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Research Article | Volume 8 Issue :2 (, 2018) | Pages 11 - 16
The effect of smart phone use on student health status
Under a Creative Commons license
Open Access
DOI : 10.5083/ejcm
June 25, 2018
Aims and objective: The aim of the study is to assess the impact of smart phones use on health status among students. Material and methods: Quantitative research approach was adopted to assess the impact of Smart Phone on Health Status among student: A study of self- financing colleges of J&K. The present study was conducted at selected nursing college in J&K. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the students who were selected from nursing colleges. The tool was developed by keeping in mind the objectives of the study and prepared after extensive review of literature, internet sources and through discussion with guide, co- guide and opinions of various experts in the field of Medical health nursing, Psychology, psychiatric, social and preventive medicine. The reliability of the tool was assessed by Cronbach’s alpha method, which was Likert’s scale impact of smart phone on Physical Health Status (r=.845), Likert’s scale impact of smart phone on Psychological Health Status (r=.764). The tool was found to be reliable. The pilot study was carried out on 30 samples to assess the feasibility for conducting main research study and to assess the relevancy of the tool. The pilot study was conducted at BEE ENN nursing college, Jammu. The main data collection was done in the month of March 2021 and April 2021 at selected nursing college in J&K. 250 students were selected for the study by using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis was done according to study objectives by using descriptive and inferential statistics. The plan of the data analysis is as follows; Frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation was calculated. Chi-square test was used for association. Result: Out of 250 students, According to the age; the majority of students were between 19 to 21 years of age. Students had an average age of 20.51 ± 2.308. According to sex, the majority of 86.4% of students were female. According to family patterns, the majority of 70.8% of people lived in the nuclear family. Based on the monthly household income (Rs), the majority of people had 45.2% of Rupees with 16K to 30K. The monthly average household income was Rs 32880 ± 15635.96/month. Our finding suggests that the majority of 42.4% didn't use a phone at college. According to social sites, the majority of just over half 52.4% of students used Facebook. In terms of mobile internet use, most of 82.0% of the students used social networking. A majority of 79.6% played mobile games. Most of 80.8% of the students listened to mobile music. Just over half 51.6% of users did not shop via the mobile app while 48.4% did buying online. The majority 62% of students was using the online banking app. Based on the duration of use each day; the majority of 44% of students spend 1-2 hours. The current study revealed that majority of 80.4% had mild physical health impact while 19.6% had moderate level of physical health impact. The average physical health impact was 14.712 ± 7.032.This study showed that 86% had mild psychological health impact while 14% had moderate level of psychological health impact. The average psychological health impact was 16.504 ± 5.456. Conclusion: The study concluded that pattern of smart phone use had significant impact on their physical and psychological health. Nurses role are very important to understand, management and prevention of these problems among students.
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