wearing PPE kits during the time of menstruation using inclusion and exclusion criteria. The collected data was entered into Microsoft Excel and analyzed by chi-square testing. Results: The study found that a significant number of female frontline health workers experienced fatigue (94.5%), sweating (88.9%), discomfort (85.4%), staining of undergarments (61.7%), pain (59.3%), itching in the genital area (50.6%), fainting or giddiness (50.6%), and chafing in the groin region (50%) while menstruating in PPE. It was also observed that a significant change had occurred in the menstrual hygiene habits concerning frequency of bathing (79.1%), number of sanitary pads, tampons, and menstrual cups used (68.4%), use of painkillers (47.8%), use of home remedies to alleviate pain (37.5%), and administration of medicines to delay menstruation (24.5%). Conclusion: This study found that difficulties like sweating, fatigue, discomfort when wearing pads, tampons, or cups, staining of undergarments, pain, itching in the genital area, fainting or giddiness, and chafing in the groin region were extremely common. Hence, it is recommended that appropriate measures be taken by the hospital administration to allay the difficulties faced by the female frontline health workers.
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Open Access
Mental Foramen Morphometry in Adult Human Mandibles: An Anatomical Analysis
Pages 176 - 180

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Background: The mental foramen is a significant anatomical landmark that plays a crucial role in performing various types of surgical procedures and administering local anesthetics for oral and maxillofacial surgeries. Having a thorough understanding of the anatomy of this area is essential for performing effective nerve blocks and avoiding any damage to the neurovascular bundles. Hence, we aim to study the anatomical location, size, and shape of the mental foramen of the mandible in the population of Bihar and compare it with the findings of other studies. The mental foramen is a significant anatomical landmark that plays a crucial role in performing various types of surgical procedures and administering local anesthetics for oral and maxillofacial surgeries. Having a thorough understanding of the anatomy of this area is essential for performing effective nerve blocks and avoiding any damage to the neurovascular bundles. Hence, we aim to study the anatomical location, size, and shape of the mental foramen of the mandible in the population of Bihar and compare it with the findings of other studies. Materials and Methods: The 120 dried fully ossified dentulous adult human mandibles (240 sides), of unknown gender and age, were used in the current cross-sectional investigation. Only those well-preserved mandibles that belonged to adults, were complete in all respects, and allowed for precise morphological observations were included in the study. Results: Our study found that the mental foramen is most commonly round (60.42%) and exits in the postero-superior direction on both sides with a frequency of 92.92%. The mean transverse diameter is 3.22 mm on the right side and 3.74 mm on the left side, with a statistically significant difference (p-value ≤0.05). The mean vertical diameter is 3.37 mm on the right side and 3.48 mm on the left side. Our findings show that the most common position of the mental foramen in relation to the lower teeth is below the apex of the second premolar, accounting for 37.08% on the right side and 36.67% on the left side. The second most frequent position is between the first and second premolar, representing 7.92% on the right side and 7.08% on the left side. Additionally, a position between the second premolar and first molar teeth was observed, accounting for 5% on the right side and 6.25% on the left side. On the right side, the distance between the mental foramen and the symphysis menti was found to be 28.71±1.36 mm, while on the left side, it was 28.94±1.19 mm. Similarly, the distance between the mental foramen and the posterior border of the ramus was 73.83±1.12 mm on the right side and 78.91±1.86 mm on the left side. The distance between the mental foramen and the alveolar crest was 17.87±1.73 mm on the right side and 18.69±1.63 mm on the left side. Finally, the distance between the mental foramen and the inferior border of the body of the mandible was found to be 16.91±1.23 mm on both sides. Conclusion: This study provides data on the location and morphometry of the mental foramen, aiding dental surgeons in avoiding nerve damage during surgeries in this region.
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Open Access
Clinical Spectrum of Respiratory Distress in Newborn Babies with Special Reference to Surfactant Therapy
Pages 160 - 175

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Background: Respiratory distress is the commonest morbidity responsible for majority of neonatal admissions to neonatal intensive care unit. It is a symptom complex arising from disease process that cause failure to maintain gaseous exchange. Respiratory distress in new born can be due to a wide variety of conditions. The frequency of a given condition depends on various factors of which gestation is an important one. In preterm neonates, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is the most common cause while in the late preterm and term neonates’ transient tachypnoea of new born (TTN) is the predominant cause. Methods: This is a prospective and observational study conducted among Neonates admitted with signs of respiratory distress to new born care unit, Dept. Of Paediatrics MKCG Berhampur (SNCU and NICU). Both inborn and out born babies admitted to new born care unit with respiratory distress were included. Neonates from birth to 28 days presenting with respiratory distress were selected through consecutive sampling. New born developing distress post admission were excluded from the study. Written informed consent were taken from parents concerned. Results: 110 respiratory distress cases were sampled consecutively for our study. The total admissions in the time period was 645 thereby making respiratory distress 15% of total admissions. When babies having respiratory distress were compared with place of delivery there were more number of out born cases 63 (57.3%) than inborn cases 47 (42.7%). Conclusion: Survival of babies with hyaline membrane disease who were given exogenous surfactant therapy improved with increasing gestational maturity and birth weight. Sepsis is the major entity complicating outcome of babies who received surfactant. Proper antenatal care, early diagnosis of antenatal complications and avoiding preterm deliveries will aid in better outcome of newborn babies with respiratory distress.
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Open Access
Prevalence of sleep related symptoms along with polysomnographic profile of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Pages 155 - 159

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Background: COPD is among the most common lung diseases, becoming a major health problem around the world. It is characterized by a persistent and commonly progressive airflow limitation consequent to an abnormal inflammatory response of the airway and lung tissue a persistent and commonly progressive airflow limitation consequent to an abnormal inflammatory response of the airway and lung tissue. Sleep disorders are frequently present in COPD patients, particularly obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS) and the coexistence of this two is termed as overlap syndrome. Methodology- The study was conducted in the Department of respiratory Medicine of a tertiary health care teaching hospital. The duration of the study was from December 2017 to November 2019. 105 cases of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease visiting outpatient / Inpatient section of Pulmonary Medicine department for diagnosis and fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. All the patients were evaluated with spirometry and polysomnography for detection of obstructive sleep apnea. Data was collected using predesigned, pre-tested, semi-structured questionnaire. Results- The prevalence of OSA in COPD (i.e. overlap syndrome) amongst study group was 27.62%. Sleep related symptoms were more prevalent in overlap group of patients as compared to patients without overlap and the difference is statistically significant between two groups for every symptom. Conclusion- Polysomnography in COPD patients is useful for early detection of OSA and to prevent them from further complications of OSA.
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Open Access
To Study the Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Clinical Practice in Orthopaedics in A Tertiary Care Hospital in Jammu: A Retrospective Study
Pankaj Spolia,
Abdul Ghani,
Vivek Sharma
Pages 148 - 154

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Background: COVID -19 pandemic had great impact on the day to day life of people and healthcare, including orthopaedic clinical practice. The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Due to this, not only in India but also in the western countries a lot of confusion in patient management and decision making was noted. Aims: In this study we intend to aware the orthopaedicians and healthcare staff about the pandemic situation in future by learning the experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic through literature for better patient management. Methods: This was a retrospective study aimed to see the impact of COVID-19 pandemic 2020 on orthopaedic practice with previous year 2019. The effects of COVID -19 pandemic on various clinical parameters like outpatient numbers, indoor patient admissions, management options conservative and surgery were revealed. Results: Total OPD cases in 2019 were 29700 and in 2020 were 6500. Total admissions in 2019 were 2690 and in 2020 were 855. The number of orthopaedic surgeries done in the time period of 2019 and 2020 were 1660 and 483 respectively. The surgical procedures were reduced in the year 2020 by 70.90%. Maximum reduction seen in the lockdown period was 87.7%. Conclusion: The study concluded that in Pandemic and disaster like situation decision making is an important step. Conservative treatment should be done as much as possible. Elective surgeries postponed and emergency surgeries to be continued by keeping all safety measures.
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Open Access
Evaluate The Risk Factors Associated with Massive Transfusion in Obstetric Hemorrhage at A Tertiary Care Centre
Pages 140 - 147

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Massive transfusion in obstetric catastrophes is to achieve surgical hemostasis while reducing the hypoperfusion complications.Aprospective observational study was conducted on subjects with obstetric hemorrhage requiring blood/blood product transfusions for 405 subjects out of 10063 subjects required transfusion (4.02% incidence).Association between massive transfusion and age ≥35 years was assessed using chi square test P value was <0.001 significant, similarly, irregular antenatal check-up was also found to be significant with P value 0.004. Association between previous LSCS and massive transfusion was found to be P value 0.017 significant and a significant association was found between platelet count & massive transfusion,blood loss & massive transfusion andshock and DIC with a P value of <0.001.
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Open Access
Improving facilitation of Self-directed learningwith knowledge of learning styles of MBBS Students-Institutional study
Pages 134 - 139

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Background: Competency based medical curriculum recommends self- directed learning skill to be developed in undergraduate medical students forlifelong learning .Hence the knowledge of learning styles isvery important to encourages students to use particular learning style in their self- directed learning. Aim-To assess the learning style of first phase and final phase MBBS studentsfor facilitation of self- directed learning. Methodology: The VARK questionnaire 7.8 was used to assess the learning styles of MBBS students. Result: The predominant mode was kinesthetic, 37.37% and 31.63 % in first phase and final phase students respectively. The visual and auditory mode of learning was statistically significantly p>.05 more in final phase student The reading mode of learning in first phase students was more in in final phase students although the difference was not statistically significant p <0.2.Conclusion: The preferred learning styles of medical students in the present studywas kinesthetic.Thelearning style in MBBS students need to assessed regularly forthe appropriate facilitation of Self- directed learning
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Open Access
Study of Lipid Profile in Chronic Renal Failure Patients
Pages 128 - 133

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Introduction- Chronic Kidney Failure (CKF)causes various problems over a period of time which includes cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular complications are major cause of deaths inpatients of CKF thanvarious other cause. In this complication’s dyslipidemia is commonly observed features of CKF.Since various study shows that their relation between CRF and cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia is constant feature we decided to study to understand the risk involved in cardiovascular morbidity in patients of CRF by studying lipid profile Aim and Objective-To assess cardiovascular risk in cases of chronic renal failure by studying Lipid profile Materialand Methodology: This study was done in Medical College, Hospital and research Centre STUDY POPULATION: Total 100 subjects participated in this study 50 Chronic kidney failure (CRF) cases and 50 Controls. Collection of Blood SAMPLES: 8-10 ml of blood samples after fasting was collected before and after hemodialysis in a plain bulb taking all aseptic precautions. Serum was used after centrifugation.
Lipid profile which includes
1.Serum Total Cholesterol-Dynamic extended stability CHOD-PAP Method (With LCF-Lipid Clearing Factor), End Point by Roeshlaus
2.Serum HDL-Cholesterol-Liquid stable reagent by Trinder reaction.
3.Serum LDL- Cholesterol-Liquid stable reagent by Trinder reaction.
4.Serum Triglyceride-Dynamic extended stability (With LCF)GPO-Trinder Method End Point
Observations and Results
In our studyLow Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels increased in cases of chronic kidney failure patients in comparisonwith control whereasHDL-Cholesteroldecreased in casesof chronic kidney failure patients in comparisonwith control. Conclusion: In our study there is altered lipid profile found in our study in CRF there is increased cardio-vascular risk patients. Alteration in concentration of lipoproteins which causes acceleration of process of atherosclerosis in cases of CRF patients. These complications can be prevented by lipid lowering diet and drugs such as the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). So, to prevent these cardiovascular complication proper diet advice and drug treatment should be given to the CRF patients.
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Open Access
Liver Function Tests in Dengue Patients in A Tertiary Care Hospital of South Odisha: A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study
Pages 123 - 127

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Background: Dengue, is an arthropod-borne viral disease of significant public health importance. In the context of the rising burden of Dengue in South Odisha, this hospital-based cross-sectional study conducted at MKCG Medical College Hospital, Berhampur, aims to evaluate liver function tests in 100 Dengue patients. Recognizing the significance of hepatic involvement in Dengue, the study seeks to contribute valuable insights into the hepatic manifestations of the disease, potentially enhancing diagnostic and management strategies in this region. Methodology: Utilizing a systematic approach, this study employed a cross-sectional design at MKCG Medical College Hospital, Berhampur, enrolling 100 Dengue patients. Standardized liver function tests were conducted, including serum bilirubin, alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and alkaline phosphatase. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics, providing a comprehensive overview of hepatic parameters in Dengue patients within the specified tertiary care setting Results: Among 100 Dengue patients, 40% exhibited less than a 2-fold increase in AST levels, while 28% showed a 2-10-fold rise, and 10% demonstrated more than a 10-fold increase. Overall, 22% maintained normal SGOT values, with 78% displaying elevated levels. Regarding SGPT, 20% had normal values, 35% presented with less than a 2-fold increase, 25% displayed a 2-10-fold rise, and 20% had more than a 10-fold increase from normal levels. Early-stage symptoms like vomiting and abdominal pain correlated with hepatic involvement, with statistically higher AST and ALT levels in patients developing complications such as DHF, DSS, hepatic failure, ARDS, AKI, and encephalopathy Conclusion: In summary, our study reveals a notable prevalence of hepatic involvement in Dengue patients, emphasizing the significance of vigilant monitoring, particularly in cases with early symptoms and those at risk of complications. These findings offer crucial insights for tailored interventions and enhanced patient care within the tertiary care context of South Odisha.
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Open Access
Clinical Effects of Spinal Bupivacaine Versus Sciatic Femoral Nerve Block in High Risk Geriatric Patient for Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgeries
Pages 118 - 122

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Introduction: Since the introduction of technology such as ultrasonography and Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS), Peripheral Nerve Blockade (PNB) has become an appropriate outpatient anaesthetic. When compared to central neuraxial blockade, it has the advantage of providing surgical anaesthetic with superior cardiorespiratory stability. PNBs reduce the need for postoperative analgesics, reduce the incidence of nausea, shorten the time spent in the post anesthesia care unit, and boost patient and surgeon satisfaction. Materials and Methods: 120 patients undergoing lower limb orthopaedic procedure were allocated randomly into two groups. The study was single-blinded, randomised clinical trial. Group A (n=60) received spinal anaesthesia and Group B (n=60) received sciatic-femoral nerve block (Anterior approach). Both Genders (Male/Female), Age- 65 yrs.-75 yrs, Body weight- 40 kg -70 kg, ASA Physical status- II, III, Patients with controlled co-morbid conditions were included in the study. Results: Study result showed no statistically significant differences in demographic parameters and duration of operation in between the groups (Table 1). Mean time of onset of sensory block was later in Group - B (Mean 11.40 mins.) than in Group A (Mean 4.65 mins.) and this was statistically significant (P <0.005, Table 2). Mean time of onset of motor block was later in Group B (Mean 16.30) than in Group A and this was statistically significant (P < 0.005, Table 2). Mean time of duration of sensory block was greater in Group B (518.5) than in Group A (165.24) and this was statistically significant (P < 0.005, Table 2). Conclusion: we observed that duration of sensory block, motor block and post-operative analgesia were more prolonged in case of sciatic-femoral nerve block than spinal anaesthesia. Sciatic-femoral block (Anterior approach) was associated with stable haemodynamic, lesser complications and is better tolerated by patient with good satisfaction scale compared to spinal anaesthesia. So, we can conclude that sciatic-femoral nerve block (Anterior approach) is a better alternative than spinal anaesthesia in case of high risk geriatric patients undergoing lower limb orthopaedic procedure.
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Open Access
Effect of Different Concentrations of Epidural Dexmeditomidine for Post-Operative Analgesia
Pages 114 - 117

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Introduction: Regional anesthesia is preferred for cesarean section as it allows a parturient to remain awake and participate in the birth of her baby while avoiding the risks of general anesthesia. The combined spinal-epidural (CSE) technique is frequently used to provide anesthesia and analgesia for labor and delivery. To improve the quality of intraoperative anesthesia, postoperative analgesia and aid early ambulation and recovery of motor block, several agents have been employed such as opioids and α-2 adrenergic agonist. Some recent placebo-controlled studies suggested that α-2 adrenergic agonist have both analgesic and sedative properties when used as an adjuvant in regional anesthesia. Materials and Methods: After obtaining written consent from the 180 patients, they were randomly divided into three groups of thirty each. All the patients were pre-operatively assessed and the technique for study was explained to them. Patient’s age ranging from 25 to 60 years, of either sex, belonging to ASA I and II and no contra-indications to epidural analgesia or the drugs were taken into consideration. The three groups were comparable in terms of baseline demographic parameters like age, sex, and weight. Basal haemodynamic parameters were comparable. Patients of ASA III and above, allergic to study drugs were excluded from the study. Results: 180 patients were enrolled in the study. In group A, 60 patients, in group B 60 patients, in Group C 60 patients. In group A, 34 patients were male, 26 patients were females, In group B, 32 patients were male, 28 patients were females. In group C, 30 patients were male, 30 patients were females. Analgesia and sedation was more in Group C than the other two groups. Cardiovascular stability was good in groups A and B. Conclusion: Since sensitivity to a drug depends on numerous factors, the search for an ideal dose in endless. We found that epidural dexmeditomidine 50 mcg dose gave satisfactory analgesia and sedation with minimal side effects.
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Open Access
The Scenario of Anaemia in the Spectrum of Chronic Liver Disease an Observational Descriptive Study
Pages 107 - 113

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Background: As we are aware that chronic liver disease frequently associated with haematological abnormalities which presents Anaemia of diverse etiology occurs in about 75% of patients and also this condition may be exacerbated by deficiency of folic acid and/or vitamin B12 that can occur secondary to inadequate dietary intake or malabsorption. So In this study we want to evaluate chronic liver disease patients having anaemia without overt bleeding in the past 3 months to know the severity and type of anaemia in these patients so as to enable us better management and decrease associated morbidity and mortality. Research Question: What is the scenario of anaemia in the spectrum of chronic liver disease in our setup? The setting of the study was at department of Gastroenterology, Government General Hospital, Guntur Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. A one year observational study was conducted during the period from April 2022 to May 2023 on about 100 chronic liver disease patients having anaemia whose Hb levels <10 g/dl without overt bleeding in the past 3 months admitted during the above period in the department of Gastroenterology by studying their socio-demographic profiles, type of chronic liver disease and anaemia with related laboratory investigations etc. Results: It was observed that in ALC the most common anaemia is folic acid deficiency (39.7%) followed by Iron deficiency (37.2%), in HBV most common anaemia was Iron deficiency (54.5%) followed by Folic acid deficiency (36.4%), in HCV both Iron and Folic acid deficiency were equally distributed (42.9%) and in NAFLD Iron and B12 deficiency were equally distributed (25%). Regarding severity, about 14% were severely anaemic flowed by 63% moderately anaemic and 23% were mild anaemic as noticed. In this study among the ALC cases maximum 35.9% were belong to the age group 41-50 years followed by 45.5% belong to 51-60 among HBV,42.9% belong to 41-50 years among HCV and about 50% of cases belong to 41-50 years among NAFLD. Totally it was observed that the majority age group suffering from chronic liver disease was between 41 -60 years. Mean age of study subjects was 46.7 years. And the lowest mean values of serum iron (29.29mcg/dl) and folic acid (4.59ng/ml) was observed among HCV cases and serum vit-B12 (221.3pg/ml) seen in ALC cases in this study.
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Open Access
A Retrospective study on role of Chordal Preservation during Mitral Valve replacement for Rheumatic Mitral valve disease in our institution
Pages 97 - 106

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Introduction: Mitral valve (MV) replacement with preservation of subvalvular apparatus aids in maintaining left ventricular (LV) function, but this can be particularly difficult in rheumatic mitral stenosis (MS). The main evidence of this benefit is based on mitral regurgitation (MR), and it is unclear in rheumatic patients with fibrosis and calcification. This study is going to update experience with the Total chordal Preservation in mitral valve replacement in rheumatic mitral valve disease at our institution. Methods: This is a single centre retrospective cohort study. To evaluate and compare the risk factors like Clinical and Echocardiographic parameters, and adverse events who underwent total chordal preservation during mitral valve replacement in Rheumatic heart disease and follow up till 1 year after surgery (at 6 weeks, at 6 months and at the end of 1 year). Clinical parameters like NYHA class, chronic renal failure, atrial fibrillation. Echocardiographic parameters like left ventricular end systolic diameter, left ventricular end diastolic diameter, left ventricular ejection fraction, left atrial diameter, pulmonary artery systolic pressure. Adverse events like Low cardiac syndrome, stroke, atrial fibrillation, , sepsis will be compared. All the variables were analyzed with statistical methods. All of them were evaluated for their clinical significance. p<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Total chordal preservation increases the cross clamp time and CPB time. No chordal preservation increases the chances of low cardiac out put syndrome. LV dimensions like LVESD, LVEDD were increased in no chordal preservation group and decreased in total chordal preservation group during follow up. Significant decrease of LVEF is noted in no preservation group. Significant decrease in LA size is noted in partial and total chordal preservation groups. PASP started decreasing in all the three groups in follow up irrespective of whether chordae is preserved or not. Conclusion: Total chordal preservation patients have better LV dimensions and EF than partial chordal preservation and no preservation patients in the post operative and follow up period. Partial chordal preservation patients also have better LV dimensions and EF than no preservation patients. It is best to preserve total chordae in mitral valve replacement patients if not possible it is better to do partial preservation (PML preservation).
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Open Access
Coagulation alteration in children with sickle cell disease: A study from Southern Odisha
Pages 92 - 96

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Introduction: Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hemoglobinopathy with varied manifestations from an asymptomatic state to crisis and may be fatal. Hypercoagulable state in sickle cell diseaseis not uncommon but there is a paucity of data on Indian patients, especially in the Pediatric age group. Aims and Objectives: To determine the coagulation parameters (PT, APTT), platelet count and MPV of children (<18 years) with SCD and to compare these parameters with controls(children with normal hemoglobin pattern). Material and Methods: This was a hospital based prospective observational study. 62 cases of homozygous sickle cell anemia (HbSS), 43 cases of sickle cell trait (HbAS) were included. 84 children with normal hemoglobin pattern (HbAA) of the age group 0-18 years were taken to serve as control in the study. Blood samples of all participants were collected in EDTA and Citrate vials. Hemoglobin, Platelet count, MPV, PT, and aPTT values were obtained. Result: The mean hemoglobin level of patients with HbSS was significantly lower as compared to HbAS and controls. (P<0.001) The mean value of PT, APTT, Platelet count, and MPV in HbSS cases was significantly higher as compared to HbAS and controls (P<0.001). There was no significant difference between hemoglobin PT, aPTT, platelet count, and MPV inHbAS and controls (P >0.05). There was a significant negative correlation between Hb levels and PT (r, -0.706;P,<0.0001), APTT (r,-0.467; P,0.0001), platelet count (r,-0.453; P, 0.0002)and MPV (r,-0.6952;P,<0.0001)for patients of HbSS. Conclusion:Children with SCD have prolonged coagulation profile and marked variation in platelet count which may increase the risk of thrombosis and bleeding.So it needs to be investigated further for better patient management.
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Open Access
Estimation of lipoproteins levels & related risk of cardiovascular diseases in psoriasis patients
Pages 89 - 91

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Introduction: Psoriasis is a systemic inflammatory disorder that involves complex pathogenic interactions between the innate and adaptive immune systems. Individuals with psoriasis have an increased risk of developing other chronic health diseases such cardiovascular disorders. The high incidence of cardiovascular events in the population with psoriasis could be explained by several mechanism. The high prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic abnormalities contributes to the high cardiovascular burden in patients with psoriasis. The most prevalent and chronically inflammatory dermatologic condition is psoriasis. Although it is connected to several illnesses, cardiovascular disease is the most prevalent. There is a critical need to analyze lipid abnormalities in psoriatic patients to determine the level of risk that individuals may experience for developing atherosclerosis, vascular obstructive disorders, associated morbidity and mortality. Aim: To estimate lipoproteins levels & related risk of cardiovascular diseases in psoriasis patients. Materials and Methods:This cross-sectional analytical study was carried out at Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College & Hospital in Pimpri, Pune. 40 psoriatic patients with a mean age of 50.68 ± 8.86 years made up the study group, and 40 healthy people of either sex with a mean age of 50.15 ± 9.6 years made up the control group. Enzymatic End Point Method was used to estimate the levels of serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol on the same day. By computing the mean, standard deviation, p-value, and Chi-square test, the data was analyzed. Results: Findings of this study showed that, compared to the control, total cholesterol and VLDL was considerably higher in people with psoriasis(p<0.05).Difference between psoriasis cases(6.8 ± 1.49) and control (3.08 ± 1.3) in findings of serum TGs were highly significant(p<0.001).However, difference betweenserum LDLlevelin psoriasis cases and control was not significant.Serum HDL levels in both psoriasis cases and control were unchanged . LDL/HDL ration has not shown any significant changes in both psoriasis case and control, while in TC/HDL ratio, statistically significant difference(p<0.05) was observed. Conclusion: Patients with psoriasis have high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. We propose that serum lipid profile screening in psoriatic patients will aid in identifying risk at an early stage. In these patients, impromptu treatment will lower the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.
Research Article
Open Access
Incidence of bleeding among Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Users in a tertiary care hospital: A 12 months’ prospective study
Pages 82 - 88

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Objective: Patients diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with implantation of coronary stent are often prescribed with two different antiplatelet agents.The objective of our study was to find out the incidence of major and minor bleeding and their associated risk factors. Method: A cohort of 183 patients receiving Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (DAPT) was investigated. Demographic data, bleeding patterns, prevalent risk factors, and interventions were analysed. To categorise and evaluate the severity of the bleeding, The Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Arteries (GUSTO) and Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC)bleeding classifications were used. Results: Among the patients, 66.6% were males. Bleeding occurred in 32.14% of those on Aspirin-Clopidogrel and 30.23% on Aspirin-Ticagrelor combinations. Hypertension (71.5%), diabetes (39.3%), and dyslipidaemia (57.3%) were common risk factors. Upper GI Bleed (13.7%) and Hematuria (13.7%) were primary bleeding patterns, while Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) was seen in 3 cases. Hospitalization was required for 21 patients. According to BARC, 38 had type 1 bleeding, and 21 had other formof bleeding; 124 had no bleeding. According to GUSTO, 6 had severe and 7 had moderate bleeding. Eight patients transitioned to Single Antiplatelet Therapy due to severe bleeding. Conclusion: Our study underscores the complexity of bleeding risks in DAPT patients, emphasizing the need for tailored treatment strategies. Future research should explore underlying mechanisms of bleeding events and the long-term impact on patient outcomes. Developing standardized protocols for risk assessment and management is crucial for optimizing clinical practice and patient safety.
Case Report
Open Access
Early Repolarisation Pattern Masking Unstable Angina- A Case Report
Pages 77 - 81

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Early Repolarisation Pattern (ERP) is an umbrella term that refers to ST-Segment elevation in the absence of chest pain, terminal QRS slurring, or terminal QRS notch. In patients with angina or anginal equivalents with ERP pattern on ECG(Electrocardiograph), the diagnostic dilemma of ERP masking ischemia vs. non-cardiac chest pain cause can falter further workup. We present a case of a 40-year-old male with risk factors of smoking and dyslipidemia presented with complaints of typical anginal chest pain followed by CCS III(Chronic Coronary syndrome III) symptoms of angina and dyspnoea. On primary evaluation he was found to have an Early repolarisation pattern in ECG, despite having a normal 2D Echo and negative cardiac biomarkers, His CAG revealed single vessel disease in the Left Circumflex coronaries. After revascularisation, the patient showed both angiographic and symptomatic improvement.
Research Article
Open Access
Outcome of Antenatally Detected Pediatric Surgical Congenital Anomalies - An Observational Study Done in a Tertiary Care Setting
Pages 70 - 76

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Background: Congenital anomalies affect approximately 1 in 33 infants leading to 6.6% of deaths in infants and causing significant morbidity in children. There is a need for a study aimed to investigate the diagnosis, prognostication, follow-up and outcomes of antenatally diagnosed surgical anomalies. Aim & Objectives: To identify cases of antenatally detected congenital anomalies within the purview of a surgical perspective, serially monitor them and assess their outcomes over the given period of study. Methods: A total of 60 patients were selected from those pregnant mothers who were referred for antenatal counseling after the fetus was diagnosed to have congenital anomalies during routine gestational scanning in the tertiary care hospital, Ramaiah Medical College and Memorial Hospital over a period of July 1, 2015 to July 1, 2017. All relevant data of the patients was entered into a Proforma and all the quantitative variables were analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics such as mean, mode, median, and standard deviation. All the qualitative variables were presented using frequency and percentage. The association between the various abnormalities and the outcomes was tested using Chi Square Test. Results 41.9% of mothers less than 25 years of age showed fetuses with renal involvement, 29% involved multiple systems, 25.8% involved GIT and 3.2% involved the respiratory system. In mothers older than 25 years of age, 41.4% involved the renal system, 24.1% involved the GIT, 27.6% multiple systems and 6.9% involved the respiratory system. The highest incidence in this study was found to be of renal system involvement. 60.9% of renal anomalies, 21.7% of GIT anomalies, and 8.7% of multiple system and respiratory system anomalies did not require surgical intervention. 35.3% of multiple system anomalies, 29% of renal anomalies, 32.3% of GIT anomalies, and 3.2% of respiratory anomalies required surgical intervention. The study showed that multiple system anomalies were more likely to require surgical intervention. The percentage of need for intervention was least in renal anomalies. Conclusion: Pediatric Surgeons have a very important role in discouraging terminations for correctable anomalies. The time of presentation of various anomalies had no bearing on any particular system involvement. Renal anomalies were the most commonly detected and multiple system anomalies proportionately were more likely to require surgical intervention.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinicoetiological Profile of Patients with Acute Symptomatic Seizures
Pages 64 - 69

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Introduction- Acute symptomatic seizures(ASS) are commonly encountered in clinical practice. ASS are defined as seizures occurring in close temporal relationship with an acute medical or neurological injury which can be metabolic, toxic, vascular, structural, infectious or inflammatory. This study was done with the aim to determine the clinical and etiological profile of new onset, non traumatic ASS. Materials & Methods- This is a hospital based cross- sectional study done for a period of 1 year, with a sample size of 86 patients. We included adult patients who were admitted with first episode of seizure or for other medical conditions who developed seizure during hospital stay and excluded hyperventilation, TIA, pseudo seizures, movement disorders, eclampsia, known epileptic disorder taking antiepileptic drugs and head injury. Data was collected using preformed porforma. Study participants were evaluated by thorough history taking, clinical examination, laboratory investigations, EEG, CT brain and MRI brain wherever indicated. Results- Our study enrolled a total of 86 patients with majority of cases in the age group of 21- 40 years, with a overall male:female ratio being 1.6:1. GTCS was the most common seizure type (60.4%), focal seizure was present in 10.4%. Status epilepticus was seen in 12.79%. Majority were due to metabolic and toxic causes (39.5%), followed by CNS infections (24.4%), CVA (22.1%), tumours (5.8%) and CVT (2.3%). CNS infections accounted for majority of cases of ASS in young and metabolic causes predominated in middle aged and elderly populations. Among metabolic, majority (32.3%) patients presented with alcohol withdrawal/ intoxication induced seizures. Conclusion ASS is found to have a male preponderance occuring more commonly in 21-40 years with majority presenting with GTCS with most commonly metabolic etiology followed by CNS infections.
Research Article
Open Access
A Prospective Study on Comparison of the Urine Calcium Creatinine Ratio and the Doppler Test in Predicting Preeclampsia
Pages 56 - 63

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Background: Pre-existing hypertension, renal disease, diabetes mellitus, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, thrombophilia, and autoimmune disease all enhance the chance of developing hypertensive disease during pregnancy by decreasing uteroplacental blood flow. Women with a history of preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome, twin pregnancies or other multiple pregnancies, a BMI >30, autoimmune disease, being over 35 years old, being first-time mothers, or having a sister or mother who had hypertension during pregnancy are at an increased risk of developing hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. Objectives: To evaluate the screening efficacy of urinary calcium creatinine ratio versus Doppler study in predicting pre-eclampsia. To study that low urinary calcium creatinine ratio (UCCR) of < 0.04 in asymptomatic pregnant women association with subsequent development of pre-eclampsia. To study the usefulness of uterine artery Doppler velocimetry as a predictor for pre-eclampsia before 20 weeks in asymptomatic pregnant women. Material & Methods: Study Design: Hospital based observational study. Study area: Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Study Period: April 2022 – March 2023. Study population: Normotensive nonproteinuric pregnant women less than 20 weeks attending the outpatient as well as antenatal ward. Sample size: Study consisted a total of 100 subjects. Sampling Technique: Simple Random technique. Study tools and Data collection procedure: A hospital based prospective comparative study was conducted among a group of 100 normotensive nonproteinuric women 11 to 14 weeks attending the outpatient as soon as antenatal ward in tertiary care teaching hospital over a period of one years. They are subjected to a detail history and general examination. Results: Out of 100 women, 33 had abnormal PI at 11-14 weeks and out of which 24 developed Pre-Eclampsia. The sensitivity is 100% and specificity are 88.2% positive predictive value is 72.7%and NPV is 100% and its association between preeclampsia was statistically significant (p value<0.0001). Out of 100 women, 58 had abnormal PI at 16-20 weeks and out of which 23 developed Pre-Eclampsia. The sensitivity is 95.8%and specificity are53.9%, positive predictive value is 39.7 %and negative predictive value is 97.6% and its association between preeclampsia was statistically significant (p value<0.001). Conclusion: We conclude that PI at 11-14 weeks and 16 – 20 weeks was found to be the better predictor of Preeclampsia compared to UCCR with better sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic efficacy. We recommend using PI at 11-14 weeks as the predictive tool to predict the development of preeclampsia.
Research Article
Open Access
Laboratory profile in serologically proven dengue in children
Pages 50 - 55

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Background: Dengue fever is a significant global health concern, particularly affecting children in tropical regions. This study aimed to comprehensively analyze the laboratory profiles of serologically proven dengue cases in children and their associations with clinical outcomes. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted on 300 pediatric patients with suspected dengue fever. Demographic data, clinical symptoms, serological markers (IgM and IgG antibodies, NS1 ELISA), and laboratory parameters were analyzed. Associations with disease severity and clinical outcomes were explored. Results: High prevalence of dengue-specific IgM antibodies (91.7%) and IgG antibodies (63.3%) was observed, with 50% of cases indicating secondary infections. NS 1 antigen ELISA was positive in 40% of cases. Clinical symptoms included fever (91.7%), headache (80%), myalgia (60%), and bleeding manifestations (16.7%). Severe forms of dengue (DHF/DSS) accounted for 30% of cases. Hemoglobin levels were lower in DHF/DSS cases (10.5 g/dL) than in non-severe cases (9.8 g/dL). Platelet counts were significantly lower in DHF/DSS cases (110 × 10^3/µL) compared to ICU admissions (85 × 10^3/µL). Serum creatinine levels were slightly elevated in ICU admission cases (1.1 mg/dL) compared to DHF/DSS cases (0.9 mg/dL). Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of serological markers and laboratory parameters in diagnosing dengue and assessing disease severity in pediatric cases. Early diagnosis and monitoring of these markers are crucial for timely clinical intervention. Further research is needed to validate these findings and enhance our understanding of pediatric dengue pathophysiology.
Review Article
Open Access
A New Classification for Wound Dressings
Pages 46 - 49

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Wounds are extremely common in clinical practice and they include diabetic foot wounds, venous ulcers, burns, traumatic wounds, etc. These wounds occur frequently in daily life and needs to be managed appropriately otherwise they can lead to complications. Numerous wound dressings/products are available in Industry with each having merits and demerits. Often, it is also difficult to understand their usage and mechanisms of action. The primary author extended his ‘SCC’ classification series to wound dressings wherein one can categorize them into 3 type’s namely simple, complex, and complicated wound dressings. This article aims to discuss this new classification of wound dressings.
Research Article
Open Access
Clinical Profile of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction in A Tertiary Care Hospital of North East Region
Pages 40 - 45

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Introduction- Heart failure is a major healthcare problem with significant morbidity and mortality. Half of these patients have a preserved ejection fraction. Early identification of this entity and its risk factors can help decrease the progression and prevent its complications. There is however a dirth of studies on this in North East India. We thus conducted this study to evaluate the clinical profile of patients with HFpEF. Materials & Methods- This is a hospital based cross-sectional study done over a period of 1 year from June, 2019 to May 2020. 105 patients presenting with heart failure with a normal ejection fraction on 2D-Echo were selected by convenience sampling and data was collected using preformed porforma. Results- Out of 105 patients, mean age was 63 years, mostly females(66.6%). Hypertension is the most common risk factor(64.76%) followed by diabetes mellitus(33.33%) and obesity(28.35%). On ECG, 68.57% had left ventricular hypertrophy & 66.6% sinus tachycardia. Most common chamber enlargement seen in 2D echo was left ventricular hypertrophy(68.57%). 61.90% had grade1, 28.57% had grade 2 and 9.52% had grade 3 diastolic dysfunction. Conclusion- More than half of the patients of heart failure have a normal ejection fraction. Early screening of those with risk factors and the elderly is key in decreasing the morbidity and mortality associated with it.
Research Article
Open Access
Determination of Anticoagulant, Hemolytic, and Fibroblast Toxicity Assay on Kandha Aviltham – A Unique Medicine of Siddha
Pages 30 - 39

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Siddha system of medical has developed a rich and unique treasure of drug knowledge in which use of plants, metals and minerals is very much advocated, which plays an important role in medicinal properties for both preventive and curative. These medicinal values of plants are in some chemically active substance they produce a definite physiological action on the human body. Kanda aviltham is a classic siddha medicine used in the treatment of suram, mukkutranoigal, naavaratchi. Vaanthi, malapantham, malapokku, neerkatti, etc.
1. Anti-coagulant activity
2. Safety profile of kandha aviltham on mammalian cell A, Erythrocytes
B, Fibroblasts
1. Anti-coagulant activity
•Platelet aggregration assay [Human]
•Dose dependent assay/ 3hrs treatment
2. Safety profile
•MTT assay on NIH3T3 fibroblast, dose dependent assay/ 24 hrs treatment
•Hemolytic assay on human erythrocyte, dose dependent assay/ 1hrs treatment
Conclusion: The Anti-coagulant study, Fibroblastic toxicity and hemolytic study for kanda aviltham shows the drug is non- cytotoxic and it contains anti-coagulant and hemolytic activity.This evidence based data provides valuable information is helful to standardization of kandha aviltham.
Research Article
Open Access
Sleep quality and the associated factors among nurses working in shifts in a tertiary care centre of central India: A cross-sectional study
Pages 22 - 29

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Background: Nurses are at risk of poor sleep due to their shift duties which has serious implications on their health. Hence this study was carried out to study the sleep quality of nurses working in a tertiary hospital and to identify the factors associated with it. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 375 nurses working in shifts for more than a year in a tertiary care centre of central India. Socio-demographic and work-related details were collected with the help of a pre-designed pre-tested questionnaire. Sleep quality was measured by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Clinical characteristics were also assessed which included hypertension, diabetes, BMI and psychological well being. Psychological well-being was assessed by GHQ-12. Association of sleep quality with sociodemographic, work-related and clinical characteristics was determined. Chi square test was used to test for significance and logistic regression analysis was done using IBM SPSS V23. Results: Out of total 375 nurses, 50.40% had poor sleep quality. Mean age of the participants was 38.36±8.69 years. Extended family, working in emergency departments, work experience of ≤5 years, hypertension, and poor psychological well-being were the factors demonstrated to be independently associated with poor sleep quality. Conclusions: Poor sleep quality among nurses is a matter of concern and warrants further investigation.
Research Article
Open Access
Study of serum creatinine levels in healthy male and females of different age groups attending at Nalanda Medical College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar
Pages 19 - 21

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Objective- Creatinine, the anhydride of creatine is formed largely in muscle by irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration of creatine phosphate. The 24 hours excretion of creatinine in the urine of a given subject is constant from day to day and proportionate to muscle mass. Materials and Methods- A total of 396 healthy subjects of whom 286 were male and 110 females and age ranges from 20 – 60 years were included in the study are compared with established interval. Estimation of serum creatinine level of all received samples was detected by enzymatic methods in fully automated analyser machine. Result-The calculated reference interval for serum creatinine level was 0.4 - 1.3 mg/dl and 0.6 to 1.3 mg/dl in the age groups of 21- 40 and 41- 60 years respectively.Conclusion-The present study has shown a variation in mean values of normal serum creatinine level. The difference between the mean serum creatinine value in total males and total females was statistically significant.
Research Article
Open Access
A Study of Vitamin D Levels, Immunological and Virological Outcomes in Hiv-Infected Adults
Pages 13 - 18

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Background : HIV continues to be a major global public health issue, having claimed 36.3 million [27.2–47.8 million] lives so far. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) targets the immune system and weakens people's defense against many infections and some types of cancer that people with healthy immune systems can fight off. Low vitamin D levels have been associated with HIV disease progression and HIV-related complications. Materials and Methods: Cases will be selected from patients presenting to KIMS hospital, IPD section with history Of HIV infection considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 110 consecutive patients presenting with HIV positive status, whose inclusion and exclusion criteria are fulfilled are considered for study. It’s a single centered, time- bound prospective study carried out for a period of 2 years. Each patient was evaluated with History, clinical examination, and lab investigations. Results : In the present study involving 110 HIV patients. The mean CD4+ Count (/ was 186.86 ± 104.35 and the mean Viral Load (x103) was 55.20 ± 68.61. vitamin D deficiency was present in 96.4% of population. There was a strong positive correlation between CD4+ Count (/ and S. Vitamin D (ng/mL). There was a strong negative correlation between Viral Load (x103) and S. Vitamin D (ng/mL). Conclusion: In this study, with deficiency of Vitamin D level there was positive corelation with CD4 Count causing reduction in CD4 Count and negative correlation with viral load causing increased viral load with reduction in vitamin D levels in HIV affected individuals.
Research Article
Open Access
Prevalence of gram negative non fermenters in critically ill patients: A special focus on MBL producers
Pages 7 - 12

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Introduction: Opportunistic infections of gram negative non fermenters cause significant increase in morbidity and mortality of critically ill patients. Materials And Methods: All the samples were collected by following aseptic precautions, among which 200 pathogenic isolates were obtained which formed the study group. All the samples were processed for microscopic examination, culture and sensitivity testing according to CLSI protocols. Results:Out of 200 clinical isolates, 42 different non-fermenters were studied .Among these the predominant non-fermenter was Pseudomonas. aeruginosa 30(71.4%), followed by Acinetobacter baumannii 8(19%), Alcaligenes faecalis 2(4.7%) and Acinetobacter lwoffii 2(4.7%). Modified hodge test detected 6(66%) of Carbapenemase production by imipenem resistant isolates .E-Test detected more number of positive isolates that produced MBLs i.e.,5(55.5%), followed by Combined disk potentiation test 4(44%), and double disk synergy test 3(33%). Conclusion: The future of prevention in ICUs will likely be based on our ability to adapt policies and emerging technologies to specific risk profiles.
Research Article
Open Access
Reconstruction of Chronic Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation: Modified Weaver-Dunn Procedure Versus Autogenous Semitendinosus Graft
Pages 1 - 6

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Background: Operative procedure in chronic cases of Acromioclavicular joint dislocation remains controversial. The modified weaver-dunn method is one of the most popular methods but it is a non anatomic technique that presents approx 30:/: loss of reduction and horizontal instability. Anatomic Coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction using autogenous tendon graft reportedly diminishes pain, eliminates sequelae, and improves function as well as strengthstrength, still it also having some complications like clavicle fracture, coracoid fracture or hyperaesthsia due to infrapatellar branch of sapheneous nerve ( while taking hamstring tendon graft) Objective: To compare functional outcomes between modified weaver –Dunn procedure and anatomic coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction technique using semitendinosus tendon graft. Method Fifty six patients (mean age, 31 years) with painful, chronic Rockwood type 3, 4, and 5 acromioclavicular joint dislocation were subjected to surgical intervention. All patients randomly divided in 2 groups, group A for anatomic coracoclavicular reconstruction using semitendinosus tendon (ST) graft and group B for modified weaver-dunn procedure. Clinical evaluation was performed using American shoulder and elbow surgeons shoulder score (ASES) and the constant score after follow up of 6 months Results In the ST group (group A), the mean ASES shoulder score improved from 76.92+/-5.73 preoperatively to 95.14+/-3.85 postoperatively and mean constant score from 69.96 +/-6.70 preoperatively to 94.21+/-2.79 postoperatively. In the weaver-dunn group (group B), the mean ASES shoulder score improved from 76.78+/-5.76 preoperatively to 88.82+/-2.29 postoperatively and mean constant score improved from 69.50+/-5.87 preoperatively to 85.50+/-3.34 postoperatively. The results in the semitendinosus tendon graft grouwere significantly better than in the weaver–dunn group (p<0.05). Conclusion Semitendinosus tendon graft for coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction resulted in significantly superior functional outcomes compared to the modified Weaver-Dunn procedure.
Research Article
Open Access
Evaluation of Morning Symptoms Using Capacity of Daily Living During Morning (Cdlm) Questionnaire and Its Correlation with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Severity Related Variables

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Abstract:Introduction: COPD is a leading global cause of mortality, expected to rise in prevalence over the next four decades. Patients often find the early hours of the day troublesome, impacting their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This study aims to address the commonly overlooked issue of morning symptoms in COPD patients, focusing on their severity and correlation with the CAT score and BODE index. The research underscores the significance of understanding and managing morning symptoms to improve the overall well-being of individuals with COPD. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study involving 128 COPD patients meeting inclusion/exclusion criteria was conducted in hospitals affiliated with Bangalore Medical College & Research Institute. Comprehensive investigations were carried out, and morning symptoms were evaluated using the CDLM questionnaire. Patients were clinically classified into GesEPOC phenotypes and GOLD stages based on FEV1 (%). The severity of COPD was assessed through the BODE index and CAT score, with correlations examined against the CDLM questionnaire. Results: In this study of 128 COPD patients, predominantly males with a mean age of 63 years, the first tertile demonstrated lower CDLM scores, indicating a higher morning impact and more respiratory symptoms. These patients also had lower FEV1%, higher CAT and BODEx scores, and increased exacerbations. Higher CDLM scores were associated with the Non-Exacerbator clinical phenotype of GesEPOC Spanish Classification. Multivariate analysis revealed that lower CDLM scores were independently linked to higher CAT and BODEx scores, lower FEV1%, and increased exacerbations. Conclusion: Evaluation of morning symptoms using capacity of daily living during morning (CDLM) questionnaire revealed there was a strong association with markers of COPD severity. The significant association was found with CAT and BODE index score and GesEPOC phenotypes. The strong negative correlation was learned for CDLM with CAT score and BODE Index score independently. However, the CDLM questionnaire exhibits a ceiling effect, limiting its ability to effectively differentiate between low and high impacts of morning symptoms.