Introduction: Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is one of the most common cancers in this world. Partial nephrectomy (PN) leads to better preservation of renal function after surgery. The main purpose of PN is to preserve as much renal function as possible while still achieving negative surgical margins, all withinthe context of a low perioperative complication rate. Material & Methods: It is a Prospective observational study conducted in the urology department at the Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon, Haryana, over 24 months. Results: The average age of the patients was 44.86±13.23 years, ranging from 24 to 73 years. There was a slight male preponderance in the study (60%). HTN (28%) and T2DM (26%) were the most common comorbidities in the study.A correlation of the Ipsilateral PPPM in terms of actual and predicted levels (using the Renal score-based method) was done. It was seen that there was a strong positive correlation between the two parameters (r=0.6202) with a p-value of <0.0001. Conclusion: Our study is one of the first to explore the prediction of renal function in partial nephrectomy patients in the Indian subset of patients. We observed that the predicted preserved parenchymal mass (PPPM) levels correlated positively with the actual levels. |