Objective: To evaluate the utility of narrow band imaging with magnifying endoscopy for the diagnosis of oesophageal lesions in north Indian population. Methods: The study was an observational study. Patients with various clinical symptoms were included in the study. Patient on chemotherapy for carcinoma oesophagus, patients with sepsis and not willing for Endoscopy were excluded from the study. All cases were evaluated using endoscopic findings with respect to socio-demographic history, past history, a thorough clinical examination and details of the investigations done. Results: More than one third of patients were between 61-70 years of age (38.8%). More than half of patients were males (65.7%). Both WLE and NBI detected visible submucosal vessels among 56.7% and 52.2% patients respectively. Tanned columnar mucosa was detected among 49.3% by WLE and 31.3% patients by NBI. However, low-grade adenoma was detected in 43.3% by WLE and 46.3% patients by NBI. Polypoidal lesions were detected among 28.6% by WLE and 47.8% patients by NBI. NBI correctly detected oesophageal lesions among majority of patients (77.6%) with sensitivity and specificity of 89.7% (95%CI=81.8-97.5) and 33.3% (95%CI=2.5-64.1). A high positive predictive value was also observed (89.7%; 95%CI=81.8-97.5). Conclusion: The NBI endoscopes are clearer compared with ordinary stained endoscopes, it has a higher levels of diagnostic value and diagnostic coincidence rate for early diagnosis of Oesophageal lesions. Also it has a more accurate detection rate of lesions and less occurrence of adverse reactions. It can effectively detect and screen early Oesophageal lesions and benign lesions, it is worth promoting clinically