Chronic venous ulcer (CVU) is an ulcer on gaiter area persisting for more than six weeks and difficult to heal even after three months of treatment. The prevalence of CVU ranges from 0.18% and 1% and Standard therapy for CVU is multilayered bandages and treatment of incompetent veins to prevent recurrence. All adult patients having CVU, due to primary varicose veins were randomly allocated to two intervention groups (Group A- comprising of use of compression bandages along with treatment of varicose veins by Endovenous Laser ablation and Group B- Non usage of compression bandages after the aforesaid surgical intervention).Out of 60, total 30 (50%) cases were in each group. Quality of life and therapeutic outcomes were noted, and patients were followed for 6 months. Quality of life outcomes compared based on SF-36 questionnaire showed more improvement in group A in all 8 domains. Other parameters like use of analgesics, itching, eczema, and increased leisure activities were better with use of compression bandages. Healing of ulcer was faster in Group A. Charing Cross varicose vein questionnaire also showed more improvement in group A (p value<0.001, <0.001, 0.003 at 1 month, 3 month and 6 month, respectively).In chronic venous ulcer, four-layer compressive bandaging after surgery enhances the healing rate of venous ulcer with better quality of life outcomes. |