Background: India is among the nations with the highest rates of poisoning in the world, with toxic exposure claiming thousands of lives there year. A forensic science lab's viscera study can assist in identifying the type of poison used in an attack, but it's important to remember that results from chemical analyses aren't always reliable. Methods: During the autopsy at the Department of Forensic Medicine mortuary at Government Medical College Anantapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India, between April 2022 and March 2023, the viscera were delivered to the toxicology and DNA sections of FSL for this one-year retrospective study. Of the 125 autopsied cases, the forensic science laboratory's toxicology section has received viscera from 55 of them. Results: Of the 125 instances that underwent autopsy, 55 had their viscera transferred to the forensic science laboratory's Toxicology division, and the 17 cases that remained inconclusive had either liver or femur bone sent to the DNA section. In twelve cases, the DNA section has received viscera; the ensuing reports have been sent to the relevant courts. Conclusion: This study contributes to our understanding of how the Forensic Science Laboratory works to identify the exact poison by chemical analysis of viscera in order to ascertain the cause of death in poisoning cases. |