Addiction involves continuous use of a substance with neglect of other things in life. It essentially incorporatesconceptslikeCraving, Tolerance, Withdrawal, Abuse etc., developing a sense of Dependence in the person. With the increasing civilization and modernization, abuse of various substances has been rampant across all age groupsspecially youth. Recent National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) dataindicates that maximum crime against society conducted by Youth were under drug or substance influence. With an overall increase in understanding, towards managingpersons with substance abuse, various treatment modalities were in place. However, review of existing literature indicates that, use ofbehavioraland/or pharmacologicaltreatment modalities, though targeting Craving issues are,at best yielding mixed outcomes.Relapses are commonly seen in person with addiction problems as the sense of Craving- meaning the urge to take a substance, is not well tolerated by the addict. Further, it also poses challengeseven with use of cognitive therapeutic techniques to induce a sense of comfort in the substance/drug addiction,for, craving is not for the intake of substance/drug, but for the pleasure(pleasurable sensations) that the person gets after intake of a particular substance/drug. So here Vipassana Meditation can be effective, for, it helps the person to understand the impermanence nature of all (bodily) sensations, be it unpleasurable or pleasurable ones. Thereby with practice of Vipassana, the person gradually develops a sense of perfect Equanimity of mind, so there will be no aversion for unpleasurable sensations and no Craving for pleasurable sensations. Thus, with practice of Vipassana the addict can come out of his addiction, permanently.