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Research Article | Volume 13 Issue:3 (, 2023) | Pages 1824 - 1829
Ultrasonographic measurement of placental thickness and its correlation with gestational age
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
DOI : 10.5083/ejcm
Sept. 16, 2023

Introduction: In today's contemporary obstetrics, each surgery performed on a pregnant woman is entirely reliant on the gestational age or estimated date of confinement. This predicted date of delivery is crucial in controlling obstetric high-risk births. Any events such as medication administration, interpreting blood results, estimating foetal development or any planned surgical treatment, any cause for termination, foetal and  mother morbidity and death during birth are all reliant on gestational age. As a result, effective methods for providing a more precise and accurate gestational age are required, because care in particular high-risk pregnancies depend on the gestational age.

Material & Method: This is a hospital based cross sectional study conducted at the Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Medical College Kolkata from 1st August 2022 to 31st July 2023. Randomly selected pregnant women meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the study includes, 100 pregnant women admitted in hospital at  more than 28 weeks to 40 weeks. The study group comprises of 100 pregnant women fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This cross-sectional study was conducted after obtaining institutional ethics committee clearance. Written and informed consent were taken from all the pregnant women participating in the study. The pregnant women in the study was   subjected to a detailed history and thorough general and clinical examination.

Results: Total of 100 pregnant women fulfilling inclusion criteria are include in present study after obtaining informed consent. The mean age of participants was 25.95±2.59yrs of  age, with minimum age of 21yrs and maximum age of 32 years pregnant women. On assessment of the mean of placental thickness of all the study participants, we found it be 38.66±2.05 in multipara pregnancy and 38.60±1.65 in primipara pregnancy with no statistical difference between the both. Overall mean of placental thickness was found to be 38.64±1.93. The mean gestational age of the pregnancy was found to be 33.90±3.09, and the estimated gestational age by FL was 34.17±3.04, GA estimated by BPD was 34.14±3.02 and GA estimated by AC was 34.56±3.02weeks, with no significant difference in the gestational age.

Conclusion: The study concluded that there is a strong positive strength of association between the gestational age and placental thickness. The thickness of placenta increased with increase in the gestational age and hence could be used as a predictor and a parameter of gestational age prediction when the last menstruation is uncertain or is unknown. The study also found there is strong strength of association between the estimated gestational age by FL, BPD and AC with the placental thickness. Also study documented the positive strength of association of placental thickness with other fetal biometry like FL, BPD and AC.

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