Background: H. pylori is the most common human bacterial pathogen that colonizes the gastric epithelium especially in those habitual Qat chewers; it influence can absorption of glucose which is also abnormal in DM patients, its common infection in diabetic patients who have inadequate metabolic control, this study was conducted to reveal the prevalence of H. pylori among T2DM and non-DM patients and potential risk factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of medicine, a tertiary care hospital in India, and there were 250 patients who included in this study. Data were collected through structural intervals questionnaire and sampling information. Results: The overall prevalence of H. pylori among diabetics was 29.2%. There was no significant association between H. pylori infections and diabetes (P> 0.05), most of the patients were 46-60 year age group, with male predominance (76.7%) H. pylori infections were not significantly associated with the smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia and obesity. H. pylori infection increased in longer duration of diabetes and the increase in HbA1c level. Conclusion: Positive H. pylori DM patients should update their sugar level values and control the disease. Further research is highly recommended on relationship between H. pylori infections and diabetes