Introduction: Sexual behaviour is an important aspect of health which has the ability to impact the overall wellbeing of both men and women. Often sexual functioning disorders prevalence is very high among men and women of all age, ethnicities and cultural background. Premature Ejaculation (PME) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED) are encountered in clinical setting most commonly among male sexual dysfunction. In India cultural myths, superstitions and religious philosophies addressing sex as taboo. Aims: To study the anxiety and depression in men suffering from premature ejaculation. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional, hospital based, single centred observational study was conducted. The study period was one and half year after approval from Health University and Institutional Ethics Committee. 100 patients were included in this study. Result: In our study, most of the patients had Anxiety with Depression [34 (34.0%)] but this was statistically significant (p=.0164). In our study, the mean HAM-A of patients was [15.2000 ± 8.4303], mean HAM-D of patients was [13.6700 ± 8.2267]. Conclusion: In our study, most of the patients had Anxiety with Depression [34 (34.0%)], 24% patients had only anxiety disorder and 23.0% patients had only depression this distribution was statistically significant (p=.0164). |