Uterine inversion is a rare event, out of which chronic puerperal uterine inversion is rarest of all, with only handful of cases reported in literature. We reported two such cases of chronic uterine inversion and one case of acute uterine inversion in our practice of 10 years which were promptly diagnosed and managed surgically .Our 1st case was 34 years old p2l2 lady with history of irregular bleeding per vaginum and heaviness in lower abdomen since last 3 months after delivery of her 2nd child ,which was delivered at home in absence of trained birth attendant .2nd case was p1l1 lady which was attended in OPD as a case of irregular uterine bleeding with heaviness in lower abdomen and something coming out per vaginum on straining ,she also gave history of history of post-partum hemorrhage after delivery of her baby 5 months back and 1 unit of blood transfusion in some peripheral center. Both these patients were examined, and a differential diagnosis of uterine inversion and cervical polyp was made for which they were investigated, and an USG followed by MRI was done which confirmed the diagnosis of uterine inversion.3rd case was a patient with acute uterine inversion after home delivery were the diagnosis was made clinical. All these patients were immediately taken up for laparotomy and surgical correction was done by Haultain’s method and uterus was preserved.