Background: Dengue is known to cause multi-organ dysfunction including cardiac involvement, In the clinical setting with limited resources, high degree of suspicion is needed to diagnose cardiac involvement including myocarditis. Although myocarditis not reported as a common complication we present a case series of dengue fever with cardiac involvement observed during a period of month August to December 2021 at PBM & Associated Group of Hospital, Bikaner Rajasthan. Case presentation: We have been reported 9 cases of dengue complicated with cardiac involvement admitted to Wards and ICU at PBM & Associated Group of Hospital. Age group ranging from 15 to 65 years. In our case series out of 9 cases comparising 2 females and 7 males. The group had 5 cases of Dengue hemorrhagic fever with dengue shock syndrome, 2 cases had Dengue hemorrhagic fever, 2 cases had dengue shock syndrome. There is co-infection of dengue with malaria in 2 cases. All cases had acute dengue hepatitis. Blood transfusion and other empirical therapeutic methods used apart from meticulous fluid management to suit issue of each patient. Bed side USG, digital chest x-ray PA view & 2D ECHO scanning help in early detection of critical phase of dengue. Out of 9 cases with complicated dengue 7 patients recovered and 2 patients expired. Data were collected during hospital admission, stay and follow up visits. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted on patients with age group more than 15 years and having confirmed dengue fever. Patient on medication affecting heart Rate, Rhythms, pre-existing heart disease and electrolytes abnormalities excluded. A base line ECG, Troponin I NT Pro BNP were done for all patients. The biomarkers were measured using Enzyme linked immune fluorescent assay and recommended cut off were used. Patients with increased biomarkers gone for 2D ECHO (As per criteria of European society of cardiology 2019). Conclusion: Myocarditis and cardiac involvement in dengue may be overlooked due to Nonspecific clinical finding and co-existing multi organ dysfunction. Atypical presentation of this case series may be due to micro-geographical variation and unusual out break of dengue. Co-infection of malaria should be considered in managing patients especially in endemic area