Introduction: Cystic echinococcus is a chronic, neglected zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution, caused by the larval form of echinococcusgranulosus in human being. Its clinical spectrum ranges from asymptomatic infection to severely potentially fatal diseases. The aim of present study was to evaluate the histopathological spectrum of hydatid cyst involving various organs of the body with their demographic pattern in our tertiary care hospital.Material and method: A total of 4757 specimens after surgical resection, attending different OPDs as well as from indoor patients, were received to our pathology department for histopathological examination.Results: Out of 4757 specimens received for biopsy; 12 cases werediagnosed as Hydatid cyst. Out of which, 66.67%cases were male and 33.33% cases female. The disease was found in both the religions, Hindusas well as Muslims.66.67 % cases were of less than 40 years of age; and the youngest patient in this series was 12 years old male child.Conclusion: FineNeedle aspiration Cytology (FNAC) has a very limited value in diagnosis of hydatid disease and the use of FNAC in diagnosis of hydatid disease is still controversial and generally not recommended due to potential risk of precipitating acute anaphylaxis. Serological tests as well as Imaging modalities, like X-Ray, ultrasound, CT scan and MRI scan, play an important role in diagnosis of hydatid cyst. Surgery remains the primary choice of treatment of hydatid cyst and final diagnosis by histopathological examination. |