Introduction- Chronic Kidney Failure (CKF)causes various problems over a period of time which includes cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular complications are major cause of deaths inpatients of CKF thanvarious other cause. In this complication’s dyslipidemia is commonly observed features of CKF.Since various study shows that their relation between CRF and cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia is constant feature we decided to study to understand the risk involved in cardiovascular morbidity in patients of CRF by studying lipid profile Aim and Objective-To assess cardiovascular risk in cases of chronic renal failure by studying Lipid profile Materialand Methodology: This study was done in Medical College, Hospital and research Centre STUDY POPULATION: Total 100 subjects participated in this study 50 Chronic kidney failure (CRF) cases and 50 Controls. Collection of Blood SAMPLES: 8-10 ml of blood samples after fasting was collected before and after hemodialysis in a plain bulb taking all aseptic precautions. Serum was used after centrifugation. Parameters Lipid profile which includes 1.Serum Total Cholesterol-Dynamic extended stability CHOD-PAP Method (With LCF-Lipid Clearing Factor), End Point by Roeshlaus 2.Serum HDL-Cholesterol-Liquid stable reagent by Trinder reaction. 3.Serum LDL- Cholesterol-Liquid stable reagent by Trinder reaction. 4.Serum Triglyceride-Dynamic extended stability (With LCF)GPO-Trinder Method End Point Observations and Results In our studyLow Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels increased in cases of chronic kidney failure patients in comparisonwith control whereasHDL-Cholesteroldecreased in casesof chronic kidney failure patients in comparisonwith control. Conclusion: In our study there is altered lipid profile found in our study in CRF there is increased cardio-vascular risk patients. Alteration in concentration of lipoproteins which causes acceleration of process of atherosclerosis in cases of CRF patients. These complications can be prevented by lipid lowering diet and drugs such as the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins). So, to prevent these cardiovascular complication proper diet advice and drug treatment should be given to the CRF patients. |