Review Criteria:
- Originality: The manuscript must present original work, demonstrating a unique contribution to the field of study.
- Clarity and Adherence to Guidelines: The manuscript should be written clearly and follow the guidelines for authors to ensure consistency and readability.
Peer Review Process:
- Blind Peer Review: EJCM employs a rigorous double-blind peer review process, ensuring both the author and the reviewer remain anonymous to each other.
- Dual Reviewer Approach: Each manuscript undergoes a comprehensive review by at least two EJCM reviewers. Authors can also suggest potential reviewers, provided they are from different institutions and share the same discipline.
- Rapid Publication Option: Authors seeking expedited publication can recommend four reviewers, and EJCM appoints additional reviewers for prompt communication.
Transparency and Recognition:
- Transparent Peer Review: EJCM is committed to transparency and plans to disclose reviewer comments and author responses during the review process.
- Online Review System: EJCM provides a managerial platform, accessible at, facilitating ethical discussions among editors, reviewers, and authors. A record of these interactions is maintained.
- Recognition for Reviewers: EJCM acknowledges the crucial role of reviewers through annual awards, community development workshops, and the designation of Associate Membership for consistent contributors.
Review Process Flowchart:
- Plagiarism Check and Formatting: Upon submission, the handling editor ensures a plagiarism check and adherence to standard formatting before passing it to the Chief Editor.
- Quality Assessment: The Chief Editor assesses the paper's quality, relevance, and scope. The manuscript is either rejected or forwarded to the Associate Editor and Reviewer for detailed review.
- Reviewer Feedback and Author Revision: Reviewers provide feedback, identifying areas for revision or posing questions. Authors make necessary revisions, and the Associate Editor offers comments before forwarding it to the Chief Editor for final approval.
- Editorial Decision: The Chief Editor decides to accept, request minor/major revisions, or reject the manuscript.
Publication Process:
- Acceptance to Production: Once accepted, the paper proceeds to the publishing editor, initiating the production phase, which includes formatting, invoicing, and other publication aspects.
Submission Turnaround Time:
- Standard Review Timeframe: EJCM adheres to a standard peer-review process, with an average publication time ranging from 33 to 60 days.
This comprehensive approach ensures the quality, transparency, and efficiency of the manuscript review and publication process at European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine.