Introduction: Blood is essential part of life saving treatment options in medical sciences. Various blood group systems have been identified till now but different human populations express to have different frequencies of blood types. The prevalence of blood groups differs distinctly in different parts and groups of populations around the globe.The information about distribution of blood groups in an area is of great value for better inventory management. Aim and Objective:To determinethe prevalence of ABO-Rh(D) blood types in apparently healthy population in Kota (Hadoti region). Material and Method: This blood centre based cross sectional study was carried out during the period of one year, i.e., from 1st January, 2021 to 31st December, 2021.During that period,5,657 blood donors donated whole blood at our blood centre and among the outdoor camps. ABO and Rh (D) typing was done by saline agglutination method done manually using commercially prepared antisera (for forward/cell grouping) and in house prepared reagent cells (for reverse/serum grouping).Descriptive analysisof sex and blood groups was done by using Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results: Male donors 97.83% were more than female donors2.17%with M:F ratio being 45:1. 4.68% were detected to be having Rh (D) negative blood group while 95.32% were Rh (D) positive. Distribution of ABO-Rh(D) blood typesamong was found to be B+(36.70%)>O+(30.63%)>A+(19.32%)>AB+ (8.66%) > B- (1.75%) >O- (1.61%) > A-(0.92%) > AB-(0.41%). Conclusion: Present study concludes B+ being the most common blood group and Rh (D) negativity being 4.68% in the Hadoti region of Rajasthan. We recommend multicentricstudies with larger sample size to be conducted and comparative analysis to be done to more precisely understand the distribution pattern of blood groups in this region