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Research Article | Volume 15 Issue 1 (Jan - Feb, 2025) | Pages 50 - 57
A Prospective Study on Safety and Functional Outcome with Tenecteplase Intravenous Thrombolysis in Middle Cerebral Artery Ischemic Stroke
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Super Specialty Hospital, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. India
Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Super Specialty Hospital, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. India
Senior Consultant, Neurology, KMCH, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. India
Neuro Radiologist, KMCH, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. India
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
Nov. 18, 2024
Dec. 12, 2024
Dec. 30, 2024
Jan. 8, 2025

Background:  Tenecteplase has higher fibrin specificity and greater resistance to inactivation by its endogenous inhibitor (PAI-1) compared to native t-PA. The objective of this study was to assess the outcome of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) with Tenecteplase (TNK) in patients with Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) ischemic stroke. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in a South Indian multi-specialty tertiary care hospital from April 2019 to March 2020. We have observed that 42 MCA ischemic stroke patients underwent IVT with TNK (0.25 mg/kg) within four and half hours of onset of symptoms. All were followed up for 3 months, to assess the response to therapy and clinical outcomes. Results: Among the study population, the majority of the patients (71%) were from ≥55 years of age group and 33 (77%) were male; 62% had a history of hypertension and 52% were diabetics. Slurred speech was the most common (47.8%) presenting symptom and Right hemiparesis was the most common (54.8%) neurological sign. There is a significant reduction (P<0.001) in NIHSS score was observed with a mean score of 3.38 after 24 hours of IVT with TNK and in the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score (mean score: 1.61; P<0.001) at 3 months follow up. Two (4.7%) patients have developed hemorrhagic transformation; among them, one (2.3%) had an NIHSS score of more than 13 at arrival. Conclusion: Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) with Tenecteplase (TNK) 0.25 mg/kg is safe with less chance of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage and has good functional outcomes.


Stroke, including both ischemic and hemorrhagic is one of the leading causes of long-term disability and death worldwide. A Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) infarction is one of the most common manifestations of cerebrovascular disease. The clinical picture with an MCA infarction varies and depends on the site of the occlusion and the extent of collateral blood flow. Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) therapy at the cerebral flow dose in the first 3 to 4.5 hours of the onset of ischemic stroke has a significant benefit.1-4

Tenecteplase (TNK) is a genetically modified variant of alteplase and has greater fibrin specificity, slower inactivation by plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 and also has a longer half-life.5 Tenecteplase bolus is beneficial compared to the infusion of t-PA. According to the studies, the fixed doses of TNK 0.25/kg had better recanalization and clinical prognosis than alteplase in acute ischemic stroke patients.6-8


Therefore, we planned to assess the clinical outcomes of IVT TNK 0.2 mg/kg bolus in Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) ischemic stroke within four and half hours of onset.


Aim: To describe the three-month functional outcome in acute ischemic stroke in Middle Cerebral Artery territory who underwent intravenous thrombolysis with Tenecteplase.



  • To assess the functional outcome at the end of three months with a modified Rankin scale after intravenous thrombolysis with Tenecteplase.
  • To assess any intracranial haemorrhage that occurred within 24–48 hours after intravenous thrombolysis with Tenecteplase.

It was a prospective observational study conducted over a period of 12 months from April 2019 to March 2020 at a NABH-accredited South Indian tertiary care teaching hospital.


A study was conducted on 42 stroke patients who underwent IVT with TNK 0.25mg/kg within 4.5 hours of onset of symptoms of Middle Cerebral Artery territory ischemic stroke with measurable neurologic deficit (less than 25) on the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and patients with a mismatch between Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI)– Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).


Ethical Considerations:

Patients were informed of the procedure and consent was obtained. This study was approved by the KMCH ethics committee, KOVAI Medical College and Hospital Limited (EC/AP/686/03/2019). Written informed consent was obtained from the patient or legally authorized representative (if the patient is not able to understand the study procedure and the outcomes9).


Sample Size:

The improvement in the Tenecteplase group according to Lutsep HL et al.,10 is 64%. The total number of patients administered IVT at the study hospital was 53 people during 2018-19. Hence, the calculated sample size using Estimation of a Single population based on cluster sampling (Design Effect) - Finite population correction was 41 patients, considering a 20% non-follow-up rate.


Study Procedure:

Neurological deficits were measured through the NIHSS at baseline, at 2 hours, at 24 48 hours, and 7 days after IVT-TKT 0.25 mg/kg (or at discharge if earlier). Functional outcomes were measured with the MRS. The mRS score was assessed on the 7th day of IVT TNK (or at discharge if earlier), and at approximately 3 months as an outpatient consultation. Follow-up imaging consisted preferably of brain MRI, or brain CT, at 24–48 hours after treatment.9 Intracranial haemorrhage after thrombolysis was described according to the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS) morphological definition11 and symptomatic intracranial haemorrhage was defined based on ECASS III criteria12 (any intracranial haemorrhage causally related to an increase of 4 points or more in NIHSS score).


NIHSS score:

Patients with acute ischemic stroke with a measurable deficit on NIHSS, who were admitted within 4.5 h of symptoms or those who had symptoms on awakening were judged eligible for intravenous thrombolysis according to the eligibility criteria.


As per Heldner et al13, the best cut-off values within 3 hours after symptom onset were NIHSS scores ≥ 9 (positive predictive value 86.4%) and NIHSS scores ≥ 7 within >3 to 6 hours (positive predictive value 84.4%) indicating anterior circulatory occlusion.


Modified Rankin’s Scale14, 15

It is a 6-level ordinal outcome scale used to assess the functional status of patients, the range from no symptoms or functional impairment (mRS = 0) to severe disability requiring constant nursing care (mRS = 5) and Death (mRS = 6).


Alberta stroke program early CT score (ASPECTS)16

It is a semiquantitative topographic score used to estimate the infarct size. This score was initially developed for the assessment of infarct size in CT. Now, it is also being used for CT angiography, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI), and perfusion studies.


A score of one is given for each region accounting for a total score of 10. One point is deducted from 10 for hypodensities in each of these regions, giving the final ASPECTS score. There is an increase in dependence and death with ASPECTS of 7 or less.


MRI helps diagnose hyperacute and acute stroke. Several studies have proved that diffusion-weighted MRI is more sensitive in detecting ischemic changes when compared to CT. Sensitivity in identifying acute infarct in DWI is between 60-80% as compared to <50% for CT.17-20


MRA is a non-invasive technique to find out the large vessel occlusion without the use of contrast, unlike CT perfusion. Time of flight is the most common technique in MR angiography. This technique uses 2D or 3D compensated gradient-echo sequences.21


After non-contrast CT of the brain, patients were assessed for thrombolytic treatment eligibility and study inclusion. Patients who have symptoms on awakening or unknown onset were included in the study and treated off-label if the mismatch between DW-MRI and FLAIR-MRI was detected.22


Statistical Methods:

Socio-demographic variables and other categorical variables are described as percentages. Mean and Standard deviation were used for continuous data; Paired ‘T’ tests were used to compare the improvement in mRS and NIHSS measurements. P-value was considered significant if it is <0.05 and highly significant if it is <0.001.


Distribution of baseline parameters in the study population

Demographics: Among the study population, 12 (29%) patients were from the ≤55 years age group 30 (71%) were of ≥55 years of age; 9 (21%) patients were female, and 33 (76.6%) patients were males.


Social habits: Among the study population, 9 (21%) patients had a habit of smoking, and 6 (14.3%) patients had a habit of consuming alcohol in the study population.


Table 1: Distribution of study participants based on the presenting symptoms

Presenting symptom



Right hemiparesis



Left hemiparesis



Right side numbness









Slurred speech



Loss of consciousness (LOC)



Right upper motor nerve (UMN) facial palsy



Left UMN facial palsy



Symptoms on awakening










Among the study population, 2 (4.7%) patients have presented with the symptoms of awakening. Other significant presenting symptoms like headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness, aphasia, slurring of speech, upper motor neuron facial weakness, hemiparesis, numbness, and ataxia are analyzed, and the details are depicted in Table 1.


Table 2: Cardiovascular workup findings

Cardiovascular work up parameters





Atrial Fibrillation (AF)






Left Ventricular Hypertrophy




Atrial Fibrillation (AF)



Regional wall motion abnormality (RWMA)



Left Ventricular Hypertrophy




The study population has a medical history of hypertension (61.9%), diabetes mellitus (52.4%), dyslipidemia (38.1%), a previous cardiovascular event (14.3%), and Cerebrovascular history (minor CVA before 6 months) (11.9%) and atrial fibrillation (2.4%).


At the time of admission all the participants were assessed for cardiovascular events through 12-Lead ECG and Echo, the details are presented in Table 2.


Table 3: Laboratory analysis workup findings

Metabolic Parameters




Urea more than 45 mg/dl



Creatinine more than 1.5 mg/dl



Hemoglobin less than 10 g/dl



Hemoglobin less than 15 g/dl



TLC more than 10,500 cells/ cubic millimetre




in normal limits in all study population

PT more than 13 sec




in normal limits in all study population

GRBS more than 180 mg/dl




The study population was assessed for metabolic, hematologic, and biochemical parameters and found that 1 (2.4%) participant with mild impairment of renal function. The details of other assessments are presented in Table 3.


Radiological parameters were assessed in all the study population and 1 (2.4%) had a significantly large infarct volume and the CT and MRI ASPECTS scores were less than 7 and 5, respectively for this participant.


Table 4: NIHSS Assessment Findings





6 to 15


16 to 24

NIHSS at admission (N=42)

13 (31%)



NIHSS after 24 hours of Tenecteplase (N=42)





Table 5: Association between NIHSS at admission and 24hrs after IVT‑TNK




Z test


NIHSS at arrival







NIHSS 24hrs after IV Tenecteplase




All the study patients were assessed for the NIHSS Score both at admission and 24 hours after IVT-TNK. The detailed data along with the statistical Values were depicted in Tables 4 and 5.


Among the study population, there is a significant improvement in NIHSS score as there is a significant difference in mean score between scores between both groups (mean reduction of 4.93) and the P value is highly significant if it is <0.001 (Table 5).


Table 6: Distribution of study population based on the mRS score post-IVT-TNK

mRS score

mRS 0

mRS 1

mRS 2

mRS at discharge(N=42)




mRS after 90 days(N=42)





Table 7: Association between mRS at discharge and after 90 days




Z test


mRS at discharge





mRS after 90 days




Distribution of study population according to mRS score at discharge and after 90 days. The detailed data along with the statistical values were depicted in Tables 6 and 7.


Among the study population, there is a significant improvement observed between Modified Rankin scale mRS at discharge and after 90 days, as there is a significant difference in mean score between scores between both groups (mean reduction of 1.61) and P-value is highly significant if it is <0.001.

Post dose Hemorrhagic transformation (N=42):  Among the study population, treated with Tenecteplase only 2 (4.7%) participants have developed hemorrhagic transformation.


The occurrence of stroke is higher in men than women worldwide; however, in the US it is reported no significant difference between men and women of 20 to 59 years of age.23 Jukka P et al24 reported that Ischemic stroke is more prevalent in the population with ≤ 55 years of age. The incidence of ischemic stroke in young adults varies globally from 8 per one lakh person-years in Europe to more than 100 per one lakh person-years in sub-Saharan Africa. The prevalence of ischemic stroke among working-aged adults almost doubled from 1990 to 2013 both in high-income and low- to middle-income countries.


According to Kamalakannan S et al1, the incidence and prevalence of stroke in different parts of India have ranged from 44.29 to 559/100,000 population during the past two decades. In support of the literature, in this study, 42 patients were diagnosed with MCA ischemia out of 298 patients who were admitted with neurological deficits during the study period. Out of 42 patients, 12 (29%) patients aged less than 55 years. The majority of patients i.e., 33 (77%) were men in our study population.


Social habits play an important role in neurological complications and still, debate is going on the impact of the level of alcoholism and neurological complications. In our study, 14% of study participants reported the habituation of alcohol consumption. Susanna et al25 concluded that light and moderate alcohol consumption was inversely associated only with ischemic stroke, whereas heavy drinking was associated with increased risk of all stroke types with a stronger association for hemorrhagic strokes.


According to Biqi Pan et al26 meta-analyses, there is an increased risk of stroke in smokers compared with nonsmokers. An increased risk of stroke associated with current smoking was observed in most subgroups. In addition, there was a dose-dependent relationship between current smoking status and the overall risk of stroke, and the risk was increased by 12% for each increment of 5 cigarettes per day. In our study, a considerable number of patients (21%) have the habit of smoking.


Hypertension is the most prevalent risk factor for stroke, based on data from 30 studies, 64% of stroke patients had a history of hypertension.27, 28 In support of the literature majority of the study patients (62%) have reported hypertension.


Findings from the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration revealed the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke with diabetes. In our study, we had 22 (52%) patients with diabetes.


In registries and clinical trials up to 60% of documented patients have high levels of blood lipids including cholesterol.29 The same scenario was observed in our study, the majority of the (38%) patients were diagnosed with dyslipidemia.

In our study group, 5 patients had a history of cerebrovascular events ≥6 months before admission. Patients with a recent ischemic stroke (8% to 14%) are at risk of a second ischemic stroke within a year.30, 31


Cardiac investigations help determine the emboli source and are advised in selected circumstances. Noninvasive cardiac imaging can diagnose a variety of cardiac conditions, which can be a potential cause of TIA and evolving stroke. In our study group, Atrial Fibrillation was noted in 1 (2.3%) patient, regional wall motion abnormality in 8 (19%) patients and left ventricular hypertrophy in 20 (47.6%) patients (through Echocardiography).


A systemic review and meta-analysis by Zilong Hao et al32 revealed that renal dysfunction does not increase the risk of poor outcome and intracranial hemorrhage with intravenous thrombosis using tissue plasminogen activator. Renal dysfunction should not be a contraindication for the administration of intravenous thrombolysis to eligible patients. In our study population, 1 (2.3%) patient was diagnosed with mild renal dysfunction and the outcome of the current intravenous thrombolysis with Tenecteplase was good.


In our study group, one (2.3%) patient had CT ASPECTS 7 and MRI ASPECTS 5, his NIHSS score at arrival was 17 and mRS at discharge was 4, he had a poor outcome due to the large volume of infarct.


NIHSS had good reliability, validity, and a good predictor of the long-term prognosis of stroke.33-37 However, most studies at home and abroad suggest that NIHSS has relatively poor sensitivity in the disease assessment of patients with posterior circulation stroke.38 A study revealed that NIHSS scores can effectively predict the risk of bleeding in patients with cerebral infarction after emergency intravenous thrombolysis. Studies revealed that NIHSS has an ideal specificity, sensitivity and accuracy in predicting the prognosis, and 13 points could be used as the cut-off value of prognosis for stroke patients. 39-43


Most of the study patients scored ≤5 after IVT-TNK (Pre IV-TNK 5 [13%] vs post-TNK 24 [57%]) with a significant improvement in NIHSS score. In our study group, 2(4.7%) patients had an NIHSS score between 16 and 24 at arrival, after thrombolysis with TNK 3(7%) patients had the same NIHSS score. There is a significant improvement in NIHSS score as there is a significant difference in mean score between pre and post-IV-TNK (mean reduction of 4.93) and the P value is highly significant as it is <0.001.


The higher the NIHSS scores, the more severe the condition is. In our study group, 2 (4.7%) patients developed hemorrhagic transformation, among them 1 (2.3%) had an NIHSS score of more than 13 at arrival. This study revealed that the IV-TNK outcomes were better with a low NIHSS score.

The mRS scores of 0 to 1 were defined as positive (treatment success) whereas scores 2 to 6 were defined as negative. Numerous investigations have reported an increased risk of poor outcome (defined as mRS 2 or 3) from discharge to 6 months for more severe types of strokes. Nedeltchev K et al study in 198 younger ischemic stroke patients showed that total anterior circulation infarction was an independent predictor of mRS grade 2 or death at 3 months.44-46


Molina CA et al47 studies involving 177 patients with acute ischemic stroke found that achieving recanalization within 5 hours after intravenous thrombolytic therapy was an independent predictor of achieving a modified Rankin Scale (mRS) Grade 2 at 3 months post-stroke. The odds ratio was 4.11, with a 95% confidence interval of 2.42 to 6.95, and the result was statistically significant (P = 0.001).

Multivariate regression analyses have shown that acute impairment scores, such as the NIH Stroke Scale (NIHSS), are independent predictors of the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) grade from 2 months to 1 year after a stroke. Demchuk and colleagues found that patients with mild strokes (NIHSS scores 1 to 5) had a higher likelihood of achieving a favourable outcome (mRS grade 0 to 1) compared to those with more severe strokes (NIHSS scores 11 to 15, 16 to 20, and above 20). The confidence intervals and p-values for these comparisons were 95% CI 0.02 to 0.16, P = 0.001; 95% CI 0.13 to 0.56, P = 0.001; and 95% CI 0.20 to 0.79, P = 0.008, respectively.48


In this study, at the time of discharge, 6 patients (14.2%) had mRS scores of 0, 11 patients (26%) had mRS scores of 1, and 5 patients (12%) had mRS scores of 2. At the three-month follow-up, 11 patients (26%) had mRS scores of 0, 9 patients (21%) had mRS scores of 1, and 8 patients (19%) had mRS scores of 2. There was a significant improvement in mRS scores, with a mean reduction of 1.61 between the two time points, and the P value was highly significant at <0.001.


The incidence of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) following alteplase administration at the standard dose of 0.9 mg/kg (with a 10% bolus over 1 hour) ranges from 2% to 7% in clinical trials and prospective stroke registries.49 In our study, 4.7% (2 patients) developed sICH after receiving TNK at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg as a bolus.


Here are the observations we have drawn:

  1. Intravenous thrombolysis with TNK at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg is safe, with a lower risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage.
  2. The functional outcomes for MCA ischemic stroke patients treated with IVT-TNK are satisfactory, with mild stroke patients showing better mRS scores at discharge and after 90 days.
  3. Satisfactory improvement in NIHSS scores after IVT-TNK in patients with mild to moderate-severe strokes.
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A Study to assess the perception of Educational Environment in Critical Care Units amongst Anaesthesiology Post Graduate students by using Healthcare Education Micro-Learning Environment Measure (HEMLEM) Questionnaire
Published: 15/01/2025
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Assessment of safety of retro pupillary iris-claw intraocular lens as a viable option in cases of aphakia
Published: 15/01/2025
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Research Article
A Study on the Relationship Between Organomegaly, Dengue Severity, and Dengue Seropositivity in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Maharashtra.
Published: 11/01/2025
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Drug Utilization pattern of bacterial corneal ulcer at Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Published: 02/06/2024
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