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Research Article | Volume 14 Issue: 4 (Jul-Aug, 2024) | Pages 670 - 673
Evaluating the differences in clinical presentation, progression, and treatment outcomes of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) versus heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)
Consultant Physician, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Panchmahal, Godhra, Gujarat, India
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
July 1, 2024
Aug. 1, 2024
Aug. 6, 2024
Aug. 11, 2024

Introduction: HF occurs in a mid-range ejection or moderately decreased ejection fraction. HFmrEF falls between 40 and 49%. An intermediate clinical entity, it is separate from HFpEF and HFrEF, yet it overlaps with both of these conditions. Methods: Record of A total 165 patients analysed for this study. Researchers compared individuals with heart failure who had varying ejection fractions via the use of a retrospective cohort study. This paper investigates the epidemiology, clinical features, prognosis, and management of HFmrEF. Results: The findings indicate that individuals with HFmrEF, which account for 10–25% of all occurrences of heart failure, have clinical characteristics that are a combination of HFpEF and HFrEF, and they have a high incidence of ischemic heart disease. It is important to note that while HFmrEF has a reduced risk of cardiovascular events compared to HFrEF, it has a risk of non-cardiovascular adverse events that is comparable to or even greater. Therapeutic responses point to the possibility of the effectiveness of medications that are HFrEF, such as inhibitors. Conclusion: HFmrEF is a helpful clinical category that brings to light the need of individualized research and treatment methods by emphasizing the need for such tactics. The phrase "mildly diminished EF" is more accurate in describing its features and provides support for treatment strategies that are more focused.


Failure of heart functioning is an escalating issue on a global scale [1-4]. The occurrence and chances of heart failure is increasing as a result of the aging population, improved survival rates after heart attacks, and advancements in heart failure therapy [1-4]. This phenomenon is resulting in an increase in the number of people being admitted to hospitals and the associated expenses. It is projected that these hospitalizations and expenditures will grow by 127% by the year 2030 [5-7]. Managing HF is challenging, resulting in many hospitalizations and fatalities [8-12]. Medical professionals often use a diagnostic test known as LVEF to evaluate, diagnose, and strategize therapy for heart failure [13]. LVEF is quantified via an echocardiography, a diagnostic procedure that uses ultrasound technology to see the heart. Although the measurement of LVEF provides some insight, it is not a complete indicator of the prognosis for individuals with heart failure [13]. Machine learning algorithms have the capability to provide more accurate risk predictions compared to relying just on LVEF [13]. Nevertheless, LVEF remains the primary method for categorizing heart failure in medical practices and scientific investigations [6, 14-17]. Heart failure may be classified into many kinds depending on the LVEF. HFrEF is below 40%. This condition has effective therapies available. HFpEF, on the other hand, is 50% or more. Treating HFpEF is more challenging. HFmrE, refers to cases where the left ventricular ejection fraction is between 40-49%. This condition is a combination of HFrEF and HFpEF. Recent research indicates that HFmrEF has greater resemblance to HFrEF, leading some to refer to it as "heart failure with relatively weak pump" [18-20].


Researchers compared individuals with heart failure who had varying ejection fractions via the use of a retrospective cohort study. The research looked at medical records of 165 patients who had HFrEF, HFpEF, and HFmrEF over a period of previous years. The emphasis of the study was to analyze the differences in patient characteristics, disease progression, and treatment responses among these patients. The data gathered and evaluated included information on the demographics of the patients, their medical histories, and the results of their treatments, including the efficacy of inhibitors. The results were analyzed using SPSS software.


Table 1:  Parameter analysis



Mid-range analysis in heart failure

Preservation fraction in heart failure

Reduction fraction in heart failure


10-25% of all heart failure

Varies (typically >50%)

Varies (typically <40%)

Clinical parameters

Combination of preserved and reduced.

Predominantly preserved ejection fraction

Reduced ejection fraction

Ischemic Heart Disease incidence of occurrence


Varies (typically lower)


Cardiovascular risk

Reduced compared to HFrEF

Comparable or lower than mid-range

Highest among the three

Non-Cardiovascular Adverse Risk

Comparable to or greater than preserved

Generally lower

Generally lower

Therapeutic Response (Medications)

Effective with reduced medications (e.g., inhibitors)

Variable; less responsive to reduced specific drugs

High effectiveness with reduced drugs


Table 1: The chart indicates that midrange has a prevalence ranging from 10% to 25%. It combines features of both preserved and reduced and is associated with a high occurrence of ischemic heart disease. Failure of heart working with preservation is characterized by a maintained ejection fraction, varying prevalence, and a usually lower occurrence of non-cardiovascular negative events. On the other hand, reduced is characterized by a decreased ejection fraction, a high incidence of ischemic heart disease, and the greatest risk of cardiovascular events.


Table 2: Comparative Analysis




Prevalence occurrence

Midrange vs preserved



Midrange vs reduced


Clinical parameters

Midrange vs preserved



Midrange vs reduced


Ischemic Heart Disease risk

Midrange vs preserved



Midrange vs reduced


Cardiovascular risk Events

Midrange vs preserved



Midrange vs reduced


Non-Cardiovascular Adverse risk Events

Midrange vs preserved



Midrange vs preserved


Therapeutic Response  analysis (Medications)

Midrange vs preserved



Midrange vs reduced



Table 2: The comparison study reveals statistically significant disparities in the prevalence, clinical features, and incidence of ischemic heart disease between midrange and preserved fractions in heart failure (p < 0.05). Mid-range exhibits significant disparities in clinical features and treatment response in comparison to HFrEF (p < 0.05).


Table 3: Demography variable analysis


Reduced fraction in heart failure (n = 55)

Preserved fraction in heart failure (n = 45)

Recovered fraction in heart failure (n = 65)

Statistical p-value

Age analysis

63 (51-72)

72 (62-82)

65 (55-74)


Male sex, (%)

36 (65.5)

19 (42.2)

34 (52.3)


Race, (%):






26 (47.3)

23 (51.1)

35 (53.8)



25 (45.5)

20 (44.4)

28 (43.1)



4 (7.3)

2 (4.4)

2 (3.1)


Body mass index, median values  (IQR)

28 (25-34)

31 (26-38)

30 (25-34)


Blood pressure, median data analysis values (IQR), mm Hg:






119 (102-136)

135 (121-153)

129 (116-141)



71 (63-79)

71 (62-80)

72 (64-80)


Smoker percentage, No. (%)

21 (38.2)

13 (28.9)

23 (35.4)


History, No. (%):





Coronary artery disease prevalence

36 (65.5)

28 (62.2)

36 (55.4)


Diabetes prevalence

17 (30.9)

19 (42.2)

20 (30.8)


Hypertension prevalence

37 (67.3)

39 (86.7)

47 (72.3)


Anemia prevalence

18 (32.7)

19 (42.2)

21 (32.3)


Depression prevalence

8 (14.5)

9 (20.0)

10 (15.4)


Dementia study

2 (3.6)

2 (4.4)

3 (4.6)


median (IQR):





Urea level in the blood, mg/dL

20 (15-28)

21 (15-31)

17 (13-25)


Creatinine level study, mg/dL

1.2 (1.0-1.5)

1.2 (0.9-1.5)

1.1 (0.9-1.4)


Glucose level study, mg/dL

104 (93-122)

107 (92-136)

103 (93-125)


Sodium  concentration calculation mEq/L

138 (136-140)

139 (137-140)

139 (137-140)


Potassium concentration calculation, mEq/L

4.1 (3.9-4.5)

4.1 (3.8-4.5)

4.2 (3.9-4.5)


Therapy number, No. (%):





ACE inhibitors

41 (74.5)

29 (64.4)

51 (78.5)


β-Blocker inhibition

48 (87.3)

36 (80.0)

58 (89.2)



4 (7.3)

6 (13.3)

5 (7.7)


Cardiac resynchronization therapy with defibrillator capability

11 (20.0)

3 (6.7)

8 (12.3)



Table 3: The examination of demographic variables reveals notable disparities across the categories, with HFpEF patients often being more advanced in age and exhibiting elevated systole pressure in the blood and BMI in comparison to the reduced and recovered groups. Significantly, there are differences in medical records, as preserved patients have a greater occurrence of hypertension and diabetes.


Treatment for HFrEF involves the use of medications such as renin-angiotensin system (RAS) inhibitors, beta-blockers, MRAs, ARNIs, and SGLT2 [5, 21]. Preserved fractions poses more challenges in treatment and lacks effective medicines. Failure of heart with mid-range blood fraction falls between reduced fraction and preserved fraction, and has a restricted range of therapy options [4, 21]. RAS inhibitors, beta-blockers, and MRAs may be beneficial for treating mid-range fraction, while the available data is inconclusive [21]. Mid-range fraction patients often get these medications as a result of comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and arrhythmia [6, 21]. Diuretics, sometimes known as water tablets, are frequently used to alleviate symptoms of heart failure, irrespective of the power of the heart's pumping ability [8-9, 21].


Individuals with a moderately weakened heart mid-range fraction may have had an improvement from a severely weakened heart reduced fraction and may still get advantages from medications typically used for reduced fraction [21]. Research indicates that some medications, such as candesartan and spironolactone, may become less effective as the heart becomes stronger Research has shown the promising potential of SGLT2 inhibitors in treating mid-range, a condition characterized by hearts of varying strengths. Current research is examining the efficacy of additional medications such as MRAs and SGLT2 inhibitors for both mid-range and preserved blood fraction (normal heart strength) [21]. Although there is increasing evidence supporting therapies for HFmrEF, more research is necessary to provide unambiguous recommendations [21]. Presently, there is a tendency to approach mid-range in a similar manner as reduced fraction, with an emphasis on symptom management and addressing underlying medical issues [21].


The data analysis of heart failure subtypes demonstrates clear disparities across HFmrEF, HFpEF, and HFrEF. HFmrEF, with a frequency ranging from 10% to 25%, has clinical characteristics that include elements of both HFpEF and HFrEF. It is often associated with ischemic heart disease and shows a treatment response comparable to drugs used for HFrEF. HFpEF is a condition where the heart's ability to pump blood is maintained, resulting in decreased risks of cardiovascular events and reduced effectiveness of therapies specifically designed for HFrEF. HFrEF has the greatest risk of cardiovascular events and shows favorable response to drugs specifically designed for HFrEF. Demographic data reveals that patients with HFrEF tend to be younger and have a greater prevalence of CAD and hypertension compared to patients with HFpEF and HFrecEF. In contrast, HFpEF and HFrecEF patients are often older, have higher body mass indices, and have diverse responses to treatment.

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