Background: The outcome of foot ulcers is affected by wound depth, infection, ischaemia and glycaemic control. Diabetic ulcer severity score (DUSS) is one of the latest wound based scoring system. Aim: To study the pattern of ulcer healing with DUSS score. Material and Methods: a total of 104 diabetic patients attending surgical outpatient clinic or admitted into the surgical department were included. The DUSS was calculated by these separate grading to a theoretical maximum of 4. DUSS score obtained was then correlated with the pattern of ulcer healing. Results: Majority of ulcers i.e. 14 (60.87%) healed by 3rd follow up, 6 (26.09%) got healed by 4th follow up, 2 (8.70%) healed by 5th follow up and 1 (4.35%) underwent amputation during 4th follow up. Conclusion: DUSS scoring system provides an easy diagnostic tool for anticipating probability of healing /amputation and need for surgery by combining four clinically assessable wound based parameters.