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Research Article | Volume 14 Issue: 3 (May-Jun, 2024) | Pages 575 - 579
Impact of Super brain Yoga on Working memory among Adolescent males
Associate Professor, Department of Physiology JJM Medical college, Davangere, Karnataka, India.
Professor, Department of Physiology JJM Medical college, Davangere, Karnataka, India.
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
DOI : 10.5083/ejcm
April 2, 2024
April 16, 2024
May 7, 2024
May 30, 2024

Background: Super brain yoga is an ancient yogic exercise that uses subtle energy to improve cognitive functioning. It is mainly  based on principles of  pranic energy or bioplasmic energy and ear acupuncture. Aim:  The present study aims to study the impact of Super brain yoga on working memory among adolescent males. Materials & Method:  40  adolescent males in the age group of 14-16yrs, who were physically fit and unaware of this yoga were included in study population. Methodology: Digit span test and Digit cancellation test were used to assess working memory of students. These tests were done on students before the commencement of Super brain yoga and one month after doing the yoga. Results: There was highly significant improvement in both digit span and digit cancellation tests with p value <0.001 in paired ‘t’ test. Conclusion: Practicing Super brain yoga for one month has improved the working memory in adolescent males. Super brain yoga could be used by the students for academic improvement.



Recently there is an increase interest in western countries for the practice of anciently practiced exercise. One among them is Super brain Yoga. It was first described by Master Choa Kok Sui  to recharge and energize the brain.  It is mainly based on the principles of Pranic energy or bio-plasmic energy and ear acupuncture1. The Super brain yoga transforms  the energy that is trapped in the lower chakra to the upper chakras. Chakras or whirling energy centres absorb, digest and distribute prana to the different parts of the body and are responsible for the proper functioning of the human body 2. SBY is similar to the exercises practiced in India well known by the names of Thoppukaranam or Ganeshasana in India3. In auriculotherapy it is believed  that the pinna of the ear corresponds to the shape of an inverted fetus in the womb and that the earlobe  corresponds to the head. Massaging the ear lobe stimulates the brain cells4.


In this modern era of competitive world, we have to maximize the potential of the brain for better output and holistic wellbeing. Many research have been undertaken to optimize the brain output. One among them is Superbrain yoga.

It is initiated by squeezing ear acupuncture points by fingers with hands placed across the chest and involves 14 squats with recommended breathing technique and facing particular direction1. Researchers have claimed that SBY enhances cognition and academic performance and with constant practice individuals become calmer and focused. If children learn to be calm under stress, they will not be vulnerable for any  psycho-social problems. When a person is calm and alert, the prefrontal lobes are free to engage in higher level thinking tasks which helps a child to pay attention, concentrate, solve mathematical problems, takes interest in learning new things, be creative5.


Working memory is a cognitive system with a limited capacity that can store and manipulate information temporarily, which is important for higher order processes such as language comprehension, planning and problem solving. It is also involved in complex cognitive activities  like reading comprehension, solving arithmetic problems, reasoning6,7. It is important to enhance the working memory of children in order to improve their academic performance. Brain stimulating activities help to maintain and improve cognitive skills of a person.


There are many studies which have proved that cognitive skills can be improved by approaches like meditation, yoga, aerobics and physical exercise, music therapy. But there are less studies which have shown the effects of Super brain yoga on working memory. So, this study is taken up to study the impact of Super brain Yoga on working memory among adolescent males.


The study was conducted among school children of Government School Nituvalli, Davangere.  The study was initiated after approval from  the institutional ethics committee of JJM Medical college Davangere.  40 male children in the age group of 14 -16 yrs who were unaware of Super brain yoga and who were interested in this yoga were included in the study. Children who were already practicing Super brain yoga, children having any psychological ailments, musculo-skeletal disorders like  polio, muscular dystrophies were excluded from this study.


Methodology: In this study Digit Span test and Digit Cancellation test  were used to assess the working memory of 40 adolescent males of 14-16yrs age group.  Both the tests were done two times on children. Initially, tests were done before they practice Super brain yoga and later tests were done after one month practice of SBY. Digit Span test  has two parts: The Digits span Forward and Digit span backward test. The Digits Forward sequence (starting from three digits and increasing on each trial by one digit, up to nine digits) requires the individual to immediately repeat sequences of orally presented digits in the same order as presented; the Digits Backward sequence (starting from two and increasing by one digit up to eight digits) requires the immediate repetition of the digits in reverse order. There are two series of digits for each sequence length as shown in Figure 1. Digits were read aloud, one digit per second, and responses were noted. There were two sequences for each length, and then the following longer sequence was read. Each sequence was read only once. The digits forward subtest was administered first, followed by the digits backward subtest. Practice trials were always presented, and if failed, a demonstration and careful explanation followed. The score for each series is the longest sequence correctly recalled 8.


The digit span Forward part requires  simple attention and mental tracking and measures the store component of working memory or attention 8. Digits Forward task reflects the processing in the phonological loop, the backward part relies more on the central executive component of working memory8.


Digit cancellation test : In this test, children are  required to cross out target digits printed on a page in an organized pattern. Children  need  to scan an organized pattern of digits by rows, just as in reading and cross out the digits“3” and “5”. The children were presented with an identical form. The form consists of 312 digits (3 mm size each) printed in random order and organized in 6 rows and 52 columns. A 1.5-cm horizontal space in the middle splits the six rows in two. The digits were printed on an A4 paper in a horizontal layout. Figure 1 displays the form used in the present study. The children  were given a pencil and were asked to use it to cross out all the  “3” and “5”digits on the form as fast and as accurately as possible. The time to completion together with number of errors were noted. Errors includes omission errors( digits 3 and 5 not crossed out) and commission errors( digits crossed out other than 3 and 5) were recorded. Cancellation tests are considered to measure focused and selective attention, speed of information processing, short-term memory and cognitive flexibility 8.


Practice of Super brain yoga was done in school premises with the help of a Yoga teacher and school teacher. Children used to practice SBY everyday  for 4 to 5 min after the class  hours around 4.30pm. Children practiced SBY for 6 days in a week for one month.


The super brain yoga was first described  by Master choa kok Sui. While doing this yoga the subject stands facing East with the feet shoulder width apart and the tongue touching the roof of the mouth. The right ear lobe is squeezed between the left thumb and the left index finger. The left ear lobe is squeezed between the right thumb and right index finger. While squeezing the ear lobes, the thumbs are on the outside and the index fingers inside. In the process of holding the ear, the limbs are crossed with the right forearm in front of the left forearm. The subject inhales while squatting down and exhales while rising back up. Do 14 squats per session. Do this asana once daily for  one month.  


Statistical analysis will be done by paired ‘t’ test. ‘p’ value <0.05 is considered as significant. ‘p’ value< 0.001 is considered as highly significant.


The present study revealed a significant improvement in working memory of children after doing Super brain yoga with ‘p’ value of  <0.001 significance for all parameters of both digit span test(forward & backward) and digit cancellation  tests.



Table 1: Comparison of Digit span test parameters


   Mean ± SD

  Mean ± SD

p Value





Digit span forward

4.55 ± 0.78

6.98 ± 1.05

< 0.001 HS

Digit span backward

4.38 ± 0.67

6.40 ± 0.71

< 0.001 HS


Table 2: Comparison of Digit cancellation test parameters.


Mean ± SD

Mean ± SD

p Value





Time (in sec)

159.08 ± 7.22

153.55 ± 7.39

< 0.001 HS

Commission error

1.59 ± 1.19

0.49 ± 0.56

< 0.001 HS

Omission error

2.50  ±1.09

1.12 ± 0.45

< 0.001 HS



Figure:1- Digit span test




Figure 2: Digit  Cancellation test









This is in agreement with  the study done by Joseph Irvin Thomas and Venkatesh D on “A comparative study of the effects of Super-brain Yoga & aerobic exercise on cognitive functions9” and study done by Srikanth N Jois et al on beneficial effects of Super-brain yoga on short term memory & selective attention of students 5.


In another  study by Angelica Chandrasekaran,   conducted on effects of thoppukaranam on selective attention and psychological states such as mental concentration, anxiety and mindfulness, showed a significant improvement in selective attention  and mental concentration3.


SBY is a simple yogic exercise which involves squeezing of one’s earlobe with thumb and forefinger and squatting with particular breathing technique facing in east direction1.SBY was introduced by Master Choa Kok Sui the founder of Pranic healing movement. He has given this technique to optimize brain wellness. It is a form of exercise designed to help students to improve their grades1. It is a modified form of asana practiced anciently by our Great Indian Rishis. It is called by different names in India as Ganeshasana or Thoppukaranam. In India lord  Ganesha, the elephant-headed deity is worshipped to remove obstacles, to acquire  knowledge and success. In Ganeshasana or Thoppukaranam, devotees hold earlobes between thumb and forefinger with hands crossed in front of chest and perform repetitive squats of 18 or 108 or 1008. It is  believed that Ganeshasana will bestow success in all endeavors. It has been used in the form of punishment  for  poor scores and behaviours in schools3..


SBY is mainly based on the principles of  Ear acupuncture,  Pranic energy movement in Chakras of the body and enhanced alpha waves with synchronized brain hemispheres1.


In auriculotherapy, ear is believed to correspond to whole body in shape of an inverted fetus curled in womb and the earlobe stands for the head. The squat requires squeezing one’s earlobes with thumb and forefinger in proper position. Acupressure energy points for the brain-pineal gland pituitary gland, eyes, forehead, mouth are  concentrated around the area of the ear are affected by pressure from this exercise. So holding the ear lobes during SYB stimulates the head region.1,4 


Superbrain squat when done correctly moves energy trapped in the basic and sex chakras through the physical body’s other major energy centers and finally up into the crown chakra  that controls the pineal gland, pituitary gland  and overall brain health.. When the energy moves up to upper chakras, the student’s intelligence and creativity are enhanced. Once the energy gets up to the  crown chakra, “it is transformed into subtle pranic energy, which is utilized by the brain for its proper functioning,” writes Master Choa Kok Sui.1


Regular practice of SBY causes enhanced alpha waves in the brain with synchronization of both brain hemispheres. When the brain waves are in an alpha state, an individual is calm and alert. In this state, the prefrontal lobes are free to engage in higher-level mental tasks such as creativity, concentration, problem-solving, learning and memorization5,10. Increase in alpha waves activity also causes long-term improvement in memory functioning, perceptiveness, speed of information processing, decision-making and problem-solving ability5,11. SBA technique also brings about synchronization of the left and right brain hemispheres and brain integration1. When the brain is in an integrated state, it can perform higher-order functions by using resources of both the hemispheres12,13.


SBA can also be viewed from the point of it being a physical exercise. Numerous scientific studies have shown that there is a positive effect on attention, cognitive performance and overall brain function by practice of any forms of physical activities5.


In a study done by Srikanth N. Jo is there was significant improvement in the short-term memory and visuo spatial ability of students after the implementation of SBY And also study revealed  a significant improvement in the academic performance of students. School teachers also noticed a positive change in student’s performance and behaviour in the classroom13. Mendoza in his study on children with disabilities, including neurological defects, autism, seizure disorder, cognitive delay and specific learning disabilities, witnessed that these children performed better on reading and writing tasks, and they displayed less problem behavior14.


Supe rbrain asana intervention is highly effective in improving the academic performance of the dental students in a study done by B. R. Premalatha et al10.  In a study  by Joseph Ivin Thomas ., conducted on medical students, SBA was found to have a positive impact on attention control and working memory components of cognition when compared to the simple squats exercise group9. SBY provides the energy fuel that keeps the brain fit and functional and helps to counter common effects of aging, memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease1. After regular practice of SBY for a month adolescents showed enhanced mental activity and reduced academic anxiety levels15. In a study using similar squatting technique like SBY called Thoppukarnam, revealed that there was a significant improvement in all parameters of the d2 test of attention and state mindfulness3. In contrary to above studies Genovese & Little  did not obtain any significant difference on aadeic performance of adults practicing SBY16.


There is a positive impact of  Super brain yoga not only on school children, but also on professional college students and also in elderly age group subjects. There is improvement in academic performance, social behavior and also on health issuses

The results of our study must be considered in the light of some of the study limitations such as, only males were included in our study and sample size may not be sufficient to allow for generalization to large population. Our study assessed lower order of cognition such as recall of digits, higher order cognition such as problem solving, creative thinking, synthesis were not assessed and  also long term sustenance of results of the intervention needs to be assessed.


Super brain yoga is easy to learn and practice, and it is a cost effective technique to improve the students academics, social behavior and holistic development. This can be incorporated in school children and college students daily activities. Simple exercise are welcome break from routine activities and they will also enjoy the additional benefits of improved concentration, learning and memory.




  1. Sui CK. Superbrain yoga. (Institute for Inner studies Publication Foundation, India Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru India), 2013.
  2. Sui Choa Kok, The Chakras and their functions, (Institute for Inner studies Publication Foundation, India Pvt Ltd.,Bengaluru India), 2015, 8
  3. Chandrasekeran A, Rajesh SK, Srinivasan TM. Effect of repetitive yogic squats with specific hand positions (Thoppukaranam) on selective attention and psychological states. Int J Yoga. 2014;7(1):76-9.
  4. Nogier P. Handbook of Auriculotherapy. France: Maisonneuve, Moulins-les-Metz; 1981.
  5. Jois SN, D'souza L,Moulya R. Beneficial effects of superbrain yoga on short term memory and selective attention of students. Indian J TraditKnowl. 2017; 16(suppl):S35–9.
  6. Cowan N. What are the differences between long-term, short-term, and working memory? Prog Brain Res. 2008;169:323-38.
  7. Tracy Packiam Alloway, Evan Copello. Working memory: The What, the Why and the How. The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist 2013; 30(2): 105-118.
  8. Eli Vakil, Haya Blachstein,asha Sheinman, Yora Grenstin. Developmental changes in attention tests norms: Implications for the structure of attention. Child Neuropsychology 2008; 15(1): 21-39
  9. Thomas JI, Venkatesh D .A comparative study of the effects of superbrain yoga and aerobic exercise on cognitive functions. National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology. 2017;7(9):895-900.Super Brain Yoga; 2007.
  10. Goleman D, Emotional Intelligence, (London: Bantam Books), 1997, 85.
  11. Premalatha BR, Jagadeeswari Sudhir, Usha Hegde. Effectiveness of Superbrain Asana on the Academic Performance in Dental Students — An Interventional Study. Journal of Natural remedies.2021;21(4):291-5
  12. Ganesan R, Singh P. Management of mathematics anxiety through behaviour modification, superbrain yoga and JPMR in ninth standard student. Int J Indian Psychol. 2017;4(2), No.85.
  13. Jois SN, D'Souza L, Moulya R. Effectiveness of superbrain yoga on Short term memory, Visuo-spatial ability and academic performance of students. Indian Journal of Public health Research & development .2018;9(3):183-7.
  14. Mendoza, Glen Joseph(2005). Superbrain Yoga. Retrived from http:// www.
  15. Derayat A, Beydokhti TB, Mottaghy MR. Effect of SuperbrainYoga exercise on cognitive functions of the older adult. Research square .2022; 1-14
  16. Genovese JEC, Little KD. Two studies of superbrain yoga's potential effect on academic performance based on the Number Facility Test. Psychol Conscious: Theory Res Pract. 2015; 2(4):452–60.




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