Introduction: Breast carcinoma is found to be the leading cancer in women, both in developed and developing countries across the world. Though breast cancer is thought to be a disease of developed countries, 50% of the cases and 58% of the deaths occur in developing countries. It is found to have increased in developing countries due to lack of awareness and its later stages detection. Detection of cancer in early stage can improve the survival chances of the patient, and cancer control can be achieved. Aims: The objective of my study is to find accuracy of FNAC in diagnosis of breast malignant masses and to correlate the benign and malignant FNAC feathers with ultrasound diagnosis for early detection of Breast Carcinoma. Screening of the breast lesion using ultrasonography followed by FNAC of the lesion will help early detection and treatment of the disease. Materials and Methods: The study was prospective, cross sectional and hospital-based on 100 female patients of age ranging between 15-85 years with history of palpable breast masses referred to Radiological Department of DMCH for USG scan independently and in combination with FNAC correlation in the Department of Pathology of DMCH. Result: Out of the total 62 breast lump examined, 42 (67.74%) breast lumps were reported as benign and 19 (30.65%) were reported as malignant. In one case the result was indeterminate as the cytopathologist reported as “papillary lesion”. The final histopathological result, however, turned out to be “ductal carcinoma in situ with solid, cribriform and micropapillary patterns”. Conclusion: A breast tumour must be evaluated to rule out cancer. FNAC is a tissue diagnostic method, while ultrasonography is an imaging approach. In our research, the specificity of both diagnostic instruments in identifying malignant breast lump was found to be 100%, implying that a positive (malignant) result of either test can exclusively determine the treatment choice without further diagnostic inquiry.