Background objectives: Laryngo Pharyngeal Reflux Disease is a very common condition in otorhinolaryngology characterised by reflux of gastric contents into the laryngo pharynx and larynx thus creating all the symptoms like heart burn, lump in the throat sensation, Cough, frequent throat clearing etc. It is very essential to diagnose this condition properly and find out an effective method to treat and prevent it as this condition creates major discomfort to the patients. Due to the presence of similar symptoms like heart burn and chest discomfort it often mimics an angina. And by this study we are trying to assess the efficacy of Diaphragmatic Breathing (DB)techniques in addition to the conventional treatment in LPRD patients. Methods: This is a prospective observational comparative hospitalbased study of 160 patients over 2 years with LPRD symptoms divided into Group A and Group B (80 patients each) randomly, which was conducted in department of ENT in our institution (SGMC Thiruvananthapuram). The data was collected using proforma. Pre treatment RSI and RFS scores were recorded also after 2 months of treatment RSI and RFS scores were obtained with the help of video Laryngoscopic examination. Results and Discussion : In our study total of 160 patients the mean age was 44. Majority were 18 to 30 years of age. Male to female ratio was 2:3. The commonest presenting symptoms among the patients were frequent throat clearing, heartburn, excess throat mucus and lump in the throat sensation. There was significant improvement in the post treatment RSI and RFS scores in the group in which diaphragmatic breathing was given as an add on treatment (Group B). Conclusion: Long term and consistent practice of Diaphragmatic breathing techniques are one of the noninvasive treatment modalities that can be combined with the normal pharmacological treatment of LPRD which improves the treatment outcomes to a greater extend. It decreases the reflux episodes, improves patient compliance and comfort. It gives both symptomatic relief and decrease in signs |